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Da Lat

Good morning everybody !
I’m Son , I come from Group 6.
Today I am here to present to you about Đaà Laạ t.
Firstly I will talk about Location and Climate.
Da Lat is a city of Lam Dong Province , locate on the Lam Vien plateau , in the
Central Highlands.
Now we’ll move on to Climate
Due to located 1,500 m (4,900 ft) above sea level , the city’s temperate weather
stands in contrast to Vietnam's otherwise tropical climate. Mist covering the valleys
almost year-round leads to its name "City of Eternal Spring for its pleasantly warm
temperatures during the day and quite cool at night, down to perhaps 10 oC. Due to
its favorable weather, Dalat is a supplier of temperate produce for all over Vietnam,
for example, cabbage and cauliflower. Also, it has a nickname ‘City of Flowers’. Its
flower industry is highly developed and famous for two typical flowers: hydrangea
and golden everlasting.
Da Lat is a popular tourist destination
Once you go to another country for a trip, You prefer to taste some regional
specialities or buy as the gifts for your family and your friends. It’s great, you can
refer some specialities of Dalat herein once you have visited Dalat Vietnam.
- Dalats fruits: Due to the cool climate, Dalat is called: a heaven of fruits.Dalat’s
farmers grow everything from artichokes, coffee, and strawberries to tropical
fruit like bananas and passion fruit. Especially is artichokes , Dalat artichoke
which was not only famous in Vietnam but also over the world . You can be
easy to buy fresh artichoke or dried artichoke or artichoke tea products at
Dalat market. It really good for your heath.

- Da lat street foods: Dalat is also an ideal spot for street food hunters. Dalat
night market is considered as "heaven of eating", here you can enjoy most of
the typical snacks of thousands of flowers such as khoai nuong, xoi banh tieu,
Banh trang nuong, banh can( it like a big cupcake) , vocarado icream, nem
nuong… The price of the market is quite popular
- Da lat wine: Dalat Wine has to date been made available in most cities and
provinces nationwide and is exported to China, Japan, South Korea, Malaysia
and Cambodia . da lat wine various designs and categories in an effort to
serve the increasing demand of local and foreign customers.

- Da lat jams : Da Lat is a Kingdom of jam in Vietnam

There are about 30 kinds of special jams only appearing in Da Lat. That is the
variation of jam processed from strawberry- confiture strawberry, dry-
strawberry candy, mint-strawberry candy, dry-plum jam, salted dry plum,…

- Strawberry garden : Strawberry Garden is considered a "remembrance"

place for many visitors when coming to "Thousand City". With dozens of
strawberry orchards in Dalat, it is easy to find a garden and get permission to
visit. Enjoying the fresh ripe strawberries that are picked from the tree is the
best thing to come to the origin of these flowers. In addition to being free to
visit and pick strawberries, you also have the opportunity to enjoy the
garden without paying any money, like? The price of each berries varies from
40-200k / kg depending on the garden
Typical culture of Da Lat:
The people of Da Lat:

_Da Lat people do not like to go to the supermarket: Because they have a market in Da
Lat city center, built very long, and see it as cultural. Although the city now has the
appearance of many shopping centers or large supermarkets, Da Lat people still like
going to market to buy vegetables. They also provide their own food by planting
vegetables and flowers in their home gardens.
_Da Lat people never buy flowers: In Da Lat, each house has empty space in front of
the house, whether large or small, they plant flowers to decorate the garden. The cool
climate is suitable for flowering plants, so almost every house has flowers to display, to
decorate in the house or on the table.
_Da Lat people do not speak loudly: Da Lat people are calm, gentle, so gentle voice is
cute, warm and very mellow.
Festival culture of Dalat:
_New rice offering: It is usually held at the end of the dry season (early lunar March).
Especially when it is difficult to rain or the rainy season is late. The ceremonial place is
usually located in the village's communal house or communal areas.
_Buffalo kill Festival: One of the traditional cultural festivals expresses respect for
"Giang". The festival is organized and takes place in three days between December and
March of the lunar month to thank the "giang" for blessing the villagers with good
harvest, warmth, happiness and security….

_flower festival Da Lat: Flower Festival is held every 2 years in the city of thousand
flowers with special programs and extremely impressive to attract many domestic and
foreign tourists to attend.

From downtown Da Lat, travel about 14 kilometers to the Golden Valley.

Keep riding your motorbike to the pink grass fields and enjoy the scenery.
Pink grass is a kind of the wildflower. This special grass usually grows along
the peaceful and romantic village roads or beside red maple trees on hills, which
make their colors brilliantly mixed.
Pink grass is famous in Shanghai, China, and North America but Dalat is one
of the few places this grass appeared in Viet Nam that is the reason why
photographers are attracted.
Early in the morning, you can admire the white-and-white beauty of the
grass as snowflakes are spreading on the ground. Beside the immense beauty of
the grass hill, you can easily catch the horses grazing next to the Golden Lake. This
is a great place for you to enjoy the beauty of nature and to take good photos to
save the beautiful memories. In the cold weather of winter, sitting in the camp set
up on pink grass hills, and singing together leaves you unforgettable experiences.
Not famous like wild sunflowers or peach blossoms but pink grass has its
own attraction, which makes a significant contribution to the romantic and poetic
beauty for the City of Flower – DaLat.

VALLEYS LOVE-“Thung lung tinh yeu”

The most romantic scene in Dalat (Lam Dong) has long been one of the tourist
attractions crowded tourists to dream city.
‘Thung lung tinh yeu ’ is one of the most romantic scene in Dalat

The origin of the name:

In the decade 30 of the 20 century , the couples of France often visit scene ,in front of
the natural beauty of dream so they call it “vallee d’amour”. To year 1953, rename to
“Thung lung tinh yeu”

Location :
“Thung lung tinh yeu” center 5 kilometer north.This tourist attraction deep in the
hillsides with pine forest all year round, Surrounding the valley is the lake Đa Thiện.

Visitors to Dalat often visit”Thung lung tinh yeu “ not only because of the romantic
scene but also because of the charming beauty of the natural landscape.
“Thung lung tinh yeu “ is a tourist attraction is becoming familiar many people ,inclue
visitors far and near
At here, there are many beautiful landscapes such as:” Vuon cong khoe sac,Suoi
hoa,Khung tranh doi cong,Doi mong mo ,Me cung tinh yeu ,Doi Vong Canh…”

One of the most attractive places in “Thung lung tinh yeu” is Vong Canh Hill, where
there are four blooming gardens on the sloping hillside.

There are two ways to go up this hill: follow the trail or follow the built-in steps.
This is also the place where many couples choose to give each other the love promise.
With the couples in love, the attraction of “Thung lung tinh yeu” is”Me cung tinh yeu
“,”Cau khoa tinh yeu”,”Voi nuoc tren khong “

“Cau khoa tinh yeu” has belong come a place for lovers to express love longing for a
loyal .lasting love .In the charming romantic space of” Da Thien” ,”Cau khoa tinh
yeu”, “Voi nuoc tren khong”, guests can drop the soul with plants, enjoy the cock on
the air, keep the lock lovely love on the bridge, wish for durable love.

The next,”Me cung tinh yeu”

“Me cung tinh yeu” especially the walls of the maze are made up of 40,000 green si,
create the mystery of nature. When it comes in, it seems more discoverable than visiting
a scene, so at here With its name, “Me cung tinh yeu” to only attract young people but
this is also the discovery of many families.

This is the place where Valentine's Day is held every year 14/2 and at here the wishes of
visitors and couples hanging on trees in the valley.

And many many beautifull of Dalat of natural

To serve better in the tour of visitors, there are also sightseeing services by wooden
train, horse riding, ...

The typical wooden train of Dalat offers visitors a panoramic view of the valley.At here
may be check in with my friend ,family,…..
The above topics can only cover a small part of the dalat, if you want to explore it go to
the dream city once
Than Tho Lake
To end with Than Tho Lake in Da Lat. If you are interested in legend and sightseeing ,
you can to visit Than Tho Lake. Lake far away from Da Lat city center about 6
kilometers in Quang Trung Street. When you come by here, you will be hearing moving
love story as for water in lake as constant love. This place becomes famous because lake
near Army Academy and connect closedly with the heyday of academy in the early
1960s. Than Tho Lake lay in high hill among pine forest. Specially, in the north of the
lake have two pine tree wrap together just like young lover, which attracts the tourist
attention take a lot of good souvenir photographs. You also can find inspiration of
nomadic people by join in riding a horse around the lake. And when you feel tired you
can look in home shoot see sight with sad ending of love storys.

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