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Prelude Spiels: (Atet)

Sun shines in gallant fortitude today here in Southwestern University’s Aznar Coliseum as we set the eastern
zeniths with honor and pride. Ladies and gentlemen, this is the first ever “Tribute to DepEd Cebu Province’s
Achievers 2017”!

Prayer (Lance)
All rise as we hail our Almighty for today’s cause. Requesting Mrs. Celieta C. Yabo - Public Schools District
Supervisor of Santander District to lead us all in prayer.

Prayer (Atet)
Please remain standing for the Philippine National Anthem and Sugbo Hymn with the Colawin National High
School Rondalla from the Municipality of Argao leading.

(In-Between: The Philippine National Anthem...,)

Please be seated.

Production Number- Nangka NHS (Bagong Silang Dance Theater) (Lance)

Good morning Ladies and Gentlemen, indeed, a swift take off to hailing people who have made Cebu Province
prouder with the magnanimity of their deeds and with the undying passion to better serve the nation.

With this in light, let us welcome the Champion for Folk Dance Category C (Secondary) in the recently
concluded Cebu Provincial Sports and Cultural Meet 2017 at the Amazing Carmen, here’s Bagong Silang Dance
Theatre of Nangka National High School, Municipality of Balamban in their rendition of Chavacano de Zamboanga.
A round applause.

Welcome Address (Atet)

How about giving another round applause to the Bagong Silang Dance Theater of Nangka National High

One great thing about being with the Division of Cebu Province is witnessing how people inspire each other and
how we craft a common goal. The meat of today’s event is not just brandishing achievements but also giving life to
finding ourselves as we lose it in the service of others.

It is in this trajectory that we yearn a word or two from the icon of dedication and optimum service and the
navigator of Cebu Province’s triumphs. Ladies and gentlemen, the School’s Division Superintendent of DepEd-Cebu
Province, Dr. Rhea Mar A. Angtud.

(Spoken by the ever dearest Dr. Rhea Mar A. Angtud. Another round applause.)


Angels do not necessarily have wings and heaven does not actually connote “after-life”. Most of the times, we
see and meet angels wearing the disguise of ordinary people living ordinary lives. Often, we encounter them in the
horizons of service and in primarily involving themselves with shaping the community towards a better pluralistic

Ladies and gentlemen, it is a high time to put the halo back to the living heroes of the Division of Cebu Province
as we dawn in the soul of today’s gathering - the PRESENTATION AND AWARDING.

May we request
Hon. Governor in the Povince of Cebu, Hon. Hilario P. Davide III
Hon. Vice Governor in the Province of Cebu, Hon. Agnes A.
Hon. Board Member and Chairman of Committee on Education in
the Province of Cebu, Hon. Christopher R. Baricuatro
The Board Members of the Province Of Cebu (Cite one by one)
The Schools Division Superintendent of Cebu Province Dr. Rhea
Mar A. Angtud
The Assistant Schools Division Superintendent of Cebu Province
Mr. Roseller N. Gelig
The Assistant Schools Division Superintendent of Cebu Province
Dr. Ester A. Futalan
Chief SGOD in the Division of Cebu Province,
Dr. Novie O. Mangubat
Chief CID in the Division of Cebu Province,
Dr. Mary Ann P. Flores

To hand-in the merits to the awardees from the Division of Cebu Province..

Research on Backgrounds of the Awards and cite it as quick spiel before calling the awardees for
Secure the list as well.


Escalating ardency and taking it into the parameters of susceptible “Golden Harvest” are our power duo and
singing champs for Cebu Provincial Sports and Cultural Meet 2017 from the Municipality of Barili (mention the
name if possible). Ladies and gentlemen let’s give them our loudest applause.

MESSAGE (lance)
When we cease to make a contribution, we begin to die. To bring us closer to the heart of this tout, let us put our
hands together as we give our highest laud to the Honorable Vice Governor in the Province of Cebu - Honorable
Agnes M. Magpale for her MESSAGE.


Ladies and gentlemen, let us put our hands together to the Champion of Folkdance Category B in the recently
concluded Cebu Provincial Sports and Cultural Meet 2017 held at the Amazing Carmen from the municipality of
Minglanilla in their rendition of Beneracion.

MESSAGE (lance)
To become a man, one must stand up and amp up with the torrents of the world. As we move forward with this
jubilation, we may come across chunks that would forever bring us into inspiration. Today, ladies and gentlemen, we
are honored to have been graced by the man who puts his heart, mind, and soul into even his smallest acts. And I
believe this is what gauges him to become successful. To enkindle this spirit, please welcome our father, the Governor
in the Province of Cebu, Hon. Hilario P. Davide III. A round applause!


Cebu Province is blessed with over-pouring wit and talent. Without any further, let us welcome another treasure
of the Division, the Champion of the Vocal Solo Secondary in the Cebu Provincial Sports and Cultural Meet 2017 at
Carmen, Cebu representing the Municipality of Cordova, ______________. A round applause!

MESSAGE (lance)
Today’s move on heroism does not require superpowers but the capacity to liberate people. It thrives on honesty,
on honor, on the sacredness of obligations, on faithful protection and on unselfish performance. Without them we
cannot live. On this movimentum, let us welcome the Assistant Schools Division Superintendent of the Cebu Province
Division, DR. ESTER A. FUTALAN for the Acknowledgement. A round applause!



The greatest way to live with honor in this world is to be what we pretend to be. This is the part where our hearts
come in full. To fill it even more, let us welcome the Assistant Schools Division Superintendent in the Division of
Cebu Province, Mr. Roseller N. Gelig for the Closing Remarks.

Since the days of Greece and Rome, when the word 'citizen' was a title of honor, we have often seen more emphasis put
on the rights of citizenship than on its responsibilities. Robert Kennedy
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