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What is social science?
The social science are the fields of
scientific knowledge that
study social groups and more
generally human society.
Each disciplines of social science
represents specific facets of
human behavior in various
environment. The major disciplines
are as follows:

Anthropology is the study of all human aspects of

human life and culture. It
examines such topics as how people live, what they
think, what they produce,
And how they interact with their environment.
Anthropologists generally
Specialize in one of four fields: cultural anthropology,
linguistic anthropology, archaeology and physical

Economics is a science which

study the human behavior as the
relationship between ends and
scares, which means have
uses. There are two branches of
economics such as micro economics
and macro economics.

Geography is the science that deals with the distribution and

arrangement of all
elements of the earths surface. Geography may be divided
into two fundamental
branches: systematic and regional geography. Systematic
geography is concerned
With individual physical and cultural elements of the earth.
Regional geography is
concerned with various areas of the earth, particularly the
unique combinations of
physical and cultural features that characterize each region
and distinguish one region from another.
History is the study of past event. It is a
social science in the sense that it is a
Systematic attempt to learn about and
verify past events and to relate them to
one another and to the present. The
subject matter of history is everything
that has already happened. The study of
history involves identifying,
arranging, and patterning.
Political science is the study
of government, its structure
and the activity associated
with it. It is a body of
knowledge about the state
in its various
manifestations; politics
refers to the actual
operations of a political
Psychology is the
scientific study of
behavior and the mind. It
is social science
Because humans are social
creatures. Social
psychology is the study of
individuals behavior as it
influences and is
influenced by the
behavior of

The origin of the word ‘sociology ‘ is

from the Latin word ‘socius’ and the
Greek ‘ology’, indicate its nature as a
hybrid discipline that can never aspire
to the status of a social science or a
current body of knowledge. It is the
systematic study of relationship
among people.
Demography is the
interdisciplinary study
of human populations.
It deals with the social
characteristics of the
population and their
development through

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