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El tiempo "Present Perfect" de la voz pasiva responde a la pregunta: "What has been done?

" =
¿Qué se ha hecho? o What has been being done? = ¿Qué se ha estado haciendo?

1. Present 2. Present perfect

The car is washed The car has been washed
The car is being washed The car has been being washed

3. Past 4. Past perfect

The car was washed The car had been washed
The car was being washed The car had been being washed

5. Future 6. Future perfect

The car will be washed The car will have been washed
The car will be being washed The car will have been being washed

7. Future (going to) 8. Future perfect (going to)

The car is going to be washed The car is going to have been washed
The car is going to be being washed The car is going to have been being washed

9. Future in past 10. Future perfect in past

The car was going to be washed The car was going to have been washed
The car was going to be being washed The car was going to have been being

11. Conditional 12. Conditional perfect

The car would be washed The car would have been washed
The car would be being washed The car would have been being washed

13. Modals 14. Modals + have

The car (can, could, ...) be washed The car (can, could, ...) have been washed
The car (can, could, ...) be being The car (can, ...) have been being washed

Tenses - Continuous Tenses

What has been done? - ¿Qué se ha hecho?

A house has been built.

Se ha construido una casa / Una casa ha sido construida

 The whole city has been destroyed by the earthquake.
La ciudad entera has sido destruída por el terremoto.

 I can't get in. These doors have been locked!

No puedo entrar. Estas puertas han sido cerradas con llave!

 Those windows have not been closed yet.

Aquellas ventanas no han sido cerradas aún.

 This wooden floor has not been waxed.

Este suelo de madera no ha sido encerado.

 Has uncle John been promoted to president of the company?

¿El tío John ha sido ascendido a presidente de la empresa?

 Have the same mistakes been made before?

¿Han sido cometidos los mismos errores antes?

 People have been requested to cancel appointments before Monday.

Se le ha solicitado a la gente que cancele las citas antes del lunes.

 Guess what,... Jack has been taught to drive a car!

Adivina qué,... Le han enseñado a Jack conducir un coche!

What has been being done? - ¿Qué se ha estado haciendo?

A house has been being built.

Se ha estado construyendo una casa / Una casa ha estado siendo construida

 My mother has been being treated by the same doctors for years.
My madre ha estado siendo tratada por los mismos médicos durante años.

 Stricter and stricter measures have been being taken to reduce crime in the city.
She han estado tomando medidas cada vez más estrictas para reducir el delito en la


Se utiliza principalmente para dar énfasis a la acción en lugar de quién la realiza. En

español tenemos varias formas de pasiva como vemos en el ejemplo. En inglés
utilizaremos la misma estructura en ambos casos.

La casa ha sido limpiada. Se ha limpiado la casa.


PRESENTE PERFECTO: Para formar una frase pasiva a partir de una frase en Presente
Perfecto seguiremos lo siguientes cambios.


Matt ha limpiado su habitación.

Matt has cleaned his room.
(voz activa)

La habitación ha sido limpiada por Matt.

The room has been cleaned by Matt.
(voz pasiva) La voz pasiva del present perfect

La voz pasiva en el present perfect se forma con la forma de to be que corresponde y el

participio II. La formación del present perfect y del participio II la explicamos en el capitulo

La voz pasiva del present perfect

forma conjugada de to be participio II español

I have been called Yo he sido llamado.

you have been expected Tú has sido llamado.

he has been wanted Él ha sido llamado.

we have been given A nosotros ha sido dada una oportunidad.

you have been chosen Vosotros habéis sido elegidos.

they have been presented Ellos han sido presentados.

El ejecutor de la acción (o sea el sujeto de la frase activa) se añade con la preposición by al

final de la frase (en el caso de que se quiere y se puede nombrarlo). En cuanto se refiere al
contexto temporal en el cual se usa el pasivo del presente perfecto no hay diferencia alguna
entre el presente perfecto activo y el presente perfecto pasivo. La única diferencia que hay es
que en el present perfect pasivo el sujeto es la meta de la acción, pero no él que la ejecuta.
Más detalles sobre el present perfect encontrará en el capítulo 8.3.3.


He has been helped with his studies; otherwise he wouldn't have made it.

Le han ayudado en sus estudios, sino no habría aprobado.

We have been followed all the way home.

Nos han perseguido hasta la casa.

The radio has been repaired by the neighbour.

La radio fue reparada por el vecino.


He has not been helped with his studies; he made it without it.

No le han ayudado en sus estudios. Logró todo por sí solo.

We have not been followed home, even though I would have expected it.

No nos han perseguido hasta casa, a pesar de que yo lo había creído.

The radio has not been repaired by the neighbour, but by my colleague.

La radio no fue reparada por el vecino, sino por un colega mio.

Verbos modales

He can have been helped with his studies; otherwise he wouldn't have made it.

Se le podía ayudar con sus estudios, sino no los habría aprobado.

We may have been followed all the way home.

Es bien probable que hemos sido perseguidos hasta casa.

The radio must have been repaired by the neighbour.

La radio tiene que haber sido reparada por el vecino.

La voz pasiva con el presente perfecto:

STRUCTURE: have /has + been + past participle of the verb

ESTRUCTURA: have/has + been + el pasado participio del verbo

ACTIVA: Tomás ha cometido un error.

PASIVA: Un error ha sido cometido por Tomás.

Presente Perfecto Activo y Pasivo

El presente perfecto se usa para hablar de información nueva o para tiempos que empezaron en el
pasado y siguen ahora.

A laboratory in Sweden has created a new medicine.

A new medicine has been created in a laboratory in Sweden.

Mr Thompson has sold seven cars this month.

Seven cars have been sold this month.

The political parties have formed a new government in South Africa.

A new government has been formed in South Africa.

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