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Practice of Team Viewer

Students: Jorge Abraham Gutierrez Diaz

Naomi Itzel Ramos Rangel

Leilani Nuzhet Figeroa Ramirez

Tania Guadalupe Rangel Dobalina

Leo Ivan Valle Ornelas

Teacher: Alberto Pontón Castro

Module: Specialized communication in English

Date: 14/Junio/2019
Team viewer is a program for computer, its function is to connect remotely to
another computer. Between its functions are: Share documents, online
conferences, remotely control and video conference.
This program has a size of 12mb, very light for any computer and this software
have a portable version, a version that don’t require installation
Steps of Installation
1. Open Google Chrome or our favorite navigator (Mozilla, opera, safari, etc) and
we’ll to
2. We’ll click on download for free for personal use

3. We’ll install this archive as any program

4. Open Team viewer when it is installed
5. On the computer that we want to control. We’ll open TeamViewer and we
copy the ID and Password.
6. In the origin computer, we’ll paste the ID and Password that we copy in the
previous step and click in the connect button

7. It will open a window that we’ll control the other pc

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