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Harpocrates, the Silent Child

Denizen of the Void Aspect

Harpocrates is the Greek God of Silence, Secrecy, Confidentiality, and Children. He symbolises
hope, in that the gods would aid mortals in their time of need, and he would do anything to
protect a child and their mother. He is usually depicted as a child with a finger pressed to his
lips, a gesture of silence and secrecy. He was given a rose by Eros, who was given it by
Aphrodite, to ensure that all the indiscretions of both the Goddess, and that of the other
Olympians, remain confidential.

The Quest
Land of Silence: A Land of silence so complete, it is strangely deafening. There is no noise or
sound anywhere in the Land, from the chatter of the Consorts, to the background noise of
nature and its creatures, to the sound of Underlings sneaking up behind the Player. None of
these can be heard. The Consorts love music and sound of all kinds, and feel robbed by the
Silence the Denizen has brought to their planet. Some have adapted however, using gestures,
charades, sign language, sign language (as in, using pre painted sign to communicate), and
dances to make up for the lack of vocal communication. The Player must face the Denizen, and
ideally bring back sound to this Land of Silence.

The Battle
Harpocrates is a kind Denizen, one that would never harm a child, even in self defence. He
would even defend them if he is within reach. Of course, his definition of child does not measure
physical maturity, which would place some of the less childish Players outside his protection.
His abilities mostly lie in secrecy and silence, allowing him to expunge sounds from existence.
This ability is dangerous, for he could be very selective with it, erasing important words to harm
another’s feelings, silencing shouts of warnings, and negating Sonic based abilities. He could
also silence things on a mass scale, deafening everything within the area. He could also declare
things Confidential, preventing anyone from detecting it.

The Prize
Rose of Harpocrates - A breed of red roses cultivated by Harpocrates within his gardens.
Sprinkling their pollen upon a document shall hide it from prying eyes, while hanging it from the
roof of a room shall ensure that all that happens within remain secret.
Strife Portfolio

Sound of Silence
Harpocrates puts his finger upon his lips, a sign that all shall be Silent. This ability negates
sound of any kind. Cries of warning and pain could be silenced, the discordant waves of a Sonic
attack would be negated, and the long winded speeches about friendship would become mute.
Harpocrates could choose to be selective, preventing only a specific sound from manifesting, or
simply ensuring that a single target be incapable of hearing the march of his Underlings, he
could even attempt to doctor a person’s speech as they speak, erasing key words and
sentences that morph a compliment into an insult, a shout of warning to a cheer, a speech of
hope and perseverance to one of despair and surrender. He could even change the tone by
reducing the soundwaves. Harpocrates could also negate any and all sound within a large area,
preventing any form of vocal communication or sound-based attacks and abilities from being
used in that area. It would also negate Incantation based spellcasting. The resultant Silence is
so empty that most would notice it simply due to the absence of any background noise.

Sub Rosa
Aphrodite handed Eros a rose; he, in turn, handed it to Harpocrates, pleading for his mother’s
indescretions, and that of the rest of the Olympians, remain under wraps. This ability allows
Harpocrates to designate areas and objects as Confidential. Objects targeted become invisible
to all methods of detection, preventing them from coming to light. Areas designated as
Confidential can neither be mapped nor have any indication that shall lead to their location.
Even if it should logically be obvious. Anything that happens in a Confidential area, stays in that
area, for anything that happens there cannot be spoken of nor discussed anywhere but in that

Protector of Innocence
Harpocrates is a child among Denizens, and he would do anything to protect his fellow children.
This ability allows Harpocrates to grant status effects to those who consider themselves
children, and increases his Physical Attributes whenever he chooses to protect them. Children is
not a measure of physical maturity in this case, but of spiritual and emotional maturity. Those
kids who have gone through hell and came out a with a teenage mindset at the age of ten would
not count, but those adults who continue to act as if they are children would count no matter
their age. The buffs Harpocrates could grant range from Regeneration, Stat Boosts, and
Resistances, while the increase in Physical Attributes (Alacrity, Mangrit, and Vim) would grow
the more innocent and unexperienced the child is.
Treasure Hoard

Rose of Harpocrates
A species of red roses grown by Harpocrates himself. These roses release an unnaturally large
amount of pollen. Magic pollen.
That’s Classified - The pollen of these roses instill secrecy in whatever they touch. Sprinkled
upon a document or other information storage device, it would shroud it in secrecy, preventing
anyone but the user from ever seeing their contents. To others, paper would appear blank, while
electronic devices would refuse to activate. Should the roses be suspended from the roof of a
room, it would prevent anything that happens within from being spoken of or discussed
elsewhere. Destroying the rose the pollen came from would undo this effect.

Soundless Harp
A handheld bronze harp made with silver strings. The harp cannot seem to make any sound,
plucking the strings would fail to produce a note, while banging it on other objects would make
for a completely silent impact.
SHHHH! - When played the harp would create an area of silence around the user, preventing
any vocal communication from taking place and negating all sound based attacks and abilities.
Other Musical weapons are particularly vulnerable to this effect, for they cannot use their Sonic
attacks in any fashion. Should the user stop playing, then this effect would end.

Blessed Water
Water taken from a spring within Harpocrates’ Palace. Immersing wounds in it would neutralize
pain and heal it. It could also grant blessings.
Healing - The water has healing properties, allowing it to instantly repair any wounds immersed
in it. This effect is painless and would also negate most forms of debuffs, with the exception of
those that directly interferes with the target’s Soul. Such as most emotion effects.
Blessings - The water could grant blessings to any who would drink it. Should they do so, they
would find their wounds healing slightly faster for a day, for their Regeneration is sped up by
about 10%. They would also find themselves protected from blindness for a week, they would
be able to see through any amount of light or darkness, covering their eyes would still prevent
them from seeing something though.
Hel, the Ruler of Niflheim
Denizen of the Void Aspect

Hel is a god of the dead in Norse Myth, she is also the Ruler of Niflheim, the place that the dead
go if they had died peacefully (or at least, away from battle). She is the daughter of Loki, the
God of Mischief and sister to Fenrir and Jormungandr, these four were prophesied to bring
about Ragnarok, the Fate of the Gods. The Aesir banished her to Niflheim, where she now
rules, using the finger bones and nails of the dead to build Naglfar, the boat on which she, her
father, and an army of the dead shall sail and at Ragnarok. She is uninterested in the affairs of
mortals for the most part, and is described as being half beautiful woman and half rotting
corpse, often divided down the middle. When Baldr died, the gods pleaded for her to release
him, yet she would only do so if all the cosmos wept for him, and all the world did so, all but
Loki, and so Baldr remained in Hel’s clutches.

The Quest
Land of the Dead: A Land filled with the walking dead, be they Skeleton, Zombie, or Specter.
The Denizen has awakened her subjects, the Dead, who now walk all across the Land. A
deathly chill permeates the Land. The Consorts are terrified of the Dead, most have started to
round up others to start witch hunts, others simply decide to cower with their heads in the sand.
The Dead are also miserable, they simply wish for their eternal rest, yet the Denizen has
awakened them to do her bidding and the people they once called brethren are hunting them
down. The Player must resolve this conflict, pu the Dead to rest, and confront the Denizen, and
not necessarily in that order.

The Battle
Hel is a amiable enough Denizen, despite what people might think. Oh, she is possessive,
reluctant to ever release those under her care, yet her realm is a peaceful one, and her subjects
seldom provoke outsiders. Hel’s powers mostly cover her power over the dead, she can call up
armies of them to do her bidding, and can even prevent the resurrection of one who has died by
any means, not even Gods can resist this power. She also has power over Fimbulwinter, like his
brothers, her mastery over this power is even beyond that of Fenrir, and is only surpasses by
her father. Finally, she has quite a powerful grasp over plagues, allowing her to unleash them to
devastating effect
The Prize
Naglfar - A large boat made out of the nails of the dead. It has the power to transport the Player
to other Lands, Skaia, the Dream Moon, and may places beyond. It is also large enough to
transport whole armies without difficulty, as it seems to be quite a lot larger on the inside.

Strife Portfolio

Hl can create and unleash deadly plagues to eliminate her enemies. They are treated as regular
diseases, though they deal much more damage, and lasts a lot longer. They are still quite easy
to cure, if one possesses the means to do so.

The three consecutive winters that will herald Ragnarok, the Fate of the Gods and Hel’s arrival
with her subjects. As an ability Fimbulwinter allows Hel to call on powers of ice and snow,
granting her powers such as Freeze Blast - a long range line of effect attack that freezes
anything it touches - , Ice Claw - an attack buff that allows her physical strikes to deal Cold
damage -, Frost Shield - which buffs her defense against non-fire attacks, and grants immunity
to Cold and Ice based attacks -, Rime Panoply - which allows her to create tools and weapon ot
of ice -, and Blizzard - an Area of Effect ability that calls on an Ice Storm, dealing damage and
impairing the senses of others.

Rule of the Dead

As the Ruler of the Underworld, Hel can call upon the hordes of the Dead that resides within to
do her bidding. She can raise an innumerable number of Skeletons, Zombies, and/or Specters,
each with their own strengths and weaknesses. Skeletons are fast and hard to hit, yet are quite
brittle, Zombies are strong and tough, yet slow to dodge and move, and Specters can avoid
most attacks, yet have difficulty with their own.

The power Hel has over death allows her to prevent the revival of any that has come into her
grasp. She can prevent anyone from being revived by anything, be it Aspect powers, God Tier
Immortality, or simple Skaian mechanics. So long as she retains her hold, the target can never
return to the world of the living. Once she has let go, however, the target will immediately revive
if any such method was used previously.
Treasure Hoard

A large boat made out of the nails of the dead. It emits a deathly aura that chills to the bone, and
seems to be able to float above ground.
Arc of the Dead - Naglfar is far larger on the inside than on the outside, allowing whole armies
to fit within it without an issue. In fact it’s bowles seem to expand the more and more people try
to fit within it.
Ghost Ship - Naglfar can sails across the stars and above land, and seems to be manned by
unseen ghosts bound to the task, though there is no chef to feed any living aboard.

Key of Hel
A key made of bone. It emits the ghostly chill most things gain when they interact with ghosts for
a prolonged period of time.
Gate of Niflheim - By miming the action of unlocking a door in mid air, the Player can open a
portal to Niflheim, or an analogous location, where the dead sleep to await the End of All.

Hunger and Famine

Hel’s silverware. Like most things of Hel’s they are made of bone, and seem to emit a ghostly
Feast of Scarcity - A special ability of theirs is to create food when there is none, they create
‘phantom food’, which acts like its regular counterpart, yet is hard to swallow and only delays
hunger instead of satisfying it.
Helios, the Sun Incarnate
Denizen of the Light Aspect

Helios is the Greek Titan of the Sun, Guardian of Oaths, and God of Sight. Son of Hyperion and
Theia, he is the brother of Selene the Moon, and Eos the Dawn. He dwells in a golden palace at
the eastern ends of the earth from which he emerges each dawn, he drives a golden chariot
driven by four winged horses through the sky, until he reaches the western end of the earth at
dusk. From there he would ride the streams of Oceanus in a golden cup, back to his palace in
the east. His son Phaeton once attempted to ride Helios’ chariot, a request Helios accepted due
to an oath he took to prove to Phaeton that he was his father. Phaeton flew dangerously close to
the ground, the earth was set aflame until he was struck down by Zeus for his hubris.

The Quest
Land of Gloom: A Land completely devoid of natural light, the Denizen has taken all the natural
light of the Land and has hidden it within the very core of the planet. All the light of the world has
been extinguished, even the Light of Skaia has been blocked by the nigh impenetrable storm
clouds that has gathered in the sky. The only sources of light let are those the Consorts have
built themselves, and even these shall go out as the Underlings seem to seek them out, and
extinguish them. The Player must bring back the Light of the Land, before the entire planet goes

The Battle
Helios is a powerful Denizen indeed, one that could easily match the power of his father,
Hyperion, and perhaps claim victory. He has a mastery of his solar nature that allows him to
gain its traits, both as a scorching ball of fire, and as a nurturing source of life. He could
summon his Chariot and his steeds at any time, allowing him to run over his enemies with the
Sun itself. He could see everything that any light illuminates, just like his father, though he could
only focus upon a single target at a time. Finally, he could take the Sun and shine it in the
underworld, taking away all natural light in the Land.

The Prize
Chariot of Helios - A golden chariot, pulled by four horses hade of fire and sunlight. The chariot
is quite difficult to steer, as that privilege belongs only to its true owner, but the four steeds that
serve as a means of locomotion are intelligent enough to follow the commands of anyone
Helios’ deems worthy. So as long as the user has Helios’ permission to ride his Chariot, they
would be able to direct it wherever they so wish, they may not actually take the reins and drive,
but the steeds are smart enough to follow directions. They are also stupidly fast, capable of
getting anywhere from anywhere else in less than half a day.

Strife Portfolio

Helios flies upon his chariot from one side of the world to the other in half a day, and spends the
other half getting back to his starting point. While he’s not as fast as many other Denizens, such
as those capable of teleporting, he is still pretty damn fast. This ability passively increases
Helios’ Alacrity and Speed by a great amount. In addition, it would allow Helios to summon his
Chariot pulled by his horses Pyrois, Aeos, Aethon, and Phlegon. Riding the Chariot would allow
Helios to get to anywhere in twelve hours or less, traversing the space between as a scorching
ball of light. Anything within Medium Range of Helios and his Chariot while he is riding, with the
exception the aforementioned horses, would suffer a Medium amount of Fire, Heat, and Radiant
Damage, in addition to likely getting the Blind Status Effect for a short to permanent Duration.
Running things over with the Sun is a favored tactic of Helios.

Solar Radiance
Helios does not merely /ride/ the Sun, as Apollo would do. Rather, he /is/ the Sun itself, with all
the perks and abilities such would entail. This ability grants Helios a plethora of abilities, all of
which are based on his nature as the Sun Incarnate. All of them are activated and require
Shenergy to use, they would last for one Round each unless Helios expends the Shenergy to
extend their Duration. These abilities are;
● Blinding Brilliance - Don’t look directly at the Sun. Inflicts temporary Blindness on anyone
that looks directly at Helios.
● Eclipsing Light - During the day, the stars are outshone by the Sun’s magnificence.
Grants Stealth to all of Helio’s allies at the cost of making it impossible for him to hide
● Shining Arrows - The Sun’s rays are as arrows, ones that could reach the ends of the
earth. An Infinite Ranged Attack that deals Medium Radiant and Fire Damage.
● Scorching Presence - Ball of flame in the sky. Deals Low Damage to everyone within
Medium range of Helios. This includes any of Helios’ allies.
● Nurturing Luminescence - Light of the Sun feed nature’s gardens. Heals everyone in
Medium Range, including enemies, of a Low amount of Damage.

Sun of the Underworld

Once, Odysseus’ Crew slaughtered and ate the sacred cows of Helios’ island after they ran out
of all other provisions to consume. Angered by this, Helios threatened Zeus that he shall fly and
illuminate the Underworld instead of the surface world if they are not punished. Helios never had
to make due with that promise, but there is no doubt that he would if given reason to do so. This
ability is the representation of what would happen if Helios had gone through with his threat.
With its activation the Land would go Dark. All natural sources of light on the Land would cease
to function, fires cannot be lit, luminescent flora and fauna would cease to produce the required
reactions, glowing rocks would cease to radiate photons, and the sky shall blacken until the
Light of Skaia fail to breach the atmosphere. Light producing abilities and abilities of the Light
Aspect take a penalty in the form of increased Shenergy costs. Only electrically produced lights
would work normally, and without the means of indefinitely keeping such lights on, it is inevitable
that the Land shall fall to darkness. And die.

Heliacal Panopticon
Helios is also known as Panoptes, for he is all seeing in both the matters of the mortal and
heavenly realms. It was he who told Demeter who had snatched away her daughter, and it was
he who informed Hephaestus of his wife’s adultery and aided him in his vengeance. This ability
grants Helios a similar nigh omniscience to his father, though far more limited. Helios could
spend Shenergy to see through particles of light. This allows him to potentially see anywhere so
long as even a single photon is present. Unlike the version his father has, Helios could only see
a single location at a time, though he may switch the target, angle, and location of his vision at

Treasure Hoard

Chariot of Helios
A golden chariot engraved with a stylistic representation of the Sun upon its front, and
enchanted such that it would glow with a yellow radiance reminiscent of sunlight. It is pulled by
the four horses of Helios, Pyrois, Aeos, Aethon, and Phlegon. Mighty steed with bodies of
sunlight and manes of roaring flames.
Solarwind Rider - The Chariot is incredibly fast, capable of getting anywhere on a planet within
less than half a day, and anywhere in the same Universe in twenty four hours. The Chariot
counts as enforcing Certainty when traversing through Uncertain spaces such as the Furthest
Burning Presence - The Chariot deals Medium Fire Damage to everything in a Medium range
whilst it is moving faster than Slow Speed. This Damage is continuous and would reapply itself
each round. Those within the Chariot itself, along with the horses driving it, are exempt from this
True Ownership (Helios) - Only Helios could ride the Chariot effectively, though he may allow
others to ride in his stead. This makes it impossible for anyone but Helios himself from actually
taking the reins and steering the Chariot, but should the user be found worthy, Helios may allow
them to command his steeds. Allowing the user to ride the Chariot by telling the horses where to
go, they won’t be able to directly control the Chariot however. Without Helios’ permission, the
Chariot shall not move under any circumstances.
Solar Arrows
A golden quiver of arrows, each seemingly formed out of substantiated sunlight and emitting a
soft glow. They could change their shape to fit in any type of ranged weapons, becoming the
appropriate type of ammunition for such weapons.
One Size Fits All - The arrows could change their shape such that they would fit into any type
of ranged weapon. They could turn into bullets for any type of firearm, cannonballs for cannons,
batteries for light based projectile weapons, and even giant rocks or bolts to fit medieval
weapons such as a catapult or ballista. Always are the projectiles made of shining sunlight.
Lightspeed Rays - Once the projectile has been launched, it would shift into an actual ray of
light and hit the target. This makes all Solar Arrow projectiles fly at the speed of light, reducing
both dodging chances and range penalties. Weapons using this ammo deal Radiant and Fire
Damage instead of any other type of Damage they usually inflict.

Golden Cup
A boat made entirely out of gold, one that could still float and sail quickly despite its material
normally making buoyancy an issue. It is far faster than any other boat made by regular means,
despite its supposedly heavy frame.
Coast to Coast, West to East - The Cup is what Helios uses to traverse the rivers of Oceanus
and return to his home in the east one his day job is done. Thus the boat is quite a bit faster
than most others, capable of traversing even the most treacherous and shallow of waters with
ease and of doing so at a mind boggling speed. It sail from one side of the world to the other in
less than a day.

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