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Nike, Patron of Victors

Denizen of the Life Aspect

Nike is the Greek Goddess and Personification of Victory, Speed, and Strength. Daughter of
Styx and the Titan Pallas, she was brought over to the Olympian’s side by her mother when the
Titanomachy began. She, along with her siblings Sovreignity, Force, and Emulation, are the
sentinels of Zeus’ heavenly throne. She was assigned as the driver of Zeus’ chariot, and was
the one to escort her lord to his fight against the terrifying monster Typheus even though all the
other Olympians have fled. She also accompanies Athena from time to time. Nike represents
both victory during bloody conflicts and victory in peaceful competitions, and she carries a laurel
wreath and a sash to give to the victors of such engagements.

The Quest
Land of Conflict: A Land of both sanguiaeus clashes and friendly contests and everything in
between. The Land has basically been split into two teams, with the one who wins being
granted noble titles and rulership over the Land. Obviously, the two Kingdoms have taken
notice, and each is sponsoring one of the sides in this mix of bloody war and olympic games.
The Dersites has bribed the Denizen to gain their favor, tipping the scales of competitions
squarely into their favor. The Dersites are winning more than they should be able to, as their
representatives gain sudden bursts of skill and insight to allow them to secure victory. The
Dersites must not win the games, and thus the Player’s Quest is to equalize the odds. Either by
revealing Derse’s underhandedness and get them disqualified, or by defeating the enemy
representatives directly.

The Battle
Nike is a quite challenging Denizen, as expected of someone whose domain is victory. Her first
ability merely mirrors her part as a retainer of Zeus, allowing her call forth a speedy golden
chariot to transport both her and one other as quickly as possible. Her second ability grants her
great bonuses for gaining victory in competitions of all kinds, mostly an increase in drop rate an
another thing tailored to the victory in question. Her last ability allows her to enhance Attributes
and Abilitechs while participating in a competition, with additional Shenergy able to be spent to
increase the breadth of the effect as well as it’s potency. It should be noted that fighting always
counts as a competition to Nike, no matter the intent or other minutiae.

The Prize
Wings of Victory - A pair of strapped on golden raptor wings, with real bird feathers which
reflects and refracts the light that touches it. The wings grant the wearer the ability to fly with
nimble speed perfect maneuverability, such that they could easily keep up with most modern
vehicles and be able to remain hoevering in a single point in the air. The wing’s speed and
grace depends on the accomplishemnts of their wearer. More victorious wearers have far more
resplendant feathers, and would be able to move far faster than the wings normally could.
Those users who tend to more loss than victories shall have wings of dulled yellow, and would
have quite a bit of difficulty controlling themselves while flying.

Strife Portfolio

Zeus’ Charioteer
Styx was the first to answer Zeus’ call for allies when the Titanomachy began, bringing her
children along with her to the side of the Olympians. For this, her children were granted home
under Zeus, and the position as his retinue and sentinels to his throne on top of that. Nike in
particular was also given the position of Zeus’ charioteer, escorting him to his increasingly rare
battles. This ability allows Nike to summon a golden chariot, styled as a pair of outstretched
wings. The chariot is pulled by a team of golden horses, horses who could run through the air as
they could on solid ground. This allows the chariot to fly, through the air. The chariot is also
quite fast for its structure capable of outspeeding even the Kingdoms’ Battleships and capable
of carrying a single other occupant. While faster than most non-alchemized objects, there are
still things out there capable of matching and exceeding its speed.

Spoils of Victory
To the victor goes the spoils, that is the truth of competition. Such spoils may take the form of
renown, riches, territory, bonds, love, power, or even just a simple trophy, but they are spoils
nonetheless. This ability grants Nike bonuses when she triumphs against others in a contest,
either peaceful contest or bloody conflict, granting her a bonus in Grist drops and an increased
chance of gaining items from kills. The ability would also grant one other bonus, such as
temporary power increases, temporary Attribute increases, a boosted reputation, or even actual
physical decorative trophies. The specific additional bonus being tailored to whatever contest
Nike had won, and the specific way she had won as well.

Triumphant Conflict
Nike sits near the throne of Zeus, judging the contests of prowess between both mortals and
immortals alike. Finding their outcomes, and granting the inevitable winner their triumph and
their spoils. This ability has two effects, the first is that it could enhance the Attributes and
Abilitechs of its target do long as they are participating in a competition of some sort. With the
bonus being able to be increased through Shenergy expenditure on either the target’s or Nike’s
part. This bonus could only affect a single targeted Attribute or Abilitech normally, though
Shenergy expenditure allows additional Attributes or Abilitechs to be granted the same bonus
for a single scene. The second effect rewards those who have triumphed in their contests,
granting such targets both a powerful positive Status Effect, and a substatial bonus to Grist,
Boondollar, and Experiance gains for a short period.

Treasure Hoard

Wings of Victory
“A pair of strapped on golden raptor wings, one with a wingspan that is likely taller than you are.
They have a tendency to reflect any light that touches it, possibly blinding some unlucky fool.
The wings seem to gain more lustre the more its wearer wins, either in battle, friendly contest,
or even in some random puzzle or game, they become shinier and more reflective, and give off
the impression that they are faster as well. Conversely, the more the wearer loses, in any of the
above things, the duller and blockier the wings become.”
Type: Vestment - Damage: None - Attribute: Alacrity - Range: Worn
Flight of the Victor: The wings allow the wearer to fly with perfect maneuverability and with a
swift enough speed to match most common vehicles. This on its own is good, but the other part
of the ability may make it even better (or worse). The wings keep count of the victories and
losses the wearer obtains throughout their lives, whether it be in strife matches, puzzle solving,
friendly contests, video games, or a number of other things, the wings know and counts them
all. Should the user have more winds than loses, the wings shall become even swifter, each win
they have over their loss count would greatly boost the user’s flight, and there does not seem to
be a cap on the increase. Meanwhile, each loss the user has above their win count would make
the wings harder to use, as they become signifigantly less maneuverable with each additional
loss. Having an equal win:loss ratio would simply have the wings set to their default stats.

Wreath of Nike
“A golden circlet, carved into the shape of a laurel wreath. This little number has several of
Nike’s sigils engraved upon its inside, and it’s superb ability to reflect light attracts much
attention from others. Nike reserves this wreath for someone who has bested her, victory itself,
in either contest or strife.”
Type: Vestment - Damage: None - Attribute: N/A - Range: Touch
To the Victor: The wreath instantly imprints upon who ever Nike gives it to, ensuring only that
person may wear it and benefit from its power. The owner would then be able to magically track
the wreath anywhere, even to and from another Universe. Those who attempt to take the wreath
must do so through winning against the current owner in a contest of somesort fair and square.
Those who attempt to steal the wreath would find that it would not work for them, and would
burn them should they touch it.
Goes the Spoils: The reward of besting victory is many and diverse. This ability increases the
drop rate of Underlings whilst the user wears the wreath. This would not only ensure that each
Underling would grant more Grist, but also increases the chance of one of them dropping an
item they have, and increases the quality of those items as well. In addition, the user would be
able to expend Shenergy to further enhance the effect, ensuring the Underlings drop even more
Grist and that an item would spawn upon their death.

A literal mountain of trophies and awards Nike has collected over the years. Some were won by
Nike in har occasional contests and strife against other immortals (who almost always accuse
her of cheating after they lose), others are mere copies of awards she has granted to others, or
the awards she has helped others to obtain. Most are things like crowns, tropies, laurel wreaths,
sashes, and medals, but Grist, random items, weapons are also commonly found n there. Most
of them are purely decoative and of litle worth, even the occasional weapons are merely meant
as a wall ornament and has little use as an actual weapon, some however, are enchanted and
incredibly powerful. Some are even Ultimate Weapons, which makes sense as Nike considers
monster drops as trophies as well. Incredibly barbaric tropies, but trophies nonetheless.

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