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TeachingEnglish training videos


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A Answers

Unit 1 Introduction

Pathumporn says:
A ‘The difficult thing for me is intonation and accent.’
J ‘I think the speaking skill is more important than the other skills.’
Montakarn says:
D ‘The students are too shy.’
G ‘I talk too much. I’d like to be patient and wait for their responses.’
Supote says:
E ‘They are better at reading aloud than speaking English naturally.’
F ‘It’s unnatural because we are all non-native speakers.’
H ‘Our Thai accents make it difficult to speak like native speakers.’
Sumalee says:
B ‘Students are afraid of making mistakes.’
C ‘They want to speak exactly like the book.’
I ‘If students can’t say it right, they prefer to keep silent.’

Unit 2 Rapport

Some activities have elements that appeal to more than one learning type.
V = visual learners, A = auditory learners, K = kinaesthetic learners
1: V and K 2: A 3: V 4: K 5: V 6: A and K 7: V and K 8: A

Unit 3 Pronunciation: individual sounds

Forming sounds

■ Drilling
■ Repeat after the teacher
■ Use the cassette
■ Practise the vowels and consonants and then put them in words and sentences
■ Introduce the students to a visual representation of the mouth . . . show the
position of the tongue
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Difficult sounds

■ Pronunciation games
■ Know your students’ weak points
■ Mime sounds (// and /i/)
■ Put two sounds together (schwa and u)
■ Use fingers to show the contraction (‘he’ and ‘is’)
Weak and strong sounds
■ Let students listen first and then reinforce with the written form

// / υ/ // /&/ /aυ/

women open tractor son how
show television Monday sound
clothes town

/υ/ /u/ /ɔ/ /ɔ/ /ɐ/

woman two toy course orange
book move join morning clock
foot group on

Unit 4 Pronunciation: stress and intonation

Pathumporn says C: ‘The difficult thing is intonation because Thai and English are
very different.’
Montakarn says B: ‘You have to focus on the content words, you don’t have to say
every word.’
Sumalee says A: ‘I would focus on the sentence stress, you need to hear the
primary stress, the rest is not important.’

Intonation: A and C Rhythm: A and C Stress: B and C

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Recognising intonation patterns

A Asking students to raise their heads if the intonation rises.
Comments: Students enjoy this way of showing intonation patterns. As well as simple
rises (e.g. on yes/no questions) or simple falls (e.g. on affirmative statements or ‘wh’
questions), they can also show more complicated patterns, such as the polite fall/rise
(e.g. on ‘Can I help you?’)

Getting used to the alternation of weaker and stronger beats

B Click your fingers to emphasise the stress beats.
Comments: You can get students used to thinking about the ‘music’ of English by over-
emphasising the beats in sentences, by clicking your fingers or clapping your hands
when they are repeating something, and asking them to do the same.

Giving students a way to remember intonation patterns

B On the board you can put different colour arrows for rises and falls.
Comments: You can mark the main stresses and the direction of the main pitch
changes on the script on the board. This may help visual learners to understand and
remember them. All students can keep a record in their notebooks, and the teacher
can ask them to look at it again to remember the patterns if they have problems.

Unit 5 Techniques

Sumalee says A: ‘I always give instructions in English because the language that I use
is language that you can hear in real life.
and . . .
C: ‘In giving instructions in a large class, I would say it and then I would ask students to
repeat what I said.’
Pathumporn says B: ‘When I give instructions, I give them in English first and then in
Thai because when I use English, maybe they don’t understand.’

The animal group warmer will be useful for A, B, C and F. It’s not so useful for reviewing
language or incorporating latecomers (D and E).

1: F 2: A 3: B 4: G 5: C 6: E 7: D
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Unit 6 Activities

Sumalee: A Debate
Supote: D Storytelling
Pathumporn: B Dialogue building and C Information gap

C: Storytelling B: Debate D: Dialogue building A: Information gap

Unit 7 Monitoring

1: C 2: B 3: A 4: E 5: F 6: D

Unit 8 Feedback

A, B, C, D, E and F are all mentioned. C and G are not mentioned.

A: Student focus
B: Extension
C: Correction
D: Empathy
E: Accuracy

1: A, D and E 2: A, D and E 3: C and D 4: B and D 5: E 6: A and E 7: B, C, D and E

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1 He went to the station. (Point to/underline ‘goed’ and say, ‘irregular past’.)
2 Where do you live? (Point to/mark missing word and say, ‘auxiliary’.)
3 Could you lend me a pencil, please? (Point to ‘borrow’ and ask, ‘borrow?’)
4 He usually has lunch at 2 o’clock. (Point to ‘have’ and ask, ‘third person’?)
5 I’m sorry, I left my books at home. (Point to ‘forgot’ and ask, ‘right word’?)
6 The school is near my house. (Point to ‘’ouse’ and mouth ‘h’.)
7 (restaurant role play) Could I have the soup, please? (Ask, ‘Is this polite?’)
8 I agree with you. (Ask, ‘am agree’?)
9 Welcome to Mexico. (Point to ‘in’ and ask, ‘preposition’?)

10 Oh, of course, you’re Peter, aren’t you? (Ask, ‘Is this a real question?’)

Unit 9 Fluency

Suggestions C and H might be more appropriate for focusing on accuracy.

Suggestion J is also not so useful. In the programme, John Kay says that fluency is
not so much about speaking quickly, as communicating the message effectively.

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