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Realizing What Teaching Internship is All About

Define Teaching Internship

Teaching Internship is the first step in becoming a professional teacher for it prepares
and develops the aspiring teachers to experience teaching in the formative environment, which
is the school, to acquire opportunity to apply the knowledge and principles learned all
throughout their education life.

Explain the Phases of Teaching Internship

A vital part throughout the internship

period because every intern acquires ideas
and information regarding the teaching
Phase 1 internship. With the help of expertise of the
Orientation Sessions Practicum Supervisor, Cooperating Principal
and Cooperating Teacher, the interns must
know and exemplify the rules of the
Developing relationship among the teachers,
parents, co-interns and especially the
learners is the focus of this phase. Observing
Phase 2 the environment, the learners and also the
Observation and cooperating teacher on how he/she deals
Building Relationship with the students because dealing with
learners is not easy because of learner’s

On this phase, the interns need to sacrifice

and will require determination to complete
the task because it is the time that student-
teacher are given duty especially in making
Phase 3 the lesson plan, instructional materials, and
On Site Tasks classroom management. Student-teachers
are given opportunity to apply the strategies
and theories that they think best suit for
learners as they experience the real world of
teaching. To be cooperative in school
activities no matter what happen, interns
must give their best in everything they do.

After all efforts and hardships, this comes to

Phase 4 the end as the practice teacher was able to
Final Demonstration and accomplish the task and the necessary
Accomplishing Exit Forms requirements to complete the internship.
Why is Teaching Internship important?

Teaching Internship is important because it will help the student-teacher

to experience the actual world of teaching and the opportunity to apply the
strategies, principles, theories and different concepts that suit for the learners. It
will develop pedagogy in the life of an intern.

What are the important phases of internship?

There are four important phases of internship namely the orientation

sessions, observation and building relationship, on site tasks and final
demonstration and accomplishing exit forms as these are vital part of the
student-teacher to experience because this serves as the guide throughout the
teaching interns.

What are the existing laws and regulations that I must know,
understand and apply in the teaching profession?

The existing laws and regulations that I must know, understand and apply in
teaching profession are;

 Resolution No. 435, 1997 Code of Ethics for Professional Teachers

 RA 10627 Anti-Bullying Act of 2013
 RA 7877 Anti Sexual Harassment Act of 1995
 RA 4670 The Magna Carta for Public School Teachers
 DepEd 40 s. 2012 Child Protection Polic
What is Student Teaching Internship?

Target Competencies:

At the end of the orientation with the student teaching coordinator students
are expected to:
1. Realize the importance of student teaching internship.
2. Describe the phases of student teaching internship program.
3. Demonstrate awareness of the existing laws and regulations that apply to teaching


1. Answer the following questions. Be creative in your presentation,

1.1. What is student teaching internship?
1.2. Why is it important for students in Education (BEEd/BSEd) to
Undergo teaching internship?
1.3. What are the four phases of internship?
1.4. Among the four phases of internship which seems difficult? Why?

2. Make readings on the following laws that apply to teaching profession. Write your

Existing Laws Insights

(How will you apply this in your
Code of Ethics for Professional Teachers A person who behaves properly in a
crowded areas. By following this code of
ethics makes ones professional and being
RA 10627 (Antibullying Act of 2013 Make every students feel that they are
equal and important. No one should
tolerate this kind of situation.
RA 7877 (Anti Sexual and Harassment Act Have respect to every one.
of 1995)
RA 4570 ( MAGNA Carta for Public School Pay respect to every teachers whogive
Teachers efforts, time, perseverance and love to the
DepEd Order No. 40 s. 2012 (Child Do things for the goodness of every child.
Protection Policy)

Why is it important to undergo teaching internship?

It is important to undergo internship, because it is the application of the learnings that
you gathered in your past knowledge. It is an experienced of an actual teaching learning process.
In addition to that, it is the preparation in your future.
y Expectations as Student Teacher

Target competency:

At the end of the orientation the students are expected to:

1. Internalize the duties and responsibilities of the student teachers.

2. Realize that student teachers are expected to behave in accordance with the
standards set by the cooperating school and the TEI.
3. Get familiar with the terms related to student teachings.


1. Write expectations from the TEI, cooperating school and from yourself.
2. Write down your analysis, insights / reflections
3. Give your own operational definition of the following:

3.1. Cooperating School

An institution where student teacher conducts their practicum and

where they gain knowledge.

3.2. Cooperating Principal

Acquaint student teachers with the local school plant, policies of the
local system and rules concerning the students and teachers conduct. The head of the
school administration who monitors the whole school.

3.3. Cooperating Teacher

A teacher who is equipped and skilled in their profession. They are

the one who guides their practice teacher and assissting the practioners in the daily life
activities in the a teaching learning procees and even in a school activities.

3.4. Resource Teacher

A person who gave knowledge, ideas concerning about the local

policies regarding to the internship program. The one who facilitates and monitors the
practice teachers.

3.5. Student Teacher

A student who undergo of a series of a laboratory experiences in

applying the knowledge that they gathered by the students in their past years. Students
who demonstrates the actual learning process with the guide of the cooperating
A. Expectations from TEI

Expectations Responsibilities
Facilitator The TEI should check the practice teacher's
improvement in actual teaching and give
advices to become more effective and
efficient teachers.
Monitor TEI should meet a regular time with the
practitioners to address the problem and

To develop potential persons in the field of To support the program intended for
education. practice teaching.

TEI must develop a quality of education. To develop a high standard and

productive educator.

Expectation from the Cooperating School

Expectations Responsibilities
Follows rules and regulation Adopt and adjust the rules and regulations
concerning with the practice teaching course
for the betterment of whole that are
involved in this situation.
Equipped with competitive and skilled Give ideas, knowledge and support to the
teachers the student teachers in developing ones
ability in performing tasks.

Give what will be the different needs of the

Support the student teachers practice teachers regarding to the course.
Must understand the side of the
Assigned the practice teachers to the
Produce a better pratice teacher equipped and skilled teachers in the field of
teaching as theif mentor.
C. Expectations from Myself:

Expectations Responsibilities
Self-confidence Showcase tge abilities that I possess.
Standing in front of the whole class with
knowledge and self-steem.
Professionalism Act a better person with a right to display
must always be taken in consideration in the
while span of the practice teacher.
Improves my skills and ability in teaching Apply all the principles that I gathered
relating in teaching. Follows advices of my
cooperating teacher.
Follows the advices of my cooperating
Grow and develop my teaching skills teacher. And accept the negative comments
as a challenge to improve ones skills.
My Analysis

Complete the structured frame.

1.Orientation sessions are conducted because...

It provides an opportunity to answer questions and define the roles, assess skill
level and experiences, set expectations, and anticipate head off problems.
It is also conducted in order to ensure the orderly transitions of moods, behaviors,
and to size up the needs of the new environment as well as my students.
Orientated session give backgrounds to the pre-service teacher on what to do or
not, how and why a certain rule needs to enact.

2. I feel...

Enlightened with the things that I need to accomplish in the whole duration of
practice teaching, because the rules and regulations to follow have been discussed and
the characteristics of a good practice teachers were also discussed.
Through the orientation session conducted, I feel I can accomplish those things that
are needed in my practice teaching and also needed in my own achievement.

3. I know I can...

Obey the rules and regulations of the school and can apply the principles and
theories of teaching. I know I can overcome the shortcomings, problems and
tribulations that may come in my way together with my co-interns. I can adjust to my
new exciting habit and could teach accordingly through the aide of orientation session
Am I really prepared to teach?

I can say that practice teaching is the most crucial part of my college life. It is the
application of the knowledge that I've gathered in my past college life. It is also an
experiencing the actual teaching learning process.

Am I really prepared to teach? Well, I can say that I am prepared to teach, yet there
are hindrances that playing in my mind, the questions that always popping into brain
like, What will be my school be like? What if I can't manage the classroom well? Will I be
goid teacher? How am I goinv to deal with the diverse students? How about to my
cooperating teachers? These are some questions that student teachers have.

Leaving my college school for the school actual setting has a tremendous pressure
on me, the expectations that I need to pursue and to show to my students and to my
cooperating teachers. One more thing is on how I am going to deal with the different
paper works and also dealing with the so callled time management.

Having plan my own lessons is a challenging experience for me, especially taking to
accounts that I will be conztan be evaluated by my mentors. Thinking that I should
create a diverse engaging lessons anv learning how to put this into action, something
that is easier for me to do so.

Thereore, am I really prepared to teach? Well, my self confidence boost me up, so I

am half way there.

My Second Home

Target Competencies

After the school visit the student teachers are expected to:

1. Familiarize the physical environment of the school

2. Give comments/suggestions/recommendations to improve the classroom

1. Visit your cooperating school.

2. List down the physical facilities of the school and their importance in the
teaching-learning process.
3. Describe the learning environment

A. Complete the chart of the school facilities. Record at least (5) facilities you have
visited. Write down the importance of these in the teaching-learning process.

School Facilities Visited Importance of these facilities in the teaching-learning

1. Classrooms Classrooms should provide a conducive place for
learning. It must be well ventilated si that students will
feel at ease while learning. Also, provide a space for
learning activities, so that students can move around
the room with comfort and ownership. Moreover, it
serves as their second home while learning.
2. SPA rooms A room where students can showcace their talent, skills
and ability. A room where they enhance and develop
their talents. A room should a wide space so that
students can move around and can move confidently.
3. Computer Laboratory The use of computers in the teaching learning
processare widely usrd in amist schools for it can aide
the needs of the learners in knowing the basic skills in
using computers necessary for exploring. Furthermore,
it caters the need of the 21st century learners.
4. Library This is where they can search for more and reliable
information aside from what taught by the teachers.
Library gives the students the freedom to learn in their
own pace.
5. Science Laboratory In science, it is a must that the learning should be based
on facts and testable hypothesis. Through this room,
the students can actually demonstrates and will be
exposed to laboratory experiences that can gain the
actual exposure to reactions, materials, and equipment
in a laboratory setting.
Is your cooperating school, a child friendly school? Why?

The learning environment of child friendly school are characterized by equity,

balance, creedom, solidarity, nonviolence anx a concern for physical, mental and
environmental health, in which, it leads to the development of knowledge, skills and
attitude, values and morals so that children can live together in harmonious way.

Therefore, my cooperating school is considered as a child friendly school cor it

provides a safe, clean, and protective environment for children. At school children's
rights are respected and all children- their diverse perspective, genders, economic
status, pazt life, ethnicity, their different culture and religion doesn't matter because
they are treated equally and give learning and accommodates in equal way. The school
recognizes and nurture the achievement of children's basic right.

What would you do to make your school a child friendly school?

As a practice teacher, this is one of the thing that I need to surpass, on what are the
things that I can do to contribute peace and loce in schoo, what are things that I can do
so that there is always have a harmonious relationship in school.

One of the best attitude that teacher must posses is on how to teach children a
good moral and right conduct, and that is the hardest thing to do. But one am I going to
do to contribute to the school so that there is still a child friendly school?

My cooperating teachers taught me how to integrate values in my day to day

lesson, and that is one of the things that I made to make the school still child friendly in
inculcating the student's heart, mind and soul to what is right and to show respect to
each other. Through this way their will be peace and a harmonious relationship.
Collage of my second home.
To protect and promote the right of every Filipino to quality equitable, culture-based
and complete basic education where:

1. Students learned in a child-friendly gender sensitive, safe and motivating

2. Teachers facilitate learning and constantly nurture every learner;
3. Administrators and staff, as stewards of the institution, ensure and enabling and
supportive environment for effective learning to happen and;
4. Family, community and other stakeholders are actively engaged and share
responsibility for developing life-long learners.

We dream of Filipinos who passionately love their country and whose
competencies and values enable them to realize their full potential and contribute
meaningfully to building the nation.

As a learner-centered public institution, the Department of Education

continuously improves itself to better serve its stakeholders.


Target Competencies:
At the end of the activity, the students are expected to:
1. Assess the physical arrangement of the school
2. Demonstrate awareness of the daily routines of a teacher.
3. Give comments/suggestions/recommendations to improve the classroom

1. Assess the physical arrangement of the classroom facilities.
2. Write observations on the routinary activities of the teacher:

A. Assessment of the Physical Arrangement of the Classroom:

Facilities 5 4 3 2 1
Chalkboard 
Seating Arrangement 
Students’ Seats 
Bulletin Boards 
Teacher’s Table 
Cabinets, Drawers 
Teaching materials 
Ventilation 
Lighting 
Health Facilities 

5 --------outstanding 3 -----Satisfactory 1 -----Very Poor
4 -------Very Satisfactory 2 ------Poor
B. Give suggestions/recommendations to improve the physical arrangement of the
• The designs of the classroom should not be a
distractors to the learning of the students.

• Post some display materials that are so colorful

and can catch to eyes of the learners but with a lot of
ideas, knowledge that will use by the students.

• Make the ground or floor be clean as


• Room should have a wide space for the activities

• The classroom should always well ventilated.

F. Observe the daily tasks and responsibilities of the teacher and give your comments:

1. Checking of Attendance

Checking of attendance must not done for too long, because it may consume
a lot of time that is needed for the teaching learning process.

2. Distributing and collecting materials

Collecting of papers should be organized to avoid noise and so there will be

no students will be standing. In distributing of papers there should be someone who is
assigned to do so to avoid mess in the classroom.

3. Preparing the lessons

The lessons are well prepared with a deep knowledge that they will going to

4. Caring for instructional materials

They kept an extra care on their Instructional Materials so that it can be used
also for whole day.

5. Entering and leaving the classroom

When they enteri nto the classroom they up the authority that they have, that
they are the leader of four corners of the room. It makes a sense of discipline and also a
classroom management. Before they leave the room, they make sure that the room is
clean and organized.

6. Passing and returning test papers, projects, etc.

Passing and returning of papers should be arranged in highest to lowest so that

the students can assess themselves if they passed or not.

7. Using equipment, tool, etc.

The teachers used tools and equipment properly and with care. They uses
different materials as a visual aid in teaching in showing the right model of a specific

8. Maintaining cleanliness and orderliness in the classroom and


The teacher is concious in the cleanliness and orderliness of the classrooom. They
assigns students in cleaning the cleaning the room. They assure that the room is in order
an clean before they proceed to the discussion.
G. Reflection:
What routines do I need to establish in order to make me a better classroom manager?

Checking of attendance

Arranging seats and picking up trash

Checking of homework/assignment

Passing of papers or materials in front

Without standing

Using technology as much as possible

Greetings upon exit

Establishing classroom routines is important because…

It leads to smooth transition and systematic conduct of the lesson. It helps in

achieving almost everything that is planned. It serves as guide in controlling and
managing deviant behaviors. Following a regular procedure makes the students and
teacher feel secure since they know every steps in the procedure. Most especially, it
builds the confidence of the teacher because it is a well planned procedure.

If I already have my own class in the future, I want to employ...

If course classroom management, because it leads to the better learnings of the

students. Also I want to employ dicipline and respect to everyone so that there will be a
harmonious relationship in a classroom.

So those in the long run…

Learners would know how to manage their time efficiently in their own and aby
performing the activities that they have. They will also develop independence and sense
of responsibility which would somehow help them as they make their own decisions and
build their own future.

In other classes, they sing songs for transition purposes; in passing papers… in
transferring to other classes and the like …

Write a parody from a melody of a popular song and integrate the concepts of you
classroom routines. (A parody is a technique where one adopts a melody of a popular song to
integrate the concepts which you want to teach.)

Song: Row, row, row your boat

Activity: Passing of Papers

Row, row, row, by row

Gently pass the quiz

Happily, merryly, happily

Life is full of test

Worksheet No. 6

My Observation with the Demonstration of My

Cooperating Teacher

TARGET Competencies :

1. Identify and describe the different activiites during the demonstration with focus on:
- classroom instruction
- on students
- focus on teacher-student interaction

1. Observe your cooperating teacher during her demonstration lesson.

2. Take notes of your observation focusing on instruction, students and teacher-

A. Focus on Instruction:
1. How were the learners motivated?

The teacher uses pictures to start up the lesson. By asking questions, the students
are able to think and became curios ofthe lesson. The teacher also gave hints and clues
that made it more interesting for the learners.

2. How was the subject matter presented?

The teacher uses the inductive method of teaching, they let the studentz
discovered the lesson insteax of giving it up for the learners. She asks several questions
anx activities in order for the students can con come up with the idea of the lesson.

3. What techniques were used to get student’s interest?

The teacher infuses sense of humor and connects the learner's experience into the
lesson. She have jokes that is related to the topic. Also, she encourage the learners to
make an example based on their works or experience.

4. What instructional materials were used?

Vusual aids, pictures, chalk, chalkboard, charts, projector, laptop, and speaker

6. How was disciplined instilled in the learner?

The teacher calls the attention of the students who are misbehaving. She uses
positive and negative reinforcements so that the students are obliged to perform their
tasks, therefore everyone is busy in xoing their activities.
7. How were individual differences taken cared of?

The teacher considered the individual differences of the students. She uses varied
activities to cater the interest of the students. She also uses the Multiple Intelligences
proposed by Howard Gardners.

8. How were full periods coped with?

Her enthusiasm in teaching is her driving force in accomplishing all five periods of
the day. She can still manage the whole day with a heart in teaching.

9. How were the learners’ performance evaluated?

The teacher uses quizes in evaluating the knowledge of the learners and checking
of it so yhat she knows what part of of the lesson needs to give a time to review. She
gives feedback to the the performance of the learners on what to improve.

Focus on Students:
1. What common characteristics did you observe among the students?

Talkative, playful, curious, and asks so much queztions.

2. What individual differences did you notice?

Some of the students are havinv cun in reading, some are talking with their
classmate, some of which are doing thing in their papers. Most of the students are
trying to cope up and partivipate with lessons, while others do not care about tbe
discussion. They prefer to sit and relax while the teacher is discussing.

3. Are there children with special problems? How did they react?

Based from my observation, there are students who have special problems. These
students make trouble and nuisance in the classroom. They always want the attention
of everyone, they love roaming around in tbe room and disturbing their classmates.
On Teacher-Student Interaction:

1.Describe the use of the non-verbal and verbal communication of the teacher.

The teacher just look around into the whole room standing silently with authority,
that means the room is at mess and need to cleanthe room. Also if the students are so
noisyin the niddle if the discussion she just sit and keep silent which gives attention to
the students. But sometines she even scolded the students behaviour.

2. How did the teacher handle individual differences?

She uses a lot of strategies, techniques, methods, anx approches to cater the
individual differences of the students. She accepts the different perspective and opinion
of the learners, but she never says wrong to the answer that is incorrect, however she
checked the wronv abswer definitely.

3.What type of questions were asked by the teacher and how did the students
respond to every question?

The teacher asked some simple questions that makes the whole class interactive,
they answer this type oc question immediately, and even sometimes in a chorus. The
teacher asks also a Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS) queztion, to analyze the deeper
knowledge of tne learbers, the students think well before they answered, anx sonetines
there is a silence the room.
Instructional materials Used by My cooperating Teachers

My First Lesson Plan

Target Competencies:

1.Write a workable lesson plan for the first actual teaching.

1. Confer with your cooperating teacher on how to go about the template to guide you in
making the plan.
2. Write your plan.
3. Show it to your cooperating teacher for corrections.

MY First lesson Plan

(Paste here your f uncorrected lesson plan.)

Comments from My cooperating Teacher:

Best Features:

The objective is SMART and the evaluation is congruent to it. The activities are
toeards the attainment of the lesson. Tbe delivery of tbe lesson is clear and specific.

Areas of Improvement:

First is my handwriting it should be visible and clear for easier to read. I should also
used a specific materials to use. And have a vivid directions.

My Reflection

As a teacher I need to write a lesson plan that :

sS SPECIFIC - says exactly what the learners will be able to do and to learn.

M MEASURABLE- can be observed by the end of the training session.

A ATTAINABLE- for the students within scheduled time and specified conditions

R RELEVANT- it can be used to daily lives of the students

T Time-framed- can be done in a specific hours.

Revised Lesson Plan based CT’s suggestions:

Preparing Instructional Materials


1. To prepare instructional materials for instruction.our cooperating

2. To demonstrate creativity and resourcefulness in preparing
instructional materials
3. Take snapshot of varied instructional materials used in my
cooperating school.


1. List down the available instructional materials in your cooperating school.

2.. Prepare, design ,create instructional materials.


1. Different instructional materials available in my cooperating school.

Print Materials:

This includes textbooks, module, teaching

guide, test questionnaire, charts, graphs,
maps, and photos.

Non-printed materials:

This includes model, visual aids, audio-

visual, computers, electonic images.

Electronic Materials:

CD's, DVD's, audio or video tape,

projector, speakers.
Complete the matrix by writing the instructional materials used in the five lessons
conducted by you.

These are the instructional materials I prepared and used during my teaching.

Lesson/ Activities Instructional materials

1. Graph Polynomial Function. Visual aids, chalkboard, and Cartesian
Coordinate Plane

2. Illustrate Circle Illustration of Circles, visual aids

3. Identify theorems of tangent and Illustaration of circles, visual aide

Secant Line

4. Listens selected song of music from Speaker

Sourh Asia

5. Apply rules and regulation in playing Scrabble board and tiles


My Analysis:

In preparing my instructional materials I realized that :

1. Instructional materials must be...

Coherent to the objective of the lesson. It should be visible even at the back. It
shoul also be a colorfo and full of arts.

2. I need to prepare instructional materials so that..

It will be easy for me to explain the lesson, for it can give additional ideas to the
My Reflections/Insights
Below is the Rating Sheet used by my Cooperating Teacher in rating my
instructional materials.

Criteria 5 4 3 2 1
1. Appropriate to the development of the learner 
2. Aligned with objectives 
3. Easy to prepare 
4. Durable 
5.Appealing to the learners 
6. Highly interactive 
7. colorful 
8. easy to manipulate 
9. practical and useful  
10. less expensive/economical 

Total Score: 98 Average 9.8

(Total Score/ 10)

After analyzing my score sheet I realized that...

I have this ability to make an Instructional materials that is related for the objective
of the lesson. I used instructional materials in a best way but with less expensive.
However there are still points in my instructional materials that the be improved. And I
realizes that there is always room for my improvement.

(Prepare an electronic file or picture of instructional materials you developed and used
in classroom instruction. Paste it here)
Worksheet No. 9

1. Construct an assessment tool

1. Confer with the cooperating teacher regarding the assessment tool required.
2. Prepare the test items
3. Let the cooperating teacher evaluate the assessment tool
4. Revise and make final draft
5. Implement the tool


Using the first letter of the word give as many concepts about test.

T. Time-bounded

E. Essential

S. Stimulating

T- Truly Reliable

My Analysis:

1. Assessment tools are needed because...

These allows how well students understood the topic. Assessment tool like rubrics
important to gradethe performance of the student without bias. Also, it one way if the
students understand the lesson and how deep the understanding of the students of the
I considered the following when I prepared my first assessment tool:

 Lesson Objective
 Nature of the learners
 Type of test to prepare
 Number of items
 Level of difficulty
 Key to correction

My First Assessment Tool

(Paste or write your first assessment too land the improved version based on the
suggestions of the cooperating teacher)
Worksheet No. 10

Structuring the Classroom Bulletin Boards

1. Design the classroom bulletin board


1.Design a miniature bulletin board on this page

2. Paste sample bulletin display on this page.

My Analysis:

Observing the varied bulletin boards in my cooperating school I feel that the
following areas can still be improved:

Observing the varied bulletin boards in my cooperating school I feel that the
following areas can still be improved especially in recycling materials and
conceptualizing the ideas in making the bulletin boards. The making of bulletin boards is
with the help of the students that is why most designs are based on student's
preference, and it is better also because it develops the artistry of the students and at
the same time the students will the ideawhat will be the topic and the things that are
included in the topic.

My Reflections/Insights

As a student teacher I need to learn how to structure bulletin boards so that :

As a student teacher I know how to structure bulletin board so that in the near
future I can apply my skills in designing or structuring a bulletin board. One thing more is
that having such knowledge in making bulletin board is a great help when I have already
my own classroom to structure.

What lessons did I learn when structuring/designing my bulletin boards?

I learned that constructing and designing bulletin board is not just about putting
arts and colorful materials on the plane board, it must be in line with the cirrent issues
or lessons that the students are taking up. Things to be put in the bulletin board should
be factual and up to date. Bulletin boards can also serve as the catalyst to independent
study projects based on student's interest, choice and aptitude.
Picture of bulletin board display that I designed based on the class lesson.

Auxiliary Services

1. Perform non-teaching duties as required by the cooperating teacher.

1. Complete the concept map.
2. Write your insights gained form the activities.


Complete the concept map.

Room stucturing and making

bulletin boards

Make TOS and test


Compute grades What non-

teaching duties
have I
Assist students in different
Requested to decorate the
stage for the different
Giving advices to the
students and to the
My Analysis:

Doing non-teaching duties is beneficial to me as student intern because...

Doing non-teaching duties is beneficial to me as student intern because it gives me

challenge on how to work with other people, plan about the flow of the activities, and
percorm the assignment work as scheduled. Non-teaching duties makes me feel that my
profession is not about just dealing with students but also working with the people
around me.

These are the values I have developed /strengthened when I rendered/participated in

non-teaching activities:

After rendering and participating in non-teaching activities I have strengthened my

patience and perseverance in handling different tasks to be finished, I also defined the
meaning of camaraderie, unity and team work.

My Reflections/Insights:

After rendering auxiliary services I learned the following skills:


This is when I help in making bulletin board in

a color and in artistic way.


A perseverance to make the task needs to

be done on or before the due date.


Being a teacher, you are not about to

teach only, but also theres a lot of things that
you must do .
Description of Non-Teaching Activities Performed/ Participated

Interactive bulletin boards function as an

instructional tool that can be built into existing
learning experiences or lesson plans. This type
ofbulletin board is closely related to learning
center in that it contains specific cards for
students to complete.

Room Structuring

It is when the MatSci month celebrated and at

the same time it is the awarding ceremony. It
shows how Mathematics and Science subjects
are importan to us.

MatSci Culmination

Wherein the students who participated in the

said event helps the students to be more
independent and knows the meaning of
camaraderie, unity and hardwork.

Girl's Scout

MY FIRST Actual Teaching

1. Execute my first lesson plan prepared with the corresponding instructional materials.

1. Master your lesson plan.
2. Prepare the necessary instructional materials.
3. Execute the plan with ease and self confidence
4. Ask for a post teaching conference with your cooperating teacher.

My Analysis:

1. What went well in my lesson? Why?

 Review Students were able to answer the activities. They

 Motivation participated actively in during this phases,
 Presentation because it was creative, fun and enjoyable.
 Activity

2. What did not go well in my lesson? Why? I gave much time in discussion and let the
students explain their answer in the activities
 Checking of attendance without limitations, that's why I didn't able to
 Evaluation finish the lesson up to evaluation.
 Checking of quizzes
 Assignment

3. Have I achieved my objective? Why?

I can say that I haven't yet my objectiveduring my firstconduct of lesson because I

wasn't able to measure the learnings of my students through final evaluation. This is due
to the fact that I ran out of time during my first conduct.

4. What improvements will I make to be more effective in my class?

First is to manage time efficiently, I need to plan my activities within with the
time frame so that all the activities of the lesson will be carrief out. To be effective, I
need to set all a lively atmosphere inside the class, especially during afternoon time
which the students feel sleepy than the rest of the day. I shoulx also vary my techniques
so that students will not get bored of the daily routine.
My Observation Sheets

(Paste here the observation rating sheet prepared by

your cooperating teacher)

My Progress in Actual Teaching

1. To determine the progress of my performance in teaching.

1. Rate yourself after every actual teaching:
2. Request your cooperating teacher to rate you at least once a week.

Accomplish the matrix below:

Attainment of Objectives
Classroom Management
Art of questioning
Preparation of IMs
Mode of Evaluation

RATING BY CT # 1 4 3 2 1
Attainment of Objectives
Classroom Management
Art of questioning
Preparation of IMs
Mode of Evaluation

RATING BY CT # 2 4 3 2 1
Attainment of Objectives
Classroom Management
Art of questioning
Preparation of IMs
Mode of Evaluation
My Analysis

On the basis of the entries on the above matrix :

Things I have improved:

On the basis of the entries above matrix it shows that I have improved a lot on my
way of teaching, I can atleast manage my time well and can say that I have achieved the
objective of tje lesson. I also already adjusted in standing in front of the room that
makes me manage the classroom. Moreover, I also improved my way of delivering my

Things I need to improve:

There are things also that I need to consider in improving in my way of teaching,
one of this is my art of questioning, I should need to develop my HOTS type of question
so that students can think deeper in the questions so that students develop thinking and
reasoning skills. Also I need to improve in dealing with the learnings of my learners on
how to evaluate the and to cope the knowledge that has gained by the learners
especially to those who are novice.
Snapshots during my Actual Teaching
(Lesson plans and IMs for the 4 lessons reflected on the rating matrix)

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