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Observation and finding

Our observation in our product is to know how usefull our product in

our generation right now because there so many bad people around you so we decided to make
a product will help you to protect your self and imfortant things in your bag we called it
accessorized bag this bag is so simple but this product wil help you to prevent thieves around
you because we put alarm inside the bag so everytime the bag is bump the alarm will activate
our product is so helpful specialy to student and worker because there so many robbery specialy
to student because student cant figth. but the help our product is to allow you to know who
move your bag. and we put power bank inside the bag because we millennial’s we all always
bring our phone so we decided to put the powerbank inside the bag so you can charge even you
are out side your house or school
Analysis of data

Our product is so simple but you need all this item to make our
product first step you need bag to put the alarm and make a pocket to place alarm
there and when you finish that the alarm is ready to use but one thing you need
around cirle ring to trigger the alarm

The litte error about our product is budget because we don’t have any pound in
this product and how we put the alarm to activate the alarm in our product

Our product is helpful to us and no harmful effect to us we want to help people

to prevent robbery in crowd of many people around us and our product will allow
you to enhance your instinct around of many people around you and to make life
easy and protected because of this product the robbery case will decrease and to
make people alert all the times out side.

This product is no age target and no gender required because our

product is open to everyone who want to use it and anyone can do it just follow
the step by step to make our product. and this product is so very important to us to
guide us to better future and make a new world without bad peole

Gian pizarro

Accessorized bag

March 14, 2019

items needed by following

 Bag
 Yarn
 Alarm
 Ring
 Needle and tred
 Key
 Scissors

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