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Mercy Jovanna Cubillos Gómez ID 282453

Corporación Universitaria Uniminuto de Dios-UNIMINUTO

Contaduría Pública
English III RC 5539

The reading comprehension strategy is to carefully check what you have read. Reading through
and not asking yourself if you have understood anything will not get you far.

1. Strategy 1: Predict the content (predicting). Before reading, it is useful to predict what the
content of the text is about from the title and, if there are any, the illustrations. We probably
know something about the topic and that will help us to understand the information better.

2. Strategy 2: Do a quick reading (skimming). This strategy is to read the text quickly to get a
general idea of its content, without paying attention to the details.

3. Strategy 3: Scan the text to find specific information (scanning). It consists in making a quick
reading of the text but, unlike skimming, the objective is to look for specific information. This
technique is useful to find answers in reading comprehension exercises. To scan correctly we
must start at the top of the text and quickly go line by line.

4. Strategy 4: Ignore words that are not important

When we read a text we always find new words whose meaning we do not know. If we notice
that the word is not important, we can deduce its meaning or simply ignore it. It is not advisable
to use the dictionary all the time since that interrupts our reading and reduces its fluency. With
practice, we will see that it is often possible to capture the message despite not knowing every

5. Strategy 5: Use the context to guess the meaning of the word

If we find an important word that we do not understand, let's try to guess the meaning before
turning to the dictionary. In this case we must take into account the context in which the word is
used, and determine what kind of word is (verb, noun, preposition, adverb). With this in mind,
we will better understand the meaning of the dictionary.

6. Strategy 6: Understand the main ideas. When reading the text a second it is important to
identify the main ideas. In general, each paragraph contains a main idea.

7. Strategy 7: Read in detail. In a second or third reading, it is important to focus on the

secondary ideas the details that support the main ideas.

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