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BOTH: Ladies and Gentlemen, the Grand March

M: Starting with the COLOR

S: Villaflores College Administration, Faculty and Staff

M: Coming in are the Junior and Senior high school students with their corresponding cluster

S: Cluster of LOVE M: Cluster of PEACE

M: Cluster of HOPE S: Cluster of HUMANITY
S: Cluster of FAITH M: Cluster of PROGRESS
M: Cluster of UNITY S: Cluster of PURITY
S: Cluster of WISDOM M: Cluster of CHARITY

BOTH: Good afternoon Villaflores College!

M: Good afternoon Sharmine!

S: Good Afternoon Marcuz!

M: You look so gorgeous this afternoon.

S: Well, Thank you Marcuz. You also look handsome this afternoon.

M: Well, by the looks of it, I think we’re not only the one who are prepared for this afternoon’s occasion.
Look at our fellow students, the ladies look so ravishing in their long dresses and gowns and the
gentlemen look stunning in their tuxedos.

S: I agree! Despite the uniforms that we wear every day, we can still look more well-groomed in our long
gowns and tuxedos.

M: Now, to formally start our program, I would like to call on Ms. Samantha Claire Tañedo, a Grade 9
student for the opening prayer and please do remain standing for the singing of the Philippine National
Anthem followed by the Villaflores College Hymn.

S: (Please be seated) Every moment in our lives is a miracle. We should enjoy instead of ignoring it.

M: And this afternoon, we will create again another miracle in our high school life.

S: At this juncture, may I call on Mr. Kalvin Dominguez, a Grade 12 student for his words of welcome.

M: Thank you so much Mr. Dominguez for your warm words of welcome.

S: The corsage is a remembrance of an occasion. It is designed not only to match outfit, but also to match
the personality of the wearer. Giving a corsage tells the recipient that he/she is important. So, at this
point, we will proceed to the Ceremonial Exchange of Corsage.

M: Starting with the Cluster of LOVE

(Read the list) (Alternate when reading)
S: In the long years of staying in the four portals of Villaflores College, the Seniors have learned a lot of
lessons from their experiences and it is now their time to turn over their responsibilities to the Juniors.
So, at this moment, let me call on Ms. Jastine Mae Rasonable a Senior High School student to turn over
the Mantle of Leadership to Ms. Sarah Mae Lagos, a Junior High School student.

M: Knowledge is like a garden; if it is not cultivated, it can’t be harvested. That being said, the Seniors
have reaped what they have sown and it is the Juniors to the same.
To hand over the Book of Knowledge, may I call on Ms. Eunice Mengullo, a Senior High School student.
And to accept the Book of Knowledge, let me call on Ms. Anif Khosan Sido, a Junior High School

S: The willingness to accept responsibility for one’s own life is the source from which self-respect springs.
To relinquish the Key of Responsibility, let me call on Ms. Kimberly Ann Solitana, a Senior High School
student and to accept the Key of Responsibility, may I call on Mr. John Anthony De Veyra, a Junior
High School student.

M: In every gathering, a dance gives life to it. So without further ado, let’s welcome our Cotillion dancers
to showcase the life of tonight’s special occasion.

S: Thank you so much for that exceptional performance. Each of you has enlivened the moods of not only
the audience but also the next performers.

M: You’re absolutely right Sharmine. And having said that, the rest of the clusters will also spice-up the
dance floor.

S: Starting with the cluster of HOPE M: Cluster of HUMANITY

M: Cluster of FAITH S: Cluster of PROGRESS

S: Cluster of UNITY M: Cluster of PURITY

M: Cluster of WISDOM S: and Cluster of CHARITY

S: Cluster of PEACE

S: Undoubtedly, everybody has experienced that romantic excitement of dancing with someone.

M: Candles signify a lot of different things. For some people, they symbolize hope and guidance. For
others, they represent life, wisdom and leadership. Despite the different things candles represent, we can
all agree that candles can teach you life lessons you shouldn’t take lightly.
May I request the operator to turn off the lights as we start our Candle Lighting Ceremony.

S: After enjoying the solemn ceremony, this is the part where we fill our famished stomach with the
nourishing food that we are about to partake. And to give thanks to the food that we are about to eat, let
me call on Mr. Percival Tolomia.

(As we enjoy our dinner we will be serenaded by: _______________________________________________)

S: At this juncture, we will be announcing tonight’s Prom King and Queen and Stars of the Night. To
give the awards, may I request Mrs. Nora V. Pilas to please come forward.
M: Are you ready?

S: First, we will be announcing, the Prom King and Queen 2019.

M: So our Prom King 2019 is ___________________________________

S: The Prom Queen 2019 is _____________________________________

M: Congratulations to the both of you

S: Next will be the announcing the winners for the Stars of the Night 2019.

M: So our Star of the Night 2019 (Gentleman) is _______________________________________

S: Our Star of the Night 2019 (Lady) ___________________________________________

S: Congratulations to our winners. Now let’s give time to our winners to dance with each other.

M: To end this indelible occasion, let us welcome Mr. Brandon Blade Caburatan, a Grade 10 student for
his closing remarks.

S: Thank you so much Mr. Caburatan. Well, I think that’s it for us this evening. This has been your host
Ms. Sharmine Radan

M: and I am Mr. Marcuz Iñigo Cuevas saying

BOTH: Let’s capture and enjoy every magical moment tonight.

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