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One, no one and a hundred thousand

Author: Luigi Pirandello

- an interpretative commentary and comparative analysis in relation with informal
organizational theories and interpersonal group dynamics concepts –

“This is the house where I was borne; in a particular year, month and day. Topographically
speaking, the length, width, and number of windows are the same for everyone; and the same
the year, the month and the day in which I was borne […] does result from this that all of you
make the same impressions and ideas about me and my house? You, who live in a cottage,
find my house a palace; you, the one with awful taste, you will find it vulgar and indecent
[…] each of you will judge it according to your reality (Pirandello, 1926).
I chose this passage belonging to Luigi Pirandello’s book, “One, no one and a hundred
thousand” to start with considering it a linkage between the above stated work and the present
paper. Thereby, the multiple meanings and faces that can be attributed to each person or
object, isn’t only the idea after which the book was built on, but the current paper represents
my personal view, the way I understood the author’s message, and the subject of the book,
after processing it according to my experiences and reality.
Therefore, this paper explores the ideas communicated by Luigi Pirandello in his book, in
correlation with some concepts belonging to the organizational theories field: informal
interactions and relations and interpersonal group dynamics, as well as some theories used in
order to motivate people, theories related to the common human needs. In this way, the paper
will analyze the concepts listed before, at various levels, the paper covering the following
overall structure: a theoretical analysis of the chosen theories, and a comparative analysis of
the theories in relation to the story of the novel.
Before starting our analysis, it is important to get a sense of Luigi Pirandello’s work and to
justify why I have chosen this book. After reading a brief summary of the book, the idea of
the novel, the controversial discovery made by the main character of the book, sparked my
interest and let me further reflect at that belief, that I have to recognize, come into my mind a
few times previously, before reading the novel. In consequence, I think that Luigi Pirandello
offers in his book an intense and interesting subject that reflects my interest regarding how an
individual’s behavior is influenced by the people around him, how the social, the ego and the
self-fulfillment needs influence someone’s behavior and about what involves the human need
to socialize.
Chester Barnard, one of the theorists of whose works and ideas are considered to be of great
value in the progress of the organizational field, analyzed in a more exhaustive and specific
ways the same issues that we meet in Luigi Pirandello’s novel. In his work integrated by other
theorists in the human relations movement, he perceived organizations as systems of
cooperation of human activity, he analyzed the importance of groups, communication and of
association among individuals, he studied how interpersonal relations come to be formed and
how these interactions affect both individuals and the effectiveness of an organization.
Before moving to the theoretical level of the current paper, I want to emphasize once more the
importance of these concepts that can be observed both in Luigi Pirandello’s novel, as in the
Chester Barnard’s works, concepts that are too often ignored or treated as unimportant
precisely because they are considered of common sense as they deal with issues related to
human nature. Nevertheless, in today’s world, where technology and physical science have
become fundamental, I think we have to learn how to properly utilize the social sciences
theories, discover after all how to interact with the one around us, and understand what human
spirit and human nature means, in order to live in harmony with us and those around us,
because after all, either in organizations or everywhere in our life, the greatest joys and
sorrows come from the relations with other people.
At this point, I will continue with a theoretical analysis of Chester Barnard’s theories
regarding the human resource frame, more precisely on one of the basic human kind
characteristic – the need to socialize: “It is a matter of general observation and experience that
persons are frequently in contact and interaction with each other” (Barnard, 1938). Starting
from this idea, further in his paper named “Informal organizations and their relation to formal
organizations” he speaks about the first consequence of these interactions, that lead to
informal organizations. They are defined as “The aggregate of the personal contacts and
interactions and the associated groupings of people” (Barnard, 1938).
Based on the human need to socialize, these kinds of informal organizations are found
everywhere: in the community, in the state, in organizations. Therefore, after they become
known under a common concept – informal organizations, the individuals behavior that form
them was closely observed, and so appeared some specific patterns that define this kind of
groups. We can resume the most important of their characteristics as they appear in Barnard’s
paper (Barnard, 1938) as it follows:

 they involve two or more people;

 they involve informal type of interactions and relations;
 they involve the human need to socialize;
 they appear and are repeated without any joint purpose;
 they include both friendly and hostile relationships and interactions;
 such contacts and interactions change the experience, knowledge and emotions
of the individuals affected;
 they are indefinite, structureless, and have no definite subdivision;

If we analyze the definition given by Barnard to the concept of informal groups, and the
characteristics stated above, we can determine a series of consequences generated by these
interactions. We will focus on our paper on two of the most important of them. The first one
brings out the immediate effect that appears as a result to the repeated interactions and
contacts inside a group of people: the one that states that after a while, in a group are
established certain attitudes, understandings, customs, and habits. A second effect, and maybe
the one with the most significant weight to the organizational field, is linked to the first one
and states that the conditions mentioned above represent the proper conditions under which
formal organizations may arise. As Bernard stated in his book, “Informal association is rather
a condition which necessarily precedes formal organization. The possibility of accepting a
formal purpose, of communicating and of attaining a state of mind under which there is
willingness to cooperate, requires prior contact and preliminary interaction” (Bernard, 1938).
So, summarizing the process described above, as a result of repeated contacts and
interactions, people may have similar needs and interests, and so result families, social clubs,
organizations, known under the concept of formal organizations. As it appears in the Business
Dictionary, “a formal organization is a system of consciously coordinated activities or forces,
of two or more persons”. (Business Dictionary)
The most valuable contributions of Bernard’s works are due to the fact that he studied
informal organizations as an indispensable part of formal organizations: “what is asserted is
that there cannot be one without the other. If one fails, the other disintegrates”. (Bernard,
The interdependence between the informal and the formal organizations has been studied in
psychological and social terms, and after observing and analyzing some concrete situations, it
has been proved that in case of associations that weren’t ready in terms of informal
interactions, the individuals were placed in a sort of “social vacuum, producing a feeling and
behavior of being lost”. In situations in which this feeling is shared by a large number of
people, there is a high probability that they could do any sort of mad things (Bernard, 1938).
Conditioned by the informal organizations at all levels, the entire effectiveness of the formal
depends from the essential need of individuals to associate. A suitable example for this
statement would be the behavior of soldiers that expose themselves to dangerous situations,
not only because of patriotism, but also in a spirit of comradeship.
A series of functions of informal interactions inside formal organizations, designed to avoid
social disintegration have been settled. As appear in the Informal Organizations and Their
Relation to Formal Organizations paper (Barnard, 1938), the most important are:

 communication;
 maintenance of cohesiveness through regulating the willingness to serve and the
stability of objective authority;
 the maintenance of the feeling of personal integrity, self-respect, and independent

As we have seen, the social need to interact, and the necessity to maintain a social sense of
integration, represents a basic human need, which attracted not only the attention and interest
of theorists, but also the one of literature writers. Luigi Pirandello is one of those, and in his
novel called One, no one and a hundred thousand, reflecting at a deep idea that characterizes
our existence, the way in which we perceive ourselves and how is this affected by the way
others see us, he come off with a different version, an artistic one of presenting the concepts
that Barnard stated in his works. In this way, the novel stated above builds up its idea on how
important human interactions are and how they affect us, by describing the struggle of the
main character – Moscarda, Genge to his wife, that realizes that far from being unique, he has
no single identity, because everyone he knows sees him into a different light, and in this way
he possesses multiple identities in the eyes of others. In fact, Moscarda himself no longer
recognizes, the novel presenting into a very absorbing manner the identity crisis through
which our character is passing through. In the following part of the current paper I will
comment the novel’s central conflict in connection with the theory stated in the first part,
paying attention to the similar aspects that can be found in both books.
As a fist and most important similarity between the chosen papers we will discuss about the
concept of informal and formal organizations and where can they be found in our novel. As
we have said, as a consequence of the permanent contact and interaction between people, first
result informal groups, which, on the basis of some common goals, further become formal
organizations. Following the same idea, in our novel we can identify several already formal
organizations. I will concentrate my arguments referring to two of them: the first one is
represented by Moscarda’s family (composed by he and his wife), and the second one,
consists of he and two of his friends and employees in the same time, as they were named to
drive Moscarda’s business, the bank he had inherited from his father. So, as in Barnard’s
theory, we deal here with “aggregates of personal contacts and interactions and with
associated groupings of people”.
As a second step in my argumentation and comparative analysis, I will examine if the
common characteristics of informal organizations stated by Bernard can be found in the
informal groups found in the novel, and then I will discuss a few of them, with the most
relevance to the novel’s plot. Therefore, both relation with his wife and interaction with his
friends involve two or more people, involve informal type of interactions and relations,
involve the human need to socialize, include both friendly and hostile relationships and
interactions, and they change the experience, knowledge and emotions of the individuals
I will further analyze the last two of the characteristics in relation to the story of the novel.
Both friendly relations at the beginning, the interactions became hostile from the moment that
his wife is asking Moscarda, while he was looking in the mirror, if he looks to see to which
one of the sides is his nose directed. At that moment he realizes that his wife is right, and that
he had never thought at that before: “Therefore, this sudden and unexpected discovery
irritated me; as an undeserved punishment does”.(Pirandello, 1926) On this basis, he realized
that his wife has created a version of Moscarda that she loves, and that has nothing to do with
him. The idea that others see him differently starts torture him, and on this basis he begins to
do all kind of experiments in order to find the real “he”. From that moment, the relation with
his friends and employees, of whom he was satisfied until then, becomes tensioned as well.
All this interactions and experiences start to affect his emotions: “Here begun my decline;
decline that would lead me in time at some miserable and desperate both material and spiritual
conditions. I would for certainly have died or gone mad if I hadn’t found the remedy that
would heal me even in the things that affected me”. (Pirandello, 1926) The character starts to
do all sort of crazy things trying to demonstrate the others that he is not what they think he is.
So he begins to argue with his wife, with those working at the bank, he even donates one of
his properties to a stranger, he wants to close his bank even if it’s the only income source, and
all of this because of a personality crisis caused by the people around him.
Thirdly, I will focus on the correlation between the informal and the formal organizations. As
Barnard said, “informal organizations constitute the proper conditions under which formal
organizations may arise”, and “there cannot be one without the other. If one fails, the other
disintegrates”. (Barnard, 1938)
These principles are valid on our novel’s plot too. Both Moscarda’s marriage and the bank
which are formal types of groups were constituted after preliminary interaction, by which we
understand informal interactions, and under some common goals and willingness for future
cooperation. The second one is also checked: as the relations inside the informal groups
became tensioned, Moscarda got what we mentioned in the first part of the paper, the feeling
and the behavior of being lost, due to his personality crisis, and so the social disintegration
inside the formal groups appeared: his wife leaves him, and his friends, as the rest of his
employers and neighbors believe him crazy and try to prove this, in order to save the bank
from closure.
As fourth and final idea in the present comparative analysis, I will focus on two of the
functions of informal interactions inside formal organizations, designed to avoid social
disintegration and I will try to see at what point our characters went wrong and reached social
The first function to be analyzed is communication. In my point of view this was the principal
cause of the entire courses of actions. If Moscarda wouldn’t have close in himself, but rather
he would have spoken out his mind, maybe things would have end better. But instead, he
begin to attack the rest by indicate their weaknesses and isolating himself, isolating not only
from the one around him, but from his own personality: “Since that day, all I wanted was to
be alone (…) This is the way in which I wanted to be alone: without the others, and without
me. I mean, without the one that I already knew, or thought I knew. Only with a stranger that I
was already feeling inside me and that cannot be removed, separated by me”. (Pirandello,
The second function refers to the maintenance of the feeling of personal integrity, self-respect,
and independent choice. This principle seems to be legitimate too, because along with the
identity lost, our character lost his self-respect and personal integrity. Therefore, as these two
main functions that are designed to maintain the social cohesiveness weren’t respected, the
disintegration was impossible to avoid.
Another set of theories that we are going to explore within the current paper, in correlation to
Luigi Pirandello’s book, are related to interpersonal and group dynamics. They ideas on
which they are build is pretty much related to the one stated by Bernard. They focus on how
relations between individuals affect human satisfaction and personal needs, as well as
organizational effectiveness. As the theories stated in the first part of our paper, these one also
investigate relationships from an informal and formal perspective, but what is new to these
one is the fact that they explore ways of understanding the importance of individual
differences in style.
The first concepts related to these theories that I want to discuss are the Espoused theories,
and the Theories-in-use. They make the difference on how people perceive themselves and
think they are, but how they really are in the real life, emphasizing those inaccuracies in
people’s behavior when they typically see themselves in a specific way (espoused theories),
without realizing that their manner of acting is totally or partially different (theories-in-use).
Further, I would like to analyze two customized models, each of them representing a set of
steps which are usually used by individuals in their attempt to influence others. These models
refer to cases of conflict between individuals.
As it appears in the paper named Reframing organizations, the pattern offered by Model no 1

 Assume that the problem is caused by the other person;

 Develop a private, unilateral diagnosis and solution;
 Since the other person is the cause of the problem, get that person to change;
 If the other person resists or becomes defensive, it confirms that the other person
caused the problem;
 Respond to resistance through some combination of intensifying pressure and
rejecting the other person;
 If your efforts are unsuccessful or less successful than hoped, it is the others person’s

In contrast to Model 1, Model no 2 proposes a totally different way of dealing the problem:

 Emphasize common goals and mutual influence;

 Communicate openly, and publicly test assumptions and beliefs;
 Combine advocacy and inquiry;

Even though we all can deduce which one of the two models offers a greater effectiveness,
applying the steps proposed by the second model aren’t as simple as we thing. A possible
explanation would be that these solutions require a higher level of openness, openness that
includes risks, a high level of confidence and put anyone in uncomfortable and frightening
situations, while it is much easy to recur to self-protection and so, to the steps found in model
no 1.
It is very interesting to confront the behavior of Moscarda- the main character of the novel
One, no one and a hundred thousand to the principles stated in the above presented theories
and models, in order to see if his behavior fits a specific pattern and if his tragic fate can be
blamed on the inappropriate decisions he took.
First I will analyze the Espouse theory and the Theories-in-use, related to the character’s
behavior. Here we confront ourselves with a discrepancy as the interior conflict of our
character exceeds the theory’s limits and solutions. Even though until some point the theories
overlap the character’s concerns, at some point, his thoughts go beyond, as the way in which
other see him doesn’t count only on the way he acts, but according also to their precedent
experiences and way of perceiving reality – “How can you be so calm when the others can
judge you as they like, I mean unfair, while you are safe and secure because you haven’t done
anything wrong? If others exist, what gives you this safety? ”. (Pirandello, 1926) Therefore,
these theories relate the novel’s plot only partially, the entire philosophical idea proposed by
the other being too wide and complicated to overlap the theories.
Further I will address to the subject relating to the two models described above, by analyzing
if the character’s behavior can be included in one of the two models, and if it can, then on
which one. From the moment the problem appeared (Moscarda realized his wife sees him in a
different light), he considered that his wife was the problem, although he realized that she was
right regarding his nose: “Oh! What a surprise! Wives! Exist only to report men’s flaws.”
Then, instead of communicating openly, he developed a private, unilateral solution as he
wanted to demonstrate the others of how ignorant and blind they were. The next step from
model no 1 is also fits our character’s behavior, as he responds to the others resistance
through some combination of pressure and rejection. The specialists opinion regarding how
destructive model 1 can be confirmed in Moscarda’s faith too, as he ended lonely, into a
mental institution.
I will conclude in the same manner I started, with a quotation from the novel that I believe
that resumes the whole above analyze: “If at some point you realize that you aren’t for the
others the same that are for you, how would you react? Be honest. You won’t do nothing, or
maybe too little. You will be convinced that the others misunderstood you, didn’t get your
point, and that’s all. If some of you will be bothered, you will try to change their judgment by
giving explanations, making clarifications, or you will simply let it go. You will stop for a
second and say: This is it. I have my conscience and it’s enough for me” (Pirandello, 1926).
So, what do I understand by this and how did reading the book helped me better understand
the theories regarding the importance of people’s interactions in the daily life and in the
effectiveness of an organization? I think that by having a concrete example, in our case
Moscarda’s experiences and the obstacles he’s facing I could better realize how these
mechanisms function and what proportions and effects can have. I consider Moscarda’s ideas
as some valid and interesting concepts to further think at and reflect at, and as a general
conclusion I think that we cannot avoid to be misunderstood be the one around us, and neither
having conflicts with others, but we have to learn who to deal with them, how to properly act
in order to take the most of our interactions, because at the end, socializing it’s a human basic
need, and isolating ourselves it’s not a solution.


1. Luigi Pirandello, One, no one and a hundred thousand, 1926, Marsilio Pub.
2. Chester I. Barbard, The functions of the executive, 1938
3. Business dictionary

Student: Anca Iosub

Specialization: NGO’s Management

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