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The Secret To

Bedroom Control On-Demand

The Definitive Guide

Stop Rapid Ejaculation
Welcome to this report which will inform you about the realities of
rapid ejaculation. As you read it, you will know the content to be true
from your own experience.

If you can't last long, and if you can't keep hard, you know that your
other techniques are just strategies to compensate to hide your
embarrassment...... And your partner knows it, even if she loves you

Have you tried squeezing, stopping-and-starting, delay-sprays and

complicated exercises that didn't work and left you feeling

In this report you’ll learn the secrets about PE. They say it's all
mental in 90% of cases. But you know it’s not just in your mind... So
set aside 10 minutes and read on… in these pages are
recommendations that will work for you

© Man2go 2007 1


What are we talking about… you’re not embarrassed


Premature ejaculation (PE) is very common and affects 20-30% of

men or more. So you are not alone, even though there is conspiracy
of silence about this condition. There are very few men who wish to
talk about this problem with their friends or their partners.

Researchers report that men who suffer from premature ejaculation

(PE) lasted an average of 1-2 minutes, compared to 5-10 minutes (or
longer) in men who did not. However, the average woman needs
from 5 to 15 minutes vaginal stimulation to orgasm, even if she is in
the right mental state. Men with PE and their female partners also
had higher ratings for personal unhappiness, difficulty with their
partner, lack of ejaculation control, and dissatisfaction with sexual

Premature ejaculation is not often discussed with their doctor or

friends, but even if you have done this, PE is not very well
understood by doctors and their treatments are rarely effective. But
premature ejaculation is a serious problem which can ruin a
relationship, or at the very least cause feelings of embarrassment
frustration and guilt. Long-term disappointment impacts
relationships on the physical and emotional level.

Another problem with premature ejaculation is that the quality or

intensity of your orgasm depends to a large degree on prolonging the
sensations prior to orgasm. So many premature ejaculators have
weaker and less satisfying orgasms than those without this condition.

The simple fact of the matter is that if you cannot get a hard erection,
and if you cannot last more than a few minutes before ejaculating,
then all of your strategies in the bedroom and all of your attention is
tied up with trying to last longer. Your attention goes off your sexual
state. Your attention goes off your partner’s state. And even if you

© Man2go 2007 2

do manage to last a little bit longer, which is doubtful because of the
fear and embarrassment, the sex will not be so good.

While penis size is not unimportant (although much of this

importance is psychological rather than physiological - but that's a
different story), it is not nearly as important as being hard and being
able to last for a reasonable time before ejaculation. Having staying
power and the ability to be lead also gives men the confidence to be
dominant, an important psychological element for most women to
get turned on in the bedroom.

Men who come too quickly often try to compensate by being very
good at oral sex, or having a lot of foreplay, etc. These are useful
weapons in your arsenal, and your partner may appreciate them very
much but, if you regularly come quickly, both of you know that these
are compensating for your inability to give her a good vaginal orgasm
through penetration and thrusting.

In addition, one of the secrets of being good in the bedroom is

having the ability to do different things and to allow you and your
partner to focus on being very sexual and in the moment, rather than
too much strategy. The inability to last for some time before coming
or to maintain a strong erection does not allow you to do what you
need to do at any time, in the heat of the moment.

In fact, impotence or erectile difficulties (that is finding it hard to get

and maintain a strong erection) are often correlated with premature
ejaculation. Trying to maintain an erection usually results in
premature ejaculation because you are squeezing muscles that
trigger ejaculation. Or correspondingly, the embarrassment of not
being able to get or maintain an erection, will lead to the
physiological response of premature ejaculation.

Well now you can relax in the knowledge that you have a solution!

© Man2go 2007 3


The outdated understanding about coming fast

Why do some men have premature ejaculation (about 25%-30%?),

some men do not, and other men even have retarded ejaculation?

Behavioral interventions have dominated treatment of PE because

most researchers have viewed the condition as having a
psychological basis. That means that they say it not a natural
behaviour but it has been learned through embarrassment, fear, or
trained from habits of masturbation etc. In other words, you’re told
it’s in your head because you have wrong training or wrong beliefs

But probably you feel that this is not entirely true. We know that
there is a range of physiological parameters in every aspect
of life. Some people are short and some are tall. Some have high IQ
and some do not. Some are aggressive and some are gentle. Some
man have long penises and some shorter. Similarly, some come
quickly and some do not.

A Range of Normal Ejaculation Times (Representative Only)

In every physical aspect, there is a normal range of responses. So it

is not hard to see why 30% of men come moderately fast. And it
need not be due to a 'mental' cause.

In fact, 10% will come quite fast..

The diagram below is only a representation of probable time

distributions to ejaculation because, surprisingly, there is little
controlled data on average ejaculation times, and it varies between
different populations, at different ages etc.

© Man2go 2007 4

Based on mean ejaculation time of 5 minutes after insertion, and SD 2 minutes, about
10% of men would ejaculate in less than 2 and 3% in less than 1 minute. The real
figure may well be higher, as this distribution is only representative.

There’s growing evidence that PE is more fundamentally biological,

and possibly even partly hereditary (i.e. you are born with it). That
means there is a physiological reason. There may be an additional
psychological reason, for example, the person "learnt" to come
quickly for some reason. But even in this case, the physiology is
altered by the habit, and we can use a physiological approach to
solve PE.

The understanding about PE which prescribed ‘retraining’ the

ejaculation response (behavioral interventions) does not lead to
success with all individuals, and those who rely on this approach for
treatment find that it is time intensive.

Additionally, some of these techniques (even the simple and rather

ineffective squeeze technique) require the partner’s assistance or at
least acceptance, and this will reduce the emotional impact of sex.

© Man2go 2007 5

In summary: premature ejaculation is a physiological
condition due to differences in the way the nervous system
operates. It must be, because it is an expression of a
physiological response (that is, coming to soon).

In fact, some experts prefer the term rapid ejaculation since it better
explains your normal physiological ‘set-point’ in the range of very fast
to very slow ejaculators.

Further evidence for this is that older men tend to have less of a
problem with premature ejaculation and younger men: they have less
testosterone (testosterone enhances penile sensitivity), reduced
testosterone and other receptor function, and there are other
changes in their physiology. Another example is that men who have
sex frequently and regularly tend to have less of a problem with
premature ejaculation than those who do not. This is also due to
changes in the physiology created by frequent sex.

Nevertheless although premature ejaculation is physiological, it will

also have a psychological correlate. For example, if you are afraid,
nervous or ashamed, this will cause a physiological response which
might result in early ejaculation.

But even then, we usually find it is easier to change behaviour than


© Man2go 2007 6


“Solutions” that are less than satisfactory

The fact that you are reading this document almost certainly means
that you have seen other advice about preventing premature
ejaculation. You may well have tried some other programs, or tried
some special techniques or herbal pills. And probably, these were
not particularly successful. And possibly quite expensive. You are
welcome to try anything that works for you.

We can choose to change a psycho-physical (mental and physical)

condition either using the body or the mind. But the most effective
approach to removing your PE is to change your physiology (for
example by modifying neurotransmitters etc) so that the
physiological response of early ejaculation does not occur

Let's take an example. Suppose somebody does not approach women

because he is afraid of rejection, or doesn't know what to say, or
lacks confidence or for any other reason. Clearly, this behaviour will
result in fewer interactions with women, and therefore almost
certainly fewer sexual interactions.

Now we could say that all he needs to do is, for example, to gain
more confidence and then his body language, his actions etc will
change, and he will make more approaches and be more successful.
Alternatively, we could change his actions directly (for example give
step by step instructions) or change his physiological response so
that he did feel any fear of failure. At every level state of success,
his confidence would increase.

This second type of approach is more successful in PE, because of

the deep rooted self concept that we all have about being sexual
man. There is so much psychological baggage connected with PE
that it is very difficult for you to change it psychological approach
only. Our premise is that competence develops confidence… this is a
much more effective approach.

© Man2go 2007 7

It is in the same way that for most men with erectile difficulty, a
psychological approach is unlikely to be effective. A physiological
approach using the erection drug Sildenafil (Viagra) to keep penile
blood vessels enlarged is much more effective.

It is true that perhaps you should also deal with the underlying issue,
if possible. But the medication can give you the confidence and the
time (breathing space) to do that. Fortunately, if you have rapid
ejaculation erectile difficulty is much more likely to be correlated with
a health problem than is premature ejaculation which may just be a
result of the ‘set’ point of that individual’s body and nervous system.

Nevertheless, for some people, "retraining" programs work. And

that’s good because they are safe. But you need an intense
commitment, and probably an ongoing supportive relationship. Many
men are not in this situation and find it almost impossible to use such
programs effectively (it’s hard to have one night stands if you are a
premature ejaculator). Additionally, some kinds of behaviour
modification in the bedroom are rather obvious and therefore can
even cause more embarrassment about situation.

© Man2go 2007 8


Some other “solutions”?

A common recommendation is to do Kegel muscles exercises (do a

Google search to find out more about these), and this works for
some men, but usually not those with a long history of PE. In fact,
doing Kegel Exercises can cause premature ejaculation for some men
since contraction of the prostate muscle triggers the prostate's
sympathetic nerve to induce an ejaculation. Different men seem to
have different experiences from practicing these exercises with
respect to delaying ejaculation. So it might be worth a try… over
several weeks. In any case, Kegel exercises will increase the rigidity
of the erection and probably the sensation of orgasm.

De-sensitizing creams and sprays are widely marketed to solve

premature ejaculation. But these applications are hard to use
because it is almost impossible to use the dose that controls sexual
sensation without numbing the penis and perhaps even preventing
an erection. They might also transfer to your partner, desensitizing
her and reducing her ability to orgasm. You need to get the timing
exactly right too. I have not had success with these.

Some men find that drinking alcohol before sex will increase
ejaculatory time. However, drinking is not a reliable method since
sometimes it works and sometimes not, it also has other
consequences, and will reduce the full enjoyment of the sexual
experience, probably for both parties. Also, drinking impairs
judgement (and you will need that to be really good with women),
many women find the smell distasteful, and if you drink too much
you may not be able to perform at all!

A few men have noted that Sildenafil Citrate (Viagra) or other PDE-5
inhibitors provide them with longer staying power as well as an
enhanced erection. This may be because nitric oxide also inhibits
seminal emission. However, the effect is variable and not usually very
noteworthy for those with a significant PE problem.

© Man2go 2007 9


The new understanding of PE

Your response during sex depends mostly on the neurochemistry of

your brain and your sexual organs. The arousal process which
triggers the erection and ejaculation depends upon the interplay
between the autonomic and sympathetic nervous system
mechanisms, and the corresponding neurotransmitters in the sexual
organs which, for example, produce dilation of the blood vessels to
cause an erection.

Hypersensitivity of the ejaculation reflex and of the nerves on the

penis depends on levels and combinations of neurotransmitters like
adrenalin and serotonin. These can be a function of genetics, learned
behaviour, hormone levels and external factors such as inflammation
or allergy.

There are two main parts of your nervous system: sympathetic and
parasympathetic. During arousal, messages from the brain (mental
stimulation), or nerves from the penis, particularly the head or glans,
(physical stimulation) result in messages from your parasympathetic
nerves which cause blood vessels in your penis to expand and fill
with blood, resulting in erection. As sexual intercourse takes place,
continued mental and particularly physical nerve messages cause this
parasympathetic stimulation to continue until orgasm.

The ejaculation of semen is however a function of the sympathetic

nervous system that involves contraction of the organs and muscles
in your genital tract. After this sympathetic response resulting in
completion of the sexual act, the parasympathetic stimulation of
erection and erection is reversed and your penis shrinks to its flaccid
state. A hormone prolactin is secreted which reduces the ability to
orgasm for some time (the refractory period).

If your nervous system is more balanced in favour of the sympathetic

than parasympathetic response (fear and stress excite the

© Man2go 2007 10

sympathetic nervous system) then you will likely ejaculate rather
quickly and vice versa.

Insufficient concentration of the neurotransmitter serotonin is now

thought to be a primary physical cause of PE. This was first
discovered after men who take prescription selective serotonin re-
uptake inhibitors SSRIs such as Prozac, Paxil and Zoloft for anxiety
(these drugs increase serotonin) noted that their medication
commonly delayed or even prevented ejaculation.

But the high levels of serotonin and reduced levels of another

neurotransmitter dopamine (due to the need to take these drugs for
some time before they work effectively) also reduced sexual arousal
and desire, and in some cases the ability to get an erection. Most
men on these prescription drugs have low libido and difficulty with
getting an erection (drug induced impotence). So these SSRIs are not
particularly useful, particularly since they need to be taken every day
and the side-effects can last a long time after you stop taking them.

There are other neurotransmitters involved besides serotonin, but

even in cases where there are problems with balance in these
transmitters (for example, those man with high allergic reactions or
chronic inflammation have high histamine levels which induces quick
orgasm), using the solution recommended in this document will
produce the desired effect. So even in those cases, increasing
serotonin will have beneficial effects on delaying ejaculation.

Of course, in the same way (although it is not your problem) those

men who cannot easily reach orgasm (the opposite condition to PE)
may take histidine (an amino acid which boosts histamine levels) to
help induce more rapid orgasm. (Women may also find that this
works to induce easier orgasm).

Some prescription antihistamines and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory

drugs (NSAIDS) have an anti-ejaculatory effect if you have a
condition of inflammation or allergy that triggers rapid ejaculation
due to increased sensitivity. But it is generally not recommended to
use these drugs for any recreational purpose since they do have side

© Man2go 2007 11

effects on health. And they generally need to be taken long term to
have significant effect.

Of course, since the proper balance of neurotransmitters is necessary

for proper sexual functioning, proper diet sleep and exercise are
necessary adjuncts to any other programme of change.

© Man2go 2007 12


Dapoxetine: A new and reliable alternative

In fact, a very good approach to treating premature ejaculation is a

two-step process.

First, you could use a tablet of a new drug called Dapoxetine one to
two hours before sex to alter the physiology to lengthen the time
from excitement to ejaculation.

Second, you can use the ‘breathing space’ created by this ejaculation
control, to learn to be a master in the bedroom: a man who can lead
women, respond to women, and who confidently knows what to do
and has the staying power and strong erection. More about that in
another report.

After regaining confidence in the bedroom, the need for manipulating

the physiology through drugs is reduced for most men through lower
doses or occasional use. So you are not necessarily required to take
this medication regularly or long term: it can be used on-demand.

Dapoxetine: the ‘blue’ pill to cure premature ejaculation?

Dapoxetine could be for men with PE what V***** is to men with

erection difficulties.

It is a new short acting serotonin booster which does not interfere

with the libido or erection, and can be taken on an as needed basis
of two hours before sexual activity, instead of every day. The short
half-life means you can take it on demand, rather than building up a
specific level in the body as is the case with traditional SSRIs. Also,
Dapoxetine, because of the short half-life, does not accumulate in the
body and cause other side effects such as loss of libido.

In research studies, men taking Dapoxetine for premature ejaculation

(PE) experienced improvements in sexual function, including

© Man2go 2007 13

ejaculatory control and satisfaction with sexual intercourse for men
and their partners. Prior to treatment, the men's average ejaculation
time was just under a minute. With treatment, the average time to
ejaculation was nearly 4 minutes in the men treated with 60 mg of
Dapoxetine. These men had extreme problems with rapid ejaculation
and you will likely last much longer than this using this medication.
Many men find that they can last 10-20 minutes quite easily with
Dapoxetine, while still enjoying the sensations of sex… and the
feeling of control that this gives.

Probably a lower dose will provide very good control for you for a
significantly longer time to ejaculation. There was some reported
nausea at the higher dose but the current but this reaction was
uncommon and research evidence suggests that Dapoxetine well
tolerated (at least as well as Silenafil – V*****) and you should
achieve improved ejaculatory control pretty much straight away, with
corresponding improvements in sexual desire and confidence.

You can take Dapoxetine as required (but not more than once per
day) and it does not lose its effectiveness. It does not reportedly
interact with food or alcohol, although drinking much will impair your
sexual response so is not recommended. No other drug interactions
associated with Dapoxetine have been reported. Sildenafil slightly
increased the effect of Dapoxetine whereas Dapoxetine does not
affect the functions of Sildenafil or the other popular ED drugs.

In summary, Dapoxetine should be taken about 1-2 hours prior to

planned intercourse, and the effects last for up to six hours. It is
effective and well tolerated, and increases ejaculation time about
three times for the average man, depending on dose.

With Dapoxetine, curing premature ejaculation, lasting longer and

increasing your level of performance during sexual intercourse is not
only possible but also very easy to accomplish. ON DEMAND!

© Man2go 2007 14


A time for action: Try it for yourself

Dapoxetine is finally available on a trial basis in a tablet - the same

60mg dose that was extensively used in research (see the Appendix
for sources). For most men a 30 mg dose (1/2 tablet) will give good
staying power. For those men with very serious premature
ejaculation, 60mg may be necessary, but this dose should be taken
only after experimenting with the lower one, and ensuring that there
is no underlying organic condition.

Since Dapoxetine does not have a significant drug interaction with

Sildenafil Citrate, both can be used together to give you a double
boost of confidence: Sildenafil will produce a hard long-lasting
erection, with very good ejaculation control. This is the formula to
be really a master of the bedroom for most slightly older men: 30 mg
of Dapoxetine along with 50 mg of Sildenafil Citrate will produce a
very nice response.

Get rid of your embarrassment for good. This solution works.

• Dapoxetine solves premature ejaculation on-demand so you can

last much longer.
• Sildenafil citrate - the most popular erection aid helps you stay
rock hard while you maintain control.

It’s time to regain your birthright and make sex last longer, much

PS: If you need more than 50mg of Sildenafil to stay hard, you should check that
your condition is not caused by something more serious such as a heart problem
or diabetes. In any case, this report recommends that you check with your
doctor before taking 100mg of Sildenafil Citrate.

© Man2go 2007 15


Dapoxetine Q & A

What is it?

Dapoxetine is a short acting serotonin uptake re-inhibitor (SSRI).

That means it prevents the breakdown of the neurotransmitter
serotonin... a chemical that carries signals in the body.. and boosts
levels of this chemical. Serotonin is responsible for many functions in
the body but generally causes relaxation... and it helps prevent
premature ejaculation. The form of Dapoxetine we sell is called
Dapoxetine Hydrochloride (Dapoxetine HCL), a salt of Dapoxetine.

How do I take it?

Dapoxetine HCL is very acidic. However, our stomach is also acidic

and Dapoxetine is well tolerated if taken properly. Dapoxetine HCL
can be taken with a very light meal and quickly washed down with a
half glass of water or juice. Dapoxetine should not be placed on the
tongue or chewed. It is not good to take it with a heavy meal or
immediately after a meal, even though food does not affect its
effectiveness, according to research. But some men have found that,
like Sildenafil, that Dapoxetine works better on an nearly empty
stomach, a while after a meal.

Is it safe?

If taken as directed, Dapoxetine is safe. You should only use

Dapoxetine on demand, about 2 hours before planned sexual activity.
It is not recommended to take it every day or to take more than 60
mg a day without seeking further advice.

What will I notice?

You may notice some slight relaxation. But many people do not
notice anything particular at the recommended dosages, until they

© Man2go 2007 16

engage in sex. Then you will notice increased staying power, often
significantly longer than normal.

© Man2go 2007 17


New possibilities

When you have sex with the certainty of knowing that you can
maintain a strong sexual state, a hard erection and last for a long
time, the result will surprise you. And your partner! You will, for the
first time, experience what it is like to be a sexual being and you will
have the opportunity to learn how to be a good lover. It will change
your life.

Don't be weighed down by the embarrassment of strategies and

evasions to hide your inability in the bedroom. Start immediately
with a booster of Dapoxetine (and possibly Sildenafil Citrate) so that
you have the ability to learn to be a good lover.

Some men have found that after using the above combination for
about one month, they are able to gradually reduce the dose and use
it only occasionally (for example, with a new partner).

Thank you and, regardless of whether you choose to use Dapoxetine

or not, it is good that you are seeking to live outside of your
limitations, and to be better in bed. That’s what education, self-
development and action are all about. We want to live the full value
of our life, including our sexual life.

After some time, if you would like to stay in touch with us, we’ll send
you updates of the very best products and programmes …… the
result of a long and expensive investigation into everything out there
about how to be a master in the bedroom… the guy that women
chase and brag about to their friends.

But before you do that, get the basics right: stay hard and last long.
Without that, other techniques are just compensation. With it, they
will help you rock your partner’s world?

© Man2go 2007 18


Tips for ending premature ejaculation

Take 30 mg of Dapoxetine HCL about 1 hour before planned

sexual activity. You could consider combining this with 50mg of
Sildenafil Citrate, especially if you have problems with erection
control. This will give you the freedom to focus on your partner and
your enjoyment, not on trying to control the process… and that will
increase the enjoyment for both of you.

Take breaks during sex where you change the pace and
introduce variety.
When we stop temporarily during sex, the decrease in sexual
pleasure and arousal is not as fast as the decrease in the ejaculatory
arousal mechanism. So taking some short breaks during sex may
well prolong the period before ejaculation. You can still be having fun
and arousing your partner.

Have sex more often

Frequent sex reduces premature ejaculation but it also reduces desire
in all but the very active. Having very frequent sex often tends to
reduce sexual state and desire. But it will most always reduce
premature ejaculation. Of course, this tip won’t usually work if you
don’t have a regular partner or are with a new partner unless you
masturbate… but then you’ll be reducing your sexual state.

Set up the condition for the woman to be highly aroused

before you start
With women, orgasm usually develops more slowly and requires a
build-up. So do lots of foreplay, sexual teasing, and build up her
desire before you even start getting ready to enter her.

In addition, once she becomes aroused, mix personalized dirty talk

and personalized emotional talk together… it doesn’t have to be
logical but it works well for most women to increase arousal because
orgasms are much more mental for women than for men.

© Man2go 2007 19

Use good sexual techniques during intercourse
The head or glans of your penis is the most sensitive so it is useful to
use positions that minimize the stimulation to this area so that your
body can begin to move back down the arousal scale.

But at the same time you want to maximize stimulation to the

woman. So slowly and deeply thrust into your partner, as far as she
can take. Then angle your body upwards so that your erect penis
rubs her clitoral area. Use heavy pressure and a slow deep rotational
movement. By grinding and rotating your pelvis and reducing the in-
and-out thrusting motion, together these actions reduce stimulation
to the head of your penis, increase your control while targeting her
clitoris and provide a high level of stimulation to her.

The area closest to the opening of the vagina is naturally designed to

give maximum stimulation to the head of a man’s penis. By staying
deep and rocking and grinding you keep the head of your penis
beyond this opening zone and allow the less-sensitive shaft of your
penis to rub that portion of her vagina, enabling you to last longer.

You will notice your arousal levels reducing so you have more control
and can start thrusting again should you so desire. Be aware of your
arousal and enjoy it, and alternate techniques as necessary. At the
same time, you will be providing the woman a continuous high level
of stimulation… bringing her closer to orgasm.

Get proper nutrition and sleep

The levels of key hormones and neurotransmitters are depleted by
stress and orgasm. You need to recharge your batteries with proper
sleep and food. If you are tired and stressed, or do not get the key
nutrients your body needs for proper sexual function, you are more
likely to have a weak erection, ejaculate too soon and have a weak

Get proper aerobic exercise and stay fit, as well as keeping

stress levels under control.

© Man2go 2007 20

Sex requires a healthy functioning body and good circulation for
maximum control and pleasure. This is self-evident that the
physiology won’t function properly without proper exercise, nutrition
and rest.

Get checked for prostate infections, general inflammatory

conditions and allergies.
All of these may contribute to PE.

If you are older, check your testosterone levels and also your
prostate gland for enlargement or infection.
For the older male, it is important to check testosterone levels (you
need to check free or bio-available testosterone: the frequently
checked total testosterone level will not tell you very much) if you are
sex drive is low. An inadequate level of free testosterone (or more
accurately the free testosterone to estrogen ratio) can also cause
both erectile difficulty and premature ejaculation. If you also have
erectile dysfunction you should visit to a physician so that any
underlying medical conditions, like diabetes or vascular disease (to
name just a few), can be uncovered or ruled out.

This report is provided for information only, and is not meant to substitute for
the advice of your own physician or other medical professional. If you have any
pre-existing or suspected medical condition, you should always check with your
physician before taking additional supplements.


Thank you for reading this report.

Now it’s over to you to turn your sex life around…..
For you (and your partner’s) fulfilment!

© Man2go 2007 21

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