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Traditional cuisine is known for bose corn became a staple food substitute for rice. According to
tradition Timorese citizens, corn bose only made from white corn. Actually there is no significant
difference between white or yellow corn. However, the white corn usually taste sweeter. As the
name implies, means maize corn bose in-bose-kan or softened. To remove the outer skin of the
corn, the corn will be pounded with a mortar. Then sieved to remove the peeling corn husks.

Once clean, bose corn cooked with red beans to be added flavors. Cooking process takes a long
time. However. more delicious if the corn is cooked using firewood. Finally, add a little salt and
coconut milk to add flavor corn bose.

Typical traditional cuisine served Timor is certainly not alone. Corn bose usually eaten with meat
Beef meat se'i, karmanaci, and lawar fish. Lawar fish made from fresh anchovies marinated with
vinegar for 10 minutes, which is then seasoned with onion, salt and lime juice.


 8 oz corn
 1000 ml water
 300 ml coconut milk from 1 coconut
 1 oz red beans
 4 oz gourd
 1 tsp salt


1. Red beans soak overnight.

2. Ingredients prepared, then boiled boiling water.
3. Put in red beans, boiled until tender.
4. Included sweet corn and pumpkins, cook until all ingredients are soft.
5. Pour the coconut milk and salt and cook until sauce is reduced and padded.
6. Lift and pour it in the bowl, and served.

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