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The Deming Prize is an annual award presented to an organization that has

implemented TQM suitable for its management philosophy, scope/type/ scale
of business, and management environment.
2. Regardless of the types of business, any organization can apply for the Prize
under certain conditions, be it public or private, large or small, domestic or
overseas, or part of or entire organization.
3. Dr. William Edwards Deming was born in Sioux City, Iowa, United States in
October 14, 1900.
4. Dr. Deming is the internationally-respected authority in the field of statistics,
especially the sampling theory as well as its practice and is one of the
founders of the statistical quality control in the U.S.
5. From 1950 and onward, Dr. Deming provided considerable contribution to
post-war Japan in order to develop and advance the statistical quality control
in the country. For his such efforts, he was awarded the Second Order of the
Sacred Treasure by the Japanese Government.
6. Dr. Deming passed away on December 20, 1993 at the age of 93.
COMMERCE, PROSPERITY & PEACE” – These are the words engraved on the
medal of the Japanese Deming Prize awarded to organizations that have
excelled in the application of Plan-Do-Check-Act (PDCA).
8. Absolute, or very high degree of, comparability between two or more
alternatives, processes, products, qualifications, sets of data, systems, etc.
Uniformity implies consistency in lack of variation (Inevitable change in the
output or result of a system (process) because all systems vary over time. Two
major types of variations are (1) Common, which is inherent in a system, and
(2) Special, which is caused by changes in the circumstances or environment.)
between the items being compared, over a long period and across a wide

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