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type of poems A

📌 elegy B

-express the feeling of sorrow and grief B

-Praise the death A

-response to the death of a person.

📌 Haiku

📌 ode -japanese poem that follows a certain

specific syllable pattern.
-lyrical in nature, praise people, nature
scene, abstract

-lyrical and chanting poem Line 1 : 5 syllables

-usually very short Line 2 : 7 syllables

Line 3 : 5 syllables

📌 sonnet

-short rhyming poem (14 lines) 📌 epic

ABAB -long narrative poem

CDCD -maybe tells the heroic death of a person

EFEF -about courage and bravery.

GG -use grandiose style

(3 x 4 lines stanzas) + (1 x 2 lines stanza)

📌 dramatic monologue

-self conversation, or speech talk.

-speaking to himself.

-in the dramatic manner

📌 limericks

-short and humorous poem

Poetic devices 9) mood

1) allegory a characteristic of feeling

a short moral story


2) alliteration the distinctive property of a complex

use of same consonants at the beginning
of each word.

11) couplet

3) assonance a stanza consisting of two successive

lines of verse
The repetition of similar vowels in
successive words

12) foreshadowing

4) consonance act of providing vague advance indications

The property of sounding harmonious

13)free verse

5) enjambment Poetry that does not rhyme or have a

regular meter
Continuation from one line of verse into
the next line


6)imagery Extravagant exaggeration

The ability to form mental pictures of

things and events

incongruity between what might be

7)metaphor expected and what occurs

figure of speech that suggest a non-literal

16) literal

limited to the explicit meaning of a word or

8)rhyme text

Correspondence in the final sounds of two

or more lines
17) figurative human characteristics to abstract ideas

Not literal

27) repetitions


using words that imitate the sound they 28)syllables


19) stanza

a fixed number of lines of verse forming a

unit or poem


Witty language used to convey insults of


21) setting

22) simile

similar meaning


something visible that represents

something invisible

24) theme


Indirect mention

theories of literary criticism

🎈post colonialism

💭First wave of feminism : men’s Literature produced by colonial powers

treatment of women. and works produced by those who
were colonized.
-male novelist demanding treatment or
marginalisation of female characters.

Issues including power, economics,

politics, religion, culture, devastation,
💭Second wave of feminism: people’s suffering, british colonial,

Eg: A Literature of Their Own (1977)

by Elaine Showalter

📝 examination of female writers and

their place in history

📝considerations of the treatment of

female characters in books

📝discovery and exploration of a canon

literature written by woman

🎈reader-response criticism

Considers reader’s reaction towards a


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