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Created by @Manz ( )

n Number() = 42 s String() = 'text' a Array() = [1, 2, 3]


n .POSITIVE_INFINITY +∞ equivalent n .length string size n .length number of elements

n .MAX_VALUE largest positive value s .charAt(index) char at position [i] b .isArray(obj) check if obj is array
n .MIN_VALUE smallest positive value n .charCodeAt(index) unicode at pos. b .includes(obj, from) include element?
n .EPSILON diff between 1 & smallest >1 s .fromCharCode(n1, n2...) code to char n .indexOf(obj, from) find elem. index
n .NaN not-a-number value s .concat(str1, str2...) combine text + n .lastIndexOf(obj, from) find from end
b .startsWith(str, size) check beginning s .join(sep) join elements w/separator
s .toExponential(dec) exp. notation b .endsWith(str, size) check ending a .slice(ini, end) return array portion
s .toFixed(dec) fixed-point notation a .concat(obj1, obj2...) return joined array
b .includes(str, from) include substring?
s .toPrecision(p) change precision MODIFY SOURCE ARRAY METHODS
n .indexOf(str, from) find substr index
b .isFinite(n) check if number is finite a .copyWithin(pos, ini, end) copy elems
n .lastIndexOf(str, from) find from end
b .isInteger(n) check if number is int. a .fill(obj, ini, end) fill array with obj
n .search(regex) search & return index
b .isNaN(n) check if number is NaN a .reverse() reverse array & return it
n .localeCompare(str, locale, options)
n .parseInt(s, radix) string to integer a .sort(cf(a,b)) sort array (unicode sort)
a .match(regex) matches against string
n a .splice(ini, del, o1, o2...) del&add elem
.parseFloat(s, radix) string to float s .repeat(n) repeat string n times
s .replace(str|regex, newstr|func)
r Regexp() = /.+/ig ai .entries() iterate key/value pair array
s .slice(ini, end) str between ini/end
PROPERTIES ai .keys() iterate only keys array
s .substr(ini, len) substr of len length
n .lastIndex index to start global regexp ai .values() iterate only values array
s .substring(ini, end) substr fragment
s .flags active flags of current regexp a .split(sep|regex, limit) divide string CALLBACK FOR EACH METHODS

b .global flag g (search all matches) s .toLowerCase() string to lowercase b .every(cb(e,i,a), arg) test until false
b .ignoreCase flag i (match lower/upper) s .toUpperCase() string to uppercase b .some(cb(e,i,a), arg) test until true
b .multiline flag m (match multiple lines) s a .map(cb(e,i,a), arg) make array
.trim() remove space from begin/end
b .sticky flag y (search from lastIndex) a .filter(cb(e,i,a), arg) make array w/true
s .raw`` template strings with ${vars}
b .unicode flag u (enable unicode feat.) o .find(cb(e,i,a), arg) return elem w/true
s .source current regexp (w/o slashs) n
d Date() .findIndex(cb(e,i,a), arg) return index
METHODS .forEach(cb(e,i,a), arg) exec for each
a .exec(str) exec search for a match
n .UTC(y, m, d, h, i, s, ms) timestamp o .reduce(cb(p,e,i,a), arg) accumulative
b .test(str) check if regexp match w/str
n .now() timestamp of current time o .reduceRight(cb(p,e,i,a), arg) from end
n .parse(str) convert str to timestamp ADD/REMOVE METHODS
. any character \t tabulator
n .setTime(ts) set UNIX timestamp o .pop() remove & return last element
\d digit [0-9] \r carriage return
n .getTime() return UNIX timestamp n .push(o1, o2...) add element & return length
\D no digit [^0-9] \n line feed
\w any alphanumeric char [A-Za-z0-9_] UNIT SETTERS (ALSO .setUTC*() methods) o .shift() remove & return first element
\W no alphanumeric char [^A-Za-z0-9_] n .setFullYear(y, m, d) set year (yyyy) n .unshift(o1, o2...) add element & return len
\s any space char (space, tab, enter...) n .setMonth(m, d) set month (0-11) UNSHIFT PUSH
\S no space char (space, tab, enter...) n .setDate(d) set day (1-31) [1,2,3]
\xN char with code N [\b] backspace b Boolean() = true / false SHIFT POP
n .setHours(h, m, s, ms) set hour (0-23)
\uN char with unicode N \0 NUL char n .setMinutes(m, s, ms) set min (0-59) no own properties or methods
n .setSeconds(s, ms) set sec (0-59)
[abc] match any character set n .setMilliseconds(ms) set ms (0-999) f Function() = function(a, b) { ... }
[^abc] match any char. set not enclosed UNIT GETTERS (ALSO .getUTC*() methods) PROPERTIES
a|b match a or b n .getDate() return day (1-31) o .length return number of arguments
n .getDay() return day of week (0-6) s .name return name of function
^ begin of input $ end of input n .getMonth() return month (0-11) o .prototype prototype object
\b zero-width word boundary n .getFullYear() return year (yyyy) METHODS
\B zero-width non-word boundary n .getHours() return hour (0-23) o .call(newthis, arg1, arg2...) change this
GROUPING n .getMinutes() return minutes (0-59) o .apply(newthis, arg1) with args array
(x) capture group (?:x) no capture group n .getSeconds() return seconds (0-59) o .bind(newthis, arg1, arg2...) bound func
\n reference to group n captured n .getMilliseconds() return ms (0-999)
x* preceding x 0 or more times {0,} n .getTimezoneOffset() offset in mins n NaN (not-a-number) r regular expresion
x+ preceding x 1 or more times {1,} s .toLocaleDateString(locale, options) s string f function
x? preceding x 0 or 1 times {0,1} s .toLocaleTimeString(locale, options) b boolean (true/false) o object
x{n} n ocurrences of x s .toLocaleString(locale, options) a array undefined
x{n,} at least n ocurrences of x s .toUTCString() return UTC date only available on ECMAScript 6
x{n,m} between n & m ocurrences of x s .toDateString() return American date n static (ex: Math.random())
ASSERTIONS s .toTimeString() return American time n non-static (ex: new Date().getDate())
x(?=y) x (only if x is followed by y) s .toISOString() return ISO8601 date argument required
x(?!y) x (only if x is not followed by y) s .toJSON() return date ready for JSON argument optional


Created by @Manz ( )

Math o Object() = {key: value, key2: value2} s Set() WeakSet only obj as items

n .E Euler's constant o .constructor return ref. to object func. n .size return number of items
n .LN2 natural logarithm of 2 METHODS METHODS
n .LN10 natural logarithm of 10 o .assign(dst, src1, src2...) copy values s .add(item) add item to set ws
n .LOG2E base 2 logarithm of E o .create(proto, prop) create obj w/prop b .has(item) check if item exists ws
n .LOG10E base 10 logarithm of E o .defineProperties(obj, prop) b .delete(item) del item & return if del ws
n .PI ratio circumference/diameter o .defineProperty(obj, prop, desc) .clear() remove all items from set
n .SQRT1_2 square root of 1/2 o .freeze(obj) avoid properties changes ITERATION METHODS
n .SQRT2 square root of 2 o .getOwnPropertyDescriptor(obj, prop) si .entries() iterate items
METHODS a .getOwnPropertyNames(obj) si .values() iterate only value of items
a .getOwnPropertySymbols(obj)
n .abs(x) absolute value CALLBACK FOR EACH METHODS
o .getPrototypeOf(obj) return prototype
n .cbrt(x) cube root .forEach(cb(e,i,a), arg) exec for each
b .is(val1, val2) check if are same value
n .clz32(x) return leading zero bits (32)
b .isExtensible(obj) check if can add prop m Map() WeakMap only obj as keys
n .exp(x) return ex
b .isFrozen(obj) check if obj is frozen
n .expm1(x) return ex-1 PROPERTIES
b .isSealed(obj) check if obj is sealed n .size return number of elements
n .hypot(x1, x2...) length of hypotenuse a .keys(obj) return only keys of object
n .imul(a, b) signed multiply o .preventExtensions(obj) avoid extend

n .log(x) natural logarithm (base e) o .seal(obj) prop are non-configurable m .set(key, value) add pair key=value wm
n .log1p(x) natural logarithm (1+x) o .setPrototypeOf(obj, prot) change prot o .get(key) return value of key wm
n .log10(x) base 10 logarithm INSTANCE METHODS
b .has(key) check if key exist wm
n .log2(x) base 2 logarithm b .delete(key) del elem. & return if ok wm
b .hasOwnProperty(prop) check if exist .clear() remove all elements from map
n .max(x1, x2...) return max number
b .isPrototypeOf(obj) test in another obj
n .min(x1, x2...) return min number ITERATION METHODS
b .propertyIsEnumerable(prop)
n .pow(base, exp) return baseexp mi .entries() iterate elements
s .toString() return equivalent string
n .random() float random number [0,1) mi .keys() iterate only keys
s .toLocaleString() return locale version
n .sign(x) return sign of number mi .values() iterate only values
o .valueOf() return primitive value
n .sqrt(x) square root of number CALLBACK FOR EACH METHODS
p Promise() .forEach(cb(e,i,a), arg) exec for each
n .ceil(x) superior round (smallest) METHODS
n .floor(x) inferior round (largest) p .all(obj) return promise Symbol()
n .fround(x) nearest single precision p .catch(onRejected(s)) = .then(undef,s) PROPERTIES
n .round(x) round (nearest integer) p .then(onFulfilled(v), onRejected(s)) s .iterator specifies default iterator
n .trunc(x) remove fractional digits p .race(obj) return greedy promise (res/rej) s .match specifies match of regexp
TRIGONOMETRIC METHODS p .resolve(obj) return resolved promise s .species specifies constructor function
n .acos(x) arccosine p .reject(reason) return rejected promise METHODS
n .acosh(x) hyperbolic arccosine s .for(key) search existing symbols
n .asin(x) arcsine p Proxy() Reflect same methods (not func) s .keyFor(sym) return key from global reg
n .asinh(x) hyperbolic arcsine METHODS
n .atan(x) arctangent o .apply(obj, arg, arglist) trap function call g Generator() = function* () { ... }
n .atan2(x, y) arctangent of quotient x/y o .construct(obj, arglist) trap new oper METHODS
n .atanh(x) hyperbolic arctangent o .defineProperty(obj, prop, desc) o .next(value) return obj w/{value,done}
n .cos(x) cosine o .deleteProperty(obj, prop) trap delete o .return(value) return value & true done
n .cosh(x) hyperbolic cosine o .enumerate(obj) trap .throw(except) throw an error
n .sin(x) sine o .get(obj, prop, rec) trap get property
o .getOwnPropertyDescriptor(obj, prop) Others
n .sinh(x) hyperbolic sine
n .tan(x) tangent o .getPrototypeOf(obj) FAST TIPS

n .tanh(x) hyperbolic tangent o .has(obj, prop) trap in operator var declare variable
o .ownKeys(obj) let declare block scope local variable
o .preventExtensions(obj) const declare constant (read-only)
o .set(obj, prop, value) trap set property func(a=1) default parameter value
o .setPrototypeOf(obj, proto) func(...a) rest argument (spread operator)
n .parse(str, tf(k,v)) parse string to object
(a) => { ... } function equivalent (fat arrow)
n .stringify(obj, repf|wl, sp) convert to str globals
`string ${a}` template with variables
e Error() 0bn binary (2) number n to decimal
o eval(str) evaluate javascript code 0on octal (8) number n to decimal
b isFinite(obj) check if is a finite number 0xn hexadecimal (16) number n to decimal
s .name return name of error b isNaN(obj) check if is not a number
s .message return description of error for (i in array) { ... } iterate array, i = index
n parseInt(s, radix) string to integer for (e of array) { ... } iterate array, e = value
n parseFloat(s, radix) string to float
EvalError(), InternalError(), RangeError(), URIError(), class B extends A () { } class sugar syntax
ReferenceError(), SyntaxError(), TypeError() s encodeURIComponent(URI) = to %3D
s decodeURIComponent(URI) %3D to =

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