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Chapter 1


This chapter composes of background of the study, statement of the problem,

siginificance of the study and scope and delimitation.

Background of the Study

School tardiness is one of the misconducts that students often commit to the policies and
terms of the school. It has said to be a blamed factor why student’s performance and
competitiveness declines.

According to the National Initiative Attendance Works, missing just ten percent of the
school year in the early grades causes many students to struggle and later level of schooling it
can cause drop-outs and failure. This is the manifestation of the chronic lateness that was
practiced during their early years of studying.

This impacts to the loss of potentials of learners in their social aspect because they lost
activities that build social interactions to avoid isolation. It also contributes to the mental aspect
because once a person completely attended their classes; it can fill up new learning for better
understanding of life. Also, it will give credence to the moral aspect because it creates a
disciplined attitude toward respecting rules and regulations ratified by the authorities. The
psychological aspect also can be apprehended because of the tardiness mentality.

The University of Chicago came up to the factors why learners are getting tardy it’s
because of: lack of time management, lack of discipline, uncontrolled justified events, lack of
interest, peer pressure and low standard of goal.

Vucovick (2017) stated that tardiness also affects teachers. They can become frustrated as
late disrupt instruction, often reteaching what they have missed. It can also give negative
environment in the classroom.

Tardiness can manifest different unusual behaviour of a person like: apparent in action,
dullness and exhaustion and complaints about early school begin. Students are being tardy for
many reasons but being a habit can have a negative effect in their academic excellence and
success. It may also show lack of good conduct, respect and decency.

A lot of negative results can gain in this school issue and still a lot are not aware about
this conflict. In this study, the researchers aim to find the factors why students are getting late in
school and how it affects to their academic performance.
Statement of the Problem

This study aims to find out the effect of school tardiness in relation to the academic
performance as perceived by grade 12 Humanities and Social Sciences students of Our Lady of
Fatima University Antipolo Campus SY: 2018-2019. Specifically, it would attempt to answer the
following questions:

1. What is the profile of the students in terms of?

A. Age
B. Gender
C. Name: Optional
2. What are the factors that create a difficulty in getting to school on time?
a. Distance
b. Social Media
c. Financial Problem
d. Family Problem
e. Sleeping Pattern
f. Heavy tasks in School
3. How does tardiness affect students’ academic performance?
a. Getting low
b. Remain
c. Getting high

Significance of the Study

The results of the study will contribute to the vast knowledge about the effect of tardiness
in student’s academic performance specifically to the following:

STUDENTS. The results will give awareness to students on how school tardiness affects their
holistic academic performance. It will make them realize that this matter plays a major factor
why learners usually decline in school and how to avoid it. At the end of this study, the findings
will also contribute to new conclusion on how to deal this issue.

TEACHERS. The result of this study will give information to teachers on how to assess school
tardiness of their students. It will also lead them in strong strategies that they may use to deal and
to resolve this issue. Moreover, they will be able to understand why some students are getting
late in classes.

PARENTS. The parents as well will be able to understand why their children become tardy in
school. The result will also open their consciousness in dealing and resolving this issue.
Furthermore, they will gain clear understanding on how to motivate their child in order to excel
in class.
SCHOOLS. The result of this study will help the school itself in giving assessments and
evaluations on how to resolve tardiness among their students. It will help them to inform the
parents together with the teachers in analysing why the learners are getting into this kind of

FUTURE RESEARCHERS. The outcome of this study will help them to generate new
concepts, ideas and frameworks of their future study. It will also serve as their basis for their
study. They may improve, reduce and remain every detail in this study.

Scope and Delimitation of the Study

This study limits only to 100 grade 12 students of Our Lady of Fatima University
Antipolo Campus taking Humanities and Social Sciences Strand in the school year 2018-2019.
Their ages must range from 16 to 19 years old.

This research aims to determine their fundamental profile that includes age and gender.
They will also answer some questions related to tardiness that will use as the key variables.

The research itself will focus on the effect of school tardiness in student's academic

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