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Tayo oyebamiji





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Are you a retiree or you are about to retire? Are you searching for the best
small business opportunities to invest your retirement funds or savings
into? Do you want to start a business in retirement?
If you are approaching your retirement, and you are wondering how to prevent
your pocket from drying up when you stop working.

Do you detest or dread that word "retirement"? Well, whether you do or not,
retirement is one of those realities of life, something that each person must brace up
to. Retirement cannot be wished away, because it is practically impossible to work all
ones' life, even in self-employment. Except it is cut short early by death. If you live to
advanced age, there is that point where, biologically, your body will begin to give in to
years of toil and the process of natural aging. When one is a bit unlucky, that process
of yielding to physical constraints could come prematurely due to physical
incapacitation of one form or another. What all this simply says is that one way or
another, the day will come when even the strongest man will be unable to actively
fend for himself. When that day comes, will you be ready?
The reality is that anyone that truly loves himself will not wish to stretch on until that
point where his body refuses to co-operate. Part of how the body system can be
helped to transit into graceful aging will be to spare it that sustained flogging, even
before it protests.
This is the reason why you should plan and begin to invest in profitable business that
will guarantee rest, peace and healthy fulfilled life after retirement. There are basic
factors about retiring and retiring into your own comfortable businesses hence the
topic for today is very essential.

There are so many business opportunities in Nigeria that one can do successfully.
Many people are poor not because there are no opportunities but because of their
inability to recognize the opportunities and utilize them. The meaning of poor is
“passing over opportunity repeatedly” and that is the problem of most people.
They pass over opportunities repeatedly without making use of them and that is
the reason why they remain poor.

So if you have been looking for the right business opportunity in Nigeria you can
ventured into, there are some small scale business ideas that can give you the needed
financial freedom, if properly utilized.

This business ideas are meant for everyone whether employed, underemployed or
unemployed, as most of the business opportunities can be started with as low as
20,000 naira.

What is Investment?
Investment is the act of converting money or capital to an endeavour with the
expectation of obtaining an additional income or profit. Investing means putting your
money to work for you. Essentially, it is a different way to think about how to make
money. Investment is time, energy, or matter spent with the hope of making further
benefits actualized within a specific date or time frame. Investments has different
meanings in economics and finance. In economics, investment is the accumulation of
newly produced entities such as factories, machinery, houses and goods inventories.
In finance, investment is putting money into an asset with the expectation of capital
appreciation, dividends and/or interest earnings. For those of us retiring soon, the
two definitions are applicable to us and will be treated simultaneously.

Types of investment

Traditional investments - Bonds, cash, real estate stocks and shares

Alternative investments- Precious metal, art, wine, antiques, coins, or stamps and
some financial assets such as commodities, private equity, distressed securities
hedge funds, carbon credits, venture capital, film production and financial derivates.

Criteria for Investment

 You must be on ground
 You must have knowledge of the business
 You must have a short or long term plans to employ people
 You must have capital
 You must make sure your proposed business has an evergreen demand. You
must always remember that success is not an overnight flight

Choose the right kind of investments

Answering these questions will help you find the right investment options
- How much risk is associated with your portfolio?
- How are your investments spread out and diversified?
- When will you need to turn an investment into cash?
- How easy will it be to turn your investments into cash?
- What are the income tax consequences of your different investment options?
- What costs are associated with each investment?
- How do your investments defend you against future inflation?
- Do you understand what you are investing in?
- Every investment has its pros and cons. So what are the right investments for

Investing for what?

Investing for growth
Naturally you want your investments to grow in value. The earlier you start investing,
the more time you have for that growth to happen. The later you start to invest, the
more pressure you will feel to look for fast growth.
But be careful. If you are looking for growth over time, stocks and mutual funds that
own stocks have generally performed better than bonds and bond funds. However,
there will always be periods of volatility.

Investing for income

Once you have accumulated your retirement nest egg, you may want to switch from
growth to income-producing investments. Bonds, money market instruments, some
types of savings accounts or certificates of deposit can produce more income or bring
you a regular source of income. Stock dividends can be a source, too.

Short-term Funding Options to Build Your Business

Investors sometime seek funding assistance to enable them do more business than
their internal resources can support. Borrowing for legitimate business objectives
can accelerate the growth of your business if properly structured. You need to
borrow wisely. A good starting point is to define your requirement and determine
what facility would best serve your purpose. Short-term borrowing, for a purpose
that requires long-term finance, can easily create a funding crises for the business.
Hence you need to know when to borrow and for what business.

Facility Options To Meet your Investment Needs

* Overdraft (O/D) :
This is perhaps the most widely known short-term credit. An overdraft line is meant
to service working capital requirement. Working capital is the funding you require
for trading and operational purposes: purchasing inventory, meeting marketing,
administrative and other operational costs. An overdraft line is usually backed with a
collateral. The overdraft line is a facility provided by the bank, allowing you to draw
beyond your own fund in your account, up to the limit specified in the approval.

* Temporary Overdraft (TOD) : This is not really anything different, but given its
popularity in market locations, it has merited separate mention. A TOD is an
overdraft that by its nature does not go through all the rigours or conditions of a
regular O/D line. They are usually approved by officers at a lower level (usually
senior branch officers), have lower approved limits and are usually of very short
tenors (less than 30days).

* Short-term Loan: A loan can be for a period not exceeding one year which
classifies it as short-term. Unlike an overdraft, the amount of a loan approved for you
is disbursed fully to you or as requested by you. Take a short-term facility only when
the business has the capacity to generate the cash flow to meet the repayment
obligations over that short term. Your bank will require a security for this kind of

* Consumer Finance: Consumer credit is provided by banks to individuals,

professionals in practice and small businesses to fund asset acquisition and
sometimes for investment (say for purchase of company shares). Assets bought could
be for domestic or office use and the facility could be for a short tenor. The key
feature here is the flexibility you may enjoy in terms of collateral: usually, the
acquired asset is the security for the credit. So, when you need, say, computers for
your office, a consumer/asset finance may just be it.

* LPO/Contract Finance: Because of our 'contract' syndrome, Local Purchase Order

(LPO) finance is a relatively well-known product. Contract finance too is of the same
family. LPO finance simply finances LPOs, enabling a person or business that has
been awarded a purchase order to supply certain products to the issuer of the LPO to
raise money to get the job done.. To successfully source LPO finance from banks or
other lending institutions, you must ensure that the issuing authority is reputable.
The bank will generally lend against the proceeds and may therefore not impose a
the burden of additional security.

*Direct Credit: This facility relates to the value of cheques lodged into the
customers' account. The cheque clearing system means that you don't get immediate
value on cheques you pay into your account, drawn on other banks. You receive value
at the end of the clearing process when the paying bank has given value. With
upcountry cheques, the waiting period is longer. The implication is that the bank
funds you for the value of these cheques, while it goes through the process of clearing

* Receivables/Bills Discounting: Most businesses inevitably end up extending

credit to customers or being owed for one reason or the other. Invariably, this ties up
operational capital and could constrain the business from activity and growth. A way
out is to seek a receivables discounting facility whereby a bank can discount the
receivables, if set criteria are met. Needless to say that the receivables must be
verifiable and must be due from reputable parties.

* Inventory Refinancing: Your short-term cash constraint may be as a result of

locking up a significant part of your working capital in inventory. Stockpiling might
be a strategic action, but will be bad for the business if it is as a result of poor
demand or some other problem with the stock. If the stock commands good
value, you may consider seeking an inventory refinancing facility. The objective will
be to get the bank to provide you a fair portion of the value tied up in the stock to free
resources for driving the business. Of course no bank will put money down for this if
it is not satisfied about the quality and marketability of the stock.

* Import Finance: If your business involves the importation of goods by means of

letters of credit (LC), you may obtain funding support from your bank. When an LC is
opened by your bank in favour of a supplier, money is not immediately released to
the supplier. The bank literally guarantees to the supplier that he will receive
payment once the stated conditions are met, principally the delivery of goods and the
receipt of relevant shipping documents. The credit worthiness of the bank is
effectively substituted for yours, which the supply is obviously unwilling to rely on.

* Duty Finance: This distinction is as to purpose, as otherwise this facility could be

as an overdraft line or even a TOD. The purpose is to support payment of duties
where there are goods to be cleared at the wharf, if you are an importer.

*Bonds: Bonds, issued by key financial institutions, particularly banks, may be

required of you when you engage in certain transactions. Common ones are
tender/bid bonds (to commit you to a tender/bid), performance bond (commit to
performance of a contract, especially after picking up a mobilization), customs bond
(to commit to duty payment after moving goods out of wharf) and excise bond. The
bank gives an undertaking on your behalf. Banks can also provide guarantees and
indemnities to third parities on your behalf.

* Commercial Papers and Banker's Acceptances: These are instruments to raise

short-term funds, which the bank can package for you if you have a name that can
support them. For a BA, the bank adds it acceptance which further strengthens the
instrument as it represents a guarantee by the bank, that investors will be repaid at
maturity. Both products are marketed to the investing public to raise funds for your

Creating Retirement Income for sustainable Retirement.

Retirees, understandably, are concerned with largely two things: safety and income.
It is therefore wise to know how to source for your retirement funds to sustain or
start off an investment after retirement.

What does it stand for?

Below are some options to use as part of your plan.

 Pay yourself first: One way to invest for retirement is not to budget for it.
Make sure money for retirement investing comes off the top, not the bottom, of
your income. Make the saving process automatic so you don’t even have to
think about it. How? Try setting up automatic withdrawals from your paycheck
or your checking account that go directly into a retirement plan or other
personal savings and investments. The sooner you set up an automatic savings
plan, the more you will have at retirement.

 Total Return Portfolio: This is one common way to create retirement income:
This is done by creating your own portfolio of stock and bond index funds. The
portfolio is designed to achieve a respectable long term rate of return, and
along the way you follow a prescribed set of withdrawal rate rules that will
typically allow you to take out 4-7% a year, and in some years, increase your
withdrawal for inflation. This could be used to start off a business or totally
rely on it.

 Retirement Income Funds: These types of funds make a fabulous retirement

investment. They automatically allocate your money across a diversified
portfolio of stock and bond funds. They then distribute monthly income, but
unlike an immediate annuity, you retain control of your principal, and can
access your money at any time. Of course if you do withdraw some of your
principal, your monthly income will subsequently go down.

 Immediate Annuities: An immediate annuity is a retirement investment that

can provide guaranteed income. The guarantee is as strong as the quality of the
insurance company that issues it. With an immediate annuity you agree to give
the insurance company a lump sum of money and the insurer agrees to pay you
a monthly income as long as you live. If it happens that your time on earth is up
a year after you bought the contract, the insurer keeps what money is left over.
If, by contrast, you live to well over 100, the company has to keep paying and
may end up paying out substantially more than what you paid in.

 Bonds: Treasury bonds are one of the safer options for retirement
investments. When you buy a bond you loan your money to either the
government, or to a corporation. The borrower agrees to pay you interest for a
set amount of time and when the bond matures your principal is returned to
you. The interest income you receive from a bond, or from a bond fund, can be
a good, steady source of retirement income and could be used to start another

 Investment Property: Investment, or rental property, can provide a stable

source of income, but there will be maintenance requirements, and when you
own real estate you will inevitably incur unanticipated expenses. If you own a
portfolio of investment properties, and know what you are doing, they can
make great retirement investments.

 Variable Annuity With A Lifetime Income Rider: A variable annuity is a

completely different type of investment than an immediate annuities. In a
variable annuity your money goes into a portfolio of investments that you
choose and the insurance company can layer certain guarantees, called riders,
over that portfolio - for a fee of course. Some of the newer variable annuity
products offer lifetime income riders that are quite attractive.

 Safe Investments: You always want to keep a portion of your retirement

investments in safe alternatives. The primary goal of safe investments is to
protect what you have rather than generate a high level of current income.

 Closed End Funds: The majority of closed end funds are designed to produce
monthly or quarterly income. This income can come from interest, dividends,
covered calls, or in some cases from a return of principal. Each fund has its own
objective; some own stocks, others own bonds, some write covered calls to
generate income, others use something called a dividend capture strategy. They
are an interesting investment vehicle, and when mixed together in a portfolio
they can be an appropriate retirement investment, just be sure to do your
research before buying.

 Dividend Income Funds: Instead of buying individual stocks that pay

dividends, you can choose a dividend income fund which will own and manage
dividend paying stocks for you. Personally, I think the retirement income funds,
listed a few sections above, make better retirement investments than a
dividend income fund.

 REITs/Real Estate Investment Trusts: A Real Estate Investment Trust

(REIT), is like a mutual fund that owns real estate. They manage the property,
collect rent, pay expenses, collect a management fee for doing so, and
distribute the remaining income to you, the investor. When used as part of a
diversified portfolio, REITs can be an appropriate retirement investment.

Fastest Growing Small Business Opportunities In Nigeria

Money is essential in any business venture and investment is crucial for providing
money after retirement for effective living.

Retirement can be an ugly word if you don't have an investment plan and have no
idea how inflation can deplete your finances. But it needn't be if you can ensure a
steady flow of income that can sustain you for 20-25 years after retirement.

There are untapped business opportunities in every industry in Nigeria. As a retiree,

you need to dig deeper to find them for sustainable livelihood.
A lot of things have been said about Nigeria especially her harsh business terrain. As
a retiree, you should know that one of the best places to invest your money and build
a business is in a developing terrain such as Nigeria. How does one go about it?

Below are some fastest growing business in Nigeria that you can invest in for
better living after retirement.

 Agro – Products Exportation: Nigeria is blessed with a lot of food and natural
resources and most of these natural resources are raw materials needed for the
production of some finished products. You can become an exporter by simply
registering with the Nigerian Export Promotion Council and decide on which
product to export e.g. chili pepper, mango, kolanut, yam flour, cashew nuts
cassava etc. A good example of a product you can buy and sell with huge profit
is palm oil.
 Mining and Quarrying: Setting up a private mini refinery. There are lots of
business opportunities in Oil and Gas sector. With the removal of fuel subsidy,
investors can now have the opportunity of starting their own refinery.
 Establishing a television and radio station
 Setting up a security company – The current increase in the demand for

security guards body guards, executive protection professionals and security

gadgets or devices has called for this. You can import and retail security
products and safety devices.
 Sewing of specialized uniforms. There are over 17,000 schools in Lagos both
creè che, primary and secondary. There are also a lot of military, paramilitary
(Civil Defence crops, Police force) and non paramilitary (Road Safety, traffic
wardens, Kick Against Indiscipline etc) offices that make use of uniforms. You
can position yourself as uniform provider or supplier and make money from it.
 Real Estate Development: We have residential and commercial real estate
 Setting up a Writing Company – Do you have passion and skill for writing.
Currently most jobs in the U.S are now being outsourced to countries like India,
Philippines, China etc and a trickle of such jobs are coming to Nigeria and one
of such is Article writing.
 Call center agency – You can set up a call center agency and work for big
companies on a contract basis.
 Recruitment Agency – You can recruit for companies. Set up a resume writing
service from home and profit from that trend.
 Importation of wears and Tokunbo Spare part
 Haulage and Logistic – Haulage and trucking business is one of the most
profitable businesses so far. Oil and Gas.
 Outsourced bus services. It’s another form of haulage but thus time you will
be lifting human begins. You provide transportation services to organizations,
schools, churches etc.
 Day care centres – start small scale babysitting service or Nanny agency
 Waste Management
 Food processing – Yogurt production, vegetable oil production, Garri

production/processing, oil palm processing, groundnut, fruit juice production

rice milling etc.
 Alternative Power installation – Solar energy
 Plantain farming – orange, plantain, kola nut, oil palm, cocoa, cassava, yam
 Manufacturing – Toothpicks, tissue paper, serviette, chalk production, candle,
match sticks, nylons and polythene bags, carbon, paper bags etc.
 Bottle water production
 Become a cement distributor
 Cold room (frozen food) business particularly if you have generator
 Rentals and event centers management

Other lucrative Businesses that can be embarked upon after retirement are:
 Insurance – Life polices available

 National Saving Certificate. You can buy NSC every month for five years; Re-
invest on maturity and relax. On retirement, it will fetch you monthly pension
as it matures.

 Bank fixed deposits

 Warehousing
 Tourism and Accommodation
 Fast food eatery or quick service Restaurants
 Production and sale of recharge cards
 Dry Cleaning
 Professional car wash or automobile car centers
 Business Processing outsourcing
 Arts entertainment and Recreation
 Health and fitness services
 Industrial cleaning or owning a cleaning outfit.

Monitor your investments : Your investments won’t take care of themselves. You
need to put some effort into staying on top of them, making sure you are still on the
path to meeting your retirement needs. Keep this in mind: Investing to meet your
retirement needs is a lifetime pursuit.

Many people see retirement as a time for relaxation, travel, or pursuing other
life-long passions that will keep draining their money.
But you can turn your free time into a new career. This is even necessary
because chances are you will need additional income to supplement your
pensions and savings for the long term.
However, I want to state clearly that the small business ideas listed here are
strictly tailored to the needs of retirees. I prepared this list bearing in mind the age
range of retirees, their income level and their level of willingness to learn
something new.
While this list analyzes small business opportunities available for retirees, it’s
advisable that you conduct your own feasibility study and write a business plan
before investing your money into any business venture.

Top 10+ Profitable Small Scale Business ideas for Retirees

1. Consulting
You can start a consultancy business around any career field or profession. For
instance, if you retired as an accountant; you can become a chartered private
auditor, a bookkeeper or even a financial adviser.
If you were a marketer, you can become a marketing consultant. If you have
worked for years as a professional (doctor, marketer, banker, attorney, or any

other); you can continue to make money even after retirement by offering
valuable advice in your area of specialization.
In fact, consultancy ideas are limitless. Just analyze your present skills and you
can build a thriving consultancy business around it. As a retiree, you already
have years of skills and experience that can benefit individuals and
Consulting offers you the chance to trade these for money. The beauty of
consulting is that you can continue with the job you did before retiring, but on a
much more flexible schedule, and with you dictating the pace of the business.

2. Start a professional public speaking service business

If business consultancy is not the way to go for you, then you can sell your
expertise or knowledge on platforms. You can become a professional speaker;
leveraging your job experience and acquired skills. Your subject line is limitless,
all you need is to identify a need and add a little touch of creativity.

3. Start a blog based on your expertise

Take the approach of starting a consultancy business and bring it online; voila!
You have just started a blog. Starting a blog costs little or next to nothing but the
potentials is great. Starting a blog is a very fulfilling way to making money
during your retirement years. Aside that it offers you the comfort of working
right from your home, you will derive some fulfillment in helping others with
useful information.
There are many topics you can blog about; your career field or industry, your
experience, your hobby, retirement itself, politics, health, technology, and
whatnot. If you offer quality content consistently, you will build a huge loyal
audience and make a lot of money in the long term. Better yet, apply to
contribute valuable articles to an existing blog and get paid for that. That would
cut it if you can’t start a blog from scratch.

4. Tutoring
Contrary to what most people think, having worked as a teacher during your
active years isn’t a condition for starting a tutoring service. All you need is a good
grasp of a school subject (mathematics, English language, etc) or a special skill
(music, catering, etc).
If you are really good at imparting your knowledge to others, you will attract lots
of students, and you will make lots of money, too. So, if you are thinking of a good
career to start during retirement, turn private tutoring into a start-up business.
And you can hire other tutors to work with you.

5. Repairing service
If you have a knack for fixing faults in electronic or other devices, then you can
make a lot of money doing this. Many devices, especially electronics are in
increasingly high demand and only few people are very good at repairing them.
You may need to learn from an expert or take some courses in order to polish
your skills and keep abreast with the technology employed in latest devices.

6. Bed-and-Breakfast
While other retirees may seek a new career out of their homes, you can find a
rewarding employment opportunity in the comfort of your home. If you have a
full house to yourself, running a bed-and-breakfast (B&B) is a good business
In case you are feeling at sea, a B&B is a lodge that offers guests an overnight
stay and breakfast. On the average, a B&B has about 6 bedrooms. B&B’s are
becoming more popular because visitors prefer being treated as invited guests
than as anonymous boarders.

7. Tax service
According to Benjamin Franklin, nothing is certain except death and taxes. This
means there will always be a huge demand for tax professionals. If you enjoy tax
work and have the know-how, tax business is an all-year round retirement
business opportunity for you. To start a business that offers tax services, you
must register with the IRS, pass a proficiency exam (this is waived for licensed
attorneys and CPAs), and complete some annual continuing education training.

8. Pet sitting
This is one of the few businesses that will continue to enjoy great patronage
even in the face of recessions. According to the National Association of
Professional Pet Sitters, nearly two-thirds of American households own a pet.
Last year, Americans spent a whopping $47.7 billion on pet care. A pet sitter
looks after pets at the owner’s home while the owner is away at work, vacation,
or elsewhere.
With professional pet sitters available, pet owners can confidently leave their
pets at home, rather than boarding them at a kennel of vet’s office; knowing that
their pets will be able to maintain their eating and exercise routines and get all
the love and care they deserve. If you love pets, this is a good business idea for

9. Catering

If you are very good at cooking, then you can make a lot of money by meeting the
needs of many hungry souls for mouth-watering meals. The good news about the
catering business is that there is a large market to serve. There is no stiff
competition; neither are there any notable major market players. So, you can
start earning huge profits as quickly as possible.

10. E-commerce
With more people embracing the idea of buying products they need online, e-
commerce is becoming more lucrative than the traditional methods of trading.
And that’s why many businesses are setting up online stores as a way of keeping
abreast of modern trends. A good retirement business idea is to start an e-
commerce store that sells products online. Though very lucrative, this business
may be expensive to start, depending on what products you’re offering.

11. Senior care service

You are aging, and you are becoming a senior yourself. You have raised kids, and
you have cared for your aged parents, too. Chances are that you have deep
understanding of what seniors like, what they dislike, and how best they should
be treated.
This means you are more than likely to be very much skilled at providing care for
seniors. And you can convert this skill into a very lucrative business during your
retirement years. The demand for senior care services is booming, as older
people now form a significant fraction of the population.

12. Start a network marketing business

Most people stay away from network marketing business because of the stress
involved but I don’t think there’s anything like a stress-free business. If you have
the nerve and persistence, then network marketing business may be the way to
go for you.

13. . Show room:

I must confess to you that this is one of the most lucrative and evergreen
business in Nigeria and the world all over. This is due to the interest of so many
people in the entertainment and sport especially football. One particular thing
that makes this business unique is because many people love watching these
matches at show room where they will have fun and discuss with their friends.
Another thing is that this business can never die as more and more people, men,
women, students, young and odd are becoming fans of most popular foreign
league clubs. Any interested entrepreneur can tap into this huge business idea,
introduce some things that will make your own unique and before you know it,
you will be going home with lots of cash. You can start this business with a small
capital of around 100,000 naira and expand as you get more money.

14. Palm oil storage business: storing palm oil during peak season and
reselling during off-peak season is a great business that can fetch you a lot of
money depending on the amount of capital you have.. The most important thing
about this business is getting the right information on where to buy, when to buy,
how to store and when to resell. There are two seasons for palm oil, first
between February and April, this period is known as peak season, and the price
of palm always drop drastically which gives room for smart entrepreneur to
maximize the opportunity. The second season is between October and
December which is always characterize by scarcity and rising price of palm oil,
during this period one can resell the stored palm oil and make a profit that can
be as high as 100% or even 200%. There is technique that can be used to make
more profit from this business. The technique is very simple and this is the
technique: immediate after the peak season around July the price will go up and
you can sell and make a profit of around 50-60%. The price will go down around
September when most farmers will be selling their stored palm oil to cater for
the school fees of their children starting new academic session. So as a smart
entrepreneur, you can use the money again to buy at a cheaper price and sell all
a high price during off-peak season. When you calculate your profit, it will be far
higher than those that waited until the off-peak season alone. This is the method
my mother and I have used and it has worked perfectly, but if you don’t know the
right timing is better you stick with the normal method or you contact me for
15. Soybean Storage: Storing soy bean during peak season and reselling
during the off-peak season is another great and lucrative business that is yet to
be tapped. Soy bean is leguminous crop with a lot of nutritional and health
benefits and as a result of this it is being used by man as food and for making
animal feeds such as poultry feed, fish feed etc. This farm produce is needed for
fish farming and because of increase interest of people in fish farming, has made
this produce a highly sort after one. This is a business that very few people know
about and are getting a lot of money year in year out. For example, in 2012, a
woman bought each measure (rubber) of soy bean for #120 during the peak
season and sold it for #240 in just two month and the price kept on increasing.
The peak season for soy bean is between November and December and the off-
peak season start from February to September, imaging the amount of money
you would make if you have money to store it and wait for the real off-peak

season (any time from April upward) when the commodities will be so scarce
and make up 250% profit.
16. Quail Bird Farming: If you are hearing about quail bird for the first time or
you have heard about it before but you have not taken step to tap into this great
business opportunity, you are forgiven. Quail bird popularly known as Aparo in
Yoruba language (If you know the name in Hausa or Igbo you can tell us here) is
one of the ancient bird which has a lot of health benefit. Quail bird farming is
part of Poultry farming and they also lay eggs like chicks but it is not common in
this part of the world. The meat and the egg of this bird has been reported to
cure many diseases such as arthritis, tuberculosis and other 30 diseases. Quail
bird rearing is five times better than chicken and turkey rearing, and I assure you
that a person with 400 quail laying bird is better off than a person with 2000
laying chickens. That fact is due to the following reasons:

 2000 quail bird will feed on the same amount of feed that will be
taken by 400 chickens.
 They have immunity against many diseases, this implies that you
don’t need to spend money on vaccine and that the business has a low
 Quail bird mature earlier and start laying eggs after 7-8 weeks.
 Quail farming requires less labour.
 The space require for rearing Quail bird is small.
 They lay a greater no of egg of between 250 and 280 per year.

With just 20,000 naira you are good to go with this business provided you have a
space in your house where you can put the cage. With that 20,000 naira you will
be getting a daily return of between #1500 and #2000 after the bird has started
laying egg. If you have enough money, you can go into large scale production as
this can turn you into millionaire within the limited possible time.
For more information on how to start quail farming in Nigeria Read: How to
Start quail farming
- See more at:

I want you to know that nothing good comes easily. Retirement period is a time for
embarking on business exploration and investments. You need to identify your
talents links and begin to use it now for a better future. Of the numerous business
opportunities and potentials available in this country Nigeria, I believe the ones
listed above are potential money makers that you can invest in but kindly do your
own feasibility study before investing in any of these business opportunities. Your
retirement days can better than your working days as you have the opportunity to
make more money now.

Thank You For Listening

Good luck and God bless.


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