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Sor Maria Ana S.

Duerme, HRC

Sor Maria Ana is industrious in the community. She has a humble

heart to help the younger one in the community. She has a strong attitude
to correct and address her co sister if she see sister is not doing the right
one. She is look serious sometime physically but deep inside she is
happy. She is a moody person type. She is very open and sincere in her
words. But when she is tired she is insensitive you cannot talk properly to
her. She is a generous elder sister in times of needing help. She like to
give something to a person and member of the community to express her
gratitude. She is also a persevering in her vocation. She like to encourage
the younger one in their vocation not to easily give up. She live the life of
a religious. She is productive in the formation house.

Things to be improve:
She had to learn to correct the sister in a nice way.
She need to learn that when is corrected she has to accept and simple
say sorry and thank you. It should not let the anger lead.
She must more matured as an elder.
She need to go out of herself and be flexible in all the changes.
Sor Maria Benilda B. Tabamo,HRC

Sor Maria Benilda is very hand on to the younger one that needs
help. She has attitude to go with the flow. She is very happy person to be
company. She is sensitive and not open to her feelings. She has the
attitude of lazy. She is caring to her co sister and children. She is a
prayerful sister. She is a less effort in her work. There are times that she
a creative in cooking in the kitchen for the sister and visitors. She is
resourceful in her work. She is self-giving in the community.

Things to be improved:
She need to exert more effort to be with community.
She need to be matured.
She has to be strong in decision making and not to rely to others for the
goods. Build up the confidence.
Sor Maria Gladys F. Malinao, HRC

Sor Maria Gladys is simple person. She is a very vocal in herself

and for the good of the community. She has the strong behavior and
attitude. When she speak or address a person she has no officious if
she is hurt. She is more productive in the apostolic life. She self-giving in
the community life. She is also obedience and sincere.

Things to be improved:
She must be stand firm in making decision.
She must be humble to sacrifice her work when it comes community
activity without any complain.

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