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Why a good photo makes the difference in ecommerce

One of those pieces of popular wisdom that we have all heard is that the face is the mirror of the
soul. In the business world, this has meant that companies have traditionally taken care of all that
they have been able to present to their consumers when they come into contact with it. There are
offices and stores that show a certain palette of colors because their values are those that the brand
wants to transmit or there is the customer service that starts from certain elements to be able to
connect with the buyer. That the Starbucks 'baristas' always smile is not by chance, but rather part
of a business strategy. His smile transmits something that the company wants to position.

Therefore, it is often surprising to see certain practices of brands and companies in the internet era.
Although the network is one of the most powerful showcases for companies in these times and one
of those that has a greater impact at the present time, not a few companies forget that what is seen is
what will end up causing the first impression on consumers.

Thus, there are many companies that have official pages with outdated and unattractive appearance,
which do not invite a click beyond, or those that upload to the network content neglected and poor
finish. This is especially seen in social networks, where not a few companies that publish images
that do not even amateur in their profiles, but that is not the only scenario. In online stores, either on
their own or using third-party marketplaces, not a few companies use images and content that do
not have a professional finish. And this is a serious problem.

Because, in the end, the credibility of that company and the interest that consumers can have to
consume those products (or not) will be very marked by how they see it. In an environment where
there is nothing more as a point of contact between consumers and the company than the image that
is spilling over the network, that image is the point of validation, the element from which
consumers make their decisions.

That is why it is recommended to increase the angles of image, to vary the type of photos (from
close-ups to photos at a greater distance) and have to use professional resources. The simple camera
of the holidays is not worth to obtain some quality photos that sell the product.

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