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Union is Strength

1. A.a)All that glitters is not gold.

b) Barking dogs seldom bite .
c) Charity begins at home.
d) Distance makes the heart grow fonder.
e) Easier said than done .

B) a. Half a loaf is better than no bread.

b. Don’t cry over spilt milk.
c. Killing two birds with one stone
d. Let bygones be bygones.
e. No news is good news.

a. You are leaving but stay in touch. Don’t let it be ,’out of
sight out of mind’
b. Be careful before you put all your money in this venture .
‘Look before you leap’.
c. We should make the earth a better place. We should live
and let live.
d. You need to do more sums daily. Remember, ‘practice
makes perfect’.
e. You have been thoroughly spoiled. Yours is a case of
‘spare the rod and spoil the child’.

2. A.
a. The rabbits approached the king as they felt that they
would not be able to live with disgrace.
b. The tortoises approached the king as their name was
being disgraced.
c. The author writes ‘Alas’ because the rabbits do not
know how to swim.
d. The tortoises were grinning like a Cheshire cat as they
could swim very well and knew they would win the
f. The one simile used in the story is the tortoises
grinned like Cheshire cats.

B. Explain the following :

i) I shall be having rabbit stew for dinner: the king would
arrest all the rabbits, make rabbit stew with them and eat
them up.
ii) The union realized that it had landed itself in a stew: the
union knew that it was in a trouble.
iii) Grinning like a Cheshire cat : A Cheshire cat always
seems to be grinning and looking very pleased with itself .
iv) buying time : a little extra time to think.
v) ‘May I have your royal ear?’: May I have your attention ?

3. Give short answers :

a. Why did the rabbits feel that the king had been
unfair ?
Ans : Because he knew that there was a river in the
path and also knew that rabbits can’t swim.
b. Copy the short paragraph from the story which
reminds us of the present day traffic congestion on
the roads .
Ans : The traffic slowed to a halt ; car horns ,bus horns
,scooter horns were honking ;pedestrians could not
cross the street ; tempers were lost ; fist fights took
place , and in general , there was a chaos .
c. Write any one of the threats the king made to the
union .
Ans: The king gave two threats to the union . Acording
to one condition, if they loose the race , the king
would have rabbit stew for dinner next night .
d.What appeal did the president make ?
Ans : The president made the appeal to think of a way
out of the problem.
e. Which proverb does the story proves ?
Ans : The story proves the proverb, union is strength.

4. Explain how the rabbit and the tortoise both won the
race . Write why they could do so.
Ans : The race between the rabbits and the tortoises
began . Suddenly, the tortoises climbed and sat on the
back o0f the rabbits. As soon as they reached the river ,
the tortoises bent down and the rabbits climbed on
their backs. Together they reached the finishing line and
together they won the race .
5. What does the the name and description ‘Birbull’ remind
you of ? Relate any one story connected with him?
Ans : The name ‘Birbull’ is a pun on ‘Birbal’. It reminds
us of Birbal , the witty courtier in Akbar’s court. Birbal
too, would guide Emperor Akbar in many different

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