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Salvador Aarón Padilla Zerón A01377067

Remedial English V

The road to Playa del Carmen

These were a vacation that I shared with the family of my girlfriend. In

fact, his family invited me to share this extraordinary experience. The trip
was to Playa del Carmen but the nice is that it was a surprise and only his
dad knew where we would go. That gave him emotion all the way. the
second that I loved is that everything was traveling by car and, personally,
it is the most important thing because you are seeing beautiful landscapes
and places, I known small and beautiful places all the way to Playa del

It was a different trip, I had never traveled without my family and less with
family of someone else. However, I felt very calm and beautiful as if they
were my family.

The different was not the destination, everything was wonderful, but the
diferences that I recommend is traveling without telling anyone where are
going to travel and travel by car, maybe it's more longer, but definitely it's
more beautiful to appreciate each parto of the road.

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