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4 A's Lesson Plan

Lesson Plan in Science V

Grade V

I. Objectives
At the end of the class period, the pupils should be able to:

a. Identify rocks according to its characteristics,

b. Classify the rocks collected according to texture, hardness and colour using the key
c. Participate actively in the class discussion

I. Subject Matter
A. Topic: Classifying Rocks Using the Key
B. Science Ideas: Rocks are classified on the basis of their physical characteristics such as color, hardness and texture
C. Scince Process: Classifying and observing
D. Value Focus: Coopration
E. Materials: Rock Samples, Manila paper, marking pen and magnifying lens
F. Reference PELC-VI-2-2-1; Into the future Science and Health5 pp. 198-199.

II. Developmental Activities

A. Pre-Activity
1. Science Word Drill Rocks, sand, stones, wheel and axle screw

2. Motivation
Each group will be giveb cut-out puzzle. The first to finish will be the winner.
- What did you form out of this puzzle? Where can you find rocks? How do you rocks differ from one another?

B. Activity Proper
a. Group Activity
b. setting of standards
c. distribution of the activity sheets
d. publishing and reporting

C. Analysis/Discussion
What is rock?
How did you classify rocks in you activity?
How do rocks differ?
How are they similar
Why rocks do looks different from one another?
Are rocks important? Why?
. D. Abstraction/Generalization
How can rocks be classified?
E.. Valuing
Did everyone participate in the activity?
What trait did you show when you were doing your group work? (cooperation)
Why is cooperation in important in any group work

F. Application

Draw rocks in manila paper, after you finished drawing, make a jingle or poem nor song about your

III. Evaluation
Direction: Choose the letter of the correct answer and write it in the space provided.

______1.The grade five children had a field trip. They collected different kinds of rocks. They got rocks with
different colors. Some rocks were smooth and some rough.. Some were big,, some were small. What does
these show about rocks?

a. Rocks have different characteristics.

b. All rocks have the same color.
c. Rocks have the same color
d. Rocks have different fossils in them.

______2. How can you classify rocks? Through its ____________.

a. Texture b. hardness
c. Color d. all of the above
______3. Why physical characteristics of rock can be observed by eyes?
a. Texture b. hardness
c. Color d. prosperity
______4. In which of the characteristics describe the texture of rocks?
a. rough b. green
c. crumble d. smooth

IV. Assignment
Direction: Search or find the three kinds of rocks. Write the meaning of three kinds and give examples. (It can be printed
or drawing.

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