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Hare Krishna,

Please find below an article written by Sri. Ganapathy Raman ,

Efficacy of Vishnu Sahasranamam.
Though there are sahasranamams for many deities Vishnu Sahasranamam is the harbinger of all. It is
the oldest one and countless people hv recited and reciting as part of their daily prayers and it has
the stamp of approval by none other than Sri Krishna . It has all the potentials of being called a Maha
Mantra and those reciting the same every day with absolute devotion will enjoy so many benefits by
the Grace of the Lord.
There is a story in this respect.Adi Sankara after writing bashyams for Brahma Sutras,Upanishads
Bhagavat Gita etc wanted to do a bashyam on Lalitha Sahasranamam euologising Devi. So he asked
one of his disciples to bring the book on Lalitha Sahasranamam. When the disciple brought the book
Sankara opened the same but to his amazement it was Vishnu Sahasranama book. He scolded him
and asked him to go again to bring the LS. He brought another book and to his astonshment that was
also VS. Sankara asked his disciple when he wanted to bring LS why he is bringing again and again
VS.For that the
disciple answered 'Master,what can I do? . A girl wearing lovely ornaments and clothes commanded
me to give the VS to you. You must know my predicament". Sankara with great admiration went into
the room for the girl but he could not see anybody. He understood thru his vision that it is nothing
but the Devi Herself asking him to do bhashyam for VS first. He with tears prayed 'Mother Goddess
you want me to do bhashyam for your brother’s namas first. How merciful you are. I will obey your
command'. So stating he started to do the bhashyam for VS first.Such is the famous thing about
Vishnu Sahasranamam.
In Baja Govindam Sankara says :
Keyam Gita Nama Sahasram Itheyyam Sripathyroopa bhajasram
Bhaja Govindam Bhaja Govindam Bhaja Govindam Moodamathey II
(In this stanza he compels to recite Bhagavat Gita and Vishnu Sahasranama daily.)
..By reciting the Vishnu Sahasranamam daily cure of many illness, power, tejas, prosperity and all
good effects will accrue to the devotee if recited sincerely and earnestly. This is the experience of
ever so many persons.
In 1930s and 40s when medical science had not any improvement reciting Vishnu Sahasranamam
cured the illness of cholera, typhoid and other illness as people used to perish like flies due to lack of
the advanced medicines that are available today which can cure any illness. So the people of those
days had to depend mainly on the mercy of God and prayers. So too during World War II when the
Japanese were about to attack Madras the whole population of the city was about to be vacated
because of orders from the then British Government but at that time Sri Ramana Maharishy advised
to recite Vishnu Sahasranama parayana by eight persons and no harm will happen. Amazingly the
Japanese planes which came near to the city of Madras turned their direction and moved towards
Calcutta for inexplicable reasons. This is a fact which is corroborated in certain books. In North India
there is a practice of
reciting the Vishnu Sahasranamam fully for 5 times daily so that the cure of many evil effects of
untimely death,escape from accidents etc will happen. By reciting the VS, 5 times a day for 45 days( a
mandala) or half mandala will remove all problems is the general belief and many people have been
benefited from that.
Sankara,Bhatta, Ragavendra have written elaborate bashyams on the Vishnu Sahasranamam . In
effect the recitation of Vishnu Sahasranama daily by all will act as a panacea to all the ills that are
plaguing the humanity and will bring harmony and peace everywhere. Of course, it can be asked by
reciting this by Hindus only how the whole world will become a place of peace and harmony. The
recitation is something like a group prayer and naturally nobody can expect immediate results. But in
course the effect will come automatically as prayers are meant for not only one's own uplift but for
the whole humanity itself. That is why we say Loko Samastha Sukhino Bavanthu. It is said by an
ancient lady saint that if there is a very good human being in this world just for him/her rains will fall
everywhere. The sages of yore have written so many things for the welfare of whole humanity and
not for the particular people of a particular country. So arguing on this can only lead one to narrow
By reciting the Vishnu Sahasranamam daily the chanter , hearer and all will be benefited. In this
world there are ever so many things that are happening for which there can't be any explanation as
the humanity is still at its infant stage only and can't understand the intricacies of Nature. Scientists
with all their latest knowledge could not solve all the problems of the world nor could they
understand the mysteries of the Universe. No scientist can predict the origin of lightning and other
things of nature except by saying it is the result of positive and negative cloud effects. They also
admit that of all the computers the human brain
is the Super computer which can store such vast knowledge that no other computers produced by
them can do. So arguments for arguments sake will lead us nowhere as our evolutionary progress
has not developed to such an extent. So we must repose faith in the wisdom of the ancestors. When
we fall sick we go to a doctor and he prescribes certain medicines and when we take the same we
get cured of our illness. We don't question the contents of the medicine or doubt whether we will be
cured or not. Why?. Only on the faith of the prescription given by the doctor. The doctor himself has
not produced the medicines but some pharmaceutical companies have done research and given the
The doctor based on the faith in the companies prescribe the medicines. So everywhere faith is the
important criterion. So too the same yardstick can be applied here and Vishnu Sahasranamam , if
recited with faith will confer the benefits and the test is only recital over a period and faith. The taste
of pudding is in eating and not by simply saying. Just like that. So let us believe in the wisdom of
millions of devotees who still make it a habit of reciting the Vishnu Sahasranamam and the benefits
will come automatically.
Hare Krishna,

m namo bhagavate vasudevaya namah

My name i HARI .im from chennai ,, your mail was really wonderful,, most people nowadays neglect
the practice the habit of chantin slokas ,,but this mail would change their mind,,, thanks a lot for the
mail,,, you wont believe ,, i started chantin VS for about 11 months and i got rid of wheezing ,,that is
just blessing of god and the power of VS... so let evryone read VS and reach the lotus feet of SRI

thank you


Srimathay Narayanayanamaha !

All our Aacharyans, Sastras, Puranas always highlighted the ever powerful Vishnu
sahasranama Stothram, which is the means for solution to all ills not only prevailing in the
society as a whole but also in any individual on account of various reasons including some

Sri Sri Sri Tridandi Srimannarayana Ramanuja Chinna Jeeyar Swamiji during His discourse on
the eve of Sri Bhishma Ekaadasi Viratpaarayanam in Hyderabad where lakhs of people
gathered on 13th February 2003, once again reiterated the same. His Holiness also declared
that the 108 slokhas (sloka) of Sri Vishnusahasranaama Stothram removes all the ills
associated with any grahadoshams to any chanter of any Nakshatram(Stars viz.constellations)
and provides supreme solace and supreme bliss. There are 27 Nakshatram starting from
Aswini and ending with Revati. Each Nakshatram has four Paadam. Thus 108 slokhas
correspond to 27 X 4 nakshatra padams. Thus a person born in Aswini 1st Paadam can chant
first slokha, Bharani 1st padams can chant 5th slokha and so on for respective Nakshatra
Saanthi. A person not sure of one's Nakshatra can chant all the 108 slokhas and get rid of all
ills associated with one's Nakshatram and attain sampoorna saanthi.

There is no need for any other means at all to achieve success in any issue. For the
convenience of all the Bhagawatas/devotees a list of Nakshatram and corresponding slokhas
are given.
Birth Star - Nakshatra ( Nakshatram )
Ashwani (Aswini / Asvini )1 to 4
Bharani (Barani) 5 to 8
Kruttika (Krithikai / Karthikai)9 to 12
Rohini 13 to 16
Mrugasira (Mirugaseersham)17 to 20
Ardra (Thirivathirai) 21 to 24
Punarvasu (Punarpusam) 25 to 28
Pushyam (Pusam / Poosam) 29 to 32
Aslesha (Ayilyam) 33 to 36
Makam 37 to 40
Poorvapalguni (Puram) 41 to 44
Uttaraphalguna (Uthiram) 45 to 48
Hasta (Hastham) 49 to 52
Chitra (Chithirai) 53 to 56
Swati (Swathi) 57 to 60
Visaakhaa (Visakam) 61 to 64
Anuradha (Anusham) 65 to 68
Jyeshtha (Kettai) 69 to 72
Moolaa (Mulam) 73 to 76
Poorvaashaadaa (Puradam) 77 to 80
Uthraashaadaa (Thiradam) 81 to 84
Sravanam (Thiruvonam) 85 to 88
Dhanishtha (Avittam) 89 to 92
Sathabishang (Sathayam) 93 to 96
Poorvabhadra (Poorattathi) 97 to 100
Uttarabhadra (Uthirattathi) 101 to 104
Revati (Revathi) 105 to 108
His Holiness advised the devotees to chant Sri vishnusahasranAma (Sri Vishnu
SahasranAmam) Stothram total at least once in a day followed by eleven times a day their
respective slokhas and see the results for themselves in just eleven days.
Adiyen's suggestion: If one identifies one's own birth Nakshatram then they can by heart their
corresponding Sri VishnuSahasranAma slokhas and keep on chanting whenever free/idling
and attain good results in all their endeavors.
For the benefit of the readers to access their respective Nakshatra related slokha, I give below
the link to each Slokha of Sri Vishnu Sahasranamam, appearing on this web site's other

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