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Cognition and Emotion

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Toward a cumulative science of emotion: a

functional-cognitive framework for emotion

Jan De Houwer & Sean Hughes

To cite this article: Jan De Houwer & Sean Hughes (2019) Toward a cumulative science of
emotion: a functional-cognitive framework for emotion research, Cognition and Emotion, 33:1,
61-66, DOI: 10.1080/02699931.2018.1504750

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2019, VOL. 33, NO. 1, 61–66


Toward a cumulative science of emotion: a functional-cognitive

framework for emotion research
Jan De Houwer and Sean Hughes
Department of Experimental Clinical and Health Psychology, Ghent University, Ghent, Belgium


Definitions of emotion and emotional phenomena are often infused with intuitions Received 8 May 2018
and theoretical ideas about what is “truly” emotional. Although these intuitions and Revised 17 July 2018
ideas motivate people to study emotion, their prominence at the conceptual level Accepted 19 July 2018
can hamper progress in emotion research. In this paper, we argue that there is
merit in defining emotional phenomena as much as possible in terms of Emotion; levels of
behavioural principles that have been developed outside of emotion research. We explanation; functional
clarify that such a functional approach is compatible with, and can even strengthen, psychology; cognitive
cognitive approaches to emotion research. This functional-cognitive perspective psychology
reveals ways to increase the cumulative nature of emotion research and to surpass
initial intuitions and theoretical ideas.

The concept of emotion is at the same time the on how readily the results it produces fit with our
biggest asset and the biggest liability of emotion initial, intuitive understanding of emotion. Just like
research. It is an asset because most people have an the scientific analysis of the physical universe has led
intuitive sense of what an emotion is, that emotion to insights that differ in important ways from, and
is important, and that they lack insight into this impor- even surpass, intuitive understandings of the universe,
tant phenomenon. Hence, there is widespread interest so too should we be willing to accept that the scien-
in and support for emotion research. The concept of tific analysis of emotion may lead to conceptualiz-
emotion is, however, also the main liability of ations of emotion that differ from, and even surpass,
emotion research. It is a pre-scientific term that people’s initial intuitive understanding of this
stems from everyday language and lacks a precise concept. The prerequisite that emotion research
definition that is generally agreed upon. Because should explain “true” emotion as it is intuitively under-
different people have different intuitions about what stood, constrains emotion research in ways that are
a “real” emotion is, there is no consensus about scientifically counterproductive.
what it is that needs to be explained in emotion In this paper, we outline a functional-cognitive fra-
research (i.e. explanandum). mework for emotion research that allows for func-
This lack of consensus resulted in unproductive and tional definitions of emotional phenomena, that is,
persistent debates about the definition of emotion definitions in terms of well-established behavioural
and emotional phenomena (Russell, 2003). Although principles rather than pre-scientific intuitions and
there definitely is merit in having debates about layman terms. These behavioural principles (e.g.
definitions, such debates tend to be fruitless when operant conditioning, stimulus control, motivating
definitions are infused by subjective (e.g. an intuitive operations) have been developed outside of the
understanding of what emotion is) and theoretical realm of emotion research and refer solely to the
ideas (e.g. pet theories about what processes underlies way in which environment and behaviour interact
emotions; Wittgenstein, 1958). Moreover, emotion (see Catania, 2013, for a review). Within the func-
research is destined for failure if its success depends tional-cognitive framework, pre-scientific intuitions

CONTACT Jan De Houwer

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about what is truly emotional can be used to guide consequences it had in the past (Moors, 2017). The
which behavioural phenomena are considered concept of “operant behaviour” implies only func-
worthy of study within emotion research but the tional causation (i.e. the consequences of current
behavioural phenomena themselves are described behaviour will influence the probability of subsequent
without reference to these intuitions. Functional behaviour) much like evolution theory implies only
definitions of emotional phenomena are also void of functional causation (e.g. the current consequences
mental concepts that feature in cognitive explanations of a trait will affect the frequency of that trait in sub-
of emotional phenomena (e.g. semantic networks, sequent generations). It has merit regardless of
appraisals). Unlike the strictly functional approaches whether there is agreement about the (mental) mech-
advocated by radical behaviourists such as Skinner anism via which past consequences influence current
(1953), the functional-cognitive framework that we behaviour (e.g. via the anticipation of future conse-
put forward (De Houwer, 2011; De Houwer, Hughes, quences) just like the merits of evolution theory do
& Barnes-Holmes, 2017; Hughes, De Houwer, & Peru- not hinge upon agreement about the (genetic) mech-
gini, 2016) highlights that functional definitions of anisms underlying evolution (see Chiesa, 1992;
emotional phenomena are perfectly compatible Skinner, 1953). Note that operant behaviour also
with, and can even strengthen, cognitive approaches depends on antecedents such as discriminative
to emotion. stimuli that signal when a behaviour was followed
In the remainder of this paper, we first explore ways by certain consequences in the past. Emotional behav-
in which emotional phenomena can be defined in iour that appears to depend primarily on antecedents
terms of behavioural principles. Next, we briefly (e.g. showing pride, sadness, happiness, surprise)
explain why these functional definitions are compati- could thus still be operant in that it is also a function
ble with and can strengthen the cognitive approach of the consequences it had in the past (e.g. support
to emotion research. Finally, we discuss possible limit- or admiration from others).
ations and implications of the functional-cognitive fra- The statement that an (emotional) behaviour
mework for emotion research. qualifies as an operant simply implies that a manipu-
lation of (a) the consequences or (b) the impact of
the behaviour on those consequences should
The functional approach to the study of
influence the behaviour (also see Layng, 2017). It has
been argued that emotional behaviour can be
Within the confines of this paper, we can only hint at grouped in different classes according to the type of
ways in which emotional phenomena can be linked to outcomes that control the behaviour (Skinner, 1953,
behavioural principles. We therefore encourage our Chapter 10). For instance, behaving in an angry or
readers to consult other papers that discuss these aggressive manner can be said to differ from other
issues in much more detail (e.g. Friman, Hayes, & (emotional) behaviour in that it depends on damage
Wilson, 1998; Lewon & Hayes, 2014). With this caveat being inflicted on persons or objects (Skinner, 1953,
in mind, we would like to briefly discuss a functional p. 163; see Layng, 2017, for an alternative functional
perspective on five phenomena: emotional behaviour, perspective).1
emotional dispositions, emotional situations, It is important to realise that by defining emotional
emotional learning, and conscious emotional states. behaviour as a class of responses that are under the
Like other types of behaviour, emotional behaviour control of specific consequences, the classification of
can be characterised on the basis of the antecedents emotional behaviour goes beyond the superficial
and/or consequences that control it. Respondent (topographical) features of individual responses. For
behaviour is behaviour that is solely under the instance, it captures the fact that aggressive behaviour
control of its antecedents, that is, those elements in is not restricted to responses that inflict physical
the environment that precede it. For instance, it has damage to others (e.g. hitting others) but can
been documented that behaviour which might be include also the absence of responding (e.g. not inter-
labelled as anger or aggression (e.g. biting) can be eli- acting with others because this adversely affected
cited by painful stimulation (Ulrich & Azrin, 1962). others in the past). In other words, conceptualising
Most instances of emotional behaviour, however, emotional behaviour as operant behaviour captures
seem to qualify as instances of operant behaviour, the fact that physically different behaviours (e.g.
that is, behaviour under the control of the biting, kicking, verbal criticisms, avoiding others) are

all members of the same class of responses in that feeling is considered as (covert) behaviour, it can be
they are controlled by the similar consequences (e.g. examined what the antecedents and consequences
getting rid of, or avoiding, a disliked person; Catania, are of those feelings (Skinner, 1953; see Layng, 2017,
2013). Identifying the consequences that determine for an alternative). Moreover, events leading to
emotional behaviour not only increases understand- internal emotional states have been conceptualised
ing of those behaviours but also allows one to as motivating operations, that is, as events that deter-
influence them, for instance, by changing (the mine the reinforcing value of certain outcomes (see
appeal of) those consequences. Lewon & Hayes, 2014, for an in depth discussion).
Emotional dispositions can be described in terms of For instance, the antecedents of subjective feelings
the probability of emotional behaviour (Skinner, 1953). of anger (e.g. painful stimulation) increase the extent
For instance, we often label people as being fearful to which damage to others functions as a reinforcer,
when there is a high probability that they will show much like the antecedents of hunger (e.g. food depri-
fearful responses. Likewise, emotional situations are vation) increase the extent to which eating functions
situations that increase the probability of emotional as a reinforcer (see Michael, 2004, pp. 141–143). In
behaviour. What is important here is that the increase fact, motivating operations are thought to play a
in probability occurs across many situations (in the central role in many aspects of emotion (Lewon &
case of emotional dispositions) or across many individ- Hayes, 2014). As Skinner (1953, p. 165) already
uals (in the case of emotional situations). This of noted, “the fields of motivation and emotion are
course does not explain why certain people are very close. They may, indeed, overlap”.
fearful or why certain situations evoke fearful
responses but it offers a description of these
The cognitive approach to the study of
emotional phenomena that does not make a priori
emotion and its relation to the functional
assumptions about the mental causes of those
phenomena (e.g. inner causes such as schemata in
memory or psychodynamic conflict). Moreover, Many researchers are not satisfied with describing
describing emotional behaviours in terms of emotional phenomena in terms of environment and
emotional dispositions or situations implies a hypoth- behaviour relations; they want to know the mechan-
esis about the functional causes of those behaviours. It isms underlying those phenomena. Cognitive psychol-
singles out factors related to the person (e.g. the learn- ogy offers a mechanistic approach to the study of
ing history of that person) or to the situation that are emotion in which the mediating mechanisms are
crucial in bringing about specific emotional beha- composed of informational units that operate on
viours, thus highlighting ways to influence those each other to produce behaviour, much like cog-
behaviours (e.g. offering new learning experiences or wheels in a mechanical clock operate on each other
changing the situation). to produce the movement of dials (Bechtel, 2008).
The notion of emotional dispositions clarifies that a Other mechanistic approaches are also possible (e.g.
functional approach to emotional behaviour not only a neurological approach) but the latter focus on mech-
takes into account the events that are present in the anisms that involve other parts and operations (e.g.
current environment but also those that were chains of electrical and chemical activity in neurons).
present in the past. It thus provides an intrinsically his- Multiple ideas have been put forward about the
torical perspective that stimulates researchers to nature of the mental mechanisms that underlie
clarify how emotional dispositions arose during the emotion, such as the appraisal of situations in terms
history of the organism. In examining the learning of goals. It is clearly beyond the scope of the present
history that underlies emotional behaviour, research- paper to review all of these theories (see Moors,
ers can draw upon the vast knowledgebase that has 2017, for an insightful analysis of cognitive emotion
been generated as the result of the functional analysis theories). The main point we want to make here is
of behaviour in general, such as research on classical that – from a functional-cognitive perspective –
and operant conditioning (see Catania, 2013, for a those theories are perfectly compatible with the
review). sorts of functional analyses of emotional phenomena
Unlike to what is often assumed, also internal states outlined in the previous section. The framework high-
such as conscious feelings can be included in a func- lights that the functional and cognitive approaches in
tional analysis of emotion. For instance, when a psychology are located at two different levels of

explanation that have different things they aim to knowledge about behavioural principles has remained
explain (explanandum), and that use different con- the same since Skinner’s attempt to study emotion
cepts in order to achieve explanation (explanans). functionally over sixty years ago. Even a course inspec-
Whereas functional psychology aims to understand tion of the recent literature will show that a lot has
behavior (explanandum) in terms of the environment changed in functional psychology over the past
(explanans), cognitive psychology wants to under- decades. For instance, new functional analyses of
stand the impact of environment on behavior (expla- language have been proposed that differ substantially
nandum) in terms of mental processes (explanans; De from Skinner’s (1957) ideas about language (Hayes,
Houwer, 2011; Hughes et al., 2016). For instance, Barnes-Holmes, & Roche, 2001; see Hughes & Barnes-
whereas the claim that an emotional behaviour is an Holmes, 2016 for a general introduction; also see
operant behaviour explains the behaviour by high- Barnes-Holmes & Hughes, 2013; and Friman et al.,
lighting the past consequences it is a function of, 1998, for a discussion of the implications for
appraisal theories explain the impact of those past emotion research). Hence, one should not underesti-
consequences on current behaviour by describing mate the power of the functional approach. Moreover,
the goals and appraisals that have been shaped by it would be beneficial even if only some (aspects of)
those past consequences and that produce the emotional phenomena could be described in func-
current behaviour. tional terms (see Moors, 2017, for an analysis that
Because the two approaches have different aims, draws heavily on functional terms but still combines
they are not competitors. In fact, elements of one this with cognitive concepts). In contrast to Skinner’s
approach can be used to help achieve the aims of approach, the functional-cognitive framework also
the other. Most important within the present acknowledges that the functional approach will
context, a definition of emotional phenomena in never satisfy the aims of cognitive researchers. The
purely functional terms (e.g. in terms of motivating realisation that both approaches have fundamentally
operations) helps researchers to remove from those different aims removes the need for competition
descriptions concepts that are tied into specific cogni- and hence maximises opportunities for mutually ben-
tive theories (e.g. semantic networks, appraisals). This eficial collaboration.
can improve communication between proponents of This message is important also for functional
different theories because they can now share a way researchers. As noted by Lewon and Hayes (2014,
of describing the phenomena that they study p. 814), “failure to develop a behaviour analytic
without having to use concepts that are tied into account of emotions unnecessarily limits the scope
their own theoretical perspective. Moreover, using of a science of behaviour and precludes the discovery
the framework maximises theoretical freedom in that of important functional relations not currently being
it allows researchers to consider novel theoretical addressed. A comprehensive science of behaviour
ideas without having to change the definition of to- must ultimately account for all sorts of human
be-explained phenomena. In that way, the func- activity”. The functional-cognitive framework reveals
tional-cognitive framework increases the cumulative that in studying emotions, functional researchers can
nature of emotion research because knowledge benefit from the vast literature on emotions that has
about emotional phenomena is unaffected by been produced by cognitive researchers.
changes in cognitive theories about those This does not mean that it will be easy to foster
phenomena. interactions between the two approaches. Cognitive
researchers will have to learn the language of func-
tional psychology, that is, to analyze behaviour in
Possible limitations and implications
terms of behavioural principles. Functional researchers
Some readers might doubt whether it is possible to need to respect the aims of cognitive psychology
capture the full complexity of emotion in terms of rather than simply dismiss them based on their own
abstract behavioural principles. They might point out aims (as, for instance, Skinner, 1990, did) and allow
that functional researchers such as Skinner (1953) themselves to explore the rich cognitive literature
already tried and failed, and that there is thus no while remaining true to their own aims. Bridging the
point in trying again. This argument presupposes historic divide between both approaches will,
that Skinner’s approach was the only possible func- however, provide benefits for psychology as a
tional approach, or perhaps the best one, and that whole, including emotion research.2

Conclusion Funding
We started this paper by noting that the concept of The preparation of this paper was made possible by Universiteit
emotion is both the biggest asset and the biggest Gent [grant number BOF16/MET_V/002 to Jan De Houwer].
liability of emotion research. The functional-cognitive
framework for emotion research that we outlined in
this paper allows researchers to maintain the motiv-
ating and orienting function of intuitions about Jan De Houwer
emotion while reducing the risks inherent to an intui-
tive or theoretical conceptualisation of emotion.
Describing emotional phenomena as much as poss-
ible in terms of behavioural principles will result in Barnes-Holmes, D., & Hughes, S. (2013). A functional approach to
a more cumulative science of emotion that has the the study of human emotion: The centrality of relational/prop-
ositional processes. In D. Hermans, B. Rimé, & B. Mesquita
potential to surpass our initial intuitions and theoreti-
(Eds.), Changing emotions (pp. 202–209). Hove: Psychology
cal ideas. Press.
Bechtel, W. (2008). Mental mechanisms: Philosophical perspectives
on cognitive neuroscience. New York: Taylor & Francis.
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Sloan Publishing.
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manner). One could, however, question whether those
would profit from a functional approach and vice versa.
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Perspectives on Psychological Science, 6, 202–209.
function of the extent to which they inflicted harm on
De Houwer, J., Hughes, S., & Barnes-Holmes, D. (2017).
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harmed, provided that similar acts facilitated victory in
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the past). Moreover, the example of emotionless aggres-
Hayes, S. C., Barnes-Holmes, D., & Roche, B. (Eds.). (2001).
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Relational frame theory: A post-skinnerian account of human
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2. A reviewer wondered whether interactions between cog-
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on working memory) would fall outside of the scope of
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Lewon, M., & Hayes, L. J. (2014). Toward an analysis of emotions
Acknowledgements as products of motivating operations. The Psychological
We thank Dermot Barnes-Holmes and Agnes Moors for the Record, 64, 813–825.
many helpful discussions on topics related to this paper Michael, J. L. (2004). Concepts and principles of behavior analysis.
and Agnes Moors for feedback on an earlier version of the Kalamazoo, MI: Society for the Advancement of Behavior
paper. Analysis.
Moors, A. (2017). The integrated theory of emotional behavior
follows a radically goal-directed approach. Psychological
Inquiry, 28, 68–75.
Disclosure statement
Russell, J. A. (2003). Core affect and the psychological construc-
No potential conflict of interest was reported by the authors. tion of emotion. Psychological Review, 110, 145–172.

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