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A critique on the editorial of Nestor P. Burgos Jr.

Mackay II, Jimmy John Jr. P.


University of the Cordilleras-Senior High School

The subject of this article is about the access bracelets for the Tourists who wants to visit Boracay after its
Is this essential? Is this beneficial for all? Is this an acceptable proposal?

According from the Department of Environment and Natural resources, tourists going to Boracay after its
reopening are required to wear access bracelets to regulate the number of visitors to the island and as a
security measure and are required to register in a tourist database if this proposed measure is approved
before the island reopens this Oct. 26,2018.

At first, I thought that this proposal is highly acceptable, because it can actually help control the
numbers of tourists coming in and out of the island and also because it is convenient for the tourists. They
don’t need to bring cash instead they will use the access bracelets as a substitute for credit or debit cards
in paying their bills. It is also a relief for the residents to have lesser tourists that crowds the beaches and
streets. The access bracelets will actually determine the days they will be staying in the island, hence they
have limited time in staying in the Island, so the other tourists can come also to enjoy the beautiful sites in

But, is this proposal beneficial for the residents and also for the tourists? For me, I think that the
residents will not be benefited. Why? Because, according from what I have read in the article, residents of
Boracay will be needing to get an access card to prove that they are really a resident in Boracay, but since
they are closed for 6 months they still don’t have a way of living, they still need to catch up and earn
some money, then they need to pay or get a new Identification card or an access card? Isn’t it too unfair
for them? They already have an access card because it is a requirement for them upon entering the island,
how many times do they have to prove that they are a resident in Boracay? This proposal is impractical
for the residents because it forces them to spend money for a new Access card or Identification card just
to prove that they are a resident in Boracay, rather than saving it for them to at least earn some money for
their family. For the tourists, I think that it’s a bit

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