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Aldy Firmawan (1116030011)
3 Gedung 2


Assignments (April 8-13)
Sentence Types
The types of sentences used for different purposes. There are four types of sentences:

1. Simple Sentence
 It contains of one independent clause. One independent clause consists of a subject
and a verb, and it may also have an object and modifier (Walden University, n.d)
 A simple sentence has only one clause (British Council, n.d)
 A simple sentence contains only one independent calse. An independent clause is a
group of word with a subject and a verb that expresses a complete thought (O'Brien,
Example: We build the construction.
2. Compound Sentence
 It contains of two independent caluse. Both of them can be combined with a comma
and a coordinating conjungtion (Walden University, n.d)
 A compound sentence has tow or more caluses (British Council, n.d)
 A compound sentence contains at least two independent clause. These clauses are
joined by coordinating conjunction or a semicolon (O'Brien, n.d)
Example: He draws the sketch and we build the construction.
3. Complex sentence
 It contais at least one independent clause and at least one dependent clause. The
dependent clause can refer to the subject, the sequence/timeline, or the casual elements
of the independent clause (Walden University, n.d).
 It has a main clause and one or more adverbial clause (British Council, n.d).
 A complex sentence contains of subordinate clause and an independent clause. A
subordinate clause is a group of word that has a subject and a verb yet does not express
complete thought (O'Brien, n.d).
Example: The building fall because it is not solid.
4. Compound-complex sentence
 It contains at least two independet clauses and a dependent clause (Walden University,
 A compound-complex sentence contain at least two independent clause and at least
one subordinate clause (O'Brien, n.d)
 Compound-complex sentence contains 3 or more clause: 2 independent clause and at
leaset 1 dependent clause (Espresso english, n.d).
Example: The building fall because it is not solid and we reconstruct immediately.

Compound Complex Sentence

Compound Complex Sentence is a sentence that contains at least two independent clauses and a
dependent clause.
Example: If today is not rain, they will go to workshop and we go to laboratory
Independent Clauses : 1. They go to the workshop
2. We go to laboratory
Dependent Clause : Today is not rain

Conjuction : 1. If

2. And

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