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UNIT 16 Homework worksheet


Activity 1

People is making a lot of requests to Albert. Write reported

requests using the original request. Follow the example.

Original request REPORTED REQUEST

Can you play music more quietly? He asked me to play my music more quietly.

Don’t come home after midnight. She told me not to come home after midnight.
She said not to come home after midnight.

1. William: “Albert, please take my phone calls”.

William asked Albert to take his phone calls.
2. Jenny: “Could you please type these letters for me”

______ Jenny asked Albert to type her letters

3. Dave: “Can you please make some copies of these documents”

___dave asked Albert to make some copies of documents______

4. Richard: “Don’t forget to add paper to the copy machine”.

__richard asked albert to add paper to the copy machine_

UNIT 16 Homework worksheet

Activity 2
Albert is a good co-worker so Amanda is having a
surprise party for Albert. Look at what she told the
guests. Write each request using ask, tell or say.

1. Meet at Albert’s apartment at 7:30.

 Amanda told them to meet at Albert’s apartment at 7:30.

2. Can you bring your favourite CDs?

3. She asked me to open the window.

4. Don’t bring any food?

She has often asked me to stay the night.

5. Can you bring a small gift for Albert?

They asked the architect to meet them there the next day
.Don’t spend more than $10 on the gift.
I asked them politely to make less noise.

6. Be careful not to say anything to him.

7. She always asks me not to forget her.

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