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You wish you had spent more time with the people you love.

You wish you had spoken your minds more.

You wish you had lived more in the moment.

Time, a blessing, a gift of life. Time the one you wanted most to stay. But the more it
goes, the more it’s gone, the more it takes away. All we got is time and you are wasting it.
Waiting for the right things to fall in place, doing nothing but complaining over the things life
has given to us. But trust me when I say, there is more to life.

Time has a wonderful way of showing us what really matters. It teaches us the true
value of life. You’re going to deal a lot of disappointments, a lot of failures, a lot of pain and a
lot of doubts. It’s okay to grieve for a time, cry and write it all out if you want to. But don’t let
yourself slip away in the process. Gather yourself up and go redeem yourself. Life is not over
yet, so is your time. The pain youre going through right now is just the beginning of your story.
There’s a lot of reasons why you should just keep on going. you have a story to tell. We do all
have stories inside of us beating our rib cages yearning to be set free. You are given all the time
in this world, don’t waste it over trivial things. Go wander the world, do the things you are
passionate about before its too late. Don’t find a reason to give up, you are given all the time to
do everything you have to but if you don’t use this gift wisely, there is no turning back.

Here’s to everything that made us who we are today. Here’s to the tears we allow to
stream down our cheeks. Here’s to our beautiful selves, raw and real. A reminder that life isn’t
constant but a vivid creature with its ups and downs. life is a learning experience- every
moment of everyday, every situation, every second of it is an opportunity to become a better
version of ourselves. Don’t waste your time looking back at what you’ve lost. Move on, life is
not meant to be traveled backwards.



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