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A Century of Bacteriophage Research and Applications: Impact on

Biotechnology, Health, Ecology and Economy!

Article  in  Journal of Chemical Technology & Biotechnology · September 2018

DOI: 10.1002/jctb.5810


2 665

2 authors:

Erick J. Vandamme Kristien Mortelmans

Ghent University SRI International


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Received: 27 June 2018 Revised: 28 August 2018 Accepted article published: 3 September 2018 Published online in Wiley Online Library:

( DOI 10.1002/jctb.5810

A century of bacteriophage research and

applications: impacts on biotechnology,
health, ecology and the economy!
Erick J Vandammea* and Kristien Mortelmansb

About a century ago, bacteriophages or phages – viruses that infect bacteria – were discovered and reported in the scientific
literature. This review aims at a comprehensive survey of bacteriophage discovery, research and applications since the 1920s,
and its impact on molecular biology, biotechnology, health, ecology and the economy. Phage therapy has been proven a
valuable asset to deal with pathogenic bacterial infections since the early 1920s, and has been practiced ever since, especially
in the former Soviet Union and in Eastern Europe. The Western world remained sceptical and resorted to the widespread use
of antibiotics since the 1940s. Now that antibiotic resistance among pathogenic bacteria has spread alarmingly and few really
novel antibiotic compounds are in the pipeline, renewed attention is being directed to the use of phages as antibacterial agents
in medicine. Because of this renewed interest in phage therapy in the Western world, novel applications with phages are being
pursued in the human health, environmental and the agri-food sectors. This review will focus on (1) the history of early phage
use and its successes and problems, (2) the study of phages as important tools in the development of molecular biology and
biotechnology, (3) current developments in phage research including the use of phage endolysins for use in antibacterial
treatment, (4) phage production systems including undesirable phage contamination of industrial fermentation processes
based on bacteria, (5) recent applications in phage therapy and in phage-based control, and (6) the roles of phages in nature
and in the human gut.
© 2018 Society of Chemical Industry

Keywords: bacteriophages; history of phage research; phage therapy; phage-based control; antibiotic resistance; phage preparations
for medical and agri-food use; endolysins; phage contamination in industrial fermentation processes; gut–skin–oral vaginal–urethral
phage viromes; phage ecology

BRIEF HISTORY OF BACTERIOPHAGE carry an ultra-filterable virus or that an enzyme was involved with
DISCOVERY AND OF PHAGE THERAPY ‘the power of growth’. At that time the term virus was generally
used to designate any infectious disease agent, although the term
PIONEERS ultra-filterable virus gradually came into use for certain agents
About 100 years ago, the existence of viruses that specifi- that (i) could not be observed with the best available microscopes
cally infect and destroy bacteria was discovered and reported at the time and (ii) were able to pass through unglazed porcelain
in the scientific literature. These viruses are now known as bac- filters (e.g, the agents of tobacco mosaic disease, foot and mouth
teriophages, a term coined by Felix d’Herelle (1873–1949). disease, yellow fever and rabies).7 Another common property of
Bacteriophages, also known as phages or prokaryotic viruses, such agents was that they behaved as parasites because they
infect Eubacteria as well as Archaea.1 The discovery was first
reported in 1915 by the British physician and biomedical scientist
Frederick W. Twort (1877–1950)2 (Fig. 1) and two years later, inde- ∗ Correspondence to: EJ Vandamme, Department of Biotechnology – Centre
pendently, in 1917 by the French-Canadian self-taught biomedical for Industrial Biotechnology and Synthetic Biology, Faculty of Bioscience
researcher Felix d’Herelle3 (Fig. 2). Since the 1880s, several papers Engineering, Ghent University, Coupure Links 653, B-9000 Ghent, Belgium.
in the bacteriological literature had appeared that in hindsight
might have suggested the presence or activity of bacteriophages, Both authors are native Belgians, with lifetime careers spent in industrial micro-
but bacterial autolysis, activity of bacteriolysins or bacteriocins biology/biotechnology (EJV) and medical microbiology/biotechnology (KM),
were believed to have acted as bacterial destroyers.4–6 It was in respectively, at both sides of the world. They have tried to include unbiased, for-
gotten, early and very recent Belgian scientific contributions to phage research
1915 that Twort, Professor-Superintendent of the Brown Animal
and applications.
Sanatory Institution in London, UK, reported an unusual glassy
form of spontaneous lysis in colonies of micrococci (Staphylo- a Department of Biotechnology-Centre for Industrial Biotechnology and Syn-
coccus albus), contaminating his agar plates, while studying the thetic Biology, Faculty of Bioscience Engineering, Ghent University, Ghent,
pox vaccinia virus. He could with a bacterium-free filtrate of these
cultures transmit the lytic effect to fresh cultures of micrococci. b Biosciences Division, SRI International (Formerly Stanford Research Institute),
He considered the possibilities that the isolated bacteria might Menlo Park, California, USA

J Chem Technol Biotechnol (2018) © 2018 Society of Chemical Industry EJ Vandamme, K Mortelmans

Figure 1. Photo of Frederick Twort taken around 1900. From Wikimedia

Commons, the free media repository. Source: Obituary Notices of Fellows
of the Royal Society, Vol. 7, No. 20, November 1951, pp. 504–517. The file is Figure 2. Photo of Felix d’Herelle taken around 1910. Credit goes to the
lacking author information. Because the work was published abroad before Canadian Medical Hall of Fame and Irma Council (the artist). Approval
1978 it is in the Public Domain in copyright terms in the United States. received 15 January 2018.

could only propagate in the presence of a living host organism. Brussels, Belgium, namely Jules Bordet (Fig. 3), Director and 1919
Whether they were organic molecules, such as enzymes, peptides Nobel Prize laureate for Physiology or Medicine that involved
or toxins, or minuscule microbes was a matter of speculation. his work in immunology and work on Bordetella pertussis, the
At about the same time, Felix d’Herelle – then working as an causative agent of whooping cough (named after Bordet), and his
unpaid research assistant at the Institut Pasteur in Paris, France, associate microbiologist André Gratia. Bordet proposed that the
and unaware of Twort’s 1915 publication – observed a similar causal agent was a normal secretion of bacteria, an endogenous
phenomenon with cultures of the dysentery bacterium Shigella bacteriolytic enzyme, whose production was under some type of
dysenteriae. He published his findings in 1917 in a French language auto-regulatory control. He also disagreed with d’Herelle‘s claim
article3 , where he used the term ‘bacteriophage’ for the first time that bacteriophages play a crucial role in the recovery of patients
and described a microbe that was (i) antagonistic to bacteria, (ii) with dysentery. For him, as an immunologist, antibodies and
lysed bacteria in liquid cultures and (ii) killed bacteria in discrete complement were the foremost important defence factors. These
patches when grown as a film layer on the surface of agar plates. scientific disagreements escalated into personal friction, such
He termed these clearing zones ‘plaques’. In a following article, that in 1921 Bordet and Gratia10–12 rescued Twort’s observation
he suggested ‘that it might involve a microorganism, belonging to from oblivion and confronted d’Herelle to defend his position as
a new genus for which I propose the term Bacteriophagum, which the discoverer of the bacteriophage. Another Belgian research
reflects its main property, with the germ found in the dysenteric team at the Institut de Bactériologie of the Catholic University of
intestine, being Bacteriophagum intestinale’.8 Leuven nearby, directed by Richard Bruynoghe (Fig. 4), defended
d’Herelle’s work became widely known, in particular after he d’Herelle’s view against Bordet’s, challenging his Nobel-authority.
published a monograph in French language in 1921, entitled Bruynoghe and his group supported d’Herelle’s notion of an
Le Bactériophage9 , whereas Twort’s paper remained initially ultramicroscopic microorganism,13 whereas Bordet found that the
unnoticed. d’Herelle’s claim that the bacteriophage was a living proposal of a complex organism was unnecessary and saw the
microorganism soon met with opposition, initially from a Japanese bacteriophage as a simple endogenous bacterial enzyme, able
colleague, Tamezo Kabeshima, also at the Institut Pasteur in Paris. to induce its own secretion and ability to cause lysis of bacteria.
More opposition came from two scientists at the Institut Pasteur in This Bordet–Bruynoghe controversy lingered on until the early © 2018 Society of Chemical Industry J Chem Technol Biotechnol (2018)

A century of bacteriophage research and applications

Figure 4. Photo of Richard Bruynoghe taken around 1945. Source: www Because the photo was taken before 1978 it is in the Public
Domain in copyright terms in the United States.

visited G. Eliava in Tbilisi for the first time in 1934 and collaborated
intensively with the Eliava Institute. However, G. Eliava came in
conflict with the Soviet regime and was executed in 1937.
Although phage therapy boomed in prewar times (1920–1940)
driven by the military on both sides, it happened that, in an effort
to keep the troops safe, at least from infections, the introduction of
penicillin killed phage therapy in the Western world. During WWII,
d’Herelle was kept under house arrest and wrote his memoirs. He
died rather forgotten in 1949.
Figure 3. Photo of Jules Bordet. Source: Wellcome Library, London. Public
Domain, CC BY 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons. Date and photographer
1930s, with Bruynoghe gradually winning the debate. A detailed, DEVELOPMENT
but forgotten, history of the contributions and arguments, pro In the 1930s, novel ultracentrifugation and filtration techniques
and contra (i.e. microbe particle versus enzyme), of these Belgian were developed that made easier the concentration and purifi-
pioneers of early phage research has been published recently.14 cation of bacteriophages, and soon their main composition
d’Herelle performed his initial phage therapy experiments in of protein and nucleic acid was established.18 Two decades had
early 1919, isolating phages from chicken faeces and successfully elapsed between bacteriophage discovery and their visualization
treating an outbreak of chicken typhus. This success led him to via electron microscopy in the early 1940s, which confirmed their
switch to trials on humans, including himself. A first patient was organization as supramolecular particles rather than an enzyme,
healed of dysentery using phage therapy in August 1919 and oth- endorsing the viral hypothesis.19–21 Studies on the biology of
ers followed.17 In the period 1920–1926, d’Herelle had travelled phage multiplication started in the late 1930s and 1940s at the
on and off to South-East Asia, Egypt and India, to study and coun- California Institute of Technology in Pasadena, CA, USA, first by
teract cholera and plague epidemics, He isolated phages from the physical chemist Emory L. Ellis who was soon joined by the
plague-infected rats to successfully treat many human plague vic- German émigré physicist Max Delbrück (Fig. 5), both being pro-
tims. For instance, in India he isolated phages from cholera victims ponents of bacteriophages as biological entities.22,23 In 1940, this
in the slums and dropped phage solutions in the village wells, an American Phage Group also attracted the Italian physician Sal-
action that drastically lowered the death toll. In 1924 he received vador Luria (also shown in Fig. 5), who was trained in radiology. He
an honorary doctorate of the University of Leiden, The Nether- initially worked on phages at the University of Rome and moved
lands, as well as the Antonie van Leeuwenhoek medal. in 1938 to the Radium Institute in Paris. In 1940 he moved to the
In 1934, while at the Institut Pasteur in Paris, d’Herelle met USA, recruited to work initially at Columbia University in New York
with a visitor, the bacteriologist George Eliava (1892–1937). They with several radiation biologists. There he soon made contact with
became friends and established a joint interest and cooperation Delbrück and his group. He also collaborated with Alfred Hershey,
in phage research and therapy. Eliava was the founder in 1923 a phage physiologist at Washington University in St Louis, MO,
of the now Eliava Institute of Bacteriophages, Microbiology and who demonstrated that only the DNA of phages entered the
Virology (EIBMV), at the Georgian Academy of Sciences in Tbilisi, host bacteria. From 1943 to 1950, Luria was at Indiana University,
in the former Soviet Republic of Georgia, where phage therapy has Bloomington, and moved in 1950 to the University of Illinois at
been, and still is being, further developed until today.15,16 d’Herelle Urbana-Champaign. In 1959 he continued his research at the

J Chem Technol Biotechnol (2018) © 2018 Society of Chemical Industry EJ Vandamme, K Mortelmans

Figure 5. Photo of both Max Delbrück and Salvador Luria taken in 1969 at the Nobel Prize ceremony. Copyright © The Nobel Foundation 1969. The
complete illustration was provided by Pearson Education, Inc. with Copyright 2005 Pearson Education, Inc. publishing as Benjamin Cummings.

Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), Cambridge, MA.24 modify the phage so that phages with the incorrect modification
Guided by the organizational talent of Delbrück, this team decided were restricted in their replication in certain strains.31,32 It was only
to focus on the type T1–T7 phages and in 1945 established an 20 years later that genetic and biochemical studies revealed that
annual phage course and meetings at the Cold Spring Harbor this is caused by certain sequence-specific host endonucleases,
Laboratories, Long Island, NY. These courses were attended by now universally in use as restriction enzymes. The existence and
students and senior scholars from all over the world and led to the role of messenger RNA was proven with phage-infected cells.33,34
‘Delbrück School of phage research’. In 1969, Delbrück, Luria and The discovery of phages with RNA genomes in 196135 and the
Hershey (shown in Fig. 6 that also shows Martha Chase, his labo- experimental proof that these RNAs function as expected gave
ratory associate) received the Nobel Prize for their phage-based strong support to Francis Crick’s statement that became ‘the
research. The Luria–Delbrück fluctuation experiment was crucial central dogma of molecular biology’, namely that information
in this context. All of these events contributed to the foundation goes from DNA to RNA to Protein (and never in the opposite
of molecular biology as a novel discipline. In the 1950s virulent direction, a vision that was challenged in those days by, amongst
phages were discerned from temperate phages at the Institut Pas- other things, the epigenetic phenomenon).
teur in Paris, and the term prophage was introduced.25 Temperate In 1976, Walter Fiers (Fig. 9), founder of the Laboratory of Molec-
refers to a phage being dormantly present within bacteria that are ular Biology at Ghent University, Belgium, and his team were the
then in a state of lysogeny without direct lysis or killing effect. This first to sequence a complete viral genome, namely that of the RNA
can transform harmless bacteria into pathogens; the diphtheria bacteriophage MS2.36,37 The complete genome sequencing of the
phage is a notorious example of this. The temperate bacterio- first DNA phage phi X174 followed soon in 1977 by Nobel laureate
phage lambda, isolated from a particular Escherichia coli strain in Fred Sanger and his group in the UK.38
the Lederberg laboratory at the University of Wisconsin, Madison, Further details about virulent phages versus temperate phages
WI, became the tool to improve understanding of the physiology and the induction of the lytic versus lysogenic cycle in their
of gene expression and the mechanisms of the lysogeny state host bacteria became elucidated in the following decades. This
of bacteria (See Figs 7 and 8 for Esther and Joshua Lederberg, research provided a paradigm of the genetic switch and devel-
respectively).26 The study of lysogeny with phage lambda led also opmental regulation in bacteria–phage interactions39–44 Phages
to the concept of gene regulation.27 By the 1960s, there was a are now well-studied mobile and integrative genetic elements
growing realization that phages were only one example of several (MIGEs), such as plasmids and transposons, that play a role in the
types of extrachromosomal genetic elements found in bacte- emergence of pathogenic bacteria. This is initiated by a process
ria, next to F (fertility) and R (resistance) factors and plasmids.28 named ‘phage conversion’ whereby phage-encoded virulence
Mutants of bacteria and phages could easily be detected by use factors convert their bacterial nonvirulent host into a virulent
of the simple replica plate test.29 strain. As a result, these virulent strains can produce potent toxins
Subsequent detailed genetic analysis of phage genes led to such as diphtheria and botulinum toxin, pore-forming lysins and
the concept of the triplet nature of the genetic code.30 During effector proteins.41
studies on phage host-range mutations in the 1950s, host-induced Many phages form stable relationships with their bacterial hosts
modification was observed, too. The host bacteria appeared to and are referred to as lysogenic strains. In such strains lysis © 2018 Society of Chemical Industry J Chem Technol Biotechnol (2018)

A century of bacteriophage research and applications

Figure 6. Photo of Alfred Hershey taken in 1969 Nobel Price award ceremony. Copyright © The Nobel Foundation 1969. The complete illustration was
provided by Pearson Education, Inc. with Copyright 2005 Pearson Education, Inc. publishing as Benjamin Cummings.

Figure 7. Photo of Esther Lederberg in her Stanford Laboratory taken

January 1977. Permission to use:
ColleaguesIndex.html. Figure 8. Photo of Joshua Lederberg in his laboratory at the University of
Wisconsin taken in October 1958. Source:
A/A/W/_bbaaw_.jpg. The work is in the public domain in the United States
does not occur, allowing for vertical and horizontal transmis- under the terms of Title 17, Chapter 1, Section 105 of the US Code.
sion within a bacterial population. Figure 10 illustrates schemat-
ically the pathways that lead to the lytic and lysogenic cycle. be detailed here. Also, information on bacteriophage classification
The principles and mechanisms of temperate phage mediated has been described recently19,54 and will deliberately not be cov-
conversion of nonpathogenic bacteria into pathogenic strains ered here.
via expression of phage encoded virulent genes have recently All of these achievements point to the important impact of
been extensively reviewed.41,45,46 Also reviewed are specific cases basic phage research on the development of molecular biol-
involving Shiga-toxin-producing E. coli and toxin-producing Vibrio ogy and modern biotechnology in general. Now the favour is
cholerae.41,47 returned with novel molecular biotechniques such as clustered
Especially from the 1980s onwards, basic research on DNA repli- regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats (CRISPR)-Cas9
cation and its regulation (especially with phage lambda) has con- being used to modify industrial biotechnologically important bac-
tributed a lot to the understanding of the basic principles of DNA terial strains, such as Bacillus subtilis and E. coli, to increase their
replication control not only in phages, but also in bacteria and even phage resistance during large-scale fermentation processes.55–61
in eukaryotes. Several seminal and review papers48–53 have dealt Also, viral metagenomics, complete phage genome sequenc-
with these fundamental phage-related aspects and these will not ing, phage-mediated efficient gene transfer and molecular

J Chem Technol Biotechnol (2018) © 2018 Society of Chemical Industry EJ Vandamme, K Mortelmans

• Phage adsorption inhibition: adsorption/contact with the phage

particle can be prevented by bacteria via blocking of phage
receptors, mediated by either the presence of inhibitors or syn-
thesis of a protective biofilm.84–86 Biofilm formation by bacte-
ria on human tissues, on medical devices, fomites, on indus-
trial equipment, in water treatment plants and in nature is
indeed a well-known survival strategy to fend off antiseptics,
sanitizers and antimicrobial compounds. However, several stud-
ies indicate that phages can overcome this hurdle by penetrat-
ing through the biofilm and/or by producing lytic enzymes that
degrade the bacterial exopolysaccharide matrix.84,87–93
• Injection blocking of the phage genome: the phage genome is
not able to inject its genetic material into the potential host
• Restriction modification: bacterial endonucleases recognize and
can destroy the injected foreign phage nucleic acid, although
some phages can evade this mechanism.95
Figure 9. Photo of Walter Fiers (center) with his wife Arlette and Erick • Abortive infection: this encompasses a range of phage resistance
Vandamme taken in 1990 in the townhall of Ypres (Ieper), Belgium, (his mechanisms causing phage-infected bacterial cells to die off
birthplace). He was being recognized as a famous Belgian/Ghent University before completing the lytic cycle.94
biotechnologist and bio-engineer by the Royal Flemish Society of Engi- • Action of CRISPRs: these are genetic loci, found in the genome
neers (KVIV), of which he became then an Honorary Member. Erick Van-
of most bacteria that function as a prokaryotic immune
damme was his former student and then young professor to give the
laudatio-speech at the event. Photo provided by Erick Vandamme. system in conferring acquired immunity (CRISPR-Cas inter-
ference) towards exogenous genetic elements like plasmids
and phages.60,96
characterization of phage lytic enzymes (endolysins) are now rou-
tinely studied in view of improved applications of phages to com- In phage therapy and phage-based control applications, the
bat pathogens and spoilage bacteria in the medical and agri-food screening for and isolation of new phage mutants/variants from
sector.62–66 the environment or specialized niches that are active against resis-
tant bacterial strains that survive a phage attack, is already com-
mon practice. It is rather quick and easy to perform and is routinely
ECOLOGICAL ROLE OF PHAGES AND applied.97 Phages have indeed always been universally present in
RESISTANCE OF BACTERIA TO PHAGES all environments and ecosystems on Earth. They are now consid-
Bacterial resistance to phages has been observed ever since they ered as our most abundant biological entities with an important
were put to use, and it has been and is often used as a reason ecological role, consisting in fact in the modulation of ecologi-
not to pursue phage therapy or phage-based control any further. cal equilibria and the prevention of bacterial strain overgrowth in
This resistance phenomenon was observed during early antibiotic nature. These environments encompass soil, oceans and their sed-
therapy and even Alexander Fleming, during his Nobel Prize iments, river and underground water, plant/decaying plant and
lecture, warned against the emergence of antibiotic-resistant animal biomass, waste streams from agricultural and food indus-
strains/mutants, thus instructing that there should be a ‘prudent’ tries, households, human waste, hospitals, schools, airports and
use of the antibiotics.67–69 Nobody would argue with stopping in municipal sewage. In this context, the presence of phages has
searching for new antibiotic compounds and not to administer recently been reported in 14th century fossilized faecal samples
antibiotics any further in medical settings, with the ever-increasing (coprolites) recovered from excavated latrines in the city of Namur,
spread of bacterial multidrug/antibiotic resistance (MDR). On the Belgium. By using a combination of electron microscopy, high
contrary, this search should continue, although big pharma is throughput sequencing and PCR approaches, Christelle Desnues
no longer much involved in infectious diseases as a therapeutic et al.62 from Aix-Marseille University, Marseille, France, were the
focus.70–75 first to analyse this ancient DNA phage metagenome. They iden-
Evidence is accumulating for the coevolution of antibiotic resis- tified various genes coding for toxins and virulence and observed
tance and antibiotic biosynthesis genes in soil bacteria such as that the phage DNA sequences are related to those found in con-
Streptomyces species and similarly for a coevolution of bacteria and temporary stools, indicating that the viral/phage community has
phage populations in nature as well as in experimental batch cul- played a fundamental role within the human gastrointestinal tract
tures and in chemostat microcosms.56,62,76–78 In this context it is for many centuries.66,98
essential to understand resistance build-up in function of the bac- In general, the ecological importance of phages relates to: (i)
terial composition or sequence and selection of the ‘best practice’ prokaryotic evolution by gene transfer, such as transduction and
use of single phages or of phage cocktails.17,79,80 lysogenic conversion; (ii) controlling and modulating bacterial lev-
Next to developing and applying novel antibiotics and antimi- els in nature and in the variety of microbiota throughout animals,
crobials as well as antibodies and probiotics, phages have been including in the gut, the oral cavity, the lungs, the skin and the
shown to really combat pathogenic bacteria and the diseases or vagina; and (iii) their role in recycling nutrients via lysis of bacterial
spoilage they cause.81–83 However, bacterial strains can also resist cells in different ecological niches.62,66,98–103
phage infections and turn into phage-resistant bacteria at any Tailor-made genetically engineered phages can now be con-
stage of the phage infection process by different mechanisms structed, aiming at specific pathogenic or spoilage bacteria. In
described below. addition, their lytic enzymes (endolysins) are being studied at the © 2018 Society of Chemical Industry J Chem Technol Biotechnol (2018)

A century of bacteriophage research and applications

Figure 10. Illustration of the lysogenic and lytic cycle of bacteriophages. Copyright 2005 Pearson Education, Inc. publishing as Benjamin Cummings.

molecular level and as to their potential application in medical set- true in the case of phage production on a larger fermentation
tings and in the food sector.63,65,104–107 scale.112,113 It is important to mention here that most successes
with medicinal phage therapy were obtained with an individual-
ized phage production procedure, where the causal pathogenic
THE PHAGE PRODUCTION PROCESS BY bacterial strain was first isolated from the patient and then used to
SMALL-AND LARGE-SCALE FERMENTATION screen for its lytic phage(s). This bacterial strain was then cultured
Wider application of bacteriophages demands larger scale pro- on a small scale with subsequent infection with the phage(s),
duction processes of phages, using strictly controlled fermenta- followed by the process of producing a suitable phage prepara-
tion bioreactors, rather than petri dishes and shake flask cultures. tion. This successful individual approach does not lend itself to the
This controlled production of bacteriophages in large quantities need for a large-scale phage production facility. The situation is
became even more important due to their increasing use as trac- quite different when large bacterial infection outbreaks are to be
ers and for phage typing, for production of peptides and anti- dealt with.17 In this context, at the Eliava Institute in Tbilisi, Geor-
bodies (referred to as phage display), and for their increasing use gia, fermenter vessels up to 500 L volume are in use.114 In order
in phage therapy and phage-based control. The importance of to produce phages on a larger scale, the pathogenic host bacte-
phage display was highlighted by the 3 October 2018 announce- rial cells must first be cultivated in fermenter vessels under strictly
ment of the Nobel Prize for Chemistry that was awarded to and contained conditions.
shared by the following two laureates: George P. Smith, University This is similar to the technology used for bacterial vaccine
of Missouri, Columbus, OH, USA, and Sir Gregory P. Winter, MRC production, but here deliberate contamination with the bacterial
Laboratory of Molecular Biology, Cambridge, UK, in recognition of viruses is initiated during the mid-log phase growth of the bacte-
their pioneering work on phage display of peptides and antibod- ria. Parameters such as temperature, pH profile, dissolved oxygen
ies. A third laureate also received the 2018 Nobel Prize for Chem- tension and inoculum size are important factors here. Production
istry, namely Frances H. Arnold, California Institute of Technol- of E. coli phages is well-documented and phage titres of >1013
ogy, Pasadena, CA for her work on directed evolution of enzymes. plaque forming units per millilitre (PFU mL−1 ) were obtained.
Generally, intact viruses and phages and virus-like particles (VLPs) Aeration rate and timing of addition of the phage inoculum to the
are recovered from microbial and cell communities and fermen- actively growing E. coli cells were found to be critical.112,113,115,116
tation broths via physical separation and purification techniques. After the phage replication stage, and resultant lysis of the bac-
These VLP particles consist mainly of the empty viral capsids that terial cells, the phages need to be separated from the cell debris
recently have attracted attention as to their potential use as tem- and purified from the fermentation broth and then further formu-
plates for nanomaterials and as vehicles or carriers for vaccines, lated, that includes ability to ‘survive’ during the storage phase.
bio-imaging labels or for drug delivery.108–110 If cultures are left too long after the phage lysis phase, the cul-
Generally, information about key parameters and process vari- ture broths can become overgrown with resistant bacterial cells,
ables in large-scale fermentations, such as temperature and pH complicating the further phage recovery steps. This all requires
profile, dissolved oxygen levels, carbon dioxide evolution rate, sophisticated bioprocess technology and downstream processing
nutrient medium composition, inoculum size, foaming agent and facilities.
vessel pressure, are difficult to find in the research literature and Phage production and preparation is so far mostly performed
often represent proprietary knowledge.111 This is all the more as a rather simple technology and relatively cheap process, and

J Chem Technol Biotechnol (2018) © 2018 Society of Chemical Industry EJ Vandamme, K Mortelmans

the question remains whether drug companies or government Indochina (on bovine hemorrhagic septicemia caused by Pas-
agencies are willing to invest in well-known, but more expensive, teurella multicoda), indicated that phage therapy really is effective
advanced and sophisticated technologies. Indeed, in most cases, and could be applied in practice. Studies on humans to test the
crude phage lysates are used that are obtained after their sepa- safety of phage preparations started also with d’Herelle together
ration from their host bacterial residues by membrane filtration with some of his family members and some of his colleagues. In
of the fermentation broth. It would be far better, but much more these studies Shigella phages were taken orally or via injection as
expensive, to use purified phage stock preparations to exclude well, without any ill effects. Also deliberate administration of E. coli
possible side effects such as immunological reactions caused by phages or Staphylococcus phage preparations had generally no
lysed bacterial host or spent broth components, such as those major adverse effects on human volunteers. Recently intravenous
induced by endotoxins or peptidoglycan fragments. However, no phage administration was shown to be effective against a bac-
significant changes in eosinophil blood counts were observed in teremic episode in a patient at the military hospital Queen Astrid
patients during phage therapy, which suggests that it rather does in Brussels, Belgium127 and other similar cases have been recently
not induce allergic reactions.117 Before it can be approved for the
described.128 A very first and successful phage therapy treatment,
market, a successful phage therapy product must be safe, repro-
orally administered as a Shigella-bacteriophage culture, was per-
ducibly effective and stable. The overall regulatory approval of a
formed by d’Herelle at the Hôpital des Enfants-Malades in Paris
phage preparation remains a major hurdle in addition to patenting
in August 1919 on five children suffering dysentery. These events
it as well, because phages are considered neither a chemical nor
are described in his unpublished memoirs by Hausler in 2006.129
a living cell. As of now, no regulatory framework deals with these
The first recorded therapeutic use was reported by Bruynoghe
aspects adequately.114,118–121
A first official application or (re)implementation step has just and Maisin in 1921130 and was based on a staphylococcal phage
been officially described and adopted by Belgium, whereas sev- for topical skin treatment of cutaneous boils in a single patient. In
eral neighboring countries actually have the intention to copy 1925, d’Herelle treated patients with bubonic plague successfully
it.122 This pragmatic phage therapy framework centres on the with anti-plague phage in Alexandria, Egypt. He was then invited
‘magistral preparation’ of tailor-made phage medicines. In Euro- to visit India in 1926 to apply and spread his phage therapy to
pean law, a magistral preparation, called compounded prescrip- treat cholera epidemics in the decade to follow. Only in the late
tion drug product in the USA, is defined as ‘any medical product 1960s did the World Health Organization (WHO) organize a phage
prepared in a pharmacy in accordance with a medical prescription therapy trial for cholera in Dhaka, Bangladesh, that was based
for an individual patient’. Magistral preparations are prepared on international standards. There was a substantial reduction of
from their constituent ingredients by a pharmacist for a given excretion of V. cholerae in the stools of patients, but it did not lead
patient according to a prescription by a physician and follow- to an overall clinical improvement. The diversity of Vibrio serotypes
ing the technical and scientific standards of the pharmaceutical and the rapid transit of ingested phages may have limited the
practice. The magistral formula is a practical way for a medical desirable effects.102,131 Faruque et al.132 reported in 2005 on the
doctor to personalize patient treatments to specific needs and self-limitation of seasonal cholera epidemics in Bangladesh and
to make medications available that do not exist commercially. on the continuous phage/bacterial ‘arms-race’, which makes the
This pragmatic mechanism is already in use or in demand for phage therapeutic approach exactly a ‘sustainable antibacterial
other medicines, such as natural hormone combinations, aller- treatment approach’. In hindsight, phages have always been
gens and rare disease treatments that are not produced commer- ingested by all of us unintentionally, because they are present, for
cially because they lack patent protection. As such phage-therapy example, in our oral cavity, our gut, faecal matter, drinking water,
treatment is to be seen as a form of applying the principle of air and foodstuffs. They are a most important component of the
personalized medicine.122 This allows also for ongoing discus- human virome with an estimated 1015 phage particles populating
sions with the authorities to work on a widely adapted phage the human gut.62,66,98 In nature, their predator–prey relationship
therapeutic framework and guidelines enabling better large-scale with bacteria has played a key role in balancing bacterial life on
study designs, and exchange of genetic resources and phage
Earth for over 3.5 billion years.133 They are abundantly present on
strains based on the Nagoya Protocol (NP) and implementation in
Earth, at total numbers estimated at >1031 for aquatic environ-
ments, >107 per gram of soil and >108 –1010 phages per millilitre
of sewage.134–138
PHAGE THERAPY IN PRACTICE The pioneering work of d’Herelle at the Institut Pasteur in Paris
From first use to successful practice in Eastern Europe that continued at the now EIBMV in Tbilisi, Georgia, led to the
The few bacteriologists involved in early phage research quickly successful application of phage therapy. About 120 scientists
realized that these bacterial viruses could be successfully applied and 700 technicians worked at the Eliava Institute. Between
in human and animal medicine to combat pathogenic bacteria 1930 and 1955 some 800 publications on the subject appeared,
and the infectious diseases they may cause. The initial ongo- most of them in Russian and Georgian language, making it dif-
ing controversy on the biological nature of phages was soon ficult to access and interpret these data in the West.139 Until
overshadowed by their therapeutic potential. Earliest research now, research and applications of phage therapy as well as the
on therapeutic use of phages was conducted in 1919 on animals supply of phage preparations are still going on there, more
by d’Herelle himself, with field studies on a poultry epidemic, recently in collaboration with Belgian and Canadian phage
namely a fowl/avian typhoid epidemic caused by Salmonella researchers, with their results being published in internationally
var. gallinarum.9 He also conducted laboratory studies at the peer-reviewed and respected journals.16,114,140,141 Also several
Institut Pasteur in Paris on human bacillary dysentery caused by research institutes in the former Soviet Union (Russia) were, and
S. dysenteriae. Subsequent animal studies and field trials in rural still are, involved in phage research and applications of phage
areas of France and The Netherlands (on avian typhosis) and in therapy. © 2018 Society of Chemical Industry J Chem Technol Biotechnol (2018)

A century of bacteriophage research and applications

Georgian and Russian experience with phage therapy sets of solidly documented phage therapy research and clinical
In contrast to the West, this Georgian medicinal phage therapy data available today directly related to the spread of antibiotic
has been implemented widely since the 1930s and is still in prac- resistance.117,142,145–148 After accession of Poland to the European
tice in Eastern Europe today. Physicians in the Russian and German Union in 2004, the rules for conducting phage therapy had to be
armies used phages in WWII to treat their war-wounded soldiers. adapted to new regulations. HIIET performs phage therapy under
They were mainly used in the hospitals for treatment of primary the rules of a therapeutic experiment on the basis of the respective
as well as nosocomial infections and were administered as liquids, Polish regulations as well as – more generally – the Declaration of
sprays and tablets, and were also in use as vials in medical kits, be Helsinki. In this Declaration it is stated that a therapeutic experi-
it often in combination with the then known antibacterial com- ment is defined to occur when a physician introduces new or only
pounds. After WWII, the wide availability of antibiotics and their partially tested diagnostic, therapeutic or prophylactic methods
successful use led to a halt in phage therapy trials in Western for the direct benefit of the person being treated. Such therapeutic
Europe and in the USA, but not in the Soviet Union and Eastern experiments may be implemented only when available treatment
European countries. Indeed, the development of phage therapy has failed. They presented data indicating that phage therapy is no
since the 1930s was left largely practiced in the former Soviet longer a treatment of ‘last resort’ but also allows for significant sav-
Union, where a number of phage therapies are at present still ings in the overall costs of infection treatments.146 Some of their
exploited in a clinical setting. Over the years, multidrug-resistant phage preparations have been produced by Biomed SA, Krakow,
pathogenic bacterial strains such as Staphylococcus, Proteus, Pseu- Poland, under good manufacturing practice (GMP) conditions.117
domonas, Acinetobacter and Clostridium, were sent to Tbilisi, where From the 1980s on, researchers at the Houghton Poultry
phages were isolated from different environments such as soil, Research Station, Institute of Animal Research in the UK, treated
hospital sewage and wastewater as well as from patients, in order infected animals such as mice, lambs, piglets and calves, under rig-
to combat these pathogenic strains. Such phage preparations for orous conditions, with an E. coli strain and a specific E. coli phage,
therapy or prophylaxis are still distributed in the former Soviet with very positive results.152–155 They focused on a well-known
Union. The Georgian EIBMV is still a renowned phage research E. coli strain that was pathogenic to calves, and exploited phage
centre and hosts a large collection of about 830 phages for ther- receptor biology by selecting phages that require the E. coli K1
apy. The Phage Therapy Centre in Tbilisi, a spin-off of the Eliava antigen for infection. Their encouraging results inspired other
Institute, produces three main types of therapeutic phage prepara- groups to apply phage therapy with success to treat infections in
tions, targeted at: (i) acute and chronic infections (e.g. bladder and mice, chickens and fish.156–159 However, other early reports dealing
ear infections, infected burns and intestinal infections); (ii) infec- with an attempt to reduce bacterial contamination of beef with
tions where blood circulation is poor (e.g. diabetic foot and bed a phage pool160 , and one to prevent rabbit diarrhoea induced by
sores); and (iii) infections caused by antibiotic-resistant bacteria.16 an enteropathogenic E. coli strain were not successful.161 This may
have been due to phage-resistant bacteria. In 2009, researchers
Phage therapy research and applications in Central and at Biocontrol Ltd, London, reported, as a first, on a double-blind
Western Europe placebo-controlled clinical trial in 12 human patients with a bacte-
During the pioneering early years, the medicinal phages and their riophage mixture, targeting chronic (otitis) ear infections caused
preparations were not well characterized. In addition, most exper- by an antibiotic-resistant Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Phage admin-
iments were poorly set up, and the successful practice in the East istration proofed to be safe and resulted in a significant reduction
was not known to the West. However, in the 1950s phage epi- in clinical symptoms as compared to the placebo-treated group.162
demiological studies had started at the Ludwik Hirszfeld Institute Also the group of Harald Brussöw at Nestlé Research Centre,
of Immunology and Experimental Therapy (HIIET) at the Polish Nutrition and Health Department in Lausanne, Switzerland, per-
Academy of Sciences, in Wroclaw, Poland. In 1957 HIIET published formed safety tests on phage administration to human volun-
a paper in Polish on phage use and reported in 1967 on phage teers with no adverse effects recorded.163 Other rather sporadic
use/therapy in prophylaxis of Shigella sonnei.142,143 In fact, phage studies on phage therapy has originated from laboratories in
therapy had been applied earlier in Poland since 1923 and phages Romania.164–169
were applied in Warsaw hospitals during WWII.117,144 Research on,
and application of, phage therapy has continued until today in a WANING INTEREST IN PHAGE THERAPY AND
systematically and scientifically well-documented way. HIIET has
provided sound scientific- and application-based understanding REGAINING BASIC PHAGE RESEARCH IN THE
for phage therapy and remains at present an excellent and emi- WESTERN WORLD
nent centre of phage therapy. Over a period of about 50 years, The widespread interest in phage therapy displayed mainly in East-
this institute has published many high-standard phage therapy ern Europe, Poland, UK and Switzerland contrasts with the overall
research papers and reviews. Their research work as well as clinical low interest in the rest of the West. In the Western world, initial
results are published on a regular basis in peer-reviewed journals excitement about phage therapy was counteracted by scepticism
and books.117,142,145–148 They also did important research on the and doubts of effectiveness. Furthermore, the phage therapy prin-
immunological aspects of phage therapy as well as on observa- ciple was soon marginalized, especially in the West, in the 1940s
tions on potential anti-oncological effects of some phages.149,150 by the use of penicillin, earlier discovered by Alexander Fleming
Activities include production of phages and application of phage in 1928 in London at Queen Mary’s Hospital. The newly discov-
therapy, based on a large collection of selected phages and ered antibiotic was developed into a miracle molecule in the early
pathogenic bacterial strains that are tested for their susceptibil- 1940s by heroic efforts of British scientists at Oxford University,
ity to their phages.151 In addition, HIIET has treated over 2000 and by a research and development team at Northern Regional
patients with bacterial infections resistant to antibiotic treatment Research Laboratories (NRRL), United States Department of Agri-
with an overall success rate from 30% to 90%, depending on the culture (USDA) in Peoria, IL.170 The resulting widespread use of
pathogen involved and clinical setting. This is still one of the best penicillin during WWII to successfully treat bacterial infections did

J Chem Technol Biotechnol (2018) © 2018 Society of Chemical Industry EJ Vandamme, K Mortelmans

rapidly lead to a lack of nearly all interest in phage therapy, at least in its tenth volume, will enable timely coverage of all aspects of
in the USA and the West.133 the latest developments related to the struggle against the global
The subsequent use of other early antibiotics such as strepto- spread of antibiotic-resistant microbes.
mycin and tetracycline, introduced in the medical profession since ‘The world may soon be faced with previously treatable diseases
the 1945s, significantly further reduced Western interest in phage that have become untreatable just as in the pre-antibiotic era’.
therapy. Incredibly, this warning of a growing menace to all people was
In the 1930s several major American pharmaceutical companies, released 15 years ago by a US interagency task force, namely the
such as Eli Lilly and Company, E.R. Squibb, Abbott Laboratories, and Food and Drug Administration (FDA), Centers for Disease Control
Park-Davis and Company, produced medicines based on phages and Prevention (CDC) and the National Institutes of Health (NIH).
that met with varying success. The still poor understanding of Sadly, the situation has grown worse ever since. Ironically it was
the biological nature of phages was a major concern expressed exactly this spread of antibiotic resistance, especially among
in a 1934 report of the USA Council on Pharmacy and Chemistry, nosocomial bacterial infections, that triggered the revival of
together with the lack of standards for the purity and potency of the older principle of phage therapy. Numerous scientifically
phage preparations.171 These USA company efforts on phage ther- sound publications by authoritative scientists and reviews have
apy were soon phased out following the introduction of penicillin, appeared over the last 15 years, focusing on different aspects of
streptomycin and other antibiotics. this menacing antibiotic resistance and the potential of phage
However, as indicated above, although the scientific and medical therapy as an alternative specific and selective antibacterial
attention for phage therapy diminished in those years, phages and weapon.1,40,73,81,114,117,139,176–181 Also, the World Health Organi-
viruses became from then on favourite objects of basic study for zation recently published a global action plan to cope with
biochemists, microbiologists, geneticists and molecular biologists. antimicrobial resistance.182,183 It warned that ‘too few antimicro-
Early molecular biology research benefited greatly from the tools bials are in the pipeline to tackle the global crisis of drug resistance,
that arose from the work of phage biologists.172 responsible for the rise of almost untreatable infections around the
world’ and ‘antimicrobial resistance is a global health emergency
that seriously will jeopardize progress in modern medicine’.
THE RATIONALE TO REVISIT PHAGE THERAPY This still-ongoing, alarming, spread of antibiotic-resistant bac-
AND PHAGE-BASED CONTROL teria, and the scarcity of really novel antibiotic compounds in
Over the last four to five decades, many pathogenic bacteria that the pipeline emphasizes the need for an urgent revisiting of the
threaten the health of individuals in developed as well as in under- potential of phage therapy and phage-based control of undesir-
developed countries all over the World have become increasingly able microbes by use of their own viruses.75,125,184–186 It is only
resistant to the well-known and widely used broad spectrum recently, with the frightening rise of antibiotic-resistant bacteria,
antibiotics. Resistance also has developed to recently introduced that researchers in the West, based on and in combination with
antibiotic compounds, such as imipenem, ceftazidime, linezolid, the experience gained over decades in the East, have started to
daptomycin and synercid.75,173 Also, the occurrence of hospital reconsider phage therapy or other nonmedical phage-based con-
acquired nosocomial infections (HAIs) is growing alarmingly high. trol applications. This applies not only for human, but also for
This spreading and accelerating emergence of antibiotic resis- animal medical treatment, as well as for phage-based control in
tance was actually observed as soon as antibiotics were introduced agricultural practices, such as crop protection, and in the food and
into medical practice over 75 years ago.67 For example, over 30% sanitation sectors. This effort should indeed not be restricted to
of Streptococcus pneumoniae strains have become resistant not the medical field, but it is equally necessary in veterinary practice,
only to penicillin, but also to broad spectrum antibiotics such as in agriculture and aquaculture practice in general, as well as in
azithromycin, clarithromycin, cefprozil and cefuroxime. The spread the related food, health and environmental sectors. This is espe-
of vancomycin-resistant Enterococcus sp. (VRE) also has evolved cially important in crop protection and the agricultural field where
rapidly, even though vancomycin was precisely introduced as phage-based control applications could reduce and maybe even-
one of the last resort antibiotics. The situation in less developed tually replace the use of chemical pesticides. Phage-based prac-
countries is even more alarming, with multiple antibiotic-resistant tices also may eliminate the use of feed antibiotic compounds,
pathogens and HAIs spreading within these areas and from some of which have been linked to adverse health effects, spread-
there towards more developed countries. The recent emergence ing of antibiotic resistance to humans and to negative environ-
in the West of carbapenemase producing Enterobacteriaceae mental effects.182,183 However, this area urgently demands further
(CPE) strains, such as E. coli and Klebsiella pneumoniae, and basic and applied phage research so as to avoid similar problems
multidrug-resistant Mycobacterium tuberculosis, originating from as is experienced now with the overuse of antibiotics.
countries such as India and Pakistan, are but a few examples of
many antibiotic-resistant pathogenic bacteria.174 Other threats
are multiresistant Gram-positive cocci such as methicillin-resistant REBORN WORLDWIDE AND WESTERN
Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA), vancomycin-resistant S. aureus INTERESTS AND DOUBTS ABOUT PHAGE
(VRSA) and Clostridium difficile strains, as well as extended spec-
trum beta lactamase (ESBL) producing Gram-negative bacteria THERAPY: ADVANTAGES VERSUS
such as E. coli, Acinetobacter baumannii and P. aeruginosa. The use DISADVANTAGES
of a combination of beta lactam antibiotics such as penicillins Notwithstanding the apparent usefulness and recorded successes
and cefalosporins, such as ceftozolane, and monobactams with of phage therapy over so many years, its efficacy as an effective
beta lactamase inhibitors such as tazobactam, clavulanic acid and therapy is still questioned, and much more so in the West than
avibactam may currently help to stop these threats, but eventually in the East. Due to the calamitous spread of antibiotic-resistant
resistance will pop up.175 In this context, the launch in 2013 of pathogenic bacterial strains in medical settings and in nature,
the Journal of Global Antimicrobial Resistance (JGAR), now already the ever-increasing ineffectiveness of antibiotic treatment © 2018 Society of Chemical Industry J Chem Technol Biotechnol (2018)

A century of bacteriophage research and applications

to combat once common and easily cured infections also has in the infection/contamination must be known very pre-
intensified research in the field of phage therapy, revealing cisely beforehand. Consequently, it takes some time before
benefits to be exploited and dangers still to be tackled. one can intervene with the right phage, or phage cocktail
with its lytic spectrum known. However, the emergence of
Phage therapy advantages over antibiotic treatment rapid culture-independent bacterial detection/identification
techniques should circumvent this disadvantage.
• Generally, medicinal phages are far more specific than antibi- • Phages also can act as antigens, especially in the case of sys-
otics in that they have a very narrow host range and kill only temic infections, and thus may evoke undesired immunological
the intended group of bacterial pathogens. Unlike some broad reactions such as phage inactivation.194 The use of a different
spectrum antibiotics, phage therapy does not affect bacteria phage type can then in a second instance provide a solution.
such as the beneficial commensal and gut bacteria that make up • Moreover, phages can be inactivated for instance by leuko-
the human microbiome.187–190 The same is true for ecologically cytes and other nonspecific blood factors, as well as by gastric
important bacterial species. juices and by antiseptics.195 Therefore, the use of alkalinizing
• In this context, because of their very narrow bacterial host cell agents such as sodium bicarbonates is introduced as pre-phage
specificity, bacteriophages have for a long time also been used application.196
to identify and classify bacteria (so called phage typing) and • Phages also can mutate, encode toxin genes and lysogenize
as indicators to demonstrate the presence of bacteria that are bacteria. Also, their behavior under strictly anaerobic conditions
difficult to isolate, for instance in sewage, soil and sediments. (i.e. in the gut) has not been sufficiently studied.41,66,98
This also is the principle that is used to test the sensitivity of • Relatively little is known about the different proteins produced
clinical isolates towards a range of phages to be potentially used by phages, including their toxins. At most 70% of the proteome
in phage therapy. Well-known exceptions to the principle of functions of E. coli phage T4 are known, yet it is one of the
phage specificity include phage Felix 01 that is known for its best-studied phages.66
ability to infect and lyse almost all Salmonella serotypes and
phages including P1 and T4, that propagate on many strains These negative or understudied aspects of phages need to be
of E. coli and other Gram-negative hosts.191 To counteract the urgently addressed in view of solving these lacunae in basic phage
lack of phage specificity, a phage cocktail can eventually be research and leading to improved phage therapy applications.
prepared and administered.79,80
• Phages are a self-replicating medicine at the expense of their Revival of phage therapy in the West
bacterial hosts through the lytic cycle. A single initial phage The revival of interest in phage therapy in the West has led to the
dose is theoretically sufficient but usually, in practice, it seems emergence of several small companies, established since the late
that several applications are best to treat infections successfully. 1990s, that specialize mainly in medicinal phage therapy, but also
Phage replication occurs when the host’s replicating machinery on phage-based control.197,198
is taken over after entry of the phage DNA or RNA with the Below are listed some current players.
release at the end of the lytic cycle of about 100 phage particles
(burst size), each of which in turn is able to infect a new • Exponential Biotherapeutics (USA) develops mutant phages
host cell. Therefore, an initially small dose of phage – typically that circulate much longer in the human body. They are
between 106 and 109 PFU mL−1 – is sufficient to stop a bacterial referred to as long-circulating phages. With phage therapy
infection or contamination. Phages stop functioning after all in life-threatening systemic infections the wild-type phages
target bacteria are destroyed and do not harm any further are normally eliminated by the RES. Such mutant phages
the desirable microbiota, nor the mammalian cells.172 They are not inactivated by the RES and still kill the causal bacte-
will be excreted in the faeces and/or urine, but in the first ria such as vancomycin-resistant (VRE) Enterococcus faecium,
instance eliminated by the reticulo-endothelial system (RES) of S. pneumoniae and MRSA. Phages against Propionibacterium
the spleen. acnes, the causative agent of acne, are being studied in this
• They can be administered in various ways – topically, orally, context as well.
by nebulization/inhalation, directly into body tissues or intra- • In collaboration with the Center for Medical Polymers and
venously. In addition, patients that are allergic to antibiotics can Biomaterials of the Georgian Technical University, Phage
be treated with phages, usually without adverse effects.192 International Inc. (USA) has developed an ‘artificial skin’, named
• The production of phages as well as phage dose preparations PhagoBioDerm. It is currently under the intellectual prop-
is a well- known biological technology that is based on fermen- erty and marketing rights of PolymerPharm. It consists of a
tation processes that are quite similar to the production of vac- biodegradable polymer, impregnated with a mix of phages
cines and a range of fine biochemicals. in addition to ciprofloxacin, benzocaine and 𝛼-chymotrypsin.
• Thanks to the enormous ubiquity and variety of phages in It is targeted towards killing a range of Gram-positive and
nature, there is far less danger for resistance development than Gram-negative bacteria for the healing of skin ulcers and burn
with the current antibiotic (mis)use in the medical and agri- wounds.
cultural sectors.193 If phage-resistant bacteria develop during • Bohemia Pharmaceuticals Ind. (Czechia) produces ‘Stafal’ (dis-
treatment, a screening round for new phages, active against the tributed in Slovakia); it is a registered drug containing anti-staph
resistant strain, can easily and quickly be set up.17 phage.
• Pherecydes Pharma is a French company that develops ther-
Disadvantages of phage therapy apeutic lytic phages against E. coli and P. aeruginosa to treat
severely burned patients. A clinical trial, named PhagoBurn, is
• Because of the high host specificity of phages, the diagnosis coordinated by military hospitals in France and Belgium, and
and identification of the pathogenic bacterial species involved eight civilian hospitals in France, Belgium and Switzerland.199

J Chem Technol Biotechnol (2018) © 2018 Society of Chemical Industry EJ Vandamme, K Mortelmans

Clean Cells, a French pharmaceutical company is producing the to combat contamination caused by E. coli, Salmonella, She-
phages and phage cocktails in line with GMP. wanella, Campylobacter, Listeria and Legionella species.65,85,208
• Another phage therapy company, Intralytix Inc. (USA), together This FDA-approved preventive phage bioprocessing of food is
with PhageBiotech (Israel), is now focusing on phages now gaining increased interest from food microbiologists, as
that destroy bacteria that are pathogenic to livestock (e.g. well as from food technologists.207,209,210
Salmonella spp., E. coli 0:157:H7, Bacillus anthracis, Pasteurella • Farm animal and bee protection: Phage-based control has now
spp.) and pathogens that contaminate food, feed and pet food also been introduced on farms and outdoor settings in a pre-
(e.g. Listeria monocytogenes, Salmonella spp., Campylobacter ventative way to restrict animal pathogens from spreading and
spp., and E. coli). Their phage cocktail ListShield ™ is approved causing disease.177,198 Bacteriophages also may help to directly
to control L. monocytogenes on food contact surfaces.85 or indirectly control the bee pathogenic bacteria Paenibacil-
• Phi Therapeutics (USA) is specialized in topical probiotic per- lus larvae or Melissococcus plutonicus, responsible for causing
sonal care products. One of their developments relates to the American or European foulbrood disease in honeybees, by
formulation of a phage, selected from facial comedones and infecting and killing their larvae and leading to the collapse of
plated for effectiveness against different inflammatory P. acnes the entire hives. Indirect ‘bystander’ phage-biocontrol is based
strains. Using a nonionic gelling agent such as hydroxyethylcel- on phage-induced bactericidal toxin formation in the beehive
lulose, the phage formulation tolerated typical pharmaceutical using commensal Brevibacillus laterosporus, that then kills veg-
preservatives such as potassium sorbate, methyl- and propyl- etative cells of the pathogen, but not the endospores.211–213
paraben very well over several weeks.200 • Environmental applications: An example of an environmental
• Also, EBI Food Safety/Micreos BV (The Netherlands) commercial- application where phages could potentially be used is to com-
izes Listeria-killing Listex P100™ phage preparations. These were bat the bacterial marine pathogen Thalassomonas loyana, the
FDA-approved in 2006 for food preservation. The spray-on prod- causative agent of coral bleaching that is widespread in warm
uct is intended for use with meat, raw fish, seafood, cheese and ocean regions.212,214 Other settings for phage control are treat-
ready-to-eat (RTE) food. The above phage preparations, specific ment of cyanobacterial blooms, biofilm formation and biofoul-
for Listeria, E. coli and Salmonella have been approved as food ing of surfaces, and of medical and industrial devices.84,215
additives, decontaminating agents on food processing surfaces
An important, challenging and novel application that should be
and are awarded GRAS status by FDA and EPA.201
considered is the use of fungal viruses, referred to as mycoviruses.
The following companies are now also active in research and They could be harnessed as a biopesticide to combat fungi/yeasts
applications of phage therapy/phage-based control: Biophage that affect staple crops such as wheat, barley, sorghum, corn,
Pharma Inc. (Canada), Hexal Genentech (Germany), Technophage potatoes and rice. Mycoviruses, containing double-stranded and
(Portugal), Novolytix Ltd (UK), Special Phages Services (Australia), single-stranded RNA, have a persistent intracellular nature. Most
GangaGen (India/USA), and Biomed S.A., Biophage Pharma S.A. are symptomless (cryptic), whereas some are beneficial in confer-
and Proteon Pharmaceuticals in Poland. Additional companies ring a hypovirulence phenotype, with reduced fungal virulence.
that are based in the USA are: AmpliPhi Biosciences, EpiBiome However, thus far relatively little is known about the potential
Inc., New Horizon Diagnostics, PhageLux, Contrafect and Phage and practical uses of mycoviruses as biocontrol agents for attack-
International Corporation. There also are many other companies ing (phyto)pathogenic fungi that cause crop diseases. Even less is
in Poland. known about how to apply them as therapeutic agents to treat
animal and human fungal infections. This is another challenge for
microbial biotechnology.216–219
• Agriculture/crop protection: Apart from medicinal/therapeutical Most bacteriophages use endolysins which are lytic enzymes
applications, phage-based control is now also being used in attacking the bacterial cells from within by hydrolysing the bacte-
the agro-food and environmental sectors, to protect food (veg- rial peptidoglycan layer. In addition, they use a lysin helper-protein
etables, fruits, meat, fish), flowers and water from bacterial named holin to first penetrate the plasma membrane. These
spoilage or (phyto)pathogenic contamination.202,203 phages can phage mechanisms lead to the lysis of the host bacteria that
be exploited also in agriculture, horticulture and crop pro- results in their release. Five different groups of phage lysins have
tection, to combat phytopathogenic bacteria such as Xan- been recognized according to their cleavage site specificity within
thomonas citri causing citrus canker, Agrobacterium sp. and the peptidoglycan structure.106,107,220,221 These phage lysins can
Erwinia amylovora causing fire blight of pome fruit, and Ralsto- be cloned and produced and might be used in a purified form
nia solanacearum, Xanthomonas sp. and Clavibacter sp. causing to kill Gram-positive bacteria in a specific way, with quick lethal
disease in tomato plants.204,205 Phytopathogen-targeted phages action, being nontoxic and developing no resistance in the aimed
against bacterial rotting diseases in potato, leek, cauliflower and bacteria.12,63,104,177
other crops also are under development. An example is Erwinia Combined use with an outer membrane permeabilizer such
carotovora, a phytopathogen that represents bacterial soft rot as EDTA or linking hydrophobic amino acids makes them active
(BSR), that is usually associated with carrots.198,206,207 also towards Gram-negative bacteria, as pioneered by Rob
• Food safety: Phage sprays are under development as a prophy- Lavigne’s group at the Catholic University Leuven, Belgium.51
lactic treatment of eggs, poultry, meat, fish, cheese and general New Horizon Diagnostics Corporation (USA) also studies
food produce, and water supply systems in the food industry these phage-associated lytic enzymes and has coined them © 2018 Society of Chemical Industry J Chem Technol Biotechnol (2018)

A century of bacteriophage research and applications

‘enzybiotics’.222 Construction of lysin-deficient phage mutants has been found in failed fermentations in different European vinegar
a potential use against certain bacteria containing intracellular plants.232,233 In such industrial fermentation processes, the use of
toxins (i.e. Clostridium difficile toxin A and toxin B), thereby killing phage-free and/or phage-resistant strains is essential.55,94,234,235
the host, but without liberating the toxin. Originally a range of antiphage chemical agents have been
Other ongoing experimental developments are the construction used to prevent or limit phage accumulation and loss of prod-
of recombinant therapeutic phages that are highly lytic and engi- uct yield.236–238 Spontaneous mutation to multi-phage resistance
neered for different bacterial cell receptor specificities, or that have has been successfully used to protect the vancomycin fermen-
extra genes coding for host lethal toxin proteins to enhance their tation process with Amycolatopsis orientalis.239,240 Phage-resistant
killing effect.177 Conversely, lysogenic phages could be genetically lactic bacteria production strains241 and spoilage or pathogenic
modified so as to improve the degradation of dietary components bacterial strains, such as Listeria monocytogenes242 , important for
in the gut or to contribute to essential nutrients.66 Phages also the food sector have been studied and developed via classical
have been labelled with photosensitizers to improve their outdoor strain improvement approaches based on chemical or UV-based
bactericidal action.179 However, these approaches raise ethical and random mutagenesis and subsequent screening. Phage infections
social questions of whether such engineered phages can be intro- in E. coli fermentations could be minimized by cloning a 4-cutter
duced in medical and agri-food practice, considered to be con- restriction system from Haemophilus influenzae.243 Novel molec-
ducted in open environments. Such questions feed into the often ular biotechniques such as CRISPR-Cas are now being applied to
vigorous debate about the pros and cons of genetic modification. modify industrially used bacterial strains, such as B. subtilis and
This debate is even more relevant to the deliberate introduction of E. coli, to generate phage resistance during large-scale fermen-
recombinant phages into contaminated water and food systems tation processes.55–58,60,61,239,244 Strict sterility of equipment, cul-
as phage-based control or as biotracers.223 ture media and phage-free heated air/oxygen/gas supply and ade-
quate filter systems also is of utmost importance.245–247


It goes without saying that the occurrence of, in this case, OR PHAGEOME
unintentional phage contamination caused by phage infection Phages are now recognized as the most abundant biological enti-
and prophage induction in the fermentation industry needs to be ties on Earth, with an estimated 1031 phage particles, and they
avoided at all cost. Microbial fermentation processes are playing are present wherever bacteria are found.248 They are represented
a crucial and increasing role in the transition from a fossil-based by at least 100 million species. The human gut represents one
economy to a bio-based one.71,111 This phage contamination of the most densely populated microbial communities and is
phenomenon has been recognized in the fermentation industry referred to as the human gut microbiome. The make-up of the
resulting in faulty or sluggish fermentations, especially since the microbiome consists of bacteria, being the most abundant mem-
1960s, and it results in reduced product quality, lower production bers, archaea, protozoa and fungi amounting to microbes. With
capacity and financial loss. Up to 1012 to 1013 PFU mL−1 can be pro- the recent advances made in high-throughput deep sequencing
duced and then unintentionally spread through the fermentation (metagenomics) the discovery was made that in addition to con-
plant and its up- and downstream facilities. taining human viruses, the gut microbiome also harbours viruses
Undesirable phages would kill off the industrially useful bacterial that infect gut bacteria, now referred to as gut phages. Both bac-
strains that are deliberately cultivated in fermentation processes teria and phages represent the most abundant members in the
for the large-scale production of, for instance, antibiotics (Bacillus gut with an estimated 1014 bacteria and 1015 phages. Considering
spp., Streptomycetes spp.), proteins and peptide-hormones (rec the high number of phage particles present in the gut, they repre-
E. coli, Bacillus spp.), industrial enzymes (Bacillus spp.), organic sent an important component of the human gut virome that also
acids (lactic, acetic and propionic bacteria), vitamins224 , sol- includes human viruses. Together they are referred to as the ‘other
vents such as acetone-butanol (Clostridium spp.),201 amino acids microbiome’.
(Corynebacterium spp., Brevibacterium spp.) and many other
bio-based fine and bulk chemicals such as 1,3 -propanediol (E. coli,
K. pneumoniae).60,225,226 Close association between gut bacteria and phages
In addition, the production of starter cultures needed for var- As a whole, the human bacterial microbiome and bacteriophage
ious large-scale produced dairy fermented foods and probiotic virome are believed to play an important role in human health
drinks must proceed phage-free, as must the resulting fermented and disease. Because of the versatility of phages they are believed
foods/drinks producing processes.227 A wide range of different to have an effect on human health by contributing to, or chang-
lactic acid bacterial strains such as Lactobacillus spp., Leuconos- ing, the make-up of the resident bacterial microbiome. In healthy
toc spp. and Bifidobacterium spp. are used in this economically individuals there is a dynamic equilibrium between the micro-
very important food sector to produce a range of yoghurts and bial and phage members. Gut phages tend to be an aggregate
cheeses. Indeed, lytic phage infection and contamination of the of unique and shared phages in individuals and encompass tem-
starter cultures or their ensuing fermentation processes can slow perate phages that exist as prophages, their DNA being inte-
down or arrest the desirable fermentation course, with large eco- grated in the host chromosome, and lytic phages.249 In addition,
nomic losses as a result.228–230 Also vegetable fermentations like an absence of a balanced microbial ecology leads to a dysbiotic
sauerkraut from cabbage that are based on a correct sequence of state that has been correlated with multiple diseases and con-
lactic acid bacteria such as Leuconostoc mesenteroides and Lacto- ditions such as inflammatory bowel disease, obesity, allergic dis-
bacillus plantarum, can suffer from phage infection.231 Vinegar fer- orders, type 1 diabetes and colorectal cancer in human and ani-
mentation, based on Gluconobacter strains, is quite susceptible to mal models. Evidence for the support for the close association
phage contamination. Phages at levels of 108 to109 PFU mL−1 have between phages and their host bacteria has been provided by the

J Chem Technol Biotechnol (2018) © 2018 Society of Chemical Industry EJ Vandamme, K Mortelmans

finding that phage DNA is incorporated in the bacterial host hoc+ and hoc− T4 phages revealed that hoc+ phages adhered to
chromosome as ‘clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic many different glycans in experiments with mucin coated agar
repeats’ (CRISPR) that is used as a form of immunity against super- plates, but showed a preference for the O-linked glycan residues
infection by closely related phages.250 that are typically found in mucin glycoproteins.

From marine phage to human gut phages Bacteriophage adherence to mucus immunity model
In 2013, an important finding was made by Dr Forest Rohwer, a In 2013, the Rohwer laboratory proposed the ‘bacteriophage
marine biologist at San Diego State University, CA, who was study- adherence to mucus’ (BAM) immunity model.251 This model is
ing phages associated with coral reefs in the Pacific Ocean. His based on the notion that phages provide a nonhost-derived
work led to the discovery that in a marine environment, phages antimicrobial defense on the mucosal surfaces of different meta-
outnumber bacterial populations by a factor of 10. His laboratory zoan hosts. As the mucus layer is considered to be part of the
also discovered how phages interact with coral reefs – they attach innate immune system, it also attracts phages and is considered
to the mucus layers that are made up of glycoproteins (mucins) to provide physical and chemical antimicrobial defenses. A viral
that cover the surface of coral reefs.251 Additional work using carpet is produced as phages attach to the mucus that prevents
epifluorescence microscopy revealed that the phage-to-bacteria commensal and pathogenic bacteria from crossing the epithelial
ratio (PBR) in mucus samples from diverse environments such mucus layer. This is considered to be a dynamic process as there
as sea anemones, fish and human gum was on average 4.4-fold is a continuous removal of mucus with adhering phages while
higher than respective adjacent environments. Speculation was the epithelial cells continuously produce mucus to which phage
then made that phages in the human gut might similarly attach progeny and bacteria attach.
to the mucus layers that cover the gut epithelial lining. They used
techniques similar to those used to study the interaction of marine Models for phage–bacteria interaction
phages. As mentioned above it was the use of metagenomics of Several models have been proposed for how gut phages interact
the human microbiome that led to the discovery that, in addition with their bacterial hosts. These are described in detail and are
to containing human viruses, the gut microbiome also harbours mentioned briefly below253 (see also98 ):
viruses that infect bacteria. The great advantage of using metage-
nomics was that it allowed for the unravelling of the composition Model 1: ‘Kill the winner’ believed to operate in environments
of the gut bacterial microbiota that no longer required the cultur- with a high bacterial density. Overgrowth by one particular
ing of the gut bacteria. species will be curtailed by a specific phage so as to return to a
more balanced make-up of the bacterial microbiome.
Model 2: ‘Biological weapon’ or ‘kill the relative’ model refers
Attachment of phages to mucin
to the ability of lysogenic bacteria to induce the lytic cycle.
A number of in vitro studies were performed to determine if it is
The progeny thus produced can attack susceptible nonlysogenic
mucus or some other component associated with the surface of
relatives or other competitors.
gut epithelial cells that is responsible for phage attachment thus
Model 3: ‘Community shuffling’ model involves environmental
leading to a more concentrated phage density.251 These studies
factors that may result in the induction of prophages in lysogenic
involved the use of mucus- and nonmucus-producing tissue cul-
bacteria. This is in contrast to rare spontaneous induction events.
ture cells that were exposed to a mucus-adherent phage T4. In
Model 4: ‘Phages and emergence of new bacterial model’ which
addition, phage T4 also was plated on agar plates coated with
involves the introduction of foreign bacterial genes in a new host
mucin and other macromolecules such as DNA and protein. For
via transduction.
these agar plate assays, a T4 phage-sensitive E. coli strain was used
that allowed for plaque formation. The results of these studies It is expected that continued research on gut phage–bacteria
indicated that phage T4 adhered more to the mucus-producing interactions will lead to a better insight into what extent the bac-
cells which was in contrast when similar experiments were per- teriophages play a role in human health and disease. This hope-
formed with nonmucus-producing tissue culture cells. When using fully will lead to the development of novel phage-based or phage
the plaque assay on agar plates with E. coli the presence of cocktail-based treatments for dysbiosis and other gut-associated
mucin significantly increased phage adherence. Thus, the con- diseases.67,68
clusion was made by the authors that phages adhere to mucin
Discovery of Ig-like phage surface proteins FRIENDLY ENEMIES?
Additional in vitro experiments were performed by the Rohwer Finally, the question remains whether phages are dangerous
laboratory that revealed that the surface of the T4 phage head friends or friendly enemies? They can only replicate and survive
contains some Ig-like proteins that are similar to antibodies and at the expense of another living bacterial host cell and do not actu-
T-cell receptors. These Ig-like phage surface proteins act as hooks ally live. In 1925, the famous Delft University microbiologist Albert
to mucin. The impetus for this work was a paper by Minot et al.252 Jan Kluyver stated that bacterial viruses form a shroud of life, refer-
that described the presence of phage DNA in stool samples from ring to the difficult definition of life.138,254–256 Bacteriophages con-
12 healthy individuals. The DNA encoded for genes that were tain DNA or RNA, not both nucleic acids as living cells do. They lack
predicted to belong to Ig-superfamily proteins. Homologues of their own ATP generation, do not have a cytoplasmic membrane,
these Ig-like domains are found in many phages from many and are rather complex macromolecules of nucleic acids and
environments, especially those adjacent to mucosal surfaces. Four proteins. They are metabolically inert in their extracellular form,
of these Ig-like domains are part of the highly antigenic outer replicating only after contacting/recognizing and infecting a suit-
capsid protein (Hoc) of the T4 phage. Experiments performed with able bacterial host cell. © 2018 Society of Chemical Industry J Chem Technol Biotechnol (2018)

A century of bacteriophage research and applications

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