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Background: Prescribing patterns can greatly have a negative impact on patient care outcomes if not

underpinned by use of ideal standards and evidence- based medicine. Inappropriate antibiotic
prescribing and the increasaing levels of resistance are now issues of global concern.Information about
antibiotic use patterns is necessary for a constructive approach to problems that arise from the multiple
antibiotics available.Irrational prescribing habits for antibiotics lead to ineffective and unsafe treatment
of medical conditions. Moreover, irrational prescribing may worsen or prolong the illness thereby
leading to distress and harm to the patient.

The irrational prescribing of antibiotics particularly broad spectrum antibiotics in primary care is a
major contributing factor to reduced drug efficacy, increased prevalence of resistant pathogens in the
community and the appearance of new co-infectious. Monitoring of prescriptions and drug utilization
studies can identify the problem and provide feedback to prescribers and other stake holders so as to
create awareness about irrational use of antibiotics.

To support the rational use of drugs, it is important to collect information on patterns of drug
prescriptions and on factors influencing prescribing decisions.The latter is crucial particularly in the case
of antibiotic prescribing since inappropriate prescriptions or over-use of antibiotics can contribute to the
emergence of antibiotic-resistant bacteria.

INTRODUCTION:Prescription order is an important transaction between the physician and the patient 1.
It brings into focus the diagnostic acumen and therapeutic proficiency of the physician with instruction
for palliation or restoration of the patient’s health 1. Prescription of drugs is an important skill, which
needs to be continuously assessed and refined accordingly. It not only reflects the physician’s
knowledge of pharmacology and pathophysiology of diseases but also his/her skill in diagnose and
attitude towards selecting the most appropriate cost effective treatment 1. It is an order for a scientific
medication for a person at a particular time 2. Setting standards and assessing the quality of care
through performance review should become part of everyday clinical practice 3. Medical audits oversee
the observance of standards of medical treatment at all levels of the health care delivery system. The
study of prescribing patient is a component of medical audit which seeks monitoring, evaluation and
necessary modifications in the prescribing practice of the prescribers to achieve the rationale and cost
effective medical care.

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