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Text for questions number 1 and 2


1. Where do you usually find the notice?

A. Near the windows of the house
B. On the wall in the restaurant
C. At the door in the house
D. On the lift in the building

2. The notice above means that we should use …in emergency case to exit.
A. Emergency door
B. Window
C. Emergency lift
D. Staircase

Text for questions number 3 –6

Dear Johnson,

Hello, Johnson, how’s life treating you? Do hope everything is okay. I tell you what I’m writing this letter is to
confirm about your invitation. You said that I can visit you whenever I want to go to your city, Texas. I happily
accept your invitation.
Well, will it be OK if I come to your house this weekend? I plan to spend my school holiday in Texas. It must
be exiting to be in Texas again. Besides, I want to meet Eva, Helen, your father and mother. I just need to
confirm if this coming weekend is OK. However, if you have something to do, I really understand. Send my
best regards to all of your family that I miss so much. Hope to know your reply soon.



3. What is Texas like according to Nadia?

A. Boring
B. Exciting
C. Confusing
D. Frightening

4. From the passage we know that Johnson…

A. Has two sisters
B. Accepts Nadia’s invitation
C. Never invites Nadia
D. Ever visited Nadia

5. “, if you have something to do”. What does the word “you” refers to…
A. Eva
B. Helen
C. Johnson
D. Johnson’s father

6. “I just need to confirm if this coming weekend is OK”. The underlined word means…
A. To make sure
B. To show uncertainty
C. To get information
D. To deliver the news

2 L35
Text for questions number 7 – 8


Fast relieve for:

 CONGESTIAN 100 Tablet
 COUGH 200mg

7. What does runny nose mean?

A. There is a lot of dirt blocking your nose
B. The nose produces a lot of liquid
C. The nose has run down
D. The nose is long and wide

8. Which is the following sickness cannot be treated by the medicine?

A. Headache C. Cough
B. Cancer D. Fever

Text for questions number 9 and 10

Dear Nanda,
I want you to come to my house for supper on Sunday at 07.00 p.m.


9. When should Nanda arrive at Aldi’s house?

A. In the morning
B. In the afternoon
C. In the midnight
D. In the night

10. “I want you to come…” The underlined word has opposite meaning with…
A. Arrive
B. Leave
C. Come closer
D. Come forward

11. Holiday – is – camping – way – good – a – spending- Of

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

A. 3–4–5–6–7–8–1–2
B. 3–2–6–5–4–8–1–7
C. 3–2–6–5–4–8–7–1
D. 3–4–6- 7–5–8–1–2

Text for questions number 12 – 15

Yanto lives not very far from my house. He goes to school in the afternoon and sells newspaper in the
morning around our neighborhood. His father was a government employee. He retired two years ago. Now he
runs a small shop beside their house. We can buy groceries in pak Mario’s shop. The prices are reasonable, so
people like to go shopping there.
Yanto can collect six to seven hundreds rupiahs from selling newspaper everyday. He spends it for his
pocket money. He also saves his money in the bank.
Two months ago, yanto and his family visited his grandmother. They stayed for a week in
KampungTanjung. Yanto, his sister, and his little brother enjoyed the holiday very much.

3 L35
12. Who is Yanto?
A. My neighbor
B. Mr.Mario’s son
C. MR. Mario grandson
D. A government employee

13. What is the main idea of paragraph two?

A. Yanto had his holiday two months ago
B. Yanto can save his money from selling newspaper
C. Yanto is diligent student
D. Yanto spends his a lot of money for his money pocket

14. Mr.Mario has …children

A. One
B. Two
C. Three
D. Four

15. “The prices are reasonable, so people like to go shopping there”. The word reasonable means…
A. Very expensive
B. Expensive enough
C. Very cheap
D. Fair

Text for questions number 16 – 18

Last holiday the students of SMP Harapan went camping. The campsite was in the place near Ngebellake. It
was about 30 km to the South East of Ponorogo. It was a good place for camping
The students camped there for three days. They left Ngebel on Friday morning. In the first day they set up their
tents and performed the activities around the lake. In the second day they had a cruising around the village in
the morning. In this occasion they enjoyed the beautiful panorama of the lake from the hill around the lake. In
the afternoon they had a free activity. Some students sat near the lake, and some others prepared for making
campfire. The campfire was very interesting. The next morning they were back to Ponorogo.
They were very satisfied with their camping.

16. Paragraph 2 tells us that …

A. The camping were last for three days
B. In the first day the students had cruising around the village
C. The students had a campfire at night in the first day
D. The students had a free activity after they had a campfire

17. "They set up the tents…" The word “set up” has the same meaning as …
A. built up
B. made up
C. put up
D. got up

18. When were they back to Ponorogo?

A. On Saturday
B. On Monday
C. On Sunday
D. On Friday

Text for questions number 19 – 21

The Wind and the Sun
For a long time, the sun and the wind went on arguing about which of them was stronger. Just then, they saw a
boy walking along the road bellow. He was wearing a coat. The wind suddenly had an idea.
He said,” Let’s see who can get the coat off that boy’s back.” The sun agreed.
The win started first. He blew as hard as he could. He blew from behind and he blew from in front of the boy.
The harder he blew, the more tightly the boy held on to his coat to keep it from blowing away. After a while,
the win gave up.
Then, it was the sun’s turn. It came our from behind the clouds and shone on the boy. The boy felt warm. It
began to get hotter and hotter. Soon the boy could not stand the heat any longer. He took his coat off. The sun
had won.
4 L35
19. The boy took his coat off because of… .
A. to entertain of the wind
B. the heat of the sun
C. the warm of the cloud
D. the argument of the wind and sun

20. “The sun had won.” What is the antonym of the underlined word?
A. defeated
B. lost
C. lead
D. gave up

21. From the text we can learn that we may be successful by being…
A. Strong
B. rude
C. gentle
D. polite

Text for questions number 22 – 23

How to Make Scramble Eggs
2 eggs, 2 tablespoons of milk, 1 teaspoon of butter, salt
and pepper, a frying pan, spatula, a fork or a spoon and a small bowl

How to make:
Melt the butter in frying pan
In a small bowl, mix the eggs and milk
Use the fork or spoon to mix them well
Pour this mixture into the pan
Stir the eggs from time to time with the spatula
Continue until the eggs are no longer liquid.
Add salt and pepper, add a little or a lot as you like.

22. What is used to stir the eggs?

A. a fork
B. a spatula
C. a frying pan
D. a small bowl

23. “Use the fork or spoon to mix them well.”

The word “ them” refers to ….
A. eggs
B. eggs and milk
C. milk
D. the fork and the spoon



Will reopen Monday, June 5

24. What will happen on June 5?

A. The workers will take a day off
B. The cafeteria will open
C. The prices will go down
D. The school will close

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Text for questions number 25– 26



GA 472 9.25 am -- Jakarta London

SA 635 -- 10.05 am Singapore Jakarta

GA 213 12.35 am -- Jakarta Tokyo

NW 317 -- 6.30 pm New York Jakarta

QA 521 -- 7.10 am Melbourne Jakarta

25. If we’ll pick our friend up from New York in the airport, we find the flight number … and the time of arrival at
A. SA 635 – 10.05 am
B. NW 317 – 6.30 pm
C. GA 472 – 9.25 am
D. QA 521 – 7.10 am

26. What time we have to come to the airport if we want to go to London?

A. Before 9.25 am
B. After 9.25 am
C. At 12.35
D. At 7.10

Text for questions number 27 – 29

To : All employees
Effective date : February 1st 2013
Subject :Staff uniform

All employees are required to wear a uniform during work hours. This is to make it easier to
distinguish them from customers.
Women should wear a colourful blouse with black pants or a black knee-length skirt. Men should
wear black pants with orange or T-shirt.

27. What should the women employee wear?

A. An orange shirt and black pants
B. A yellow skirt and black pants
C. A black skirt and colourful blouse
D. A white skirt and colourful blouse

28. Why do all the employees have to wear a uniform during the work hour?
A. To differentiate them from the customers
B. To show that they have a good uniform
C. To give them a good appearance
D. To make them friendly

29. Who is likely give the announcement?

A. The Employee
B. The Customer
C. The Manager
D. The Staff

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Text for questions number 30 – 32



EM-4 is a mixture of micro-organisms that gives the benefit for cattle growth and product.

1. decrease smell pollution
2. balance mutual micro-organisms
3. increase quality and quantity of cattle product

How to use :
1. To get the satisfying result, dissolve 1 cc EM-4 per liter water every day
2. Spray on the floor, wall and manure, 1 cc EM-4 per liter water every week

Agent : PT.SonggolangitPersada, Jakarta

Distributor : Jl/ Ki HajarDewantara 46 Jakarta
Ph. (021) 7864529

30. EM-4 is good for … .

A. Cows
B. Corn
C. Rice
D. poultry

31. EM-4 functions to … .

A. decrease quality of cattle
B. decrease smell pollution
C. decrease quantity of cattle
D. decrease cattle growth and product

32. …gives the benefit for cattle growth and product.

The underlined word means … .
A. Advantages
B. Result
C. Balances
D. Prices

Text for questions number 33 – 35

Josse and Robby decided to go to a film theatre to relax. They were very tired after finishing the exams. They
chose to see an adventure film. They didn’t want to see a drama, thriller, or horror film. They wanted to forget
studying for one night and fantasize a little.
So they bought two tickets for a movie called Lord of the Rings, The Fellowship of the Ring. They got in the
theatre just on time before the movie started.
Inside the theatre, a tall man sat on a seat in front of them. He put on a tall hat. Josse and Robby could not see
the screen. Josse tapped the man on the shoulder and asked him to remove his hat. When the man turned around
to say sorry, they recognized him. He was Mr. Samuel, Josse’s Father.

33. What is the most important idea of the first paragraph?

A. Josse purposely met his father in the theatre.
B. Josse and Robby were late to get in the movie.
C. They bought two tickets for the movie.
D. Josse and Robby went to the theatre for relaxing.

34. Why couldn’t Josse and Robby see the screen?

A. A tall man sat in front of them.
B. The man sitting in front of them wore a tall hat.
C. They sat on seats at the back row.
D. They were too short to see the screen clearly

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35. When the man turned around to say sorry, they recognized him. The underlined word refers to…
A. Robby C. Mr. Samuel
B. Josse D. Robby’s friend

36. buying - did not - clothes - money - much - we – spend - for

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
The best arrangement of the words above is …
A. 6 - 2 - 7 - 5 - 4 - 8 - 1 – 3
B. 3 - 2 - 1 - 6 - 7 - 5 - 2 – 8
C. 6 - 2 - 7 - 5 - 3 - 1 - 4 – 8
D. 3 - 2 - 5 - 1 - 6 - 7 - 4 – 8

Text for questions number 37 – 40

Once there was a farmer from Laos. Every morning and every evening, he ploughed his field with his buffalo
One day, a tiger saw the farmer and his buffalo working in the field. The tiger was very surprised to see a big
animal listening to a small animal. The tiger wanted to know more about the big animal and small animal.
After the man went home, the tiger spoke to the buffalo; “you are so big and strong. Why do you do everything
the man tells you?” the buffalo answered;” oh the man is very intelligent”
The tiger asked; “can you tell me how intelligent he is?” “No, I can’t tell you”, said the buffalo;” but you can
ask him”
So the next day the tiger asked to the man;” Can I see your intelligence?” But the man answered;” It is at
home”,” Can you go and get it?” asked the tiger.” Yes” said the man;” but I am afraid you will kill my buffalo
when I am gone. Can I tie you to a tree?”
After the man tied the tiger to the tree, he didn’t go home to get his intelligence. He took his plough and hit the
tiger. Then he said;” Now you know about my intelligence even you haven’t seen it.

37. What is the text about?

A. A smart tiger
B. An intelligence farmer
C. A diligent buffalo
D. An energetic animal

38. What is the purpose of the text?

A. To entertain the reader about an interesting story
B. To tell the reader the story about the tiger
C. To retell the experience of tiger and buffalo
D. To show the reader how to be an intelligent reader

39. “Can you go and get it?”. What does the word ‘it’ refer to?
A. The tree C. The tiger
B. The plough D. The intelligence

40. What can we learn from the story?

A. Do not underestimate to the inferior
B. Respect the superior
C. Be diligent to get your dreams
D. Do not be too brave

Text for questions number 41 – 44

The Indonesian society consists of rural and urban society. Rural society lives in villages. They usually make
their livings by working in home industries. Home industries are usually small-scale industries, so they don’t
need many workers.
There are many kinds of jobs people can do in cities. Cities are the center of big industries. Most government
offices are also centered in cities. Therefore, most people in the village want to move to cities.
The villagers move to cities in great numbers to get jobs. Some get what they want, but most of them don’t.
They who have skills or good education can become government civil servants or employees of private
enterprises. The unskilled and uneducated can only work in informal sectors, such as, food sellers, porters, and
house servants.
As they are densely populated, the demand for daily needs increases sharply. This condition motivates the
growth of trade and new merchants. Life in city is a competition. It is a hard life. Everyone must work to earn a

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41. How do the villagers make their living? By… .
A. farming or working in home industries
B. becoming government civil servants
C. enjoying the life in the villages
D. becoming employees of private enterprises

42. Why do most villagers move to cities? Because … .

A. There are many jobs open for people
B. they no longer like farming
C. they are skilled educated
D. There are no industries in their village

43. What is needed for a person to get good job?

A. Farming experiences
B. Skill in trade
C. Ability to compete
D. Skill and education

44. The following are true based on the text except,…

A. In a home industry usually need many workers
B. They should have good skill and education to get good work in city
C. The villagers move to cities in great numbers to get jobs
D. Informal section is only for uneducated worker

Text for questions number 44 – 48

Crisp Roast Duck

1 long island duck
2 cups boiling-hot water
1 tablespoon salt
1 teaspoon black pepper

 Put oven rack in the middle position and preheat oven to 200° C.
 Rinse duck inside and out. Prick skin all over with a sharp fork
 Pour boiling-hot water over duck (to tighten skin). Cool duck
 Rub duck inside and out with salt and pepper.
 Roast duck, breast side up, until skin is brown and crisp, then remove from the oven.

45. What’s the text about?

A. The instructions to prepare crisp roast duck.
B. What’s needed to make some food.
C. The steps to make a delicious food.
D. How to make crisp roast duck

46. What do we need to prick the skin of the duck?

A. Salt. C. A sharp fork.
B. Black pepper. D. Boiling-hot water

47. What do we do to tighten the skin of the duck?

A. Rinse duck inside and outside.
B. Prick skin all over with a sharp fork.
C. Pour boiling-hot water over duck.
D. Cool the duck

48. “Prick skin all over with a sharp fork.”What is the meaning of the underlined word?
A. Make a small hole in something.
B. Brush something on the surface.
C. Put something on the body.
D. Cut something into small pieces

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question number 49

Dear Amanda,

Congratulation on your
Achievement in mathematics! You’re really the best.Keep up the good work!


49. From the text, we can conclude that….

A. Amanda gets the highest score inMathematics
B. Amanda likes mathematics very much.
C. Amanda congratulates Meitai for her best effort.
D. Amanda is the cleverest student at Mathematics

50. Rearrange the steps below correctly!

How to Make a Milkshake
1. Push the button marked “off”
2. Plug in the blender
3. Put the top on the blender
4. Put three cups of milk and six tablespoons of ice cream into the blender.
5. Unplug the blender.
6. Push the button marked “on” and mix for 2 minutes.

 Caution : Keep your hands and fingers away from the blades!
A. 2–6–4–3–1–5
B. 2–4–3–6–1–5
C. 2–4–6–3–5–1
D. 2–6–3–4–1–5

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