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Direction: This tool asks for your evaluation of the instruments to be used in the data gathering

for the investigation above, to establish validity. You are requested to give as much as possible
honest response or assessment based on our criteria provided below. Please check (/) only one
from the selection.

Scale Interpretation Range Description

5 Very High 4.1 – 5.0 The questionnaire is valid and can provide unbiased data
Valid for the investigation, allowing only 0 - 5 % error.
4 High Valid 3.1 – 4.1 The questionnaire is valid and can provide unbiased data
for the investigation, allowing only 6 – 10% error.
3 Valid 2.1 - 3.0 The questionnaire is valid and can provide unbiased data
for the investigation, allowing only 11 -15% error.
2 Less Valid 1.1 – 2.0 The questionnaire is valid and can provide unbiased data
for the investigation, allowing only 16 – 20% error.
1 Not valid at all 0–1 The questionnaire is valid and can provide unbiased data
for the investigation, allowing only 20 – 25% error.

5 4 3 2 1
1. The indicators in the instruments consistently and
accurately measure each variables of the
2. The instruments fit the variables under investigation,
thus measuring what it tends to measure.
3. The instruments have the capability to measure items
of variables within a given time frame.
4. The instruments have the ability to distinguish the
characteristics or the allowed data to obtain.
5. The instruments have no influence on the variables
being measured.
6. The instruments are framed in clear and simple, to
avoid risk error.
7. The instruments are capable of generating data that
will be of value and practical use to the sectors
concerned in the investigation.
Comments and Suggestions:


Signature over printed name of the validator

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