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1. Name :
2. Address :

3. Experience in dealership:
1-3 years 4-7 years
8-10 years above 10 years

4. How long you are dealing with ROOTS auto products?

1-3 years 4-7 years
8-10 years above 10 years

5. What do you feel about Quality of ROOTS auto products?

Very Good Good
Satisfactory Poor

6. Which factor enables you to be the dealer of ROOTS auto products?

Promotional Quality
Company Policy Margin

7. What do you feel about credit period given by ROOTS?

Very Good Good
Satisfactory Poor

8. What do you think about Promotion Activities given by ROOTS?

Very Good Good
Satisfactory Poor

9. What do you feel about the Price of ROOTS auto products?

Very High High
Average Low

10. What type of promotional activity do you prefer with ROOTS products?
Discount Gift
Prize Offers
11. Whether the expected quantity of ROOTS auto products is supplied to you in time?
Yes No

12. Are you dealing with other companies?

Yes No
If Yes, specify

13. Do you have proper accessibility of ROOTS auto products?

Yes No
If No, specify

14. What do you feel about the employees dealing with you in ROOTS?
Highly Satisfied Satisfied
Average Dissatisfied

15. What are the factors that you expect from ROOTS?
Promotional Sales follow-up
Service Credit Facility

16. Do you have any complaints about ROOTS auto products?

Yes No
If Yes, specify the reason,

17. Do you recommend your customers about ROOTS products?

Yes No
If No, specify the reason,

18. Do you have any suggestions to improve the quality of ROOTS auto products?
Yes No
If Yes, specify,

19. What do you feel about after sales service given by ROOTS?
Highly Satisfied Satisfied
Moderate Dissatisfied

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