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The Legend of the Pineapple

The Legend of the Pineapple is a folktale about

a young girl named Pina. She was, without a doubt,
the most spoiled child her village had ever seen.
When her mother grew ill, Pina could not be
bothered to help, even though her mother only
asked her to boil some rice. Pina claimed she
couldn't find the ladle. Her frustrated mother made a
wish that Pina would grow a thousand eyes so she
could see the ladle. Pina disappeared and the
neighbors had to help her mother get well. Her
mother searched for Pina, but couldn't find her.
Finally her mother found a large round fruit growing
with a thousand unseeing eyes. Her mother took the
seeds from the fruit and grew a lot of them, then
gave them to the people in the village. This was the
first and only generous thing Pina had ever done for
anyone else.

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