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In general, Filipinos are known to be hospitable. Back when I was a kid, I always look forward to
having visitors in our house. This is because tables will be full of dishes we only eat once a month as a
family and my siblings and I are able to play outside without being scolded at because attention is not on

Moreover, when organizing parties, almost of the entire neighborhood are invited and are treated
nicely by providing the decent space to have their seats and given extra attention as much as possible. But
based on my experiences, people who mostly flock at the parties are the ones who were not invited and
what is crazier is that they even bring extra uninvited people and their own plastic bags with them to bring
home food without permission. Yes, of course, giving is always better than receiving but for the sake of
respecting those who hosted the party and the food itself, it may be more appropriate to just tell the hosts
that they will bring home food for their family. Also, it will be a huge disrespect for other guests as well if
the food won’t be enough for them as they were the ones who were officially invited.

People might say, “What can we do? It has been there for decades already”, but for me, we can be
better than this. It is not so wrong to put an end to things that we know aren’t right. It does not matter how
long it has been there or for many more reasons because there’s more of us, of what we can do as good

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