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Anurag Dabas

Section- A
Roll No.- P182A67
About Me-:
During my time at Delhi University I was heavily involved in the student union, and it has now become a
passion to get involved and give back to the organization which I have been a part of. For almost two
years I have worked in the student’s Council. Further involvement includes organizing and hosting the
Annual Fest, Fresher’s Party, Annual trip of 450 students of my college and additionally I have lead the
college Fashion Society and Volleyball Team. These experiences have provided me with daily direct
contact and communication to hundreds of different students on different courses. Through these
experiences I have been able to identify what I think needs to be improved on Campus to give the
students the best of experiences they deserve.

What I Want to Achieve-:

 To increase student feedback in order to provide a service more tailored to what students want,
through drop-in sessions, suggestion boxes, email surveys and face-to-face connect.
 Help everyone to keep up to date on the latest developments in the college and get everyone
involved in the activities by acting as a bridge between the students and the administration.
 Organize stress-buster/entertainment activities or events (Karaoke night, Tambola etc.)
fortnightly to calm down the hustle and bustle of everyday college.
 Improve the Shuttle service and increase its frequency to and from Gurgaon.
 Increase the variety and quality of food items available during Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner and
Snacks after taking into the considerations the diversity factor of our batch and also the
demands of the students and the staff.
 Provision of fruits and fruit juices available during the day.
 Improve the quality and quantity of the sports equipment available in the college.
 Greater and more frequent recognition of student achievements, such as by implementing
awards like club/society of the month.
 Expanding the daily item/groceries variety at the tuck shop/photocopy shop.
 Improving the basic facilities in Hostel such as more number of cloth stands on each floor,
regular room cleaning and hot water in bathroom.
 Reducing the stress on the administration department by proactively identifying and solving the
student queries before admin department is involved.

Why Vote for Me-:

I already have a wealth of experience of working as a Vice-President for the Delhi University Student’s
union, and I have your interests at heart. With your voices behind me, I can use the knowledge I have
gained so far of the workings of the GLIM to best represent and implement your ideas. So, if you like
what I hope to achieve, I would be most appreciative of your support.

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