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11 Major Muscle Groups

Your muscle mass can be categorized into certain groups. Knowing which specific muscle
group you need to target is helpful when you want to build an exercising routine.


Quadriceps include the four big muscles in your front thigh. They are often targeted during
exercises such as Squats and Lunges.


People tend to forget their hamstrings when they work out, probably because they are
hard to see. The hamstrings are the muscles in your back thigh. Hamstrings are also
affected during Squats.


Calves are often ignored when it comes to body building. Even professional body builders
feel comfortable with tiny calves attached to a huge body. The calves are hard to build.
You will have to work each muscle in the calf area.


The chest muscle group is probably the one that gets all the spotlight. Everyone wants to
work their chest muscles because they are the easiest to show off. But, keep in mind that
you should only work your chest muscles as much as you do with the other muscle


The back muscle group is one of the biggest muscle groups in the body. You need
Deadlifts to develop your back muscles. However, be careful with your posture and
techniques because improper Deadlifts can be harmful to your health.


The shoulder muscle group include the front deltoids, side deltoids, and rear deltoids.
Many people experience shoulder pain, which is why it’s highly recommended to exercise
for strong shoulder muscles.


The triceps muscles make up 2/3 of the upper arm. However, most people who want to
work the arms only care about the biceps which make up only 1/3 of the arm. If you want
stronger arms, don’t forget to include triceps exercises such as reverse grip bench press,
close grip bench press, and dips.


As mentioned above, the biceps make up 1/3 of the upper arm. They are active during
back exercises so the average person doesn’t need a lot of biceps exercises.

You can work your forearms with almost any type of exercises. The simple act of holding
counts, too. You need to pay more attention to your forearms. Since this group is involved
in many activities, weak forearms may affect other exercises.


The trapezius refers to the huge upper back muscle. With the point in the middle of your
upper back, the trapezius forms a triangle shape. The trapezius is active during Deadlifts.
Another exercise you can use to target it is the power shrug.


Almost all people have nice abs but they are often covered with thick layers of body fat.
When your body fat is low enough, your six abs will be revealed. Ab exercises do not help
much with burning the fat around your abs. A healthy diet and consistent cardio workouts

Vitamins for Stronger Muscles

Vitamins are essential to human body for centuries. Beside helping us to boost our
immune system, maintain youth or cure common diseases like cold, vitamins can also
promote muscles to be strong. This article will give readers knowledge about vitamins that
bring about stronger and healthier muscles.

Vitamin D

Vitamin D ranks first in making muscles stronger. It plays a really important role in immune
and muscle function including the strength and performance. In addition, vitamin D is vital
to the absorption of calcium and phosphorous which are required for bone growth,
muscular contraction, and energy metabolism.

The recommended intake of vitamin D is 4000 to 6000 IU per day. People can take vitamin
D from natural sources and also from the supplement. The biggest natural source of
vitamin D is sunlight while the smaller source is food such as milk, egg yolk or cereal.

Omega 3

Muscle weakness is caused by insulin resistance while Omega 3 can fix this problem.
Along with omega 3 is fish oil which can enhance the muscles strength. People can take
omega 3 and fish oil from food such as fish and also from the supplement.

Vitamin C

Blood vessels bring oxygen and nutrients to muscles, helping them to function properly
and vitamin C can make blood vessels healthier. Thus, it contributes greatly to the
muscles strength. People get vitamin C from tomatoes, strawberry, oranges, grapefruit….
Vitamin E

Cell function depends greatly on cell membrane’s health. Cell membrane gets healthy
thanks to the antioxidant properties of vitamin E. Human can take vitamin E from carrots,
almonds, avocados, olive oil, sunflower oil…

B vitamins

Vitamins in group B are essential for stronger muscles.

B1: Hemoglobin brings oxygen to cells including muscle cells. B1 plays important role in
the formation of hemoglobin. Thus, it promotes strong muscles. B1 presents in nuts,
cereal, bread, rice…

B2: Metabolism of energy, protein, glucose needs vitamin B2. It can be found in cheese,
eggs, milk…

B3: Energy production process needs vitamin B3. People can take B3 from fish, potatoes,
eggs, milk…

B6: Human body needs vitamin B6 to utilize carbohydrate, to growth and to metabolize
protein. Soybean, butter, fish and brown rice contain vitamin B6.

B7: Vitamin B7 is also known as biotin which is vital for metabolizing amino acids in
protein. Great source of vitamin B7 are mushrooms, egg yolk, beef liver….

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