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康軒/Joy Book 5 L7 介係詞片語當形容詞 Class: No: Name:

名詞+ 形容詞片語:

※ 這類的形容詞片語包含分詞片語、介詞片語及不定詞片語。

(1) 形容人的長相 用 with(有) =having

My sister is the girl with big eyes.(=having big eyes).

(2) 形容人的穿著 用 in(穿 …/戴 …) =wearing

My mom is the woman in a red dress(=wearing a red dress).

(3) 表示某物有 …/搭配 …用 with(有) =having

My dad is the man with sunglasses(=wearing sunglasses).

Mr. Lin bought the van with five doors(=having five doors).

(4) 說明地點用表示地方的介係詞

The students in the classroom are studying hard.

(5) 說明時間用表示時間的介係詞

The meeting in the afternoon was boring.

(6) 說明相關性用:about

康軒/Joy Book 5 L7 介係詞片語當形容詞 Class: No: Name:

The book about animals is fun.

(7) 表示所有格用: of

The color of the car is red.


1. Tom is a boy. He has big eyes.

Tom is a boy with big eyes.

=Tom is a boy having big eyes.

2. This is a monster. It has three eyes.

This is a monster with three eyes.

=This is a monster having three eyes.

3. We have many books. The books are about dinosaurs.

We have many books about dinosaurs.

4. I am watching a movie. The movie is about dogs.

I am watching a movie about dogs.

5. Dave is reading a book. The book is about cooking.

Dave is reading a book about cooking.

康軒/Joy Book 5 L7 介係詞片語當形容詞 Class: No: Name:

6. The girl is my sister. She wears a green dress.

The girl in a green dress is my sister.

=The girl wearing a green dress is my sister.

7. The man is Jim’s cousin. He wears a cap.

The man in a cap is Jim’s cousin.

=The man wearing a cap is Jim’s cousin.

圖片來自 Microsoft 線上多媒體藝廊

(8)名詞+ 分詞 片語 (Ving / PP):

例:Jack is the man wearing glasses.  主動用現在分詞 Ving

= Jack is the man with glasses.

例:Here is the book bought in Hong Kong.  被動用過去分詞


例:I like the novels written by Dan Brown.  被動用過去分

詞 pp

Exercise:circle the correct answer

1. Fishing has always been important to the people(living, lived)here.

康軒/Joy Book 5 L7 介係詞片語當形容詞 Class: No: Name:

2. Did you notice the man(sitting, sat)over there?

3. Those people(walking, walked)in the snow look cold.

4. The first movie(calling, called)”The Mummy” was made in 1932.

5. I like the cups(making, made)in Japan.

6. My sister is the girl(wearing, worn)a blue T-shirt.

7. Have you read the novel(writing, written)by Mary Pope?

(9)名詞+ 不定詞 片語 (to +原形動詞 ):

I have many good ways to learn English well.

I have no book to read.


1. The students have no homework to do(do)today.

2. He needs another chance to meet(meet)the girl.

3. The poor cat has no food to eat(eat).

4. He has many friends to talk(talk)with.

康軒/Joy Book 5 L7 介係詞片語當形容詞 Class: No: Name:

5. Mr. Lin has a lot of work to do(do)every day.

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