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IEEE9 - Power System + Dynamic data

Set-up for PSSe:

1- Create a sav case from the raw file "IEEE9_vxx.raw".
2- run MAKECNVSNP_.PY from within PSSe:
It creates a converted *.cnv file using the "conl.idv" and
a snap *.snp file, using the "ieee9.dyr" file
3- run RUNFLAT_.PY from within PSSe:
It performs a no-disturbance test, creating an *.out file
with channels (monitored vars) defined in ""
4- run GETDEVNS_.IDV from within PSSPLT, the plotting tool in PSSe
It output to a file the max deviations for selected channels
Steps 2 and 3 are logged.
It should works in v.32-34

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