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Rationale of the Study

Noise is defined by Buchari and Matondang, (2017) as unwanted sound that can

give negative effects to a person both physically and psychologically. It affects

physically as it causes hearing loss. It can also affect psychologically if it becomes

nuisance and irritating. In the classroom, noise can create several disorders. It can

distract the attention of the students during class activities. It causes the poor quality of


Noise pollution in the recent years has been well recognized as one of the major

trepidations that affect the quality of life in urban areas worldwide. When there is so

much noise in a place, chaos is likely to happen. It becomes a nuisance to the people

living in the area. This disturbs anyone who wants to study or to do something which

needs silence. It is difficult to take a rest or sleep when there is noise.

It has been observed that there is noise within the hallways of Holy Name

University specifically in the Scanlon Building. This is the reason why this study is to be

conducted. The researchers found this noise to be distracting. The noise can be

detrimental to a student’s study habits or make them lose their focus. Thus, they are

planning to install a sound – based warning system along the hallways of the building.

The sound – based warning system will be composed of a Public Address System and

a sound sensor. To determine the noise, the equivalent A-weighted sound pressure

level L(A)eq, will be used to quantify noise exposure (Sailer and Hassenzahl, 2000).

The researchers acknowledge the insufficiency of a Public

Address/Announcement System within the Scanlon Building. The sound – based

warning system will be temporarily disabled every time the bell rings. Through this

study, the researchers will know whether an automated sound – based warning system

is effective in lessening the noise within a school’s hallways.

Theoretical Background

Our study is anchored to the Brunswik Lens Model and Cognitive Continuum

Theory. The detection of threats is fundamentally a process of indirect perception: An

external phenomenon of interest is being perceived indirectly through the recognition of

cues and indicators. To conceptualize threat detection, we draw on the cognitive

psychology of perception, specifically the Lens Model of Brunswik (1952) and its

subsequent extension as a theory of social judgment (Hammond, 1996, 2000). These

models explain how a person or system uses information in cues that are imperfect and

dispersed indicators of an Accuracy Cues Cue. Brunswik (1952) viewed perception as

an inferential process, where objects in the environment only can be perceived indirectly

through available information that has been sensed by the individual. A person or

system is represented as a lens that collects information from the many cues generated

and scattered by an external object, and refocuses them like rays of light on to a

perception or judgment of the object. Thus, people infer a percept from a set of cues

that are imperfect and unreliable indicators of an external object of interest. The

measure of system performance is its accuracy, defined as how well the observer’s

judgments correspond to the true state of the external object. The model represents an

ecological view of information processing where accuracy is the criterion of performance

and adaptation

In this theory it explains about the cues and indicator that came from a system

represented as a lens that collects information as well as our research a noise-based

warning system needs an indicator to work to know when it should activate and not

have false alarms. This theory offers an important knowledge about cues and indicators

that may help our research be successful in terms of accuracy. A noise based warning

system doesn't have a specific time to activate so it needs to receive signals.

Noise is often distracting to a community and authorities have implemented laws

to reduce or mitigate noise near communities. The Philippines have taken action on

reducing noise in general to create a more peaceful place to live.

Presidential Decree No.1152 or the Philippine Environment Code is a program

meant to achieve and maintain such levels of air quality as to protect public health and

to prevent to the greatest extent practicable, injury and/or damage to plant and animal

life and property, and promote the social and economic development of the country. The

Code established specific environment management policies and prescribes

environmental quality standards. This includes Noise standards within a community

which states that appropriate standards for community noise levels shall be established

considering, among others, location, zoning and land classification. This also includes


Though there are no laws that specifically regulate noise within school premises.

There are however, other laws in the Republic of the Philippines that governs noise in

general. Presidential Decree No.1152 or the Philippine Environment code governs


There were studies on defining noise conducted locally and internationally that

are worth reviewing. The succeeding studies provide the researcher the idea of

pursuing the present study on determining the effectivity of noise - based warning

system within hallways.

With this, to reduce the noise to a community standard and be conducive to

learning. Thus, the noise – based warning system is upholding the law. The researchers

will adhere to these laws and uphold it through the use of a noise – based warning

system to reduce noise within the hallways of the Scanlon Building.

Noise is defined as “any sound that may produce an undesired physiological or

psychological effect in an individual or group.” When such sound is produced in an

environment that must be conducive to healing, it hinders recovery. Literature suggests

that noise leads to physiological responses experienced by patients including higher

heart rates, respiratory rates and also sleep deprivation. In addition, noise is noted to

cause higher levels of stress in the staff, which may impair their ability to concentrate on

their tasks and care for the critically ill. The process of caregiving in the Pediatric

Intensive Care Unit (PICU) if not orchestrated well leads to a greater potential of error

and unfavorable results.


Ferrer, Lim and Ronquillo, “Library Noise Detector with Short Information

Provider (2008)”. In this related study, the design of the noise detector was based on an

existing room noise detector; the circuit was redesigned by having a potentiometer

instead of fixed values of resistances and several switches for setting the noise level to

be detected. Testing of noise detection with varying distances has been made on the

prototype and the operation of each major components of the system. The noise

detector was set to approximately 50 db noise level and in a testing room that measured

31’ x 23.5’ x 18.95’. The setting was only at the minimum noise level of 50 db because

according to the authors, 40 db is the 47 considerable noise level in a library

environment. Since the device was placed on each table inside the library, the distance

of the source of sound is 0.25m, 0.5m, and 1m measured by the push-pull rule from the

noise detector. This testing aimed to prove that the noise detector can detect different

sound sources even if the source was almost one meter away from the noise detector.

The sound level meter was used to measure the amount of noise in terms of decibel.

The result of this test showed that the measured values have discrepancy due to the

consistency of the sound sources that the sound level meter detects. The noise level of

the sound varies with its distance to the sound level meter. When the source is near the

sound level meter, the decibel value is higher and as it gets farther, the decibel value

decreases. For this reason, the detection of the noise detector also depends on the

distance of the sound source. As the sound level meter measures the noise level, the

noise detector also detects the noise at the same time.

This study is related to our research about the Effectivity of Noise-Based

Warning System within Hallways. Both researchers wanted to know the effectivity of a

noise warning system to a designated place. It uses an electronic noise-monitoring

device to see if it has an effect on noise level. While their research uses a device that

would be placed on each table inside the library. Both researchers’ goals want to

minimize the noise level on designated places.


Figure 1: Schematic Diagram of the Study



Statement of the Problem

The main purpose of the study is to determine the effectivity of a sound-based

warning system in reducing noise within hallways of the Scanlon Building, Holy Name


Specifically, the study sought to answer the following questions:

1. What is the respondent's demographic profile in terms of:

1.1 Age

1.2 Sex

2. What are the perceived effects of noise in studying?

3. How effective is the sound-based warning system in reducing noise?

Significance of the Study

The study aims to provide a conducive learning environment by reducing the

noise. It further provides a means of instructing students to accept responsibility for

maintaining a level of noise in the hallways.

In addition, this research can be beneficial to the following:

For the students, it will help them to focus in studying and to take responsibility of the

noise they make.


For the teachers, it will lessen the possibility of the tension between the student and

the teachers, for there are cases about scolding a particular student.

For the people in the SAO office, it will help them to do their work properly with no

distractions created by unconcerned students.

Statement of the Null Hypothesis

The device proves to be effective in reducing noise by alerting the students when

reaching the maximum noise threshold.

There is no significant difference in:

1. The noise levels along the hallways.

2. The respondents’ behavior regarding the sound-based warning system.

Scope and Limitations of the Study

The research is centered on finding the effectivity of a sound-based warning

system in reducing noise within hallways. The study will be conducted on the 1 st and 2nd

floor of the Scanlon building. Thus, it only limits to the students who are occupying on

the said floors. The research will not explore further in identifying the noise and its

sources. The device has its inaccuracies in measuring the noise levels due to budget

constraints allowing us to only get lower quality sensors.



Research Design

Our research design belongs to quasi-experimental for the effectiveness of our

noise-based warning system is evaluated whether it has greatly affected the noise

within hallways in the Holy Name University, Scanlon Building or not. The research also

uses a positive Correlational design. The positive method of research is a fact-finding

study that involves adequate and accurate interpretation of findings. Relatively, this

method is appropriate in this study since the researchers aim to find the effectiveness of

a sound – based warning system.

Research Environment

The research will be conducted in the Scanlon Building of Holy Name University,

Dampas Campus. HNU Dampas campus is geographically located at Janssen Heights,

Dampas District, approximately 500 meters away from the heart of Tagbilaran City, and

it has a distance of 220 meters from the national highway.

HNU is a private sectarian institution, administered and managed by the

members of the Society of the Divine Word (SVD). Holy Name University is accredited

by the Philippine Association of Schools, Colleges and Universities (PAASCU). It has

three departments, namely: Grade School Department, High School Department and

the College Department.


Research Respondents

The respondents of this study will be the Grade 12 Senior High School Students

located at the first and second floor of Scanlon Building, Holy Name University. The

chosen students are the most appropriate respondents for this research. They are the

students who occupied the chosen building.

To get the population of the study, the researchers will use convenience

sampling for the purpose that everyone in the population who are conveniently available

will be selected as a respondent.

Research Instrument

The study uses a self-made questionnaire as instruments to gather data. The

questionnaires are to be distributed to secure information and feedback from the

respondents. Semi-structured interviews, based on clear guidelines, are to be carried

out. The questionnaire is of a combination type and uses the Likert scale as the choices

and Psychological tests to evaluate the effects of noise. A total of 30 questionnaires

were made.

The questionnaire contains questions on how noise negatively affects their study

habits. It also contains questions whether the sound – based warning system proved to

be effective in reducing noise. It also answers questions regarding the need of noise

regulation within the hallways of the Scanlon Building.


Data Gathering

The researchers will conduct the study in the Scanlon Building Holy Name

University. A letter of approval containing the main purpose and significance of the

study will be sent to the school principal.

The researchers will place the model within the hallways of the 2nd floor in the

Scanlon Building. To gather data, they first show the respondents how the sound –

based warning system work and explained its physical structures. Questionnaires are

then to be distributed to the respondents to determine the effectivity of a sound – based

warning system. The respondents will be asked to answer as honest as possible to

have accurate results. Thereafter, the questionnaires are then collected to make the

concluding statements.

Definition of Terms

The following terms are commonly used and the study terms are defined in the

context of this research for better understanding.

Acoustic factors – it is the relationship between the densities and the sound velocities

that determined by the noise annoyance as a phenomenon of mind and mood.

Noise – is the unwanted sound that could distract us students and be detrimental


Sound Sensor – this is placed in the Sound – based warning system and is used to

measure high levels of noise, it allows the device to calculate the average of the sound

pressure in the hallways.


Sound – Based Warning System – This device uses a microphone and a sound

sensor to detect noise in the hallways of the Scanlon building. The device triggers once

the noise threshold is detected.

Students – Pertains to the sample of the study which are the Gr.12 Students of Holy

Name University


Stallen PJ. (1999) A theoretical framework for environmental noise annoyance. (3)69-80

Woolner & Hally (2010) Noise in Schools: A Holistic Approach to the Issue. Aug; 7(8)

Ferrer et al. (2008) Library Noise Detector and Short Information Provider.

Shield & Dockrell (2003) The Effects of Noise on Children at School: A review

Mohan & Rajagopal (2010) External and Internal Noise in School Classrooms in

Tropical Climates

Dunwoody (2000) Cognitive adaptation and its consequences: a test of Cognitive

Continuum Theory 13(1): 35-54

Buchari & Matondang (2017) The impact of noise level on student’s learning

performance at state elementary school in Medan.

Sailer & Hassenzahl (2000) Assessing noise annoyance: An improvement- oriented


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