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STANDARD PremiCreedition

lsolateurssupports compositesrigides d socle

destin6saux postesi courant alternatif
de tensions sup6rieuresa 1 000 V jusqu'd 245 kV -
D6finitions,m6thodesd'essaiet critdres

Compositestation post insulatorsfor substations

with a.c. voltagesgreaterthan 1 000 V up to
245 kV - Definitions,test methodsand

@ IEC2006 Droitsde reproduction

reserves Copyright- all rightsreserved
Aucuneparliede cetie publicalionne peul ete reproduite
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maybe reFoducedor utilizedln any
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IntemalionalElectrol€chnicalCommission, 3, rue de Varemb6, PO Box 131, CH-1211 Gensva 20, Swiz€dand

Telephone:+41 229190211 rebfax: +4122919 03 00 Web: www.i€

Co mmi ssi onE l ectrol echni que
Internati onal e P R IC EC OD E
ln ternati onal
E l ectrotechni cal
C ommi ssi on
PourN* voftcalalagueenvigueur
Forpice, seecunentcalalogue
STANDARD Premidre6dition
First edition

lsolateurssupports compositesrigides d socle

destin6saux postesi courantalternatif
de tensionssup6rieuresA 1 000 V jusqu'd 245 kV -
D6finitions,m6thodesd'essaiet critdres

Gompositestation post insulatorsfor substations

with a.c. voltagesgreaterthan 1 000 V up to
245 kV - Definitions,test methodsand

Num6ro de r6f6rence
cElllEC 62231:2006
62231 @ IEC:2006 -3 -

FOREWORD..... ..........-.-.7
TNTRODUCTION '.'.'......11




Annex A (informative)Noteson the mechanicalloadsand tests ... ...............
Annex B (informative) Determinationof the equivalentbending moment caused by
combinedcantileverand compression(tension)loads.......'.....-... .. . . .....'."57
Annex C (informative)Exampleof torsionload test arrangement ...'. ....""'61
Annex D (normative)Tolerancesof form and position............. ...'.'.'."""" 63
.'" ""69
Annex E (informative)Noteson the compressionand bucklingtest..'...............'..."""

Bibliography...... .." """71

62231@ IEC:2006

Figure1 - Thermal-mechanical test- Typicalcycles.......................................51
Figure8.1 - Combinedloadsappliedto stationpost insulators... ................59
FigureD.1- Parallelism,
coaxialityand concentricity...... ............................63
FigureD.2- Angulardeviation 'l
of fixingholes;Example ........,............................................65
FigureD.3- Angulardeviationof fixingholes:Example 2.....................................................65
FigureD.4 - Tolerancesaccordingto standarddrawingpractice .................67

Tabfe1 - Teststo be carriedout afterdesignchanges. ."............................27

Table2 - Numberof samplesfor sampldtests...-.............. ..........................45
62231 @ IEC:2006 -7 -




1) The lnternationaiElectrotechnicalCommission(lEC) is a worldwideorganizationfor standardizationcomprising
all national electrotechnical committees (lEC National Committees). The object of IEC is to promote
internationalco-operationon all questionsconcerningstandardizationin the electricaland electronicfields. To
this end and in addition to other activities, IEC publishes InternationalStandards, Technical Specifications,
Technical Reports, Publicly Available Specifications (PAS) and Guides (hereafter referred to as "lEC
Publication(s)").Their preparationis entrustedto technicalcommitteesiany IEC NationalCommitteeinterested
in the subject dealt with may participate in this preparatory work. International,governmental and non-
governmentalorganizationsliaisjng with the IEC also participatein this preparation.IEC collaboratesclosely
with the International Organizationfor Standardization(lSO) in accordance with conditions determined by
agreementbetween the two organizations.
2) lhe formal decisionsor agreementsof IEC on technicalmatters expresl, as nearly as possible,an international
consensus of opinion on the relevant subjects since each technical committee has representationfrom all
interestedIEC NationalCommittees.
3) IEC Publicationshave the form of recommendationsfor internationaluse and are accepted by IEC National
Committees in that sense. While all reasonableefforts are made to ensure that the technical content of IEC
Publications is accurate, IEC cannot be held responsible for the way in which they are used or for any
misinterpfetationby any end user.
4) In order to promote international uniformity, IEC National Committees undertake to apply IEC Publications
transparently to the maximum extent possible in their national and regional publications. Any divergence
betwoen any IEC Publicationand the correspondingnationaior regionalpublicationshall be clearly indicatedin
the latter.
5) IEC provides no marking procedure to indicate its approval and cannot be rendered responsible for any
equipmentdeclaredto be in conformitywith an IEC Publication.
6) All users should ensure that they have the latest edition of this publication.
7) No liability shall attach to IEC or its directors,employees,servants or agents including individualexperts and
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expenses arising out of the publication, use of, or reliance upon, this IEC Publication or any other IEC
8) Attention is drawn to the Normative referencescited in this publication.use of the referencedpublicationsis
indispensablefor the correct applicationof this publication.
9) Attention is drawn to the possibilitythat some of the elements of this IEC Publicationmay be the subject of
patent rights. IEC shall not be held responsiblefor identifyingany or all such patent rights.

InternationalStandardIEC 62231 has been preparedby subcommittee36C: Insulatorsfor

of IECtechnicalcommittee36: Insulators.

Thisbilingual replaces
the Englishversion.

The text of this standardis basedon the followinodocuments:

FDI S Reporton voting

36Ci159/FDtS 36Ci160/RVD

Full informationon the voting for the approval of this standard can be found in the report on
voling indicated in the above table.

The French version of this standard has not been voted uoon.

This publicationhas been drafted in accordancewith the ISO/IEC Directives,Part 2.


62231@ IEC:2006 -9-

This standard is to be read in conjunctionwith IEC 62217:2005,Polymeric insulators for

indoor and outdoor use with a nominal voltage >1 000 V - Generaldefinitions,test methods
and acceDtancecriteria.

The committeehas decidedthat the contentsof this publicationwill remainunchangeduntil

the maintenanceresult date indicatedon the IEC web site under "http://webstore."in
the data relatedto the specificpublication.
At this date,the publication
will be
. reconfirmed;
. withdrawn:
. replacedby a revisededition,or
. amended.
62231 @ IEC:2006


Composite station post insulators consist of a cylindrical solid insulating core made of resin
impregnated fibres, bearing the mechanical load, protected by an elastomer housing, the
loads being transmitted to ihe core by metal fittings. Despite these common features, the
materials used and the construction details employed by different manufacturers may be
d ifferent.

Some tests have been grouped together as "design tests" to be performed only once for
insulators of the same design. The design tests are performed in order to eliminate insulator
designs, materials and manufacturingtechnologiesnot suitable for high-voltageapplications.
The lnfluence of time on the electrical and mechanicalpropertiesof the complete composite
station post insulator and its components (core material, housing material, interfaces, etc.)
has been considered in specifying the design tests in order to ensure a satisfactorylifeiime
under normal service conditions.

The approachfor mechanicaltesting under bendingloads used in this Standardis based on

IEC 61952+Thisapproach uses the concept of a damage limit that is the maximum stress that
can be developed in the insulator before damage begins to occur. Work is underway to.
validate the acoustic emission techniqueto delerminethe incpptionof damage.:'

In some cases, station post insulatorscan be subjectedto a combinationof loads. In order to

give some guidance,Annex B explains how to calculatethe equivalentbending moment in the
insulatorsresultingfrom the combinationof bending,tensileand compressionloads.

Polluiiontests, as specifiedin IEC 60507 and IEC 61)45, are not includedin ihis document,
their applicabilityto composite station post insulatorshaving not been proven. Such polluiion
tests performed on composite insulators do not correlate with experience obtained from
service. Specific pollutiontests for compositeinsulatorsare under consideration.

It has not been considered useful to specify a power arc test as a mandatorytest The test
parameters are manifold and can have very different values depending on the configurations
of the network and the supports and on the design of arc-protectiondevices. The heating
effect of power arcs should be considered in the design of metal fittings. critical damage to
the metal fittings, resultingfrom the magnitudeand durationof the short-circuitcurrent can be
avoided by properly designed arc-protection devices. This standard, however, does not
exclude the possibility of a power arc test by agreement between the user and the manu-
facturer. IEC 61467 gives details of a.c. power arc testing of insulatorsets.

lmpulse (mechanical)loads in substationare typically caused by shorl-circuits.Postr

insulators'are affected by forces due' torihe interactionof the currents circulatingin
conductors/busbars supportedby insulators.'

The impulse load or peak load may be evaluatedusing guidancefound in the IEC 60865
62231 @ IEC:2006 - 1 3-

Work is in progressin CIGREESCQ(Effectsof Short-Circuit Currents)task fqrc{to review

impulseloads caused by short-circuitcurrentsin substations.The aim of tlfis work is to
introducea new concept:the ESL factor (EquivalentStaticLoad fact6fi which is frequency
dependent.The actualpeak load may be replaced,in a first approximation,
by the peak load
times the ESL factoF.This new value may be used as the MDCEin lhis documentfor the
determinationof the cantileverstrenoth.

Radio interferenceand corona tests are not soecifiedin this standardsince the radio
and coronaperformances
interference are not characteristics
of the insulatoralone.

Compositehollowcore stationpost ingulatorsare currentlynot dealt with in this standard.

IEC 61462gives detailsof tests on hollowcore compositeinsulators,many of whichcan be
appliedto suchstationpost insulators.
62231 @ IEC:2006 - 15 -


1 Scope and object

This InternationalStandardappliesto compositestationpost insulatorsconsistingof a load

bearingcylindricalinsulatingsolid core madeof resin impregnated fibres,a housing(outside
the insulatingsolidcore)madeof elastomermaterial(e.9.siliconeor ethylene-propylene) and
end fittingsattachedto the insulatingcore. Composilestationpost insulatorscoveredby this
standardare subjectedto cantilever,torsion, tension and compressionloads. They are
intendedfor substations with a.c.voltagesgreaterthan 1 000 V up to 245 kV.

The objectof this standardis

- to definethe termsused,
- to orescribetest methods,
- to prescribeacceptanceor failurecriteria.
dealingwith the choiceof insulatorsfor specific
This standarddoes not includerequirdments

2 Normative references

The followingreferenceddocumentsare indispensable for the applicationof this document.

For datedreferences,only the editioncitedapplies.For undatedreferences, the latestedition
of the referenced
document (includinganyamendments) applies.

IEC 60050-471, lnternationalElectrotechnicalVocabulary(IEV)- Chapter471: lnsulators

IEC 60060-1,High-voltagetest techniques- Part 1: Generaldefinitionsand test requirements

IEC 60168:1994,Iesfs on indoorand outdoorpostinsulatorsof ceramicmaterialor glassfor

sysfemswith nominalvoltagesgreaterthan 1 000 V

IEC 62217, Polymericinsulators for indoor and outdoor use with a nominal voltage greater
than 1000 V - Generaldefinitions.test methodsand acceptancecriteria

ISO 1101, Technicaldrcwings- Geometricaltolerancing- Tolerancingof form, orientation,

locationand run-out- Generalities,definitions,symbols,indicationson drawings

fSO 3452, Non-destructivetesting- Penetrantinspection- Generalprinciples

62231 @ IEC:2006 - 't7-

3 Termsand definitions
Forthe purposesof this document,the followingtermsand definitionsapply.
3 .1
compositestation post insulator
postinsulator consisting of a solidloadbearingcylindrical
core,a housingand end
fittingsattachedto the insulatingcore

cord (of an insulator)
centralinsulatingpartof an insulatorwhichprovidesthe mechanical
NOTE Thehousingand shedsare not partof the coie.

IEV 47 1 - 01-031

externalinsulatingpart of compositeinsulatorprovidingnecessarycreepagedistanceand
protectingcorefrom environment
NOTE An intermediatesheath made of insulatingmaterialmay be part of the housing.


housing pr ofile
shape and dimensionsof the housingof the composite oost insulatorwhich includethe
- shed overhang(s)
- shed thicknessat the base and at the tip
- shed spacing
- shed repetition
- shed inclination(s)

shed (ofan insulator)
insulatingpart,projectingfromthe insulatortrunk,intendedto increasethe creepagedistance.
The shedcan be with or withoutribs
!EV 47 1 - 01-151

centralinsulatingpartof an insulatorfromwhichthe shedsproject
NOTE Also known as shank on smaller insulators.

ltEv 471-01-111

shortestdistanceor the sum of the shortestdistancesalong the surfaceon an insulator
betweentwo conductivepartswhichnormallyhavethe operatingvoltagebetweenthem
NOTE 1 lhe surface of cement or of any other non-insulatingjointing materialis not consideredas forming part of
the creepagedistance.
62231 @ IEC:2006 - 19 -

NOTE 2 lf a high resistance coating is applied to parts of the insulating part of an insulator, such parts are
consideredto be;ffective insulatings-urfacesand the distanceover them is includedin the creepagedistance.


3 .8
arcing distance
shortestdistancein air externalto the insulatorbetweenthe metallicparts which normally
havethe operatingvoltagebetweenthem

IEV 4 7 1 - 0 1-011
NOTE The term "dry arcing distance"is also used

surfacebetweenthe differentmaterials
NOTE Various interfacesoccur in most compositeinsulators'e.g.
- between housing and fixing devices,
- between various parts of the housing,e.g. betweensheds, or betweensheath and sheds,
between core and housing.

ltEc 622171

end fitting
inlegral componentor formed part of in insulatorihtendedto connect it to a supporting
structure,or to a conductor,or to an itemof equipment,or to anotherinsulator
NoTE Where the end fitting is metallic,the term "metal fitting" is normallyused.
EV 471-01-06,modifiedl

connection zone
zone where the mechanicalload is transmittedbetweenthe insulatingbody and the end fitting
llEC 622171

part of the fixing device which transmits load to the hardwareexternal to the insulator
IIEC 622171

orocesJ which forms irreversible degradation by formation of conductive paths (tracks)
starting and developingon the surface of an insulatingmaterial
NOTE These oaths are conductiveeven under dry conditions.

ltEc 622171
62231@ IEC:2006

irreversibleand non-conductingdegradationof the surface of the insulatorthat occurs by loss
of materialwhich can be uniform.localizedor tree-shaDed
NOTE Lightsurface
canoccuron composite
as on ceramic
after partialflashover.Thesetracesare not considered to be objectionable
as long as they are non-conductive.
Whentheyare conductive they are classified
as tracking.
IIEC 622171

delamination (of the core)
loss of bonding between fibres and matrix

any internal fracture or surface fissure of depth greater than 0,1 mm

ltEc 622171

specified cantilever load
cantilever load which can be withstood by the insulator when tested under the prescribed

maximum design cantilever load
cantilever load level above which damage to the insulatorbegins lo occur and that should nonf
be exceeded in service

specified torsion load
torsion load level which can be withstood by the insulator when tested under the prescribed

maximum design torsion load
torsion load level above which damage to the insulatorbegins to occur and that should not be
exceeded in service

specified tension load
tension load which can be withstood by the insulator when tested under the prescribed

maximum design tension load
tension load level above which damaoe to the insulatorbeoins to occur and that should not be
exceeded in service
62231@ IEC:2006 -2 3 -

specified compression load
compression load which can be withstood by the insulator when tested under the prescribed

buckling load
compressionload that induces bucklingof the insulatorcore

maximum design compression load
load level above which damage to the insulator begins to occur and that should not be
exceeded in service

failing load (of a compositestation post insulator)
maximum load that is reached when tested under the orescribedconditions
NOTE Damage to the core is likely to occur at loads lower than the insulatorfailing load.

distancefromflangefaceto flangeface of the end fitting

puncture(of an insulator)
permanentloss of dielectricstrengthdue to a disruptivedischargepassingthroughthe solid
materialof an insulator

ltEv 471-01-141

residual deflection
the differencebetweenthe initialdeflection,if any,of the tip of the insulatormeasuredpriorto
cantileverloadapplicationand the final deflectionmeasuredafterloadrelease
NOTE The residual deflection may depend on the duration of applicationof the load and on the time duration
betweenthe load release and the measurementof the deflection.

the differencebetweenthe initial angulardisplacement, if any, of one of the insulatorend
fitting with respectto the other insulalorend fitting measuredpriorto the applicationof the
torsionloadandthefinalangulardisplacement measured aftertorsionloadrelease
NOTE The residual angular displacementmay depend on the duration of applicationof the torsion load and on
the time duration betweenthe torsion load release and the measurementof the displacement.

4 ldentification

The manufacturer'sdrawing shall show the relevant dimensions and values necessary for
identifying and testing the insulator in accordancewith this standard. The drawing shall also
show applicablemanufacturingtolerances.In addition,the relevant IEC designation,when
available,shallfigureon the drawing.
62231 @ IEC:2006 -2 5 -

Each insulator shall be marked with the name or trademark of the manufacturerand the year
of manufacture.In addition, each insulatorshall be marked with ai least the Maximum Design
CantileverLoad (NIDCL)(example:MDCL: 4 kN) or, when available,with the relevant IEC
designation.These markingsshall be legibleand indelible.
NOTE At present givingdesignations
thereis no IECstandard of composite postinsulators.

5 Environmentalconditions

See descriDtionin IEC 62217.

6 Informationon transport, storage and installation

See descriptionin IEC 62217.

7 Classificationof tests

The tests are divided into four groups as follows:

7.'l Design tests

These tests are intended to verify the suitabilityof the design, materials and manufacturing
technology(see Annex A for notes on the concept of damage limit).

A compositestation post insulatordesign is defined by

- materialsof the core, housing and manufacturingmethod;

- material of the end fittings, their design and method of attachment;
- layer thickness of the housing over the core (includinga sheaih where used);
- diameter of the core.

When changes in the design occur, re-qualificationshall be done accordingto Table 1.

62231 @ IEC:2006 -27 -

Table 1 - Tests to be carried out after design changes

lF the insulatordesign changes the.. THEN the followingdesign tests shall be repeatedl

8.2 8.3 8.4 8.4 8.4 8.4 8.5 8.5

@xi ; 9o
3s =
;i :
6( !
6 EF
<6 I <; o= ig
Housingmaterials X X X X X
2 Housingprofile 1) X
3 Core material X X X X
4 Core diameter X X X X
5 M anufa c tu ri n g p ro c e s s ,Ab r' W X X X X X X X
End fitting material X X
7a End fitting connectionzone design
^/,"(^_ X,. X
7b End fitting coupling design X
7c Core-housing-endfitting interfacedesign X
8 End fittino method of attachmentto core X X
1) The followingvariationof the housing profilewithin followingtolerancesdo not constitutea changel

Overhang: ! 10 % Spacing: !10 Vo

Diameter: +15 o/o,-0 o/o IVIeaninclination: t3"
Thicknessat base and tipr i15 % Shed repetitionr identical

When a composile station post insulator is submittedto the design tests, it becomes a parent
insulatorfor a given design and the results shall be consideredvalid for that design only. This
tested parent insulator defines a particular design of insulators which have all the following

a) same materialsfor the core and housingand same manufacturingmethod;

b) same material of the fittings, the same design, and the same method of attachment;
c) same or greater minimum layer thickness of the housing over the core (includinga sheath
where used)within a toleranceof t15 %;
d) same or smallerslress under mechanicalloads;
e) same or greater cross-diameterof the core;
f) same housing profile parameters,see the table footnote in Table 1.
62231@ IEC:2006 _29_

7.2 Type tests

These tests are intended to verify the main characteristics of a composite station post
insulator, which depend mainly on its shape and size. Type tests shall be applied t o
composite insulators belonging to an already qualified design. The type tests shall be
repeatedonly when the type of the compositeinsulatoris changed.

Electrically,an insulatortype is defined by the

- arcing distance,
- creepage distance,
- housingprofile.

The electrical type tests shall be performed only once on insulators satisfying the above
design criteria for one type and shall be performed with arcing and field grading devices, if
they are an integral part of the insulatortype.

The electricaltype tests shall be repeatedonly when one or more of the above characteristics
is changed.

an insulatortype is definedby the:

- length(onlyfor the compressionand bucklingwithstandload test),

- core diameter and material
- design and method of attachmentof the end fittings.

The mechanical type tests shall be performed only once on insulators satisfying the above
criteria for each lype.

The mechanicaltype tests shall be repeated only when one or more of the above character-
istics is changed.

7.3 Sample tests

These tests are intended to verify the characteristicsof composite station post insulalors,
which depend on the quality of manufacture and materials used. They shall be made on
insulatorstaken at random from lots offeredfor acceotance.

7.4 Routine tests

These tests are intended to eliminate composite station post insulators with manufacturing
defects.They shall be made on every compositestation post insulatorto be supplied.

8 Designtests

8.1 General

The design tests shall be performed only once and the results shall be recorded in a test
report. Each lest can be performed independentlyon new test specimens where appropriate.
The composite station post insulator of a particular design shall be deemed qualified only
when the insulatorsor test specimenspass all the design tests.
62231 @ IEG:2006 _ 2,4 _

8.2 Tests on interfacesand connectionsof end fil

Se e IEC6 2 2'17. 1'2
--) *\
8.2.'l Testspecimens
see IEC6 2 217. (,L 4

8.2.2 Referencevoltage and temperaturefor veril

seelEc62217. 7. Z 2
8.2.3 Referencedry powerfrequencytest
Se er EC 6 2217. q,7.]

8.2.4 Therma l-mechan ica I pre-stressing

The three specimens shall be submitted to a mechanicalload in two opposite directions and
to temperaturecycles as describedin Figure 1.Ihe 24 h temperaturecycle shall be repeated
twice. Each temperature cycle has two temperaturelevels with a duration of at least 8 h, one
at +50 "C + 5 K, the other at -35'C * 5 K. The cold period shall be at a temperatureat least
85 K below the value actually applied in the hot period. The pre-stressingcan be conducted in
air or any other suitablemedium.

The load appliedto the specimensshallcorrespondto the MDCL.

The load shall be applied perpendicularlyto the insulator's axis as near as possible to the
normal load applicationpoint, either directly at the normal conductor position or at a hardware
attachment point. When the load is not applied at the normal application point, it shall be
corrected to oroduce the same bendino momeni at the base of the insulator as the one
exerted by the MDCL.

The direction of the cantilever load applied to the specimens shall be reversed once,
generallyat the coolingpassagethrough ambienttemperatureas describedin Figure 1. The
cycles may be interrupted for the load direction reversal and for maintenance of the test
equipment for a total duration of 2 h. The starting point after any interruption shall be the
beginningof the interruptedcycle.
NOTE The temperaturesand loads in this pre-stressingare not intended to representservice conditions;they are
designedto producespecificreproduciblestressesin the interfaceson the insulator.

8.2.5 Waterimmersionpre-stressing
See IEC 62217. lrqt-

8.2.6 Verificationtests

s e e t Ec 6 2 2 1 7 . S '2 '6

8.3 Assembled core load tests

Extreme service temperaturesmay affect the mechanicalbehaviourof composite insulators"

62231@ IEC:2006 -3 3 -

A general rule to define "extreme high or low" insulator temperaturesis not available at this
time; for this reason the supplier should always specify service temperaturelimitations.
NOTE Whenever the insulators are subjected to very high or low temperaturesfor long periods of time, it is
advisable that customer and supplier agree on a mechanical test at higher or lower temperatures than that
mentionedin this standard.

8.3,1 Test for the verification of the maximum design cantilever load (MDCL) Test procedure

Three insulatorsmade on the productionline using the standard end fittings shall be selected.
The overall length of the insulatorsshall'be at least 8 times the diameter of the cote, unless
the manufacturerdoes not have facili tiesto make such a length. In this case, the length of
insulatorshall be as near as possibleto the prescribedlengthrange.

The base end-fitting has to be fixed rigidly. The insulators shall be gradually loaded to
1,1 times the MDCL ratingat a temperatureof 20 "C i 10 K and held for 96 h. The load shall
be applied to the insulators at the conductor position, perpendicularto the direction of the
conductor,and perpendicular to the core of the insulators.

At 24 h, 48 h, 72 h and 96 h, the deflectionof the insulatorsat the point of applicationof the

Ioad shall be recorded,as additionalinformation.

After removal of the load, the steps below shall be followed:

- visually inspect the base end fitting for cracks or permanentdeformation,

- check that threads of the end fitting are re-usable,
- if required,measure the residualdeflection.

Cut each insulator90' to the axis of the core and about 50 mm from the base of the end fitting,
then cut the base end fitting part of the insulator longitudinallyinto two halves in the plane of
the previously applied cantilever load. The cut surfaces shall be smoothed by means of fine
abrasivecloth (grainsize 180).

- visually inspect the cut halves for cracks and delaminations,

- perform a dye penetrationtest accordingto ISO 3452 to the cut surfaces to reveal cracks.

8,3.1,2 Acceptancecriteria

Observationof any cracks, permanentdeformationor delaminationsshall constitutefailure of

the test-

8,3,2 Test for the verification of the maximum design torsion load (MDToL) Test procedure

Three insulalorsmade on the productionline using the standard end fittings shall be selected.
The overall length of the insulatorsshall be at least 8 times the diameter of the core, unless
lhe manufacturerdoes not have facilities to make such a length. In this case, the length of
insulatorsshall be as near as possibleto the prescribedlength range.
62231 @ IEC:2006 -3 5 -

The torsion load shall be applied to the insulatorsperpendicularlywith the axis of the core of
the insulator.No bendingmomentshould be applied.The insulatorsshall be graduallyloaded
to 1,1 times the MDToL rating at a temperatureof 20 'C t 10 K and held for 30 min. The
angular displacementshall be measured at 30 min as additional information.An acceptable
value of the angular displacementshall be agreed between manufacturerand user.
NOTE In a torsion test, the angular displacementis proportionalto the length of the core between the end littings.

An example of a test arrangementcan be found in Annex C.

After removal of the load, the steps below shall be followed:

- if required,measurethe residualangulardisplacement,
- visually inspect the end fittings for cracks or permanentdeformation,
- check that threads of the end fitting are re-usable,
- cut each insulator 90' to the axis of the core at about 50 mm from the end fittings, and in
the middle part of this cut section,
- polish the cut surfaces by means of fine abrasive cloth (grain size 180),
- visually inspect the cut surfacesfor cracks and delaminations,
- perform a dye penetrationtest accordingto ISO 3452 to the cut surfaces to reveal cracks
or delaminations.

8,3.2,2 Acceptancecriteria

Observationof any cracks, permanent deformationor delaminationsshall constitutefailure of

the test.

8.3.3 Verification of the specified tension load (STL) Test procedure

Three insulatorsmade on the productionline using the standard end fittings shall be selected.
The overall length of the insulatorsshall be at least 8 times the diameter of the core, unless
the manufacturerdoes not have facilities to make such a length. In this case, the length of
insulatorshall be as near as possibleto the prescribedlength range.

The tensile load shall be applied to the insulators in line with the axis of the core of the
insulatorat a temperalureof 20'C i 10 K. The load shall be increasedrapidlybut smoothly
from zero to approximately 75 % of the specified tensile load and shall then be gradually
increased in a time between 30 s and 90 s until the soecifiedtensile load is reached. lf 100 %
of the STL is reached in less than 90 s, the load (100 % of STL) shall be maintainedfor the
remainderof the 90 s. Acceptancecriteria

The test shall be regardedas passed if there is no evidence of

- pullout or slip of the core from the end fitting, or

- breakage of the end fitting.
62231 @ IEC:2006 -3 7 -

8.4 Tests on shed and housing material

See IEC 62217.

8.5 Tests on the core material

See IEC 62217.

These tesls can be carried out on specimenseither wlth or without housing material.

9 Type tests

Insulatorsmade on the productionline usingthe standardend fittingsshall be selected.

9.1 Verification of dimensions

Unless otherwiseagreed, a tolerance of

f (0,04x d + 1,5) mm when d S 300 mm, or

I (0,025x d + 6,0) mm when d > 300 mm with a maximumtoleranceof O0 mm

shall be allowed on all dimensions for which specific tolerances are not requested (d being
the dimensionsin millimetres).

The measurement of creepage distance shall be related to the design dimensions ano
tolerances as determined from the insulator drawing, even though this dimension may be
greater than the value originally specified by the purchaser.when the creepage distanie rs
specifiedas a minimum value, the negativetoleranceis zero.

Tolerancesof parallelism,
angulardeviationare givenin AnnexD.

9.2 Electricaltests
Testsin accordancewith 9.2-1 and 9.2.2shall be performedwith the insulatorin the Dosition
in which it will be used in service(verticalor horizontal).lf field-grading
devicesare used rn
servicethey shallbe usedin the tests.

Interpolationof electricaltest resultsmay be usedfor insulatorsof intermediate lengthas long

as the factorbetweenthe arcingdistancesof the insulatorswhoseresultsform thelnd points
of the interpolation
rangeis lessthan or equalto 1,5.Extrapolation is not allowed.

5.2.1 Dry lightningimpulsevottagetest

The post insulatorshall be testedunderthe conditions
in 4.1,4.2 and 4.4.1of
lEg 99168 The impulsegeneratorsha be adjustedto producea 1,2tSOimputse(see
lEc 60060-1).

lmpulses of both positive and negative polarity shall be used. However, when it is evident
which polarity will give the lower flashover voltage, it shall be sufficient to test with that
62231 @ IEC:2006 -3 9 -

Two test procedures

are in commonusefor the lightningimpulsetest:
- the withstandvoltageprocedurewith 15 impulses;
- the 50 7oflashovervoltageprocedure.
NOTE The 50 % flashovervoltage proceduregives more jnformation.

The test procedureselectedshallbe agreedbetweenthe purchaserand the manufacturer. Withstandvoltagetest usingthe withstandvoltageprocedure

The withstandvoltagetest shall be performedat the specifiedvoltage correctedfor the
atmospheric conditionsat the time of test (see4.2.2of IEC60168).Fifteenimpulsesshall be
appliedto the postinsulator.

The acceotancecriteriaare as follows:

- the stationpost insulatorpassesthe test if the numberof flashoversdoes not exceedtwo
for eachseriesof 15 imoulses.
The stationpost insulatorshallnot be damagedby thesetestsbut slightmarkson the surface
of the housingshallbe permitted. Voltagetest usingthe 50 % flashovervoltageprocedure

The lightningimpulsewithstandvoltageshall be calculatedfrom the 50 % lightningimpulse
by the up-and-down methoddescribed in IEC60060-1.

impulsevoltageshallbe corrected
The 50 % lightning in accordance
wilh4.2.2of IEC60168.

criteriaare as follows:
The acceotance

the stationpost insulatorpassesthe iest if the 50 % lightningimpulseflashovervoltageis not

fess than (11(1- 1,3 d )) = 1,040timesthe specifiedlightningimpuisewithstandvoltage,
whereo is the standarddeviation(assumedequalto 3 %).

The station post insulatorshall not be damagedby these tests, but slight marks on the
surfaceof the housingshallbe permitted.

9.2.2 Wet power frequencywithstandvoltage test Test procedure
The test circuitshallbe in accordance
with IEC 60060-1.

The stationpostinsulator prescribed

shallbe testedunderthe conditions in 4.1,4.2,4.3and
4.4.1of IEC60168.

The test voltageto be appliedto the stationpost insulatorshall be the specifiedwet power
frequencywithstandvoltagecorrectedfor the atmospheric conditionsat the time of test (see
4.2.2of IEC60168).Thetestvoltageshallbe maintained at thisvaluefor 1 min.As additional
information,the voltagecan be raiseduntilthe flashoveroccurs.
62231 @ IEC:2006 -41 - Acceptancecriteria
The stationpost insulatorpassesthe test if no flashoveror punctureoccursduringthe test.
NoTE lf flashover occurs on the insulatortested, then a second test on the same unit may be performed,after
verifyingthe rain conditions.

9.2.2,3 Wet power frequency flashover voltage

To provide information,when agreed between the purchaser and the manufacturer,the wet
flashover voltage of the station post insulator may be determined by increasing the voltage
gradually,from about 75 o/oof lhe wet power-frequencywithstandvoltige with a iate of rise
about 2 96of this voltage per second. The wet flashover voltage is the irithmetic mean of ftve
consecutivereadings, and ihe value, after correctionto standard atmosphericconditions (see
4.2.2 ol IEC 60168),shattbe recorded.

9.3 Mechanical
9.3.1 Cantileverfaitingloadtest
of test resultsmay be used for insuratorsof intermediate rengthas rongas the
factor betweenlhe momentarm of the insulatorswhose resultsfrom the-end pointi of the
rangeis lessthan or equalto 1,5.Extrapolation is not allowed.

This test shall be performed at 20 "c * 10 K and is used to determine the failing load of a
complete station post insulator.

9,3.1.1 Test specimens

Three insulatorsmade on the productionline using the standard base fitting shall be selecteo. Test procedure

It may be necessary to use special bolts to hold securerythe base plate to the test jig. The
canlilever load shall be increasedrapidly but smoothly from zero to approximately7s 6/o-oftne
specified cantilever load (SCL) of the post insulatorsand then shall be gradually increased in
a time between 30 s and 300 s until breakage of either the core or the metal fitting occurs.
Precautionsshall be taken to keep the direction of applicationof the load as perpend"icularas
possibleto the axis of the unloadedinsulator. Acceptancecriteria

The three failingload valuesshall be greaterthan the SCL.

. The mechanicalfailing load of a composjtestation post insulatoris defined as the maximum load thar rs
reached dlring the test. The failure mode is recordedin the test report.

9.3.2 Specified tension toad test

This test shall be performed at 20 'c t l0 K and is used to determine the specified tension
Ioad of a complete station post insurator.short insuratorsmay be used for this test.
62231@ IEC:2006 _43_

9.3,2.'l Testspecimens

Three insulatorsmade on the producti online usingthe standardend-fittingsshall be selected.

9.3.2,2 Test procedure

The tension load shall be applied in the direction of the longitudinalaxis of the insulator.The
load shall be increased relatively quickly, but smoothly, from 0 kN to approximately75 % of
the srl. The load shall then be gradually increased to the srl in a period of no less than
30 s but no greater than 90 s. lt 100 % of the STL is reached in less than g0 s, the loao
(1O0o/'ol STL) shall be mainlainedfor the remainderof the g0 s. Acceptancecriteria
No evidenceof partial,or complete,pulloutof the corefromthe end fitting(s).

No evidenceof end fittingbreakage.

9.3.3 Compression and buckling w ithstand load test

This test is only required if compression is a major componenl of the overall service
mechanical loads and shall be performed by agreement between the manufacturerand the

This test shall be performedat 20'c I 1.0K and is used to determinethe withstand load of a
complete station post insulator. Test specimen

one insulatormade on the productionline usingthe standardend fittingsshall be selected. Test procedure

In service, the coupling of the slation posl insulator belongs to one of the cases 1 to 4 In
Annex E. In the laboratory,the post insulator shall be subjected to a compresslonload along
their axis, accordingto any one of the cases 1 to 4 in Annex E.

The test load is given by SCoL multipliedby the correctionfacior CF given in Annex E.

The load applied to the insulator shall be increased rapidty but smoothly (within 90 s) from
zero to approximalely75 o/oof the test load of the post insulatorsand then shall be gradually
increasedin a time between 30 s and 300 s up to the test load.

Precaulionsshall be taken to keep the direction of the load as close as gossibleto the axis of
lhe unloaded insulator. lt may be necessary to use special bolts or fixing arrangementslo
hold securely both end fittings to the test sefup. Acceptancecriteria

The insulatorshall withstandthe test load withoulvisualdamaoe.

62231 @ IEC:2006 -45-

10 Sample tests

10.1 General rules

For the sample tests, two groups of samples shall be used, E'l and E2. The sizes of these
samples are indicated in Table 2. lf more than 2 000 insulators are concerned,they shall be
divided into an ootimum number of lols of less than 2 000 insulators.The results of the tests
shall be evaluatedseparatelyfor each lot.

The insulatorsshall be selected from the lot at random. The purchaser has the right to make
the selection.The samplesshall be subjectedto the applicablesampletests.

The samole tests are as follows:

- verificationof the dimensions (E1 + Ez\l

- galvanizingtest (E1 + E2\:
- verificationof the specifiedmechanicalloads (E1).

ln the event of a failure of the sample to satisfy a test, the re-testing procedure shall be
appliedas prescribedin 10.5.

Table 2 - Number of samples for sample tests

Lot size '. Sample size

w E1 E2
Ns100 By agreement By agreement

100<N<300 2 1

300<N<2000 4 3

Insulatorsof sample E2 only can be used in service only if the galvanisingtest is performed
with the magnetic method.

10.2 Verification of dimensions (E1 + E2)

On all selected insulators,the dimensionsof the compositestation post insulator shall comply
with the values shown on the drawing, within specified tolerances for geometry, form and
position. Unless otherwise specified, the tolerances given in Annex D and in 9.1 of this
document shall be used. The drawing can show points between which the creepage distance
is specified.

The measurement of creepage distance shall be related to the design dimensions as

determined from the insulator drawing, even though this dimension may be greater than the
value originallyspecified by the purchaser.When the creepagedistance is specifiedas a
minimum value, the negativetolerance is zero.

10.3 Galvanizingtest (El + E2)

This test shall be performedon all galvanisedparts in accordancewith IEC 60168.

62231 @ IEC:2006 -4 7 -

10,4 verification of the specified mechanical loads (E1)

'10.4.1 Verification of the specified cantilever load (SCL) (El divided by 2) Test procedure

It may be necessary to use special bolts to hold securely the base plate to the test ji9. The
cantilever load shall be applied to the insulatorat the conductor position, perpendicularto the
direction of the conductor,and perpendicularto the core of the insulator.

The load shall be increased rapidly but smoothly from zero to approximately 75% of the
specifiedcantilever load (SCL) of the post insulatorand then shall be gradually increased in a
time between 30 s and 90 s uniil the SCL is reached. lf the SCL is reached in less than 90 s,
the load shall be maintainedfor the remainderof the 90 s.

'1O.4.1.2 Acceptance criteria

The insulalor shall be regardedas passed if the SCL can be maintainedfor the requiredtime.

ln order to obtain more informationfrom the test, the load may then be increased until failure
of the core or breakage of the metal fitting occurs. The failing load values and the failure
modes shall be recorded.

10.4.2 Verification of the specified tensile load (STL) (E1 divided by 2)

' Test procedu re

The tension load shall be applied in the direction of the longitudinalaxis of the insulator.The
load shall be increased relatively quickly, but smoothly, from 0 kN to approximately75 % of
the STL. The load shall then be gradually increased to the STL in a period of no less than
30 s but no greater than 90 s. lf 1OOo/oof the STL is reached in less than 90 s, the load
(100 % of STL) shall be maintainedfor the remainderof the 90 s.

'1O.4.2.2 Acceptance criteria

No evidence of partial, or complete,pullout of the core from the end fitting(s).

No evidence of end fitting breakage.

10,5 Re-testing procedure

lf only one insulatoror metal part fails 10 comply with the sample tests, a new sample equal to
twice the quantity originallysubmittedto the tests shall be subjectedto re-testing.

The re-testingshall comprisethe test in which failure occurred.

lf two or more insulators or metal parts fail to comply with any of the sample tests, or if any
failure occurs during the re-testing,the complete lot shall be consideredas not complyingwith
this standard and shall be withdrawn by the manufacturer.
62231 @ IEC:2006 -49-

Providedthe cause of the failure can be clearly identified,the manufacturermay sort the lot to
eliminate all the insulatorswith this defect. The sorted lot may then be resubmittedfor testing.
The number then selected shall be three times the first quantity chosen for tests. lf any
insulator fails during this re-testing,the complete lot shall be considered as not complying
with this standard"

11 Routinetests

11.1 ldentification of the station post insulator

Each insulator shall be marked with the name or trademark of the manufacturerand the year
of manufacture. In addilion, each insulator shall be marked according to Clause 4- These
markingsshall be legibleand indelible.

11.2 Visual examination

The examination shall be made on each insulator. The mounting of the metal fittings on the
insulating parts shall be in accordancewith the drawings.The colour of the insulator shall be
approximatelyas specified in ihe drawings.

The following imperfectionsshall be acceptableon the insulatorsurface:

- superficialdefects of area less than 25 mm2 (the total defective area not exceeding 0,2 %
of the total insulalorsurface) and depth or height less than 1 mm.

11.3 Tens ile load test

Every insulator shall be subjected,at ambient temperature,to a tensile load of at least 50 %

of the specifiedtensile load (STL) for at least 10 s. lf no STL is given for the insulator,an STL
of at least 10 kN shall be assumed.

No pullout or slip of the core from the end fitting shall occur.
62231@ IEC:2006 - 5't -

temperature 'C


pre-stressingtest - Typical cycles

Figure I - Thermal-mechanical
62231@ IEC:2006 -5 3 -

Annex A

Noteson the mechanicalloads and tests

This annexoresentssomecommentson the variousmechanical

testsof this standard.

A.1 Design tests

For a family of stationpost insulators, the maximumdesignbendingstress or moment

(generallyexpressedin megapascals, MPal or newtonmetre€,N.m, respectively) limitsthe
cantileverloads.The core and the end fittingsdefinea stationpost insulatorfamilyas each
familymay containinsulatorsof differentlength.

The maximumdesignbendingstress(resulting fromMDCL)is the maximumuseablebending

stressof the insulator.For each familyof stationpost insulators,a 96 h cdnlilever'f9ad:test
verifiegfthatthe core can sustainthe maximumdesignbendingstresswithoutdamage.This
test, aS a designlest, needsto be performedonly once on a representative lengthinsulator
for each insulatorfamily.

In applications wheretorsionloadsare the majorload component,a 30-mintorsionload test

verifidsthat the corecan sustainthe maximumdesiontorsionloadwithoutdamaoe.

In addition,a tensileloadtest is requiredto verifythe designof the end fittingstogetherwith

the methodof attachment.

4.2 Type tests

The core diameter, insulator coupling length and method of attachment of the end fittings
mechanicallydefine a stationpost insulatortype. A maximumdesigncantileverload (MDCL),
in kN (kilonewtons),is assigned to each station post insulator type usually by interpolation
from the design MDCL verification test. For each station post insulator type, the assigned
MDCL is the allowable ultimate limit for service loads. A test to verify the MDCL for each
station post insulator type is not included in this standard as such a type test would be
uneconomicand time consumino.

The cantilever failing load is determined with a short time load type test. This standard
requiresthat the cantileverfailing load shall exceed the specified cantileverload (SCL), which
is the short-timewithstandstrength of the insulator.The cantileverfailing load verifies that the
rod or base end fitting does not fail at the specified cantilever load, though damage to the
core may occur.

A compressionor buckling test may be performedto verify that the insulator can sustain the
specified compressionload without visual damage.
62231 @ IEC:2006

A.3 Sampletest

A short-time cantilever load test has been included as a sample test to verify the specified
cantilever load (SCL). A tension load test (STL) verifies that the end fittings are correctly
fastened to the core and that they can sustain the specified load. These tests are performed
on productioninsulators complete with productionend fittings. They are simple and relaiively
quick to perform.

A.-4 Routinetensile test

A routineiensileiest is specifiedinsteadof a routinebendingtest. This test providessome

verificationof the end fittingattachmentprocessduringproductionand is similarto the routine
test performedon compositesuspensioninsulators.This test is usedsince,unlikeporcelain,
compositestation post insulatorsare not made with brittle materials,and consequentlya
routinebendingtest at any levelbelowthe MDCLwouldnot give any usefulinformation.

By contrastwith suspensioninsulators,this test may be more difficultto performwith some

designsof end fittingsand mountingbases.This difficultyarisessincesome designsof end
fittingsimposean unbalanced tensileloadon the insulator.'Care shouldbe takento ensure
that the resultingloadis appliedin linewith the axisof the insulator.
62231A IEC:2006

Annex B

Determinationof the equivalentbendingmomentcausedby

combinedcantileverand compression(tension)loads

B.l lntroduction

This annex providesguidancefor applicationswhere the compressionload is not dominant

and will not lead to buckling of the station post insulato.. The torsion load is also deemed to
have no significantinfluenceon the combinedloading of the insulator.

This annex does not cover cases where the compressionand/or torsion loads are significant
comparedto the bendingload.

In cases where the bending load on the station post insulator is dominant, the corresponding
stress may be significantly modified by the additional stress caused by the simultaneous
application of a compression (or tension) Ioad. The bending moment correspondingto the
combinationof these loads must not exceed the moment which corresDondsto the MDCL.

The following clauses give information on calculating the approximate equivalent bending
moment when station post insulatorsare submittedto combined loads.

The following notation is used:

applied compression,tension and cantileverloads (N);

MC resultingmomentin the post undercompression;
Mr resultingmoment in the post under tension;
d distance from the point of applicationof the load to the top edge of the metal base
fitting in metres (m):
E longitudinalYoung's modulus (Pa or N m-2);
I moment of inertia of the rod (m) to the fourth power (for a solid round rod of

NOTE The values for Young's modulus and for the moment of inertia (or the real diameter)should be supplied by
the manufacturer.

8.2 Maximum allowable bending moment, rnmax

The maximumdesign cantileverload of a compositestation post insulatorinduces the

maximumallowablebendingmomentmr"" = MDCLx d. The maximumstressassociatedwith
thisbendingmomentmustnot produce
anydamageto the insulatorcore.

The maximumcombinedstress is the maximumstress resultingfrom the simultaneously

appliedcantilever (or tension)loads.In service,the variouscombinations
and compression of
loadsmustnot producea bendingmomentthat is greaterthanthe bendingmomentinduced
bv the MDCL.

62231 @ IEC:2006 -59-

8.3 Gombined loading of station post insulators

The followingformulaeallowthe determination

of the momentin the insulatorwhensubmitted
io singleor shouldbe notedthat the accuracyof theseformulaedepends
on the deflection.The more the momentapproachesthe MDCL, the less accuratethey
It shouldalso be notedthat the appliedloadscan inducedamagingstresslevelsin the end
fittingsor accessories
evenwhenthe momentin the insulatoris at an acceptablelevel.


tEc o22n6

Figure 8.1 - Gombined l oads applied to station post insulators

A - Comoressioncase

The cantilever (C) component of the load applies a cantilever moment to the insulator; the
compression load (Co) is taken as being applied to the head of the insulatortoward its base.
The moment resultingfrom the applicationof these two forces is given by
u = lc2 Eil coll t2 tanla (cotet)ttzl
In service,Mcoshouldnot exceedmmax.

B - Tensioncase
The cantilever(C) componentof the load appliesa cantilevermomentto the insulator;the
tensionload (IJ is takenas beingappliedto the headof the insulaiorawayfrom its base.The
momentresultingfromthe application of thesetwo forcesis givenby
M, = lcz E rl1t2 1,,nh
ld (rtEt)1t21

In service,Mr shouldnot exceedmmax.

62231 @ IEC:2006 - 61 -

Annex C

Exampleof torsion load test arrangement

Top View




lEc 02w6

One exampleof the mountingarrangement

for the torsionloadtest couldbe as follows:
TorsionmomentMt: Mt = F xD.lz .
a = 2d/Dz
wherea is in radians
62231 @ IEC:2006 -6 3 -

Annex D
Tolerancesof form and position

The following Figures D.1 to D.3 give tolerances of form and position for composite station
post insulators. Figure D.l shows a typical jig for measurement of parallelism, coaxiality,
concenlricity and eccentricity along with the relative tolerances. Figures D.2 and D.3 show
two examples of methods of measuring.the angular deviation of the fixing holes; Figure D.4
summarizesthe applicabletolerancesaccordingto standarddrawingpractice(lSO 1101).

Guidelineson the methodsof measurementcan be found in IEC 60168.

of the endfaces:
forh<1m, p<0,5mm
forh>'1 m, p < 0,5 h mmwithh in m
The tolerancesof the parallelism
are related
to a diameterof 250 mm.
and concentricity:
Coaxi'ality C = 2 y.e
e < 2 (1 + h) mm withh in m

FigureD.1- Parallelism,
coaxialityand concentricity
62231 @ IEC:2006 -6 5 -

Precision lev€l for direct reading Pr€cisionlevelin

of angularpositiona horizontalposition


of the deviation:a< * i'

Figure D.2 - Angular deviationof fixing holes: Example1


a = Ian-l f a") wheref* is the distancebetweenthe centresof two oppositepins
Toleranceof the deviation:u< * 1'

Figure D.3 - Angular deviation of fixing holes: Example 2

62231@ IEC:2006 -6 7 -

Parallelism:the upper plane face is parallelto the lower referenceplane C within the indicated
Coaxialityand concentricity:the axes of the top fitting fixing holes have to be within a cylinderwith
a diameteras indicatedbv the numericalvalue.
r af Evenness: valueindicates
the numerical the maximumadmissibie
of the face.
Alignmentof the fixing holesrthe line betweentwo opposite,axesof holes of the top fitting have to
be in Iine with the correspondingline of the bottom fitting with two parallelsof specifieddistance

Figure D.4 - Tolerances according to gtandard drawing practice

62231A IEC:2006 - 69 -

Annex E
Noteson the compressionand bucklingtest

The result of the compressionand bucklingtest is influencedby:

- rod diameter,
- length between end fittings,
- coupling arrangementof the end fitting (top and bottom).

Dependingon the coupling at the top and bottom of the station post insulatorthe buckling test
has 4 Ioad conditions(elasticEuler-buckling).

l. FB

Lj,k = 0,7

The correctionfactorCF is givenby:

gP = (L/ Ly)zwherej corresponds and k Gorresponds

to the servicecouplingarrangement, to
the laboratoryarrangement.

As an example,if servicecouplingarrangementcorrespondsto case 1, and the laboratory

set-upcorrespondsto case4, thenthe correctionfactorCF= (2lO,flz= 16.

62231 @ IEC:2006

IEC 60865 (alf parts), Short-citcuitcurrents- Calculationof effects

IEC 61245,Artificialpollution tests on high-voltageinsulatorsto be used on d.c. sysferns

IEC 61462, Compositeinsulators- Hollow insulatorsfor use in outdoor and indoor electrical
equipment- Detinitions,test methods,acceptancecriteriaand designrecommendations

IEC 61467, lnsulatorcfor overhead lines with a nominal voltage above 1 000 V - AC power
arc fesls on insulatorsets

fEC 60507,Artificialpollutionfesfs on high-voftageinsulatorsto be used on a.c. sysfems

IEC 61952, Insulatorsfor overhead /ines - Composite line post insulators for alternative
current with a nominal voltage > 1 000 V

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