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, 1964

Evening Movies FRIDAY
Daytime programs appear on Page 2 of this section. 5:00 p.m. (2) "Mask of the EVENING
Avenger" (1951) (90 mins.». Daytime programs appear on Page 2 of (his section. •
7:00 p.m.—(2). (II) N*ws. John Derek, Anthony Quinn.
(4) lluntleyBrinkley News Reports. Period drama. Youth sets out to 7:00p.m.—(2), (II) News.
(5) Magilla Gorilla. Cartoon .scries. avenge his father's murder. (4) (4) Hunt Icy-Brink ley News Reports.
(7) Battle Line. The Nazi invasion of Norway In April, "Jim Thorpe- All American" (5) Gallant Men. "The Leathernecks." Conley Wright goes
1940. Jim Bishop narrates. (1951) (90 mins.>. Burt Lancas- IO the Pacific in search of his brother who is reported
ter, Charles Bickford. Biogra- missing in action. Robert McQueeney. Rerun.
(13) Science In Action. "Lifting Body Concept." (7) j ' m Dickens, He's Fenster. "Have Car, Will Quarrel."
7:10—(II) Local News: John Tillman. phy. (7) "Viking Women and
the Sea Serpent" «1957» <90 Harry and Arch buy a car together. Rerun.
7:25—(II) Weather: Gloria Okon. pirns.'. Abby Dalton, Susan (13) En Francais. French instruction.
7:30—(2) Password.. Guests: Robert Horlon, Juliet Prowse. I C a b o f . Action-adventure. (9) 7:10—(Ij) Local News: John Tillman.
(4) Temple Houston. "Case for William Gotch." A horse "Badman's Territory" (.see Mon- 7:25— (II) Weather: Gloria Okon.
thief (.lames Best) helps Houston (Jeff Hunter) outsmart day, 5 p.m.*. 7:30—(2) Great Adventure. Lee Marvin stais in "Six Wagons io
a crooked gambler (Hay Denton). With Mary WIckes. 7:30 & 11:80—(9) "Slave of the Sea" as Misok Bedrozian who led the San Joaquin Val-
(5) Sugarfoot. '.Shepherd With a Cut)." Tom trie* to save Rome (see Monday 7:30 p.m.). ley raisin farmers' battle against exorbitant rail freight
young boy from turning murderer to avenge a brutal 11:10—(5) "The Man I Love" Mates in 1892. With Gene Lyons, Ellen Madison.
injustice. Will Hutchins. Rerun. (1946) (115 mins.L Ida Lupino, (4,) International Showtime. ' F a r East Variety Special"
(7) Milestones. Cartoons. Color. Robert Alda. Romantic drama. filme:l in Tokyo's Club Hanabasha. Color.
(9) Film, "The Slave of Rome." (7) 77 Sunset Strip. "Dead as in 'Dude. " ' Pretty girl
(II) Yon Asked for It, Jack Smith is host. Rerun. J 1:20—(2) " L a d y in the
Dark" (1944) (115 mins.i. Gin- (Diane Brewster) suspects her husband's "suicide" was
113) Metropolitan Wonderland. Tour of the Cloisters. ger Rogers, Ray Milland, Jon murder. Efrem Zimbalist Jr. stars.
£:00— (2) Rawhide. Eddie Bracken, Everett Sloane guest-star in Hall. Successful fashion editor (9) Film, "Slave of Rome." Color.
"Incident of the Bled Piper." Favor's herd is scattered by has a s e r i e s of disturbing (11) Film, "King of Jungleland."
a storm and some of it winds up sold to a banker. Eric dreams about love. (7) "I'd (13) Compleat Gardener.
Hemming stars. Climb the Highest Mountain" (31) N. Y. Public Library Series.
(7) Donna Reed. "Will the Real Chicken Please Stand Up." (1951.) (105 mins.). Susan Hay- 7:45—(13) Soviet Press This Week. News analysis.
Donna helps Midge get her driver's license, then learns ward. William Lundigan, Rory 8:00—(5) Roarhn? Twenties. "The Fifth Pin." Scott tries to .save
her own is due for renewal. Calhoun. Heartwarming drama man condemned to death but runs into trouble wilh a
(II) Adventures in Paradise. Diane Baker in "Passage about a circuit-riding minister superstitious gangster. Rex Reason. Rerun.
to Tua." Hand-grenade, concealed aboard Tiki, explodes (13) Special (1»S hours). "Macbeth," a British TV produc-
in mid voyage and kills a woman passenger. Rerun. and his devoted young wife.
(18) Mask, Myth and Dream. "The Sacrifice of Kgo." J:05—(4) "The Widow" 11954, tion with William Devlin, Mary Morris, Joseph O'Connor.
hirst of six programs on the mythologies of India- Prof Knglish) OOO mins.i. Patricia (3J) For Your Information. Film series.
Joseph Campbell is host. Hoc, Massimo Sera to. Fading 8:30—(2) Route 66. Lee Philips, Lois Smith guest-star in "Who
(3D Compass. Travel films. beauty falls' for a much younger in His Right Mind Needs a Nice Girl?" Fugitive takes
J»-S0~(4) Dr. Klldare. Cesar Romero guest-stars in "Onions. R a n . '(?) "Laddie" < 1949) (85 refuge in library where pretty and gentle librarian suc-
Garlic and the Flowers 'Chat Bloom in the Spring." Bins.). Tim Holt, Virginia Gil- ceeds in penetrating the shell he has built around himself.
Kildare takes over the practice of an ailing doctor and more. Romance. (4) Bob Hope Presents. Dana Andrew*, Pa van star
finds himself In the midst of a new patient's family feud. 1:15—(5) "News Ts Made at in "A Wind of Hurricane Force." Drama of American
With Audrey Dalton, .Nick Alexander. Night" i I939i (85 mins.i. Pres- sportsman arrested in Cuban waters as a saboteur and
<">) Lawman. "Chantay." Johnny gives lovely Indian girl ton Foster, Lynn Ban. forced into phony confession and trial. Color.
some candy and it helps save her life. Peter Blown. 1:90—-(2) "(i r e e n w i eh Vil- (7) Winter Olympics. Kvents: Ladies' Downhill Skiing,
Sharon Hugeney. Rerun. lage" (1944i 1100 mins.i. Don Mens Speed Skating, Four-Man Bobsledding, Ice Hockey,
<7) My Three Sons. "My Fair Chinese Lady." Robbie Ameche, Vivian Blaine. Musical* (31) Invitation. Guests from the arts.
leaches American teen ways to a girl taised in old tradi j 3:00— (2) "King of Hockey" 9:00—(5) Bronco. 'Last Resort," Bronco trails the man who can
lions of China. Fred MacMurray. (1930) (65 mins.i. Dick Purcell. dear him of a murder charge and finds himself up against
(13) Destruction of the Indian. Heart of the Forest" 4:05—ci) "Happy Go Lovely" the strange law of lawless men. Rerun.
Comparison of Brazilian Indian's life in the jungles and (1951' 1100 mins.'. Da\id Niven. (II) Wanted: Dead or Alive. "To the Victor." Women of
in new planned communities. Rerun. the town of Coronado rebel against gunplav and move out
fc.OO-c!) Perry Mason. "Case of the Bountiful Beauty." A 20
\ear-old author of a best-selling novel is accused of killing
I Friday of town. Steve McQueen. Rerun.
(31) Forecast. Film series.
the principal character of her book to avoid a libel suit. 9:30—(2) Twilight Zone. "Night Call." Aging woman is haunted
Sandra Warner, Ryan O'Neal, Zeme Noith guest. Evening Movies by mysterious phone calls. Gladys Cooper, Noia Marlowe
guest-star. Rod SerJing is host.
(5) Wrestling. From Washington, D.C
(7) Winter Olympics. Events: Two-Man Tobogganing; 5:00 p.m.—(2) "711. O c e a n (4) That Was the. Week That Was. Guest stars and regulars
Cross Country Skiing; Four-Man Bobsledding; Ice Hockey. Drive" < 19501 (90 mins.i. Kd- Henry Morgan, Nancy Ames, David Frost and Elliott Keid.
(II) Naked City. Tuesday Weld, Rip Torn guest-star in jnond O'Brien, J o a n n e Dru. (7) Price Is Right, Guest: Joel Grey.
"A Case of 'l\vo Savages." Couple turn their honeymoon Gangland melodrama. (4) "Ma I (91 Film, 'Cavalleria Rusticana." Italian.
into a spree of killings and robberies. Rerun. About Men" (1954, English) (0-') (II) Zane Grey. Barry Nel«on, Peggy Ann Garner star in
(13) Art of Film. Stanley KaufYmann is host. mis). Glyni.s Johns. Mermaid is Deception." Dick Powell is host; Rerun.
(31) Quest for Adventure. Film series. a look-alike for a prim young (31) World's Fair Report.
8:30—(4) Hazel. 'George's Ordeal" is his new low-caloric-diet school-teacher (7) "Dragstrip 10:00—(2) Alfred Hitchcock. Kim Hunter stars in "The Evil of.
ihat Ha/el has promised the doctor she would supervise. Girl" (195V) (90 mins.L Fay Adebide Winters" as woman who plagues relatives of
(0) Pro Basketball: Knicks vs. 76ers at Philadelphia. Spain, John Ashley. Two boy-; servicemen by claiming to be able to put them fn touch
(13) Science Reporter. Medical use.s of the cyclotron. vie for a blond beauty. (0) "Bad- with sons and husbands who died in World War 11. Gene
(31) Great Issues. man's Territory" (see Monday, Lyons" co-stars.
10:00- (2) Nurses. Philip Vandervort guest-stars in "The 5 p.m.). (4) .lack Paar. Guests: Michael Dunn, Hans Conreid, Bill
Pvoamer" as a school drop-oul who feigns a nervous ail- 7:80 & 11:00—(9) "Slave of Cosby, Betty Johnson, Malcolm Muggei idge. Color.
ment and tries to get a prescription for drugs. With Rome" (see Monday, 7:30 p.m.*. (5) Detectives. "Big Poison." Robert: Taylor. Rerun.
Jaines Edwards, John Lascll, Peg Murray. 7:30—(It) "King of Jungle (7) Boxing-. Joey Archer vs. Holly Mim.« at the Garden.
(4) Suspense 'theater. Scott Marlowe, Diane MeBain star land" (1936) (90 mins.i. Clyde (II) M Squad. "The Healer." Girl, reported Io be psychiat-
in "My Enemy, This Town." Young parolee still denies Beatty. Action adventure. ric case, is ar large with a gun. Lee Marvin. Rerun.
his guilt and returns to haunt the society woman whose 0 : 3 0 — ( 0 ) "Cavalleria Rust- (13) World at Ten. News analysis.
accusations sent him to prison on an assault charge. With ieana" (1952, Italian) (90 mins.). 10:30— (5) IK A.'s Man. "Unlucky Dutchman." Shannon Investi-
Adam Williams, Philip Carey, Barbara Nichols, Rod j Mario Del Monaco, Rina '.Belli. gates a bogus union led by gangsters who resort to vio-
Lauren. Color. Filmed opera. Tavern ownei's lence against, small businessmen. Rerun.
(7) Kdle Adams. Guest: Lobby Darin. son is disappointed in love. (7) Make That Spare. Andy Mar/.ich is challenger.
(II) One Step Beyond. "Message Prom Clara." Teacher J 1:10—(5) "Adventures of ( l l ) Steve Allen. Guests: Louis Nye, Ron Husmann,
begins writing on the blackboard in a language she Don Juan" 119491 ( 125 mins.). Cliff A rq not to. «
doesn't know. Rerun. Knoll Flvnn, Viveoa Lindfors. (IS) Pleased to Meo.i Yon. Fannie Hurst i.< ho<less.
i 18) World lit Ten. News analysis. J 1:20— (7) "Rivef o f - No R e ' (31) Operation Alphabet.
I0:8u - (7) ABC News Reports. turn" (1954) (105 'mins. >. Robert 10:15— (13) Film Feature.
(II) Sieve Allen. Guest: Andy Russell. Mjtehum, Marilyn Monroe, Rory 11:00—CD, (4), (5), (7), (ID News.
( 18) Far iMislern Arls. Philosophy of Buddl 1IM1. Calhoun. I'relty entertainer and (ft) Film. "Slave of Pome." Color.
(8D Operation Alphabet. a rugged man brave rapids to (13) KngineeWng Journal. "Astronomy."
11:00- 12), (I). (5), (7), (11) .News. escape her ex-boyfiiend and 11:10— (4) Weather: Tex Antoino.
(18) Reflections. hostile Indians. <;•>) Film, "Adventures of Don Juan."
Il:ie — (4) Weather: Tex An'oine. J2:00—(2) "Chicago Confi- (7) Local News: Bill lieu lei.
ift) H i m , "The I Love." dential'' (1957) 185 mins.). Brian (II) Weather: Lynda Lee Mead.
(7) Local News: Bill Beutel. Keith. Beverly Garland. 11:15—(4) Local News: Merrill Mueller.
(Ml Weather: Lynda lx>e Mead. J :0.-) a.m.—(4) "The System" (II) Steve Allen (continued).
Ii:i". (l) Local News: Merrill Mueller. (1053) (105 mins.). Frank Love- 11:20— (2) Special {% hour). The 13th Annual Junior League
(II) Steve Alien (continued'. Joy. G a m b l i n g syndicate is Mardi Gras Ball at the New York Hilton Hotel. Bud Co)!-
11:30--ci) Film, "Lady hi the Dark." threatened by an investigation. yer is emcee.
(7) Film, "I'd Climb the Highest Mountain.'1 1:25— (5) "Dragonwyck" (194b) (7) Film, "River of No Return."
11:30— (4) Tonight Show. Johnny Carson and guests (120 mins.). Gene Tierney, Vin- 11:30—-(4) Tonight Show. Johnny Carson's guests include Sam
(9) Film, "The Slave of Rome." Color. cent Price, Walter Huston. Cooke, llenny Youngman.
1:00 a.m.—(4), (5) News. J:30— (2) "Clive of India" 12:00a.m.— (2) Film, "Chicago Confidential."
1:05— (4) Film, "The Widow." (1935) (1.10 mins.). Ronald Col- 1:05—(4) Film, "The System."
(7) Film, "Laddie." man, Loretta Young. (7) Crane Show.
I. \ (5__ / 2) News, 8:20—(2) "Girls on Proba- 1:25—(2) News.
(5) Film, "News Is Made at Night." tion" (1938) (75 mins.). (5) Film, "Dragonwyck."
1:20—(2) Film, "Greenwich Village." 4:36—(2) "The Sea Shall Not 1:30—(2) Film, "Clive of India."
8:00— (2) Film, "King of Hockey." Have Them'' (1954, English) 3:20—(2) Film, "Girls on Probation."
4:05—(2) Film, "Happy Go Lovely." (70 mins.). Dirk B o g a r d e .
Untitled Document
4:35—(2) Film, "The Sea Shall Not Have Them."

Thomas M. Tryniski
309 South 4th Street
Fulton New York

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