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1st Quarter Examination

Research in Daily Life 1


I. True or False. Write true if the statement is correct and false if otherwise. Write your answer on the space
provided before the number.
_______1. Research is an activity of investigating an existing phenomenon closely and carefully.
_______2. Research starts with a problem in mind of a researcher.
_______3. Research do not need a proposal or plan.
_______4. The ultimate aims of research, regardless of type or nature, are the establishments of new
_______5. In conducting a research, you may or may not follow the steps in the research process.
_______6. There are 5 steps in the research process.
_______7. The research topic may be a duplicate of an existing one.
_______8. The research topic is original or novel.
_______9. The research topic is primarily the interest of the researcher.
_______10. Research allows itself circulation and dissemination.

II. Identification
A. (Definitions of Research)

Aquino Leddy Adeva Kerlinger Dominowski

Gay Walliman McGraw-Hill Dictionary of Scientific and Technical Terms

______1. believes that research is a systematic search for pertinent information on a specific topic or problem.
______2. defines research as a fresh inquiry into seeking for something new and perhaps better.
______3.defines scientific research as systematic, controlled, empirical, and critical investigation of hypothetical
propositions about the presumed relations among the natural phenomena.
______4.describes research as the formal, systematic application of scientific method to the study of problems.
______5. defines research as a fact finding activity.
B. Classify the following researches based on their titles. Write P if the research is pure, A if applied, and D if
___1. Taxonomy of corals of Bolabog, Boracay Island.
___2. Effect of Chronotheraphy on Iron Deficient Mus musculus.
___3. The effect of Hot Water Treatment on the Shelf Life and Susceptibility to Anthracnose of Newly Harvested
___4. Development of Dehydration process for anhydrous Ethanol
___5. The Human Genome Project
___6. Chemical Analysis of the macroalgae found in San Isidro, Sibunag, Guimaras.
___7. Validation of the effectiveness of the Riboflavin Enrichment Among Pregnant Women of Bitoon, Jaro, Iloilo
___8. AIDS: Phase Three Profiling Gay Men in Asia.
___9. Effects of banana and papaya leaves as culture mats on the growth of straw mushroom.
___10. Ethnobotany of the Common Medicinal Plants in Brgy. Guinobatan, Leganes, Iloilo.
C. Classify the following researches based on their titles. Write H if the research is historical, D if descriptive,
and E if experimental.
___1. The effect of Rice Husk on Ash on Percent Mortality of Golden Snail.
___2. Coliform Testing of the Water Sources in Brgy. Calumpang, Molo, Iloilo City.
___3. Population Profile of Echinoderms in Culliatan, San Joaquin, Iloilo.
___4. Iloilo River: Prewar and Postwar Influences and Opportunities to Economic Development of Iloilo City.
___5. Quality Vinegar from Cacao Seed Coating.
___6. Antibacterial Effects of the Crude Extracts of some Local Plants on Pseudomonas aeruginosa and bacillus
___7. Political Influences of the Provincial Governors of Iloilo from 1945 until 1999.
___8. A Comparative study of the Effects of the Different Animal Blood Sera as Fertilizer for Mungbeans.
___9. Emilio Aguinaldo and Andres Bonifacio: Political Ideals and Influences during the Filipino-Spanish War.
___10. Analysis of Sugar Content of Papaya and Sweet Potato Extracts.

III. A. Identify the following hypotheses and answer RH when they are research hypotheses and RA, when they
are research assumptions.

1. There are no significant differences in the weight, length, diameter, and breaking strength of the
tarsometatarsal bones of broilers fed with the different levels and particle sizes of oyster shells.
2. The moisture, phosphorus, and nitrogen contents do not differ among the five macroalgae species
found in San Isidro Sibunag, Guimaras Island.
3. It is hypothesized that there is a diverse population of corals in Bulabog, Boracay Island.
4. The shelf life and susceptibility to anthracnose of newly harvested mangoes do differ significantly when
they are treated with hot water for 1,5,10, and 15 minutes.
5. The MPN values of drinking water from deep well and water pump at Brgy. Calumpang, Molo, Iloilo City
do not differ significantly.
6. The cement-bonded board from agro wastes is not as tensile as the commercial cement-bonded board.
7. The calcined Bagongon shells can be made significantly into a quality toothpaste.
8. The temperature, moisture, and relative humidity of the study area for the month-long study.
9. The growth of palay in the three rice fields is already measurable.
10. The zones of inhibition caused upon the growth of Bacillus subtilis do not differ significantly for the five
herbal extracts.
B. Identify the following hypotheses as HO, if they are null hypotheses and HA, if they are alternative
hypotheses. Write the answer on the space before each item. On the underlined spaces following each item,
rewrite the hypothesis the other way around, i.e., to alternative form when it is null, and to null when it is
______1. There is no significant variation in the number of individual echinoderms under Class Asteriodea,
Class Echinodea, and Class Holothuroidea in each study site.
______2. The effects of 50%-50%, 25%-75%, 75%-25% cow blood-water and pig blood-water mixture differ
significantly in terms of length of germination time, and the quality and quantity of mungbeans seedlings.
______3. The fern genera in the different study sites in Cadiao, Barbaza, Antique, do not differ significantly
from each other in terms of diversity and abundance.
______4. The crude extracts of the aforementioned plants show significant antibacterial efforts upon
aeruginosa and sibtilis in terms of their zones of inhibition.
______5. There are no significant differences in the dry and wet weights, height,yield, and diameter of the
hyphae straw mushroom when banana, mango, and papaya leaves were added to the typical mushroom

III. Correcting Bibliographical Entries

There is an error in each of the following citations. Rewrite the entries exactly as you would put them down as
bibliographic entries. (5pts each number and a minus of one for each error)
1. Albertson, A., & Huang, S.J.(eds.). (1995). Degradable polymers, recycling and plastics waste management.
new York: Dekker

2. Brewer, G, (1999). Plastic recycling action plan for Massachussetts. journal or environmental systems, 18, 213-

3. liboro T. 1997,June. Two alarming deforestation issues . pambata magazine, 4(1), p.17.

4. Hudson T. Hartman, Dale E. Kester, and Fred T Davies, Jr. (1996) Plant propagation: Principles and practice
(5th ed.). New Jersey Prentice Hall, inc.

IV. Enumeration
1-5 Steps in the research process
6-10 give only 5 sources of the research topic

Michelle A. Guballo

3rd Periodical Examination

English 10

I.Multiple Choice
Write the letter of the correct answer on the space provided before the number.
____1. The following are the causes of family conflict except
a. gossips b. c. fighting
____2. Who wrote the divine comedy entitled “Inferno”?
a. Dante Alighieri b. K.Lee Banks c. Kodaline
____3. The title of the song sang by Kodaline?
a. Imagine b. Dreamer c. common ground
____4.The text entitled “4 Causes of Family Conflict” was written by?
a. Dante Alighieri b. K.Lee Banks c. Kodaline
____5. The following are the characters present the the Canto III of Inferno except?
a. Dante b. Charon c. Abraham
____6. Who leads Dante to the gate of hell?
a. Charon b. Virgil c.Hermes
____7. What do you call the river that marks the boarder of hell?
a. Nile b. Acheron c. Euphrates
____8. This refers to the sound changes produced by the rise and fall of the voice when speaking, especially
when this has an effect on the meaning of what is said.
a. juncture b. stress c. intonation d. pitch
____9. Refers to the manner in which words come together and the connection is made.
a. juncture b. stress c. intonation d. pitch
____10. Refers to the accent, the relative prominence of a syllable or musical note.
a. juncture b. stress c. intonation d. pitch
____11. Refers to the property of sound with variation in frequency of vibration.
a. juncture b. stress c. intonation d. pitch
____12. A kind of essay that tries to change the reader’s mind by convincing the reader to agree with the
writer’s point of view.
a. narrative b. descriptive c. argumentative
____13. A part of an argumentative essay that introduces the problem and gives the background information
needed for the argument and the thesis statement.
a. body b. introduction c. conclusion
____14. A part of an argumentative essay that contains reason.
a. body b. introduction c. conclusion
____15. A part of an argumentative essay that restates the main claim and gives one or two general statements
that exactly summarize the argument.
a. body b. introduction c. conclusion
*What kind of questions are the following:
____16. “Is your house near that scenic beach?”
a. Questions of fact b. questions of value c. questions of policy
____17. “Which character in the story you like the most?”
a. Questions of fact b. questions of value c. questions of policy
____18. “What should be done to lessen the crime in the Philippines, especially those that are related in drugs?”
a. Questions of fact b. questions of value c. questions of policy
____19. “ Where would you choose to spent your vacation Boracay or Palawan?”
a. Questions of fact b. questions of value c. questions of policy
____20. “Is your school located at Poblacion, Caluya, Antique?
a. Questions of fact b. questions of value c. questions of policy

II. True or False. Write true if the statement is correct and false if otherwise. Write your answer on the space
provided before the number.
______1. The family is the smallest unit of society?
______2. One of the major source of family conflict is within the area of finances.
______3. Cyber bullying is one of the most common conflicts teenagers are facing today.
______4. The divine comedy entitled “Inferno” was written by Dante Alighieri and translated by John Ciardi.
______5. Dante hears joyful songs as Virgil leads him to the gate of hell.
______6. Narrative essay attempts to be highly persuasive and logical.
______7.A strong lead can answer 5 Ws and H questions.
______8. In writing a good news story your headline should be attention getting.
______9. Impromptu derived from a Latin phrase meaning “in readiness,” is applied to a speech given, a poem
recited, or a song sung without advance notice or warning.
______10. Extemporaneous is especially applied to an unmemorized speech given from notes or an outline.
III. Matching Type
Match Column A with Column B. Write the letter of the correct answer before the number.
Column A Column B
___1.imperative a. belonging to the essential nature of a thing
___2. ethics b. very important
___3. prejudice c. regarded as belonging to fundamentally to all persons
___4. human rights d. rules of behavior based on ideas about what is morally good and bad
___5. intrinsic e. an unfair feeling of dislike for a person or group because of race, religion, etc
___6. primordial f. a series of loop; spiral
___7. coil g. a crying in grief
___8. omnipotence h. existing from the beginning
___9. throng i. to crowd together in great numbers
___10. lamentation j. an agency or force of unlimited power

IV. Enumeration
1-5 Give only 5 key components of a good news story
6-10 Give only 5 tips that you can use when called to speak extemporaneously or to make an impromptu speech
11-15 What makes a story newsworthy

Michelle A. Guballo

1st Quarter Examination

Personal Development


I.Multiple Choice
Write the letter of the correct answer on the space provided before the number.
1. It is the self that you aspire to be. It is the one that you hope you will posses.
a. actual self b. ideal self c. self concept
2. It is the one you actually see. It is the self that has characteristics that you were nurtured, or in some cases,
born to have.
a. actual self b. ideal self c. self concept
3. Refers to your awareness of yourself. It is the construct that negotiates these two selves.
a. actual self b. ideal self c. self concept
4. Derived from social interactions that provide insight into how other react to you.
a. self-knowledge b. self-image c. self concept
5. Includes knowledge and skills that we acquire in the process of cognitive and practical activites.
a. knowledge b. skills c. experience
6. Is required for setting goals, defining an action to achieve them and risk assessment.
a. knowledge b. skills c. experience
7. Determine whether real actions are performed in accordance with the plan.
a. knowledge b. skills c. experience
8. It appears in the process of personal development, as a result of getting aware of yourself, your actions and
their consequences.
a. Determination b. self-confidence c. persistence
9. It allows you to focus on achieving a specific goal without being distracted by less important things or
spontaneous desires.
a. Determination b. self-confidence c. persistence
10. It makes you keep moving forward regardless of emerging obstacles, problems, laziness, etc.
a. Determination b. self-confidence c. persistence
11. They help cope with the problems encountered with a lack of experience.
a. problem-solving skills b. managing stress c. creativity
12. It helps combat stress that arises in daily life from the environment and other people.
a. problem-solving skills b. managing stress c. creativity
13. It allows you to find extraordinary ways to carry out specific action that no one has tried to use.
a. problem-solving skills b. managing stress c. creativity
14.This person watches the movie of their lives, admires some parts and criticize others.
a. actor b. moviegoer c. scriptwriter
15. This person can control a big part of her life. She can actually make or break the movie.
a. actor b. moviegoer c. scriptwriter
16. This person does not only watch, and she doesn’t only act, but she actually creates the entire movie from her
a. actor b. moviegoer c. scriptwriter
17. Refers to the description of your height, weight, facial appearance and quality of skin, hair and descriptions
of your body areas such as your neck, chest, waist and legs.
a. intellectual self b. physical self c. emotional self
18. Include here an assessment of how well you reason and solve problems, your capacity to learn and create,
your general amount of knowledge, your specific areas of knowledge and insights you have.
a. intellectual self b. physical self c. emotional self
19. Refers to the typical feelings you have, feeling you seldom have, feelings you try to avoid, feelings you
especially enjoy, feelings from your past and present, and feelings which are associated with each other.
a. intellectual self b. physical self c. emotional self
20. Refers to your sense of sight, hearing, speaking, smelling and touching. The different ways you take in
information and in what ways do you let information in and out of your body.
a. nutritional self b. interactional self c. sensual self
21. Refers to how you nourish yourself. The foods that you like and dislike and what do you like and dislike
about these.
a. nutritional self b. interactional self c. sensual self
22. This includes the descriptions of your strengths and weaknesses in intimate relationships and relationships
to friends, family, classmates and strangers in social settings.
a. nutritional self b. interactional self c. sensual self
23. This include your feelings about yourself and organized religion, reactions about your spiritual connection to
others, feelings about your spiritual development and history, and thought about your metaphysical self.
a. interactional self b. contextual self c. spiritual self
24. Descriptors could be in the areas of maintenance of your living environment: reaction to light, temperature,
space, weather, colors, sound and seasons and your impact on the environment.
a. interactional self b. contextual self c. spiritual self
25. Is presented by several aspect of the self. It is conceived as collection of multiple, context dependent selves.
a. actual self b. self-concept c. sensual self
26. Age when hereditary endowments and sex are fixed.
a. pre-natal b. early childhood c. infancy
27. Foundation age when basic behavior are organized and many ontogenetic maturation skills are developed.
a. pre-natal b. early childhood c. infancy
28. Pre-gang age, exploratory, and questioning.
a. pre-natal b. early childhood c. infancy
29. Age of adjustment to new patterns of life and roles such as spouse, parent and bread winner.
a. adolescence b. early adulthood c. late childhood
30. Gang and creativity age when self-help skills, social skills, school skills, and play are developed.
a. adolescence b. early adulthood c. late childhood
31.Transition age from childhood to adulthood when sex maturation and rapid physical development occur
resulting to changes in ways of feeling, thinking and acting.
a. adolescence b. early adulthood c. late childhood
32. Transition age when adjustments to initial physical and mental decline are experienced.
a. early adulthood b. middle age c. old age
33. Retirement age when increasingly rapid physical and mental decline are experience.
a. early adulthood b. middle age c. old age
34. Language and elementary reasoning are acquired and initial socialization is experienced.
a. pre-natal b. early childhood c. infancy
35. All body features, both external and internal are developed.
a. pre-natal b. early childhood c. infancy
II. True or False. Write true if the statement is correct and false if otherwise. Write your answer on the space
provided before the number.
1. It was indeed the passion of Manny Pacquiao to enter the world of boxing.
2.Manny soon got a job at a local gym doing gardening, cleaning, construction and babysitting.
3. Manny would beat fighters from south Korea, Japan and Thailand at a very young age of 12.
4. Today, at the age of 37, Manny is one of the most respected boxers.
5. Pia Alonzo Wurtzbach was crowned “Miss Universe” at the 64th Miss Universe 2015 pageant held at Las Vegas,
Nevada, USA.
6. Pia is an actress and model of German-Philippine origin.
7. Pia ventured into the world of glitz and glamour at the tender age or fourteen.
8. Dra. Rose Zeta Capeding is a single mother to three young men.
9. Dra. Capeding is the 23rd Dr. Jose P. Rizal Memorial Awardee for Research.
10.Dra. Capeding is currently the head of Microbiology Department of Research institute for Tropical Medicine
and Head of Dengue Research group.
11. Human development focuses on human growth and changes across the lifespan, including physical,
cognitive, social, intellectual, perceptual, personality and emotional growth.
12. Robert J. Havighurt is the proponent of Developmental Tasks Theory.
13. Cherokee wrote the Indian story entitled “The story of the Two wolves.”
14. In the story of Cherokee one Wolf is evil and the other one is good.
15. The evil wolf possess anger, envy, sorrow, regret, resentment and benevolence.
III. Choose your answer inside the box. Write your answer before the number.
Infancy and Early Childhood Middle Childhood Adolescence

1. Building a wholesome attitude toward oneself.

2. Achieving mature sex relations with both sexes.
3. Learning to get along with age-mates.
4. Learning to walk.
5. Learning to control the elimination of the body wastes.
6. Preparing for marriage and family life.
7. Learning an appropriate sex role.
8. Developing conscience, morality and scale values.
9. Learning to distinguish right from wrong.
10. Desiring and achieving socially responsibility behavior.

Early Adulthood Middle adulthood Late Maturity

11. Selecting a mate.

12. Adjusting to decreasing strength and health.
13. Adjusting to aging parent.
14. Selecting a mate.
15. Starting an occupation.
16. Accepting the physiological changes of middle age.
17. Meeting social and civic obligations.
18. Adjusting to death of spouse.
19. Learning to live with a partner.
20. Satisfactory career achievement.

Michelle A. Guballo

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