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Development of a

Business plan
CBD medical mental strips

Table of Contents:
Executive Summary
The product
Industry & Competitive analysis
Market Analysis & Marketing Plan
Management Plan
Financial Plan
Potential Risks and Contingency Plans
List of References

Executive Summary
Living in the 21st century is unique thing witnessing all those trends coming alive and
changing the world as it is, And one of those huge trends is the marijuana trend which reached its
peak when the highly developed countries legalized marijuana.
Legalizing marijuana pushed for more research which led to uncovering hidden benefits of
marijuana especially in the medical field, and ensuring others that were known before.
Speaking about marijuana is a sensitive subject due to it being miss understood and the bad
reputation it has, for making things clear marijuana manly contains two kinds of cannabinoid
substance one being THC and other being CBD, while THC have psychedelic effects the effects
of CBD are only medical in fact, CBD surprised the scientist for its amazing abilities and
benefits from relieving pain ‘till helping curing tumors and cancer.(, 2019)
This assignment is about presenting a new business idea created by a group of four students
the business idea is about “stressless strips”,which is created by adding different flavors and the
CBD extract. Later in this assignment, the evidence and different researches will be presented.
Most of the living population in Bulgaria are either affected by anxiety, cardiovascular diseases,
depression or even stage 1 cancer patients. These CBD strips help with pain relief as well as
anxiety relief. The CBD strips would be located in Bulgaria due to the high number of people
living with diseases curable by the CBD oil.
This project will be funding by European funds and grants for startups and small
businesses.(, 2019)
The European Industrial Hemp Association (EIHA) supports the event of a harmonic
legislation during this field, to make sure that consumers are protected, to sustain the industry’s
current double-digit growth rate, to attract new investors and to boost product development.
The legislation ought to avoid any restrictions for CBD and clarify that extracts and
preparations from industrial hemp don't seem to be narcotics within the EU.
According to MarketWatch, the CBD market is projected to grow to $2.1 billion by 2020
(from $202 million in 2017). CBD oil has therapeutic and health benefits for both humans and
animals, alleviating aches and pains from conditions like arthritis.
Fortunately, hemp plants grow and regenerate quickly enough to stay up with a growing business

It includes 6 factors, such as:
1.Political:The Bulgarian Ministry of Agriculture has created an impression that Bulgarian
ranchers will almost certainly lawfully develop mechanical evaluation cannabis, in the wake of
recording the best possible papers towards the Ministry. The reports expected to get consent for
the development of cannabis are an application to the Ministry of Agriculture, a declaration of
the nature of the planted material, and research center examinations which demonstrate that the
THC focus in the plant is under 0.2%.(420 Intel, 2019)
2.Economic:Hemp is affordable, healthy, and sustainable. Not only would hemp farming
allow communities to become well-fed and healthier, but it would also introduce more jobs and
increase economic viability.
3.Social:In our social life it brings a lot of benefits,even for the people which has
anxiety,people that want to quit cigarettes and people with cancer.In our days,society tend to
have problems with depression,chronic pain, which our product will be the solution.It reliefs
anxiety,neuroprotective,calms Childhood Epilepsy,reduces Inflammation.M. M. (2008, August)
4.Technological:Market landscape, current market trends and shifting cbd hemp oil
technologies which may be helpful for the businesses that are competing in this market,which is
getting more useful around the world because of the e-commerce shops where you can buy
online.(MarketWatch, 2019)
5.Environmental:According to the chemist Etienne de Meijer, Inheritance of the Cannabinoid
Phenotype,a cultivator can, in any case, impact generally speaking cannabinoid content by
controlling natural components—temperature, light, water causticity, and supplements—that
influence plant health.(, 2019)
6.Legal:There is indisputable research accessible demonstrating that CBD has far more
prominent medical advantages and helps definitely more medicinal issues than THC. Along
these lines, CBD is lawfully accessible and simple to buy. It is ordinarily offered as a dietary
enhancement or for corrective purposes.
The product Stressless is a cbd oil product that relieves pain, anxiety, trauma made by 4
students who are entrepreneurs.
Knowing all those informations about CBD and understanding all the health and daily life
problems that it can solve or prevent led us to create a product that has all the CBD advantage
using flavored thin strips that melt on your tongue giving you all the freshness and benefit you
deserve, packaged into small modern flip to open box that will be with you everywhere.
Since there is a big market and need for the product as discussed below (Market Analysis &
Marketing Plan). And Bulgaria hemp prices are not high and knowing that it is legal to produce
CBD there since it needs hemp or marijuana with THC level lower than 0,3 for most of the word
and lower than 0,2 for Bulgaria. Which means that the plants that are for CBD extract use non-
psychedelic hemp which is legal.
According to united nations about CBD,it says one of the reasons that formed the group,was
achieving international cooperation of solved international problems,which was founded in 1945
and it includes 193 member states.
In the middle of 1971,The convention of psychotropic substances was controlled by United
Nations which designed the treaty to control psychoactive drugs.Hopefully,there was no mention
of CBD to be a controlled substance.
All people around the world know that medical cannabis is legal in most of the countries in
Europe,such as CBD that can be obtained in different countries
Hemp cultivation is legal in Bulgaria,only for specific treatments and non abusive use by
customers.The ministry of Health in Bulgaria said that it is obtained legally to grow herbs for
medical treatments.There are no restrictions and it can be distributed freely in alignment with EU
Therefore,Cbd oil that includes over 0.2% of THC values considers as illegal in Bulgaria.

Manufacturing would be as easy as harvesting the hemp from varna and taking it to our
Factory where we would let the machines extract the cbd oil and make the strips then package
them for us, all we have to do next is to get the market for the product and try to sell it across
the world either through our online shop or one of our physical stores in Bulgaria.


CBD is the second most common cannabinoid in cannabis plant and it is a non-psychoactive
component. For the same reason, it represents a more viable medical use than THC, the main
psychoactive component.
Although CBD-rich cannabis strains are rapidly gaining popularity, many varieties still have
a relatively high percentage of THC. Even our CBD strains, such as Painkiller XL and Euphoria,
contain 9% of THC. Industrial hemp, however, sustains much lower concentrations of THC,
close to 0%. In order to prepare the CBD for safe consumption, there are some CO₂ extraction
methods, which will help to avoid toxic byproducts from solvents like butane.
Designing effective marketing strategies, the project needs to find out all it can about the
competitors. It must continually relate its products, prices, channels and promotion with those of
close opponents. In this way project can have potential competitive advantages and
disadvantages. (Burca, Fletcher, & Brown, 2004) .
Stressless would be an over-the counter drug sold in groceries and pharmacies across
Bulgaria as well as across europe, online.
Stressless like strepsils would be under a personal brand care which means any adult above
the age of 18 would be able to buy it from any grocery or any pharmacy. ‘Stressless’ is tongue
strips that help relieve stress or anxiety, help people with schizophrenia calm down and people
with depression.


As our product is unique we do have a few principal competitors such as, Kingdom of Green,
Hempelf, Limucan this are just but a few online stores that also work in the cbd market. The
companies named above are both online and physical stores. Competitors are a good source of
encouragement when your business is going well and theirs isn’t.
But when you have a start-up such as this one with business already booming for competitors
we need to take a look from where they go wrong in-order to attract all their customers and many
more to make our start-up more successful.(, 2019).Identifies competitor’s strengths
and weaknesses, (e.g. quality, customer satisfaction)
Some companies such as Hemp Poland ®, Reakiro®, kingdom of green® and Limucan®
have various strengths and weakness. Hemp Poland’s major strengths include:
·100% timely and complete deliveries- the rate at which they deliver their products is so fast
that most of their rating comes from the satisfaction their customers get from the quick
· Being the customer choice- Hemp Poland and other online hemp selling business opt to do
what their customers want and not what the company thinks is nice for the business.
- Day to day involvement of the employees in maintaining the quality and hygiene of
performed work. – employees in some of the above named online shops for hemp are always
with ready employees who are there just to help customers with any problems.
Anything that has ever been created have both strength or advantages and weaknesses or
disadvantages and the online Hemp selling online and physical stores do have weaknesses.
Some of the weaknesses include:
·Too high prices- Some of the prices named on some of the website are way too high and this
make some of the customers to lose interest in the product. Compared to our product that costs
around half of the prices shown below.

·Lack of different flavors- Hemp Poland makes one monotonous product with one flavor but
our company has many different flavors such as mint, lemon, Orange and many more which is an
enticing factor when it comes to many different age groups that want the same product.
·Monotonous production of one product- Huge companies such as Hemp Poland tend to stick
to what has worked for them over the years and not selling any other cbd oil product apart from
Cannabinoid oil itself and us as a company, Stressless, puts more effort in diversifying the
product to suit the needs of the customers because we believe the customer is always right and
whatever the customer wants the customer must get.


Marijuana has been used to treat pain as far back as 2900 bc. Having had success over the past
couple of thousand years. (Healthline, 2019)More recently, scientists have discovered that
certain components of marijuana, including CBD, are responsible for its pain-relieving effects.
The human body contains a specialized system called the endocannabinoid system (ECS),
which is involved in regulating a variety of functions including sleep, appetite, pain and immune
system response.The body produces end cannabinoids, which are neurotransmitters that bind to
cannabinoid receptors in your nervous system.
Studies have shown that CBD may help reduce chronic pain by impacting endocannabinoid
receptor activity, reducing inflammation and interacting with neurotransmitters.For example, one
study in rats found that CBD injections reduced pain response to surgical incision, while another
rat study found that oral CBD treatment significantly reduced sciatic nerve pain and
inflammation. (Healthline, 2019)
Several human studies have found that a combination of CBD and THC is effective in treating
pain related to multiple sclerosis and arthritis.Having an online shop would go a long way to
spreading the word about our product using advertisement on famous platforms such as
Facebook and Instagram, this would be convenient to all of our customers all across the world.


As was mentioned above, “Stressless” is located in Bulgaria and expected to be sold in
pharmasys and supplied to hospitals, however, the product will be spreaded on the
Internet and sold around the world. Cannabis is a plant which may cause a big leap not only in
medicine, but also in some certain cases like to prevent humanity to feel stressed, can be used as
cosmetics product etc.
Demand for CBD, has exponentially increased in recent years due to swaths of published
studies, anecdotal accounts, and media coverage reporting on the benefits of the compound. But
regardless of its effectiveness, the cannabinoid still inhabits a grey area when it comes to legality.

The CBD market is due to its benefits which include or range from relieving small pain to
help in curing serious tumors as well as cancers. As a target market we will take a look at the
number of people who live with certain diseases.
Cardiovascular diseases: According to data of the Bulgarian Hypertension League, there are
some 2 million people in this country suffering from high blood pressure of which could not be
cured by our product. The product would however go a long way to helping in the long run.
(, 2019)
● depression:Designated as an upper-middle income country, Bulgaria nevertheless has a
long way to go in its mental health services in order to live up to the label. This is most
visible in the insidious epidemic of depression, which affects about 15-17% of the
population of the country. (Globally Minded, 2019)

● Schizophrenia: According to studies it is about 7 per 1000 of the adult population who
suffers from schizophrenia in Bulgaria. The findings of the WHO study allows to make a
general and a little bit unexpected conclusion that the occurrence of schizophrenia-type
disorders is about the same in fairly different from cultural, demographic and socio-
economic point of view of the population. It seems reasonable to expect a prevalence of
at least 0.5 % for Bulgaria (about 36,000 people, provided that the total population of the
country is 7,204,687 people, estimated in July 2009). (, 2019)

● Cancer:Hospitals specialized in diagnosis and treatment of cancer are found in more

larger cities of Bulgaria. Treatment of cancer and precancerous conditions is done by the
conventional methods of operation, radiotherapy and chemotherapy.
Every day in Bulgaria an average of 100 people are diagnosed with cancer (in a
population of 7.2 million). Statistically the most common type of cancer in Bulgaria is
Breast cancer in women with 27.3% of all cases and Lung cancer in men with 18.9% of
all cases. By cigarette consumption per capita Bulgaria is ranked third in the world (after
Greece and Serbia). The other most common types of cancer in Bulgaria, excluding non-
melanoma skin cancer, with a percent of all cases are: in men – Prostate (16.1%), Colon
(8.3%), Bladder (7.8%), Rectum and Anus (7.0%); in women – Corpus Uteri (8.4%),
Colon (8.3%), Cervix Uteri (7.5%) and Ovary (5.3%) cancer.

For this product we shall use all of their advertising streams which has brought them success
over the years from a once hated product to now the leading sore throat reliever tablet on the
1. Social media
2. Brochures in hospitals and treatment centers
Social Media. For the last past years, social medial managed to conquer a huge audience of
social space’s users. The most popular social platforms are Facebook (2.23 billion MAUs),
Instagram (1 billion MAUs), YouTube (1.9 billion MAUs), Snapchat (255 million MAUs) and
so on.(Buffer Marketing Library, 2019)
Fame and high attendance of these services turn them into great platforms for promoting and
advertising of virtual products.
Advantages of social media
Audience reach. As was mentioned above, the popularity of social media goes into incredible
meaningful audience. Thus, the object of promoting may reach hundred thousands of views.
Positive image. The advertisement in social media proved effective tool of forming loyal
attitude with potential customers to promote a firm. A brand is becoming known and the
authority is increasing.
Target traffic. Advertising in social networks is focused primarily on the target users of the
Valuable information. Successful promotion is impossible without knowledge of the features
of potential consumers. Social advertising gives an opportunity to get all needed information
about future buyers and clients.
The social platforms which were mentioned above are the best options for starting to promote a
small product as strips.
Facebook.There is no such business, that does not use Facebook for promoting a product. Just
because Facebook is something like virtual Earth, where you can get an advertisement of the any
scale and for low price.
It has around 40 millions active business pages. And exactly there is a lot of potential future
customers. Wherein, only of 2 millions users actively post an advertisement on Facebook.
Accordingly, there is not so many competitors toward advertising content.
A product can be targeted accordingly location, demographic indicators, age, gender, interest,
behaviour and connection. This product will be oriented generally on location, connections and
interests. This product will use also a remarketing. This kind of technology shows ads of the
product to people, who have already visited website, used mobile app or left their emails. Thus,
needed customers will see advertisement in searching line, other sites, using social medias and
while watching videos. (Debra Rose Wilson, 2019) For promotion, the ads are going to be placed
on popular pages.This is the fastest way to attract customers. It will help company to get a target
audience on free webinar, where the company gives useful information and, in the end offers
something to buy. This way is good to expand the base of subscribers’ email by offering free
content in exchange for the email address with intention to subsequently sell.
What kind of post will contribute to increasing traffic?
● A specific call to action, plus a picture.
● Riddles (with continuation on company page).
● Lists of the TOP-10, when not all the information is open, but to get the rest, an
individual need to go to a page of the company.
● Stories (with the continuation by clicking on the link).
Facebook is a very powerful source to promote a product, as it has everything needed in a menu
with provided instruction and advices for promoting small and big businesses.
The main advantage of advertising on YouTube is the opportunity to demonstrate it to a
strictly defined audience. The age of potential viewers, the specific content of the pages ("Sport",
"Science and Technology", etc.), personal interests of the viewer and much more can be chosen.
The result is an exact definition of a potential client according to specific criteria. Channel
efficiency is high, financial costs are relatively low. More than 80% of users pay attention to
advertising on video hosting. Almost 50% decide to visit the advertiser's site. More than half of
the viewers continue to show interest in the advertised product.(Buffer Marketing Library, 2019)
YouTube is ideal for online stores, real estate, consulting and similar companies.
The product will be advertised through banners and text messages as it is the most effective,
cheap and easy way to attract a good amount of audience in preferred time.
Unlike other social networks, Instagram is completely a photo and a video-oriented network,
so users can post only photos and short videos (up to 15 seconds), adding descriptions and tags to
them on which users can find published material from anywhere in the world. Mobile traffic is
cheaper for advertisers. Spending two times less money, you attract three times more target
customers. At the same time, the popularity of mobile platforms is only increasing. In five years,
the consumption of information on smartphones will reach a peak of 90%. The remaining 10% of
users will use desktops to work and generate professional content.
Integration with Instagram bloggers is a real trend of recent years in promotion. In order for
such advertising to be effective, a company need to choose bloggers who have authority among
their subscribers. Influencers can be stars, but their audience easily recognizes paid posts, and the
desire to buy the advertised product arises more likely because of the desire to be like idols. The
most active subscribers are bloggers with an audience of 3,000 to 20,000 followers - micro
influencers. Their audience most often likes and comments on posts, and also trusts them more
than the audience of top bloggers and celebrities.
Street banners are one from the most popular, demanded and the most importantly, available
modern types of outdoor advertising. They can be found on the squares and streets of cities, the
facades of buildings, as well as on the edges of highways. Sometimes banners place a vehicle
body. In this situation, the company is going to use all of these opportunities.
The effectiveness of banners as a means of advertising is due to the fact that they are equally
noticeable to both pedestrians and drivers with passengers. In addition, banners are durable and
have affordable price.
The advertising canvas informs a wide range of potential clients or customers not only about
the existence of the company, but also about the services it provides, its location, as well as
promotions and special offers that operate under certain conditions. The versatility of banners lies
in the fact that the design allows to place the canvas in the form of stretching between the pillars
or directly on the walls of buildings.
Among other things, the production of banners for the street is not complicated process, and
therefore not very costly for the customer. However, it is important to remember that qualitative
and durable result can be provided only by professionals of printing industry.
According to financial plan, the startup cost is 153 400 $. This amount includes building and
real estate, equipment, maintenance, salaries, startup advertising expanse, supplies etc.

The team will be composed of the Vladislava Ivanova(HRM),Issa Kreitem(CFO),Luke
Matu(COO) and Dario Hodaj(CEO). The structure of the company would look as follows:
Issa occupies the position of CFO of the organisation:
-Acquires and manages funds of the firm.
-Plans the expenditure of funds on various assets.
-Accounts for taxes and invoicing.
-Follows up on receivable and salaries
-Prepares reports as required by law, regulations or company policies.
-Ensures compliance with applicable laws and procedures.

Vlada occupies the position of HR Manager:

- Plans direct and coordinates the administrative functions of an organization.
- Handles employee relations, payroll, benefits, and training.
- Links a company’s management with its employees.
- Liable for recruiting, screening, interviewing and putting staff.

Luke occupies the position of PRM of the organisation:

-Builds and sustains connections and contacts for the company. -Handles
all aspects of planned publicity campaigns and PR activities -Creates
and maintains the public image.
-Prepares media kits.
-Develops advertising and marketing communication material.
Another employee occupies the position of Operations Manager of the organisation,which will: -
Develops and confirms schedules.
-Monitors stock.

IT department will be covered by another employee,which will be:

-Responsible for the secure and effective operation of all computer systems, related applications,
hardware and software that is used within an organization. -Valuates the functionality of the

Dario occupies the position of the CEO of the organization:

- Meets new business potential partners.
- Sets strategies and operation plans.
- Models and sets the company’s culture, values, and behavior.
- Oversees the internal/external operations.

For the financial part of the project we have included excel tables with all the necessary
information for the start-up expenses. we sent multiple emails to different companies to help us
with the costs of the machines such machines without the help of this other companies ,we would
not be able to find our feet in this market and to try to increase the certainty level of the
calculation and all other information build on them.
As for start-up cost each of us contributed 12,000 euros which amounted to 48,000 euros
which would only amount to a fifth of the total start-up funds we would then have to go to
european Aid funding that would help us with the remaining part of the cost which is 160,000
euros for funding because of the use of our product as a medicinal product. Our Business like
any other would have an equity of 100% which would be divided amongst us equally. Each of us
would get 17.85% and the remaining 25% would go to the european aid funding so as to get the
loan and the european Aid funding would hold on to it until we have finished paying the loan
which would take 3-4 years in dividends to pay back. After paying the loan back to the european
Aid funding we would take back the 25% and sell it to the highest investor as we look to grow
our business worldwide.
Actually,all sellers of CBD are called “high risk” merchants from the banks in general.That
means higher possibility to get your account closed for minor infractions,higher rates and less
First thing that you need to know is that you are not alone if you think how to get your high
risk merchant account setted up.Furthermore,you need to prove that you are enough serious in
the application.
If you want to emphasize your business,one way is to have all the papers in
order(taxes,statements,licenses).Being organised mostly it can be critical for high risk
merchants,because of the books that they scrutinise more heavily than the low risk counterparts.
If a CBD retailer wants to survive,he needs to tighten things up first.
Therefore,it also helps to handle accounts carefully and to keep books ready just in case he needs
to change anything.
Exploring various options is crucial,and certain providers can be more suitable and focus to
your business achievements and goals than others.
Some companies has provided speciale payment processing for CBD merchants,but it is more
important to take a feeling for what is available before putting your signature and the name to
any contract. Considering researches that you will do,everyone will be in better shape for
solidifying process,which is mostly one of the biggest struggles to face high risk business.
Determining all risks and benefits through proper clinical trials remains highly desired,but
funds and time will be taken by those.Clinical data may not be appeared so fast,while all patients
will not simply stop to use CBD products which they have become accustomed as a result.
Reclaiming administrative command over CBD could in this manner begin with an all the more
present moment and reachable methodology, i.e., requesting precise and legitimate marking,
reflecting in detail what every item does and does not contain, and how it was made. For
a more clear judgment of the potential helpful impacts, the dangers, yet additionally the
lawfulness of a cannabis separate, it is imperative to know its definite piece. All things
considered, distributed information from around the globe has instructed us that deceptive names
just as destructive contaminants are genuine and real issues for CBD items. The systematic
strategy and the outsider labs required for this methodology to a great extent as of now exist, and
could undoubtedly be enhanced to rapidly show signs of improvement hold on the unreasonable
cannabinoid showcase. This methodology would consider every maker carefully responsible for
the quality and wellbeing of their own items, insofar as there are genuine legitimate ramifications
for those organizations that disrupt the guidelines.

Some potential risks that we have are:

1. They need to pay sales taxes to every country they ship. They settle deals government
obligations to each state where they dispatch items.
2. It requires its retailerimage accomplices to have endorsements of examination that show
items have been tried for power and contaminants, and it doesn't highlight items that make
medicinal cases.
3.Based on Mr. Moxey's Mints, a producer of cannabis-imbued and hemp-inferred CBD mints,
abstain from making therapeutic cases on their items' marks, bundling and sites.He said that we
have a commitment to be mindful performing artists.
4. Retailers don't ship to states where hemp-determined CBD items are disallowed or where
there has been authorization activity against item makers,because then the risk to get caught will
be too higher and wont let them to operate the business with e commerce shops.

References (2019). Publications | HempConsult. [online] Available at: [Accessed 20 April 2019]. (2019). Big Opportunities In Europe's Cannabis Market Come With Big Risks.
[online] Available at:
t-come-with-big-risks/#77f01a596d9c [Accessed 02 April 2019].
3 Healthline. (2019). 7 Benefits and Uses of CBD Oil (Plus Side Effects). [online] Available
at: [Accessed 02 Apr. 2019].
4 Dr. Axe. (2019). Non-Intoxicating Component of Cannabis Fights Breast Cancer Cells
(But Protects Healthy Mammary Cells). [online] Available at:
[Accessed 07 Apr. 2019].
5.420 Intel. (2019). Legal planting of cannabis made possible in Bulgaria. [online] Available at:
[Accessed 18 April 2019].
6.hemp, e. (2019). 10 Economic Benefits of Hemp Farming. [online] evo hemp. Available at: [Accessed 22
April 2019].
7. Appendino, G., Gibbons, S., Giana, A., Pagani, A., Grassi, G., Stavri, M., Rahman, M. M.
(2008, August). Antibacterial cannabinoids from Cannabis sativa: a structure-activity study.
Retrieved January 17, 2018.
8.MarketWatch. (2019). Global CBD Hemp Oil Market Advanced Technology, Future
Opportunities And Forecast 2019-2028. [online] Available at:
uture-opportunities-and-forecast-2019-2028-2019-01-23 [Accessed 22 April 2019]. (2019). Can a grower increase CBD content by manipulating environmental
factors? | Project CBD. [online] Available at:
s [Accessed 22 april 2019]. (2019). Medical Marijuana and Cancer | [online] Available
[Accessed 27 March 2019]. (2019). Shop. [online] Available at: [Accessed 28
March. 2019]. (2019). Cardiovascular diseases statistics - Statistics Explained. [online]
Available at:
explained/index.php/Cardiovascular_diseases_statistics [Accessed 29 Mar. 2019].

13.Cancer incidence in Bulgaria – 2011, Vol. XXII,( 2013)

14..Health Systems in Transition. Bulgaria – Health system review
15.National Health Strategy (2020), first draft , Health 2020 (2019). Cardiovascular diseases statistics - Statistics Explained. [online]
Available at:
explained/index.php/Cardiovascular_diseases_statistics [Accessed 28 Mar. 2019].
17.Globally Minded. (2019). Depression in Bulgaria. [online] Available at: [Accessed 28 Mar. 2019].
18. Anon, (2019). [online] Available at:
20machine&utm_content=CO2%20Extraction%20Machine [Accessed 2 May 2019]. (2019). Co2 Extraction Machine Wholesale, Extracting Machine Suppliers - Alibaba.
[online] Available at: [Accessed 2 Mar.

Appendix 1

Name: Student number:

Max. 70+ B C D E F (see also
mar in the
6960 5950 4940 3935 340 comments

Clarity and justification of 20

the business idea

Understanding about the
process business ideas are
analysed, developed and

Credibility of financial 20

Overall usefulness,
appropriateness and
relevance of the Business

Technical layout , structure
and clarity of writing of the
Business Plan

Source referencing
(Harvard referencing)

OVERALL FEEDBACK (see also comments in the assignment):

1st marked by: Signed: Dated: GRADE

Second Markers’ comments (see also comments in the assignment):

2nd marked by: Signed: Dated: GRADE

Consolidated mark and comments: FINAL


External Examiner comments (if relevant):

Appendix 2


We the undersigned agree to the terms below and will adhere to them throughout the duration of
the agreement:
● To make an equal contribution to the project and ensure that any contribution is relevant to the
project and to the highest quality possible.

● To hand in work within the deadlines set for the assignment.

● To attend any meetings that will be arranged, whether these be workshops, seminars or meetings
arranged by the group outside of lectures.

● To stay in good communication with the rest of the group members and contact the rest of the group
in a timely manner when problems or questions arise.

Student ID No 17001 Executive Summary (Assignment & Presentation) Signature

Email : Financial Part (Assignment & Presentation)

Tel: 0896782893 References Date: 02.05.2019

General editing

Student ID No 16006 Market Analysis & Marketing Plan Signature

Email : Market Analysis & Marketing Plan (Presentation)
References Date: 02.05.2019
Tel: 0896912154
Group Report

General editing

Student ID No 17005 Pestel analysis Signature

Email : Management plan (Assignment & Presentation)
Tel: 355685621426 Potential risks (Assignment & Presentation) Date: 02.05.2019

Contingency plans

Technical layout


General editing
Student ID No 17012 Industry analysis (Assignment & Presentation) Signature

Email : Competitive analysis (Assignment & Presentation)
Market Positioning Date: 02.05.2019
Tel: 089897021050

General editing

Group Reflective Report

In this assignment all of the members distributed all of the tasks fairly and equally. The
students took each suitable part for them in order to make this assignment successful and
Here below are the roles of each member:
● Student 17001 had Executive Summary, Product, and Financial Plan
● Student 17005 took Potential risks & Contingency Plan and Management Plan.
● Student 17012 had Principal Indicators and Competitive Analysis.
● Student 16006 took Market Analysis and Marketing Plan.
In this assignment all of the members were working together in the same place ,this way it
simplified the work on the project and the process itself made it easy and smooth with full
understanding and support between the members. As all of the members are close friends, the
meeting basically was conducted each day, which made the process of making this assignment
really fast and without any conflicts.
The perfect platform for making group assignment was discovered by student 17001 and this
is Google drive. This platform allowed participants to work on the same Word document, which
gives ideal advantage to track all the process and coordinate the work of each member, for
example to see the changes and the opportunities to correct any possible mistakes, if it is needed.

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