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Impedance-Based Fault Location Analysis

for Transmission Lines
L. de Andrade, and T. Ponce de Leão

Entire line
Abstract—This paper presents a review of the state of the art Visual inspection
for fault location methods in transmission lines based on Sectionalizing
calculations of impedance. The motivations that led to these
methods are explained historically. Also, a critical analysis, Location One-end
showing the advantages and disadvantages of each of them and based
their most common applications, is performed. Finally, a Two-end
Measurements from Unsynchronized
comparative analysis between two of the most widely used fixed reference
methods is carried out using real faults, in order to show the Reflectometry
results’ sensitivity to changes in the line parameters. wave-based Interferometry
Index Terms—Failure analysis, fault location, line parameters, Fig. 1. Classification of transmission line fault location methods.
transmission lines.
This paper aims to show the efforts made to meet the needs
I. INTRODUCTION of fault location in transmission lines that exist in the modern

E ven the best planned systems are subject to unpredictable power systems. For this, the paper addresses the issue in two
events in transmission lines that place the system beyond ways, one theoretical and other practical. In the theoretical
the planned limits. When a major power system disturbance part, a general definition of fault location is presented and a
occurs, protection and control actions need to take place to critical analysis of different methods is made; showing the
prevent power system degradation and restore the system to a advantages and disadvantages of each of them and their most
normal state within a minimum time. But in most cases, the common applications. In the practical part, a comparative
service outages of these lines inevitably lead to the loss of analysis between two of the most widely used methods is
large blocks of loads. So, a quick repair for the line service made, using real faults tests as examples to show the results
recovery is vital for the system operators. sensitivity to changes in line parameters.
The operators must therefore deal with a very complex
situation where they perform a series of procedures to achieve II. FAULT LOCATIONS DEFINITION
breakdown service. These procedures always carry a The problem of locating transmission line faults is as old as
significant expenditure of time. the power industry itself. In the beginning, the fault location
Most lines inevitably cross through complex terrain, and was made directly by visual inspections of the line. But the
work under difficult weather conditions, so the time required visual inspection of a long line, both on foot or by air, is
to physically check the lines is long. However, researches always extremely slow and is subject to the terrain
about fault location techniques for transmission lines show circumstances and environmental conditions of the moment.
that accurate and fast methods are of great significance and of Additionally, visual inspection does not always ensure that the
practical engineering value [1, 2]. Prompt and accurate fault location will be found because, in many cases, faults don’t let
location in transmission lines can accelerate the system physical evidence.
restoration, reduce the outage time and improve the system The fault location techniques, are a group of techniques
reliability. that seek to locate, with the highest possibly accuracy, all those
In general, all fault location methods can be classified abnormal network conditions that takes the current out of its
according to Fig. 1. This paper will be focused on impedance- normal course through a transmission line. These techniques
based methods, which are the automatic methods most widely are used before starting the visual inspection, so that the work
used. area can be delimited to a small section of the line.
For the location, these techniques are based on the impact
that faults have on other well-defined points on the same line.
In these other previously defined points, different types of data
L. de Andrade is with Faculdade de engenharia da Universidade de Porto, are collected and analyzed to conclude that only an event with
Rua Dr. Roberto Frias, s/n 4200-465 Porto Portugal (e-mail: certain characteristics may have such effects on the measuring
T. Ponce de Leão is with Laboratório Nacional de Energia e Geologia, point. The location of this event is the fault location.
Estrada da Portela, Bairro do Zambujal Ap.7586 2720-866 Amadora Portugal

978-1-4673-1935-5/12/$31.00 ©2012 IEEE


Many methods have been developed on the fault location in location assuming the source impedances to be available.
transmission lines and many papers have been published about However, the values of source impedance are not practically
each of these methods. The researches discussed below are all available for all situations.
pioneers in their respective work areas and all are Most commercial types of fault location systems are built
representative samples of development that have occurred in based on one-end algorithms [9-12] due to its simplicity and
the different fault location methods. low cost, but the results are highly dependent on the
knowledge about the operation system’s conditions and the
III. IMPEDANCE-BASED FAULT LOCATION actual line parameters. In counterpart, the other impedance-
The impedance-based methods constitute the class most based faults locator group, i.e. the two-end measured methods,
commonly used, due to its simplicity and low cost. In general, provide more precise results without a thorough knowledge of
these methods are based on the fundamental components of the line or system conditions, but they need more sophisticated
voltage and current signals, to calculate the impedance of the and expensive measurement and analysis equipment.
loop created by the fault through the line and extending from B. Two-end Measurement Methods
the measuring point to ground. Since the line parameters are a
The two-end measurement methods compensate the errors
distributed property, if the line impedance is known and is
from the line models and the conditions of the system with
compared with the fault analysis results, then is possible to
information of both terminals. In general, these methods try to
know the fault location.
describe the behavior of line voltages and currents viewed
The first uses of impedance measurement for fault
from both ends, using the fundamental component of input
detection was in distance protection in 1923 [3], but the main
signals at each terminal. The point where the results from each
difference between protection and fault location is that fault
end are equal must be the fault location. At the same time,
location is used for pinpointing the fault position accurately,
these methods can be classified into two groups according to
while protection systems only indicate the general area where
the type of data used: synchronized and unsynchronized data.
a fault occurred (defined by a protective zone), which is the
The methods that use synchronized data are [13-16].
case for protective relays.
Reference [13] was one of the first to describe a two-end fault
Some standards for the applications of fault locations were
locator, which proposes a solution based on the comparison
made, like [4] that gives a general guideline for fault location
between the line behavior viewed from both ends. To ensure
applications and some recommendations for adaptating the
that the comparison is made between data obtained
different methods to specific user needs. The impedance-based
simultaneously at both ends, is performed artificial
methods are also classified into two main categories
synchronization of data, i.e. a record synchronization after the
considering the measurements they use: one-end and two-end
event. Where, to relate such data to that measured at the
measurement methods.
receiving end, the pre-fault voltages and currents data at the
A. One-end Measurement Methods sending end can be used to provide a common phasor
One-end algorithms using local voltages and currents are reference. This approach avoids the need for data
proposed in [5-7], which have no requirements for synchronization via a communication link.
communication channels to transmit the data from the remote Another artificial synchronization form is proposed in [14]
end to the local end. The method [5, 6] proposes the equation where the equations that describe the line behavior are
of the fault resistance (arc resistance) based on the voltage and expanded, and the angle between both ends voltage (called
current phasors at the measuring point. Then, the fault synchronization angle) is considered as an unknown. Then, the
resistance is expressed in an imaginary equation and is fault location is obtained through an iterative process,
function of the distance between the fault and measuring evaluating at the same time between a possible range for the
point. Since the arc resistance is a real number, the imaginary fault point and for the voltage angle. The same principle is
part of the arc equation can be equated to zero and the distance proposed in [15] but using a short line model to simplify the
can be found. This method is very simple and can be applied calculations and a compensation for long lines is made after
to any fault type. However, is extremely dependent of the line that. Also, the same approach for signals artificial
parameters which may bring errors to the results. synchronization is used in [16] where the method is based on
The method in [7] is based at the same principles that [5, 6] a different model for the line, which follows the principles of
but with a compensation for the fault resistance drop, superposition of three different balanced systems.
eliminating the errors inherent in conventional reactance-type The methods that use synchronized measurements require
measurements, which bring more accuracy. However, such more expensive equipments, because communication systems
techniques require the use of mathematical assumptions in between both line ends are needed [17-20]. One of the first to
order to eliminate the effect of the pre-fault network propose the use of synchronized measurement was [17] which
conditions, which can result in fault location errors if the aims to determine the voltages and currents along the entire
assumed conditions are not verified. line during the fault, from data recorded at each end. By
Other approaches were developed in this area, like the ensuring that the analysis is done with data obtained
approach presented in [8] which uses pre-fault and fault simultaneously at both ends, is proposed an external reference
current phasors at one-end of the line for estimating the fault provided by GPS to know the time of each measurement. This

improves the accuracy of the method, since it is not based on All these algorithms bring improvements in fault location
any assumption of the system to synchronize the data, but in for different types of line, but in the end, do not add
obtaining the timestamp at which the measurements were innovation to the principles of fault location itself. The added
actually made. value of these works is the adaptation of existing principles of
A GPS timestamp data is also used in [18] where also an location, whether adapted to more complex line models that
adaptive method to improve the accuracy of measurement is take into account the different types of lines, as well as by the
proposed. This method continuously estimates the line use of more complex decision-making algorithms that help to
parameters using data from times when there is no fault; in determine the best result.
order to adjust the models as much as possible to actual Table I shows a summary of all the fault location methods
system conditions. discussed here.
Other method is proposed in [19]. This method uses
synchronized data from both line ends, but only voltage data is TABLE I
needed. The method begins to search as would be the voltage
at the fault point viewed from both ends in terms of the line

Communication needed
Short line application
Long line application
parameters and the distance to the fault. Because the line
parameters are known and the results of the fault voltage

viewed from both ends should be equal, then the equations are

matched and the distance to the fault can be searched.

Moreover, in the last years a new methodology for fault
location has been developed. This new methodology is also
based on analysis of the fundamental voltage and current [5] • • •
signals at both line ends and also uses data synchronized by [6] • • •
GPS, but without using information about the line impedance. [7] • • •
[8] • • •
In [20] an algorithm based on this principle is shown. This is [13] • • • •
achieved by analyzing the symmetrical components networks [14] • • • •
for a fault (either symmetric or asymmetric faults) using a [15] • • •
model for short lines. Using the short line model, the [16] • • • •
equations are greatly simplified and as all input line signals [17] • • • • •
are known, it is possible to organize the equations in order to [18] • • • • •
[19] • • • • •
cancel the terms of the line impedances. This algorithm is fast, [20] • • • •
simple, and eliminates any possible error given by the line
parameters. But is inaccurate in cases that involve long lines. IV. COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS
In addition, the method becomes iterative in the case of three-
phase faults, because the algorithm depends of the fault Most of the literature indicates the low sensitivity to errors
resistance. in the parameters of the line model as one of the main
advantages of the two-end methods over the one-end methods.
C. Other Considerations But do not show quantitative results to support it.
Until now, many of the currently available methods to In order to evaluate this statement, this paper presents a
locate faults through impedance computing have been comparison of the results of two methods. For the test, two of
analyzed. In general, its basic principles and the differences the most widely accepted methods were used, the one-end
between them have been shown. But until now, all have been method [5] and the two-end [13].
proposed for a generic line form, i.e. a single line with only In the analysis of asymmetrical faults where the sequence
two terminals. networks are used, the most common errors in the
In the literature, there are many other methods which use transmission lines models are found in the ground
the algorithms shown here and adapt them in order to take into conductivity (which are reflected in the zero-sequence
account certain specific conditions that might exist in the network), and in differences in the conductors arrangement
different types of lines that compose an electric system. along the line (which are reflected in the positive and negative
There are methods that take into account other factors like sequence networks). To be able to study the sensitivity to
changes due to parallel lines [21, 22], as well as line these kinds of errors, two different faults were analyzed. First,
configurations like three-terminal lines [23] or multi-terminals a monophasic fault where the zero-sequence parameters were
lines [24, 25]. Some algorithms consider if the line is varied, and then a biphasic fault where the positive and
transposed or not [26, 27] or any special equipment that are in negative sequence parameters were varied.
the line itself, like series compensation [28, 29] or FACTs The records used for the tests come from real faults
[30]. Other algorithms try to minimize errors given by the occurred in two overhead transmission lines, the monophasic
measurement equipment itself, such as the current transformer fault record comes from a 765 kV line with 225 km, and the
saturation [31]. biphasic fault record comes from a 69 kV line with 11 km. In
order to make comparisons between them, the results are not
shown in distance values (km) but referred to percentage

errors based on the total distances of the lines (%) as indicated

in [4]. To facilitate the comparison, faults with some common
characteristics were required: in both cases the fault was
cleared quickly (between 3 and 4 cycles), also, in both cases
the fault was located near the “source” end (the “source” and

Error (%)
“receiver” ends were determined with the pre-fault conditions
of the line), the monophasic fault was located at 16.41% of the
total length of the line and the biphasic end was at 14.91% of
the total line.
The variations were made individually and over all
parameters (resistance, inductance and capacitance) for both
Variation (%)
the zero-sequence test and the positive and negative sequence (a)
test. In this test, the conductances of the lines were neglected.
The variations were from -100% to 100% of the real values, i.
e. each parameter varies from zero to twice the real value.
In order to illustrate the tests made, Fig. 2 and Fig. 3 show
the triphasic currents records for both ends of each fault.

Error (%)
Variation (%)
Error (%)

Fig. 2. Triphasic currents for the monophasic fault.

Variation (%)

Fig. 4. Zero-sequence parameters variation test results for the monophasic

fault. (a) Resistance variations. (b) Inductance variations. (c) Capacitance

In the first approach, is possible to observe that the one-end

method has higher sensitivity to variations in positive and
negative sequence parameters, while the two-end method is
more sensitive to changes in zero-sequence parameters.
Table II shows in more detail the range achieved by the
errors of each method and in every sensitivity test.

Results One-end Two-end
Fig. 3. Triphasic currents for the biphasic fault. Test Max Min Max Min
Res 0.077 -0.078 0.623 -1.070
V. TEST RESULTS Seq 0 Ind 22.84 -6.216 8.687 -3.293
Fig. 4 and Fig. 5 show the test results obtained with Cap 0.038 -0.034 0.315 -0.315
variations of the zero-sequence parameters (monophasic fault), Res 0.015 -0.015 0.645 -0.963
and positive and negative sequences parameters (biphasic Seq +,- Ind 238.97 -7.462 4.270 -0.049
fault). All distances results are presented using the source end
Cap 0.00 0.00 0.002 -0.002
of each line as reference.

Finally, in the case of capacitance variations, the errors

obtained were very small compared to the other two tests.
Therefore, is noted that these methods do not have any
sensitivity to changes in these parameters and this type of
lines. But these results could be different if underground lines
Error (%)

era analyzed, where the capacitance is more significant.

This paper presents a general overview about fault location
on transmission lines.
Variation (%) It describes the fundamental principles of the most widely
used group of fault location methods, and comparisons are
made between the advantages and disadvantages of each of the
different methods. This is useful for final users when selecting
the one that’s most convenient and that best suits the available
Error (%)

Finally, is done a comparative analysis between two of

these methods based on the statement that the two-end
methods are more robust than the one-end methods because
they are less sensitive to errors in the line parameters.
Although in general this statement is well founded, this paper
demonstrated that is not absolutely correct and in some cases
Variation (%)
needs to be clarified in order to avoid confusions.

Appendix A: transmission line faults data used in the
comparative analysis of section IV.
Error (%)

765 kV Line 69 kV Line
Parameter (Ω/km) Seq +, - Seq 0 Seq +, - Seq 0
Resistance 0.0147 0.3498 0.2378 1.648
Variation (%) Reactance 0.3418 1.0934 0.4995 3.762
Susceptance 4.882E-06 3.370E-06 3.321E-06 1.998E-06
Fig. 5. Positive and negative sequence parameters variation test results for the
biphasic fault. (a) Resistance variations. (b) Inductance variations. (c) TABLE AII
Voltage (ф-n) Current (ф-n)
The results of the inductance variations are completely in End Condition ф Mod (kV) Ang (°) Mod (A) Ang (°)
line with the main statement, because the two-end method
A 448.98 32.36 1074.26 43.52
proved to be less sensitive to the parameters variations of all
Pre-fault B 453.17 -88.23 1100.16 -76.61
sequence networks that the one-end method.
In the case of resistance variations, the results do not C 447.41 151.82 1093.26 162.48
confirm that statement, since the two-end method proved to be A 476.41 34.35 1167.80 39.15
more sensitive to the parameters variations of all sequence Fault B 190.52 -105.86 6596.86 -142.99
networks that the one-end method. This could be because, as C 447.61 147.61 986.54 159.16
mentioned above, the method described in [5] uses only the A 447.64 34.71 1051.86 -150.67
imaginary part of the equations that describe the fault Pre-fault B 452.84 -85.69 1073.26 89.62
resistance, whereas the method described in [13] uses the
C 445.17 153.90 1067.99 -30.94
entire model line in the final resolution. For this reason, is Receiver
A 452.03 33.34 1152.96 -153.99
expected that the two-end method is more sensitive to changes
Fault B 292.38 -101.82 1788.37 -169.02
in the real components of the line model.
In any case, these results are not alarming since errors C 434.46 154.57 1003.90 -36.35
obtained varying the resistances are always very small
compared with those obtained varying the inductances.

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