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Exercise 1

Purpose Methodology Results Conclusion

a. The ______________ section of an informative abstract should describe the techniques

used in conducting the experiment. This section should give only as much detail as is
necessary to understand the experiment; the abstract should not focus entirely on research
methods unless that is the primary focus of the original document.

b. The ______________ section of an informative abstract should state the evaluation or

analysis of the experiment results. It should also briefly state the implications of these
results. This ______________ section might also state whether the driving hypothesis of the
experiment was correct.

c. The ______________ section of an informative abstract should state either the reason for
or the primary objectives of the experiment or investigation. The ______________ section of
an informative abstract might also contain the hypothesis of the experiment.

d. The ______________ section of an informative abstract should relate the observations

and/or data collected during the experiment. This section should be concise and informative,
and only the most important results need be included.

Identify the parts of the informative abstract below:

Subjects’ car clocks were set ten minutes fast in order to determine if deliberately setting a
clock ahead will reduce lateness. One group of subjects knew their clocks had been set
ahead, while a second group of subjects was not informed of the change. Over a four-week
period, the subjects who were aware of the clock change regularly arrived on time or late for
their scheduled appointments. Over the same period of time, the subjects who were
unaware of the clock change tended to arrive early or on time for their appointments. Data
suggest that intentionally setting a clock to run fast does not reduce lateness because one
accounts for that extra time in his or her schedule.

Exercise 2

Scope Arguments used Conclusions

a. The _____________ section of an indicative abstract should state the main

_____________ and counter_____________ employed in the original document. These
_____________ should be stated in the same progression in which they appear in the
document. Not all documents contain a progression of _____________; in some cases this
section may outline analysis or plot progression instead.

b. The _____________ section of an indicative abstract should state the range of the
material dealt with in the original document as well as the starting premise of the document.
An abstract for an essay on Shakespeare’s comedies, for example, would state that the
Bard’s comedies make up the focus of the essay.

c. The v section of an indicative abstract should state the document’s main closing argument
and its implications as suggested by the original author. This _____________ section might
also state plot resolution when the original document is a work of fiction.
Identify the parts of the indicative abstract below:

Types of female power in Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice are discussed. Mrs. Bennet
and Charlotte Lucas represent the lack of power possessed by married women of the middle
class. Lady Catherine and Caroline Bingley demonstrate the power of wealthy, single
women to occasionally flaunt rules of etiquette. Lydia Bennet represents the risks of female
power when bestowed upon too immature a woman, but Elizabeth and Jane Bennet
characterize the positive personal and social effects of women who recognize their own
power over self.

Exercise 3

Read the abstracts below and analyse them.

Abstract 1

Article Title:​ Women Engineers in Kuwait: Perception of Gender Bias

Authors:​ P.A. Koushi, H.A. Al-Sanad, and A.M. Larkin of Kuwait University

The greatest obstacle to the development of policies for the curtailment of gender bias is
lack of information on the scope and effects of the problem. This study represents an
attempt to quantify attitudes toward gender bias among profession women engineers
working in the State of Kuwait. The major findings that emerged were as follows: a) Since
1970, Kuwait has witnessed an enormous growth rate in the participation of women in higher
education. b) With respect to the job-related factors of salary scale, professional treatment,
responsibility, benefits, and vacation, a clear majority (68%) of the professional Kuwaiti
women engineers surveyed expressed a feeling of equality with or even superiority to their
male counterparts. c) The one job-related factor in which significant gender bias was found
to be in operation was that of promotion to upper management positions. In this criterion, the
women engineers surveyed felt "less than equal" to their male colleagues.

Abstract 2

Article Title:​ Elements of an Optimal Experience

Authors:​ Anonymous

This paper presents and assesses a framework lbr an engineering capstone design
program. We explain how student preparation, project selection, and instructor mentorship
are the three key elements that must be addressed before the capstone experience is ready
for the students. Next, we describe a way to administer and execute the capstone design
experience including design workshops and lead engineers. We describe the importance in
assessing the capstone design experience and report recent assessment results of our
framework. We comment specifically on what students thought were the most important
aspects of their experience in engineering capstone design ar-rd provide quantitative insight
into what parts of the framework are most important.
Abstract 3

Article title: Diet and obesity in Los Angeles County 2007–2012: Is there a measurable
effect of the 2008 “Fast-Food Ban”?
Authors:​ Roland Sturma and Aiko Hattori

We evaluate the impact of the “Los Angeles Fast-Food Ban”, a zoning regulation that has
restricted opening/remodeling of standalone fast-food restaurants in South Los Angeles
since 2008. Food retail permits issued after the ban are more often for small
food/convenience stores and less often for larger restaurants not part of a chain in South Los
Angeles compared to other areas; there are no significant differences in the share of new
fast-food chain outlets, other chain restaurants, or large food markets. About 10% of food
outlets are new since the regulation, but there is little evidence that the composition has
changed differentially across areas. Data from the California Health Interview Survey show
that fast-food consumption and overweight/obesity rates have increased from 2007 to
2011/2012 in all areas. The increase in the combined prevalence of overweight and obesity
since the ban has been significantly larger in South Los Angeles than elsewhere. A positive
development has been a drop in soft drink consumption since 2007, but that drop is of
similar magnitude in all areas.

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