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Background of study

1. Who is the librarian of your school library?

2. Besides the librarian, who facilitates the school library? How many?

3. When was the school library found?

4. Can you tell us brief history about the school library?

5. What kind of books are in your school library?

6. What is the schedule of your school library?

7. What are their terms and conditions when it comes to borrowing and returning books?

8. How many books are inside the library?

9. Number of users? Faculties, students, others?

10. How many students come to the library every day?

11. How many students go to library to borrow a book?

12. Since the start of your school library, can you give us some of the improvements of your

school library?

13. What are the categories of the books in the library?

14. List of books.

15. Total number of books in the library

Overview of the current of technology

1. Do you currently have a website or any social media?

2. What do you use to have a record of borrowed books?

3. Do you prefer a Computerized or Manual when it comes to list of books and recording

borrowed books?
4. Is Internet provided in the facility?

5. Is there any campaign or advertisement the library does to promote the use of library?

6. Do you have computers in the library?

7. What is the current way of recording the books in the library?

8. Does the library replace books that are outdated? If so, how often?

9. If you could improve just one thing in your business what would it be and why?

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